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NeoRAGEx 5.2a Official Fullset All ROMs (Neo-Geo 188 Games)






NeoRAGEx 5.2a Official Fullset All ROMs (Neo-Geo 188 Games)




2009-04-15 (by fabiofilho)


NeoRAGEx new version 5.2a released by Snk-NeoFighters Team. This set includes all ROMs in the new version's Game List. NOTE: These ROMs are in NeoRAGEx format and may not work on other emulators. Games included: [2020bb] 2020 Super Baseball [3countb] 3 Count Bout [sonicwi2] Aero Fighters 2 [sonicwi3] Aero Fighters 3 [aodk] Aggressors of Dark Kombat [alpham2] Alpha Mission II [androdun] Andro Dunos [aof] Art of Fighting [aof2] Art of Fighting 2 [aof3] Art of Fighting 3 [bakatono] Bakatonosama Mahjong Manyuki [bangbead] Bang Bead [bstars2] Baseball Stars 2 [bstars] Baseball Stars Professional [flipshot] Battle Flip Shot [blazstar] Blazing Star [bjourney] Blue's Journey [breakers] Breakers [breakrev] Breakers Revenge [burningf] Burning Fight [ctomaday] Captain Tomaday [marukodk] Chibi Marukochan Deluxe Quiz [cnbe] Codename - Blut Engel (20060119) [ncolumns] Columns [crsword] Crossed Swords [cthd2003] Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 [cthd2k3a] Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (Alt Set) [cthd2003-5b] Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 Super Plus [cyberlip] Cyber-Lip [diggerma] Digger Man [doubledr] Double Dragon [eightman] Eight Man [fatfury1] Fatal Fury [fatfury2] Fatal Fury 2 [fatfury3] Fatal Fury 3 [fatfursp] Fatal Fury Special [fightfev] Fight Fever [fbfrenzy] Football Frenzy [frogfest] Frog Feast [galaxyfg] Galaxy Fight [garou] Garou - Mark of The Wolves [gpilots] Ghost Pilots [ghostlop] Ghostlop (prototype) [goalx3] Goal! Goal! Goal! [gururin] Gururin [fr2ch] Idol Mahjong Final Romance 2 (CD to MVS conversion) [ltorb1] Jonas Indiana and the Lost Temple of RA [joyjoy] Joy Joy Kid [janshin] Jyanshin Densetsu [jockeygp] Jockey Grand Prix [kabukikl] Kabuki Klash [karnovr] Karnov's Revenge [kog] King of Gladiator [kotm] King of the Monsters [kotm2] King of the Monsters 2 [kizuna] Kizuna Encounter [lans2004] Lansquenet 2004 [lresort] Last Resort [lbowling] League Bowling [legendos] Legend of Success Joe [magdrop2] Magical Drop II [magdrop3] Magical Drop III [maglord] Magician Lord [mahretsu] Mahjong Kyoretsuden [mslug] Metal Slug [mslug2] Metal Slug 2 [mslug3] Metal Slug 3 [mslug4] Metal Slug 4 [mslug4-5a] Metal Slug 4 Plus [mslug5] Metal Slug 5 [mslug5-5a] Metal Slug 5 Plus [mslug3-5a] Metal Slug 6 (Metal Slug 3 bootleg) [mslugx] Metal Slug X [minasan] Minnasanno Okagesamadesu [miexchng] Money Puzzle Exchanger [ganryu] Musashi Ganryuuki [mutnat] Mutation Nation [nam1975] NAM-1975 [neobombe] Neo Bomberman [neodrift] Neo Drift Out [neomrdo] Neo Mr. Do! [neonopon] Neo No Panepon (20021005) [turfmast] Neo Turf Masters [neocup98] Neo-Geo Cup '98 [neopong] NeoPong (v1.1) [nitd] Nightmare in the Dark [ncombat] Ninja Combat [ncommand] Ninja Commando [ninjamas] Ninja Master's [ragnagrd] Operation Ragnagard [overtop] Over Top [panicbom] Panic Bomber [pgoal] Pleasure Goal [pnyaa] Pochi and Nyaa [poknight] Poker Night [popbounc] Pop 'n Bounce [matrim] Power Instinct Matrimelee [pspikes2] Power Spikes II [preisle2] Prehistoric Isle 2 [pulstar] Pulstar [pbobblen] Puzzle Bobble [pbobbl2n] Puzzle Bobble 2 [puzzldpr] Puzzle De Pon R [puzzledp] Puzzle De Pon! [quizdais] Quiz Daisousa Sen [quizkof] Quiz King of Fighters [quizdai2] Quiz Meintantei Neo Geo [rotd] Rage of The Dragons [rbff1] Real Bout Fatal Fury [rbff2] Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 [rbffspec] Real Bout Fatal Fury Special [ridhero] Riding Hero [roboarmy] Robo Army [samsho] Samurai Shodown [samsho2] Samurai Shodown II [samsho3] Samurai Shodown III [samsho4] Samurai Shodown IV [samsho5] Samurai Shodown V [samsh5sp] Samurai Shodown V Special [savagere] Savage Reign [sengoku] Sengoku [sengoku2] Sengoku 2 [sengoku3] Sengoku 3 / Sengoku Legends 2001 [shocktro] Shock Troopers [shocktr2] Shock Troopers - 2nd Squad [svcchaos] Snk Vs Capcom Chaos [svcchaos-5a] Snk Vs Capcom Chaos Plus (Set 1) [svcchaos-5b] Snk Vs Capcom Chaos Plus (Set 2) [svcchaos-5c] Snk Vs Capcom Chaos Super Plus [socbrawl] Soccer Brawl [spinmast] Spin Master [stakwin] Stakes Winner [stakwin2] Stakes Winner 2 [strhoop] Street Hoop [s1945p] Strikers 1945 Plus [sdodgeb] Super Dodge Ball [ssideki] Super Sidekicks [ssideki2] Super Sidekicks 2 [ssideki3] Super Sidekicks 3 [mosyougi] Syougi No Tatsujin [tws96] Tecmo World Soccer '96 [kof94] The King of Fighters '94 [kof95] The King of Fighters '95 [kof96] The King of Fighters '96 [kof96-1a] The King of Fighters '96 (Bootleg) [kof97] The King of Fighters '97 [kof97-5a] The King of Fighters '97 Plus (set 1) [kof97-5b] The King of Fighters '97 Plus (set 2) [kof98] The King of Fighters '98 [kof99] The King of Fighters '99 [kof10th] The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary [kf10thep] The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary Extra Plus [kof10th-5a] The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary Unique [kof2000] The King of Fighters 2000 [kof2001] The King of Fighters 2001 [kof2001-5a] The King of Fighters 2001 (Plus Ver.1) [kof2001-5b] The King of Fighters 2001 (Plus Ver.2) [kof2002] The King of Fighters 2002 [kof2002-5d] The King of Fighters 2002 Magic Plus [kof2002-5e] The King of Fighters 2002 Magic Plus II [kof2002-5a] The King of Fighters 2002 Plus (Set 1) [kof2002-5b] The King of Fighters 2002 Plus (Set 2) [kof2002-5c] The King of Fighters 2002 Plus (Set 3) [kof2003] The King of Fighters 2003 [kof2003-5a] The King of Fighters 2004 Ex (Hero) [kof2003-5b] The King of Fighters 2004 Ex (Ultra Plus) [kofse2k4] The King of Fighters Special 2004 [kofse2k4-5a] The King of Fighters Special 2004 (Plus) [lastblad] The Last Blade [lastbld2] The Last Blade 2 [superspy] The Super Spy [ssideki4] The Ultimate 11 [trally] Thrash Rally [tophuntr] Top Hunter - Roddy & Cathy [tpgolf] Top Player's Golf [twinspri] Twinkle Star Sprites [viewpoin] Viewpoint [vliner] V-Liner [gowcaizr] Voltage Fighter - Gowcaizer [wakuwak7] Waku Waku 7 [wjammers] Windjammers [wh1] World Heroes [wh2] World Heroes 2 [wh2j] World Heroes 2 Jet [whp] World Heroes Perfect [zedblade] Zed Blade [zintrkcd] Zintrick (Hack / Bootleg) [zupapa] Zupapa! *This set also has every ROM updated with all the latest and most correct CRCs. *This is the ultimate set for the ultimate Neo-Geo ROM collector! *Please help seed this torrent.


  1. neoragex
  2. neorage
  3. neogeo
  4. neo-geo
  5. neo geo
  6. snk
  7. emulator
  8. rom
  9. game
  10. fullset
  11. kof
  12. arcade
  13. mvs
  14. aes
  15. pcb
  16. console
  17. retro
  18. capcom

Files count:



2019.29 Mb




moldavia (2009-04-29)

How do I get this to work because it doesnt. I downloaded the torrent and the version of neoragex from the comment. I run it and change the roms folder to the proper drive and it sees all 188 games and has the pictures bottom left. When I try to run a game it says
2020 Super Basball Selected
Loading 2020 Super Baseball...
Loading gfx...
Loading program code...
Unable to load program roms!
I have changed no settings except the rom directory. Is there something else I need to do or download besides the roms and emulater? I used to have neoragex before and never had this problem.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

moldavia (2009-04-29)

ok figured it out finally. It appears that neoragex does not like anything but standard characters for path names. I had my roms in folder \emulation\neo-geo\roms and it did not like the - in neogeo so I removed it and it works 100% it also does not like the _ in the emulator name when i extracted it to folder of zip name had to remove that to so it would read neoragex5.2a. Hope this helps anyone else that might have this problem.

KOF[FST] (2009-07-06)

Thank you for the upload...

Zamzummin (2009-07-13)

Hey thanks for copying my entire torrent description from . Well it's okay I guess. It's nice that somebody at least uploaded the new ROMset since I was too lazy. I'm going to link people to this torrent from mine.

haryparabolls (2009-07-30)

Thanks for the torrent, everything works great! +1

mhe725 (2009-08-04)

how can i use this torrent to neorage. pls elaborate one by one

mhe725 (2009-08-04)

it says invalid romset. then when i import . . there is nothing left in gamelist

alexenmaxi (2009-09-14)

werkt niet, alles gedaan, werkt niet downloaden kan je doen als je je tijd wilt verspillen

Notanumbnut (2010-07-05)

Many thanks dude, they all seem to work ok.. They play in MAME32 aswell as Neorage.

001LESAVIT001 (2010-10-25)

'10/25/10 17:14:36 - Problem connecting to tracker - ('url error', 'unknown url type'
other tpb torrents work fine..what could be wrong?

ramzie1o1 (2011-06-25)



1. ROMs/ 2.80 Mb
2. ROMs/ 7.29 Mb
3. ROMs/ 3.08 Mb
4. ROMs/ 1.71 Mb
5. ROMs/ 9.61 Mb
6. ROMs/ 6.32 Mb
7. ROMs/ 11.78 Mb
8. ROMs/ 16.36 Mb
9. ROMs/ 2.40 Mb
10. ROMs/ 8.15 Mb
11. ROMs/ 2.80 Mb
12. ROMs/ 20.62 Mb
13. ROMs/ 13.21 Mb
14. ROMs/ 15.10 Mb
15. ROMs/ 3.18 Mb
16. ROMs/ 3.53 Mb
17. ROMs/ 3.24 Mb
18. ROMs/ 155.16 Kb
19. ROMs/ 2.61 Mb
20. ROMs/ 1.93 Mb
21. ROMs/ 37.46 Mb
22. ROMs/ 37.48 Mb
23. ROMs/ 5.53 Mb
24. ROMs/ 3.17 Mb
25. ROMs/ 361.75 Kb
26. ROMs/ 9.14 Mb
27. ROMs/ 2.81 Mb
28. ROMs/ 10.78 Mb
29. ROMs/ 3.87 Mb
30. ROMs/ 7.62 Mb
31. ROMs/ 18.68 Mb
32. ROMs/ 2.95 Mb
33. ROMs/ 5.99 Mb
34. ROMs/ 2.20 Mb
35. ROMs/ 3.16 Mb
36. ROMs/ 1.47 Mb
37. ROMs/ 10.21 Mb
38. ROMs/ 6.55 Mb
39. ROMs/ 37.60 Mb
40. ROMs/ 3.15 Mb
41. ROMs/ 4.66 Mb
42. ROMs/ 12.01 Mb
43. ROMs/ 3.54 Mb
44. ROMs/ 887.36 Kb
45. ROMs/ 3.35 Mb
46. ROMs/ 6.51 Mb
47. ROMs/ 1.01 Mb
48. ROMs/ 11.54 Mb
49. ROMs/ 6.77 Mb
50. ROMs/ 40.37 Mb
51. ROMs/ 19.58 Mb
52. ROMs/ 2.36 Mb
53. ROMs/ 40.59 Mb
54. ROMs/ 37.93 Mb
55. ROMs/ 1.95 Mb
56. ROMs/ 1.95 Mb
57. ROMs/ 38.71 Mb
58. ROMs/ 1.90 Mb
59. ROMs/ 1.90 Mb
60. ROMs/ 1.98 Mb
61. ROMs/ 1.91 Mb
62. ROMs/ 1.98 Mb
63. ROMs/ 39.81 Mb
64. ROMs/ 1.71 Mb
65. ROMs/ 1.84 Mb
66. ROMs/ 38.50 Mb
67. ROMs/ 12.20 Mb
68. ROMs/ 17.07 Mb
69. ROMs/ 1.18 Mb
70. ROMs/ 22.52 Mb
71. ROMs/ 1.32 Mb
72. ROMs/ 1.34 Mb
73. ROMs/ 27.48 Mb
74. ROMs/ 38.47 Mb
75. ROMs/ 34.06 Mb
76. ROMs/ 1.96 Mb
77. ROMs/ 39.29 Mb
78. ROMs/ 27.50 Mb
79. ROMs/ 3.84 Mb
80. ROMs/ 5.57 Mb
81. ROMs/ 28.13 Mb
82. ROMs/ 25.16 Mb
83. ROMs/ 30.98 Mb
84. ROMs/ 1.55 Mb
85. ROMs/ 1.51 Mb
86. ROMs/ 2.79 Mb
87. ROMs/ 33.90 Kb
88. ROMs/ 3.52 Mb
89. ROMs/ 8.18 Mb
90. ROMs/ 2.73 Mb
91. ROMs/ 2.90 Mb
92. ROMs/ 4.24 Mb
93. ROMs/ 33.01 Mb
94. ROMs/ 5.10 Mb
95. ROMs/ 2.00 Mb
96. ROMs/ 3.56 Mb
97. ROMs/ 12.57 Mb
98. ROMs/ 16.70 Mb
99. ROMs/ 1.74 Mb
100. ROMs/ 34.41 Mb
101. ROMs/ 2.88 Mb
102. ROMs/ 29.63 Mb
103. ROMs/ 1.45 Mb
104. ROMs/ 29.25 Mb
105. ROMs/ 27.23 Mb
106. ROMs/ 3.60 Mb
107. ROMs/ 2.97 Mb
108. ROMs/ 53.17 Kb
109. ROMs/ 2.92 Mb
110. ROMs/ 3.21 Mb
111. ROMs/ 5.96 Mb
112. ROMs/ 9.54 Mb
113. ROMs/ 8.17 Mb
114. ROMs/ 131.91 Kb
115. ROMs/ 1.54 Mb
116. ROMs/ 22.69 Kb
117. ROMs/ 1.92 Mb
118. ROMs/ 17.26 Mb
119. ROMs/ 4.81 Mb
120. ROMs/ 11.71 Mb
121. ROMs/ 2.52 Mb
122. ROMs/ 8.16 Mb
123. ROMs/ 3.51 Mb
124. ROMs/ 6.93 Mb
125. ROMs/ 17.02 Mb
126. ROMs/ 75.42 Kb
127. ROMs/ 2.90 Mb
128. ROMs/ 25.21 Mb
129. ROMs/ 3.81 Mb
130. ROMs/ 17.90 Mb
131. ROMs/ 746.04 Kb
132. ROMs/ 747.56 Kb
133. ROMs/ 3.35 Mb
134. ROMs/ 1.98 Mb
135. ROMs/ 8.27 Mb
136. ROMs/ 21.85 Mb
137. ROMs/ 23.04 Mb
138. ROMs/ 28.42 Mb
139. ROMs/ 23.77 Mb
140. ROMs/ 3.50 Mb
141. ROMs/ 2.95 Mb
142. ROMs/ 28.24 Mb
143. ROMs/ 29.29 Mb
144. ROMs/ 38.66 Mb
145. ROMs/ 7.97 Mb
146. ROMs/ 13.84 Mb
147. ROMs/ 16.78 Mb
148. ROMs/ 21.68 Mb
149. ROMs/ 38.46 Mb
150. ROMs/ 12.66 Mb
151. ROMs/ 6.89 Mb
152. ROMs/ 3.39 Mb
153. ROMs/ 6.37 Mb
154. ROMs/ 19.75 Mb
155. ROMs/ 27.47 Mb
156. ROMs/ 18.81 Mb
157. ROMs/ 3.03 Mb
158. ROMs/ 5.30 Mb
159. ROMs/ 8.92 Mb
160. ROMs/ 3.86 Mb
161. ROMs/ 3.11 Mb
162. ROMs/ 6.54 Mb
163. ROMs/ 9.42 Mb
164. ROMs/ 13.02 Mb
165. ROMs/ 3.21 Mb
166. ROMs/ 10.29 Mb
167. ROMs/ 4.47 Mb
168. ROMs/ 3.14 Mb
169. ROMs/ 1.79 Mb
170. ROMs/ 1.79 Mb
171. ROMs/ 1.79 Mb
172. ROMs/ 39.54 Mb
173. ROMs/ 6.65 Mb
174. ROMs/ 3.61 Mb
175. ROMs/ 2.74 Mb
176. ROMs/ 8.90 Mb
177. ROMs/ 8.66 Mb
178. ROMs/ 5.87 Mb
179. ROMs/ 3.86 Mb
180. ROMs/ 193.03 Kb
181. ROMs/ 13.02 Mb
182. ROMs/ 4.58 Mb
183. ROMs/ 8.62 Mb
184. ROMs/ 10.38 Mb
185. ROMs/ 17.93 Mb
186. ROMs/ 3.86 Mb
187. ROMs/ 4.92 Mb
188. ROMs/ 2.40 Mb
189. ROMs/ 6.89 Mb