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Dr Dino creation documentary fun lecture dinosaurs evolution geo






Dr Dino creation documentary fun lecture dinosaurs evolution geo




2008-08-20 (by monkeypoi)


Enjoy ALL 7 of the Dr Dino lecture series, where Kent Hovind informs and educates in a fun, interesting way about creation, evolution, and dinosaurs. EVERY lecture has short, 30MB SAMPLES! Dr Hovind presents a huge weight of evidence for intelligent design, mountains and mountains of evidence, that can't scientifically be ignored! * learn how the star Sirius was described as bright red by all sources going back a few thousand years, but is now white, a process which evolutionists teach is supposed to take billions of years * learn how skeletons of 12 foot tall people are found regularly, but are ignored by major museums * learn how skeletons of ENORMOUS animals are found, much larger than could live today. What was different in the past? Was there a huge flood? * learn how the geologic column can ONLY be explained by the sorting action of water on a massive scale * learn how evolution inspired the nazi and soviet death machines * learn how 'vestigal organs' are a myth, and that if anyone believes their tailbone is vestigal, Dr Hovind will personally pay to have it removed! (There are some important _daily functions_ that the bone is needed for) * learn how carbon dating and other isotope dating methods are a sham, never giving a correct date when the true age of an item is known * and much, much more! DVDs can be purchased from -------------- Find my other torrents! Abortion_Exposed.divx.avi Amazing_Discoveries-The_Earth_in_Time_and_Space__earth_science_geology_nature_creation_megaflood_documentary_MUST_SEE_SAMPLE.avi Astronomy_and_the_Bible_1hr11_586MB.avi Dr._Dino_-_Why_Evolution_is_Stupid__Kent_Hovind Incredible_Creatures_that_Defy_Evolution__animals_wildlife_nature_documentary_creation_WITH_SAMPLE_384MB_47min.avi Life's_Story__nature_animals_wildlife_documentary_WITH_SAMPLE_creation_385mb_56min_nosubs.avi The Triumph of Design, and the Demise of Darwin.avi


  1. Dino
  2. creation
  3. documentary
  4. fun
  5. lecture
  6. dinosaurs
  7. evolution
  8. geology
  9. bible
  10. christian
  11. kent
  12. hovind

Files count:



7166.37 Mb




deckymc (2008-09-03)

the earth is 4.5 billion yrs old anyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot. Have you ever noticed that all the modern and past warlords are religious!!!

vk6dna (2009-02-04)

the earth is 6 thousand yrs old anyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot. Have you ever noticed that there is no solid facts to support evolution!!!
Thanks for the upload! Before people start criticize something they should start open minded and actually watch the series!

farmerb333 (2009-04-21)

Complete BULL$HIT!
I dont mind christians at all, they can keep beleiving what it is they believe.
But putting together these brainwashing videos, that leave out 99% of the scientific evidence... thats just an insult to the millions of humans that have spent thier life dedicated to science!!!
This is a load of LIES - cunningly put together to fool IDIOTS!
If you believe this guy, you deserve the sad, sorry miserable life you get.
This guy must have watched a documentory series on the universe and thought to him self... ''I cant let the people from the church know about this, they'll leave in flocks and the church will lose all of its funding...''
Again, just to verify - This guy is either a BIG FAT LIAR - Or one stupid, un-educated boon.

sistromo (2009-08-27)

Another example how Christian fundamentalists think nothing of distorting the facts and lying in order to push their ignorant, obscurantist agenda. These guys belong in the Dark Ages.
In a nutshell, standard creationist rubbish.

powium (2010-05-03)

Instead of downloading this garbage, go and watch something from Jared Diamond. He has a great lecture with michael shermer about the great leap forward. in the style of the OP:
* learn how...
People 99.99% genetically identical to humans have been roaming the earth for at least the last 40,000 years with only primitive stone tools and no evidence of art or culture.
Language, specifically structured heirarchical languages, may have been a key initiator of the renaissance of culture and technology that has happened over the last 4000 years.
We still share 98.4% of our genome with chimpanzees. Most of the difference are simple changes in the way proteins are synthesised.
and much much more.
Christians: It's hard when thats all you've been taught, I know, I've been there. Just remember to keep seeking out knowledge - and to find it sometimes you have to let go of your preconceptions. You know thats the case in all other disciplines. So why not apply it to your religious studies too? Good luck.

tombenko (2010-10-23)

Go back to school and try to learn mathsand science before trying to argue with the evidence of evolution, abiogenesis and Big Bang. (Fyi: they are not the same, there is some confusion in your mind.)