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94 Wii Virtual Console Games (PAL)
94 Wii Virtual Console Games (PAL)
2008-05-08 (by villadelfia)
See the file list for a full list of games. Most aren't injected, but those that are have it in the filename.
Files count:
1708.46 Mb
evilcaptain (2008-05-09)
I hope you have sex tonight!Thankyou
CoolHandSE (2008-05-09)
Is there an easy way to play these on the Wii?Miiqu (2008-05-09)
This is a small tutorial how to make a WAD Installer ISO, which works with the SD Card, so you only need to burn it ones and only have to replace the Wad file on the SD CardThere is no TP Hack required it will work immediately
What do you need:
-A Modchip
-Wad Installer DOL
-Trucha Signer
-Wad File to install
-SD card
-A DVD burner
-DVD Burning software
The Tutorial:
1.Download the Wad Installer and extract it somewhere
2.Open Trucha Signer and select a game iso(It doesn't matter what)
3.Right Click the Main.Dol of the second partition
4.Click Replace and replace it with the wad-installer.dol
5.Sign the partition and close Trucha Signer
6.Now burn the iso to a DVD
7.Ones the burning has finished you can put the burned dvd in the Wii
8.Now connect you SD Card to your computer
9.And in the root of the SD Card place the wad file and rename it to title.wad
10.Now you can start the DVD and the WAD Installer will boot up
11.Press 1+2 or the Red Sync button
12.Ones it says the wiimote is connected press A
13.The Wad Installer will now install the WAD file to the wii system this will take a minute
14.When it's finished it will automaticly reboot the wii and the Channel should be there
Miiqu (2008-05-09)
and if you download the latter wad installer you do it almost the same way EXCEPT:9.a. And in the root of the SD Card make an new folder called WAD
9.b. Take all you Title.wad files and rename it to what u like and put them in the folder WAD
10.Now you can start the DVD and the WAD Installer will boot up
11.Press reset on the wii and let it run
12.The Wad Installer will now install the WAD file to the wii system this will take a minute
13.When it's finished it will ask u to press reset til return the the wii menu and voila there is your vc games
evilcaptain (2008-05-10)
Could you upload the Iso you have made already. It might save many thousands of man hours :)evilcaptain (2008-05-10)
I just realised!4gb vs 2mb
thelaughingman (2008-05-11)
amazing release thankyou =]anychance someone could inject bodyharvest PAL english version to an n64 VC game for me please it would be greatly appreciated =]
X. (2008-05-18)
Someone please upload Mario Bros (not Super Mario Bros) for VC!XanLoves (2008-06-18)
Thank you so freaking much :Dvidofnir13 (2008-07-06)
does using frostwire seed automaticly?vidofnir13 (2008-07-06)
seed please its downloading 1kb/sSydeth (2008-08-19)
Can somebody explain to me why Ocarina of Time won't install on my Wii? I'm using the latest WAD manager with the latest Homebrew Channel.koolie (2008-09-18)
Do the files in /WIIWARE/NTSCPAL actually play on the PAL system version 3.3?Even though they have JAP in the title name?
Especially FFCC?
Can anyone confirm this?
koolie (2008-09-21)
It's ok i managed to find the dedicated PAL versions.Thanks in advance :D
SS4Goku (2008-12-20)
PLZ SEED!Ripthegamebloody (2009-12-13)
WARNING!Do not download Sonic The Hedgehog.wad from this pack, because it's the second Sonic, I mean it's not the first Sonic game anyway. You can see that it has the same file size as 1 and 2. It doesn't work when installing with Wad Manager.
Plaedien (2010-08-05)
NOTE:Secret of Mana & Terranigma are in GERMAN, not english!!
It would have been good to know this prior to downloading, but good torrent anyway.
bh0226 (2011-07-16)
Can someone please seed this, no seeders >.monokosas (2011-08-14)
Is there any way to transfer Roms through SD card or USB flash drive, and play them on the Wii that way?I have installed Snes9x Emulator on the Wii as well as N64 Emulator as their own channels. Just need to figure out how to play the games off an SD card.
Thanks ahead of time.
Ljonja24 (2014-07-05)
Thank you :)Files:
1. WII/PAL/1080 Snowboarding.wad 28.70 Mb
2. WII/PAL/Actraiser.wad 14.41 Mb
3. WII/PAL/Adventures Of Lolo.wad 12.48 Mb
4. WII/PAL/Alien Crush.wad 12.81 Mb
5. WII/PAL/Altered Beast.wad 12.86 Mb
6. WII/PAL/Balloon Fight.wad 11.71 Mb
7. WII/PAL/Beyond Oasis.wad 14.92 Mb
8. WII/PAL/Blues Journey.wad 19.96 Mb
9. WII/PAL/Bomberman 93.wad 13.33 Mb
10. WII/PAL/Breath Of Fire.wad 16.36 Mb
11. WII/PAL/Bubble Bobble.wad 12.71 Mb
12. WII/PAL/Columns.wad 12.82 Mb
13. WII/PAL/Comix Zone.wad 14.62 Mb
14. WII/PAL/Donkey Kong Country 2.wad 21.51 Mb
15. WII/PAL/Donkey Kong Country 3.wad 17.80 Mb
16. WII/PAL/Donkey Kong Country.wad 17.23 Mb
17. WII/PAL/Donkey Kong Jr.wad 11.72 Mb
18. WII/PAL/Double Dragon.wad 12.22 Mb
19. WII/PAL/Dr Robotniks Mean Bean Machine.wad 13.24 Mb
20. WII/PAL/F-Zero X.wad 29.23 Mb
21. WII/PAL/F-Zero.wad 12.88 Mb
22. WII/PAL/Final Fight.wad 15.57 Mb
23. WII/PAL/Gain Ground.wad 13.11 Mb
24. WII/PAL/Golden Axe 2.wad 13.64 Mb
25. WII/PAL/Golden Axe.wad 12.83 Mb
26. WII/PAL/Gunstar Heroes.wad 13.29 Mb
27. WII/PAL/Harvest Moon.wad 14.79 Mb
28. WII/PAL/Ice Climber.wad 12.01 Mb
29. WII/PAL/Ice Hockey.wad 12.07 Mb
30. WII/PAL/Kid Icarus.wad 12.43 Mb
31. WII/PAL/Kirby 64 - The Crystal Shards.wad 29.13 Mb
32. WII/PAL/Kirbys Adventure.wad 13.10 Mb
33. WII/PAL/Kirbys Dream Course.wad 13.72 Mb
34. WII/PAL/Lords of Thunder.wad 36.08 Mb
35. WII/PAL/Magician Lord.wad 18.41 Mb
36. WII/PAL/Mario Kart 64.wad 25.25 Mb
37. WII/PAL/Marios Super Picross.wad 13.54 Mb
38. WII/PAL/Mega Man 2.wad 13.16 Mb
39. WII/PAL/Mega Man.wad 12.21 Mb
40. WII/PAL/Neutopia.wad 12.54 Mb
41. WII/PAL/Ninja Gaiden.wad 12.46 Mb
42. WII/PAL/Operation Wolf.wad 12.38 Mb
43. WII/PAL/Pac-Man.wad 12.05 Mb
44. WII/PAL/Paper Mario.wad 42.93 Mb
45. WII/PAL/Phantasy Star 2.wad 14.26 Mb
46. WII/PAL/Phantasy Star 3.wad 14.48 Mb
47. WII/PAL/Pinball.wad 11.90 Mb
48. WII/PAL/Pokemon Snap.wad 28.98 Mb
49. WII/PAL/Punchout.wad 12.81 Mb
50. WII/PAL/R-Type 3.wad 17.04 Mb
51. WII/PAL/R-Type.wad 12.82 Mb
52. WII/PAL/Secret Of Mana (inject).wad 21.51 Mb
53. WII/PAL/Shining Darkness.wad 13.90 Mb
54. WII/PAL/Sim City.wad 13.30 Mb
55. WII/PAL/Sin and Punishment.wad 45.45 Mb
56. WII/PAL/Sonic The Hedgehog 2.wad 12.89 Mb
57. WII/PAL/Sonic The Hedgehog 3.wad 14.87 Mb
58. WII/PAL/Sonic The Hedgehog.wad 12.89 Mb
59. WII/PAL/Star Fox 64.wad 27.58 Mb
60. WII/PAL/Street Fighter 2 - The World Warrior.wad 17.08 Mb
61. WII/PAL/Street Fighter 2 Turbo.wad 15.59 Mb
62. WII/PAL/Streets of Rage 2.wad 13.91 Mb
63. WII/PAL/Super Castlevania 4.wad 15.14 Mb
64. WII/PAL/Super Ghosts And Goblins.wad 14.61 Mb
65. WII/PAL/Super Mario 64.wad 20.69 Mb
66. WII/PAL/Super Mario Bros 2 - The Lost Levels.wad 12.43 Mb
67. WII/PAL/Super Mario Bros 2.wad 12.29 Mb
68. WII/PAL/Super Mario Bros 3.wad 12.93 Mb
69. WII/PAL/Super Mario Bros.wad 11.90 Mb
70. WII/PAL/Super Mario Kart (inject).wad 21.01 Mb
71. WII/PAL/Super Mario World.wad 13.69 Mb
72. WII/PAL/Super Metroid.wad 17.47 Mb
73. WII/PAL/Super Probotector.wad 15.04 Mb
74. WII/PAL/Super Star Soldier.wad 12.84 Mb
75. WII/PAL/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.wad 12.87 Mb
76. WII/PAL/Terranigma (inject).wad 21.51 Mb
77. WII/PAL/The King Of Fighters 94.wad 38.07 Mb
78. WII/PAL/The Last Ninja.wad 16.26 Mb
79. WII/PAL/The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past.wad 15.23 Mb
80. WII/PAL/The Legend of Zelda.wad 12.14 Mb
81. WII/PAL/Toe Jam and Earl.wad 13.29 Mb
82. WII/PAL/Waveracer.wad 21.96 Mb
83. WII/PAL/Wii Internet Channel.wad 38.71 Mb
84. WII/PAL/Wonderboy In Monster World.wad 13.57 Mb
85. WII/PAL/Wonderboy.wad 13.22 Mb
86. WII/PAL/World Games.wad 17.58 Mb
87. WII/PAL/Yoshis Story.wad 29.15 Mb
88. WII/PAL/Zelda - Ocarina Of Time.wad 46.14 Mb
89. WII/PAL/Zelda II - The Adventure of Link.wad 12.90 Mb
90. WII/PAL/Zelda OoT - Master Quest (inject).wad 46.14 Mb
91. WII/WIIWARE/NTSCPAL/Dr._Mario___Virus_Buster_Wiiware_jap.wad 14.23 Mb
92. WII/WIIWARE/NTSCPAL/FF_Crystal_Chronicles_My_Life_as_a_King_at_WiiWare_jap.wad 42.01 Mb
93. WII/WIIWARE/NTSCPAL/Mojipittan.wad 42.44 Mb
94. WII/WIIWARE/NTSCPAL/Pokemon_Farm_Wiiware_jap.wad 19.50 Mb