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PC » NEED FOR SPEED HOT PURSUIT 2010 Full Game directplay by gl




Games PC


PC » NEED FOR SPEED HOT PURSUIT 2010 Full Game directplay by gl




2010-11-18 (by globeplus)


* Hello PC games fans ... * Play the 2010 version of Need For Speed Hot Pursuit for the PC ... * The freeware FREEARC is needed to extract the arc file * FILE INFO : ABSOLUTE COMPLETE GAME , ONLINE doesn´t work but it is included anyway , only correct decent work keeping everything Min Specs: =========== OS: Windows® XP SP 3 (32-64 bits) / Windows Vista® (32-64 bits) / Windows 7® (32-64 bits) CPU: Intel Core® 2 Duo 1.8 GHZ or AMD Athlon X2 64 2.4GHZ RAM: 1.5 GB Windows® XP / 2 GB Windows Vista® – Windows 7® DISC DRIVE: DVD-ROM, 8 speed HARD DRIVE: 6.5 GB VIDEO CARD: 256 MB DirectX® 9.0 compliant card with Shader Model 3.0 or higher SOUND CARD: DirectX 9.0 –compliant sound card COMPATIBLE VIDEO CARD CHIP SETS: ATI® RADEON® X1950, HD 2000/3000/4000/5000 series NVIDIA GeForce® 7/8/9/100/200 series ONLINE: 2 – 8 players, 512 Kbps or faster * enjoy ... *

Files count:



1923.30 Mb




vineet120 (2010-11-18)

thnx globe

vaibhav03 (2010-11-18)

wow globe just 1.88 ......
thx a lot was waiting for this....
gr88 work pls upload harry potter 7 tooo...........

vaibhav03 (2010-11-18)

tptb lacks far behind globe has proofed that he is the best many times...
globe rocks...
downloading the tptb version is a total waste instead u can download the retail version...
thx globe when r u uploading
harry potter 7 pc game....

vaibhav03 (2010-11-18)


for more action
stay tuned for more on this site....
other game systems and a lot more..

vaibhav03 (2010-11-18)

please seed after download coz download speed is to slow.......

pulkit007 (2010-11-18)

u r the MAN
Awesum Uploads Everytime.
waiting for ur Harry Potter Upload. :)
Keep Up The Good Work

tg170889 (2010-11-18)

Just 1.8 GB!!!
TPTB's is 5.54GB. OMG, globe you are the best.

megakettavan (2010-11-18)

Wow Wow woww...... Just 1.8 Gb...
As i use to say U as Arc Man ...U are a Mega arc man .......
ufff...goin to dwnload diz i 'm gonna to seed till a mnth ...
thnkxx for the Upload Arc Man ..... I tld u via email na...though Ur uploads are late dan other Suckin guys.... Ur uploads are de latest best Editions....

 globeplus (2010-11-18)


 globeplus (2010-11-18)

(copy or write in succession the link to the address bar)

vaibhav03 (2010-11-18)

hey globe whats the actual size of the game after extraction....
and again thx for this....
u r the best....

 Subzero! (2010-11-18)

you shouldnt talk about things you dont have *any* clue about.
@globe... you never change do you ?
Full Game > WITH MISSING foreign LANGUAGE stuff like SPEECH etc. so "NO GULL GAME"
directplay > whats direct play here ? > NADA
still making some extra money with 1click hosters ? first making people believing its a full game, then sending them to the 1click shietness to have them downloading the stuff which is missing. dude, this is FAIL x10.
other than the above, good work as usual!.>LOL

 Subzero! (2010-11-18)

@vaibshave03 > you are like a little Chut choot

 globeplus (2010-11-18)

(copy or write in succession the link to the address bar)

 globeplus (2010-11-18)


 globeplus (2010-11-18)

(copy or write in succession the link to the addresss bar)

rK225 (2010-11-18)


 Subzero! (2010-11-18)

No way man, iam here for stating facts, lets do a file compate eh?... scary ? ... lets show em all what you've removed. not? ...scary about your lie's eh?... lol

 globeplus (2010-11-18)

To Subzero : everybody knows that you only come to my files to implicate and give negative votes no matter what , you hide behind your cover of vip user of something but the trie is that you are bad intentionated and your only propous is to implicate with the work more as possible beside that a game that have only 1 language still fukk game , what is missing , the game is only complete if have 20 languages or something , as i know i didn´t putted any indication about languages but one thing is for shore : is complete all right !!! stop playing the sonse guy that are innofensive or something , you are a bad intentional possible , user because you not even try the files and your intention is cause doubts on the usewrs of my files to protect the tptb bukllshit files , remember this forever : no matter what you try to say and implicate , that files will always be looking like 2nd division of the pratical files work . STOP coming to my files once for all , i don´t like you and you are not good to the files spirit and i say more : it is your intention exactly that : try with that yours scumbag spirit impragnate the good rythm of my files for the bullshit work of yours try to look ok when comes out , you are morron compared to me in everything , got it ? Get out of here once for all ... i like to have nice clean spirit too the users , you don´t deserve the vip indication that you have , you are a bad intentionated user under that hipocrit disguise !!!

 globeplus (2010-11-18)

Small correction on the typing on the before comment : when i said that "beside that a game that have only 1 language still fukk game" , it was the typing , i was mean it full game not fukk game .

p2b (2010-11-18)

his info is always incomplete & false
whts directly? jst unrar & play, >>> so from whr does this freaking arc come from in direct play???
the videos are downgraded like shit & thrs no word of it in the info
absolute complete game, only correct decent work keeping evrything, >>> then y does he keep on posting download links for files???
if tptb lacks behind, isnt good & jst waste then >>> y the F**K do u keep asking tptb to rip games for u & come & seek for help when blobe's rip gives u problem???

 globeplus (2010-11-18)

(copy or write in succession the link to the address bar)

SiN-R (2010-11-18)

ok simple question.. can i update this with new patch later on?

 globeplus (2010-11-18)

RUSSIAN LANGUAGE (106.89 mb) :
(copy or write in succession the link to the address bar)

 globeplus (2010-11-18)


 globeplus (2010-11-18)

To SinR : you can always try to apply patches in any file but don´t forget to backup first the game that you try the backup because sometimes the patches causes anomalys on the worked executables or dlls .

hemingway60 (2010-11-18)

Hi Globeplus,
Can you make your future torrents a compressed clone? I like your directplay but its hard to install patches this way. I downloaded your F1 2010 torrent but I couldn't install the patch(even when I kept it in the game directory) because there are no registry files. Thanks.

megakettavan (2010-11-18)

Blushits ...All of U guys jus FUck Up...
Globe@ is de best Ripper i hve ever seeen....
abt TPTB (the powers that be) its (Torrent Post are Terribly Bullshit TPTB)
U guys jus piss Off from here ... We Like Globe@ ...not de fuckin TpTb or others .....
This Commnt is posted By Fans Across India co Globe@
Hattzzz Of Globe@ (Arc Man)
by Ur fav. 7staruser (megakettavan)

wayneowino (2010-11-18)

Can't believe zubzero has the nerve to post crap when 80% of tptb rips dont work the first try its like they never test anything. But if you dont mind double the size and not being able to back up on dvd and wait until they have a fix for there broken rips then go with tptb lol

 globeplus (2010-11-18)

To p2b : for arc files read the description , use the freware FREEARC and it is necessary close 1 gb ram to make the extractions and your atitude is not nice , see if you get good sense in your head before write a ridiculous comment , i think you can be a nice guy in your intim , just don´t let deteriorate yourself from speculative bullshit around , you as a user have thr right to choose the files you want to download and saying bad things like you did without any sense can give the other users think that you are not more than a desregulated guy that maybe you really aren´t , save yourself and your soul acting decently more as possible making correct analysis from the files imparcialy , i don´t have the obrigatority to say to you anything but i think that in your case maybe you have a way out from really dumb comportment without conteud and my files are the best for pratical files .

daanthooft (2010-11-18)

come on

i'm waiting for an half an hour for 3 seeders, this is ganno take days.

vaibhav03 (2010-11-18)

globe has included english language and all other languages are not neccessary for the game.
u r felling jealous of globe coz noone is downloading ur rip...blahhh
now dont posts negative comments @ globe otherwise people will lose their left faith with u and ur ugly rips..
next time mind it before posting any bullshit..
i think u better understand..

 globeplus (2010-11-18)


 globeplus (2010-11-18)

(copy or write the link in succession to the address bar)

vaibhav03 (2010-11-18)

i ask tptb coz some of the tptb rips are good...
but when i downloaded james bond bloodstone of tptb coz of globe and tptb were of nearly same size...
a got in a deep trouble and was not able to run the game.
i posted many comments but noone replied or gave a solution other users too where not able to play the game ...
but in globe rips if i ever got problem he helps me out so i am happy with his work all downloads all his rips coz he is best for me...
i dont know about other users what they say...
i just know he is perfect for me...
and about the game req that was harry potter 7 with tptb ...
i requested bcoz i thought globe will not rip it so lets chk tptb if he can do that...
and finally i would say that globe is a friendly person and has helped me a lot...
so he is the best....
now i think p2b u have got ur answers....

 globeplus (2010-11-18)


vaibhav03 (2010-11-18)

one thing i would like to tell to all users that
u can only decide whose best...
see the seeders of globe rip and tptb nfs hot pursuit...
globe posted it later but still he has higher number of seeders..
but tptb dont have...
i think this clears everything and makes everything crystal clear from the users point of view....

 globeplus (2010-11-18)


vaibhav03 (2010-11-18)

and one more thing globe never write false comments in tptb rips...........
this is the thing that clears everything...
and shroo and subzero always write negative comments in globe rips to disstract the users....

janwr (2010-11-18)

hi globe..i was out of the scene fr a long time..
thanx fr the rip...i really wanted to play this..downloading it...
already downloaded ur james bond blood like charm...keep up the good work...:-)

u2r1 (2010-11-18)

if you don't like his torrent don't touch it n don't moan about it end of
there's i many a users like direct play games as i am a big fan of n use 2 get from dopeman420
if you have a problem with an user or uploader post in the forum
don't spam the comments in torrent or it just get remove;
keep it clean
its free after all
n chears globe ignore the idiots

 globeplus (2010-11-19)


OneHitGamer (2010-11-19)

Heres a more correct english translation of GlobePlus's post pages ago. heres original, then translated lmao.
To Subzero : everybody knows that you only come to my files to implicate and give negative votes no matter what ,
you hide behind your cover of vip user of something but the trie is that you are bad intentionated and your only
propous is to implicate with the work more as possible beside that a game that have only 1 language still fukk game ,
what is missing , the game is only complete if have 20 languages or something ,
as i know i didn´t putted any indication about languages but one thing is for shore : is complete all right !!!
stop playing the sonse guy that are innofensive or something , you are a bad intentional possible ,
user because you not even try the files and your intention is cause doubts on the usewrs of my files to protect
the tptb bukllshit files , remember this forever : no matter what you try to say and implicate ,
that files will always be looking like 2nd division of the pratical files work . STOP coming to my files once for all ,
i don´t like you and you are not good to the files spirit and i say more : it is your intention exactly that :
try with that yours scumbag spirit impragnate the good rythm of my files for the bullshit work of yours try to
look ok when comes out , you are morron compared to me in everything , got it ? Get out of here once for all ...
i like to have nice clean spirit too the users , you don´t deserve the vip indication that you have ,
you are a bad intentionated user under that hipocrit disguise !!!

kreatureofky (2010-11-19)

I offer 110kbps but it will not do any good if I am downloading @ 1.2-4kbps.
People need to learn how to manage bandwidth and quit leeching.

 Subzero! (2010-11-19)

thanks for your help here!. had serious problems with his engrish! lol. iam still unsure what this means...
"2nd division of the pratical files work" or
"good rythm of my files"( his files making music? , my bad > didnt knew about.)
lemme know if you have that translated!.
much appreciated , cheers.

koora888 (2010-11-19)

thanks Globe , are the videos downgraded too much ?
not that i care for videos anyways just curious.

 blaze69 (2010-11-19)

Nice Upload Globe. think It's about Time U Get The Green Skull..
LOL Toed Nice One...
hey nota369
Can U Please STFU.

 globeplus (2010-11-19)

To koora888 : you simply must believe me : they are absolutly with the acceptable work in a nice way , what this means : mean that is not really good but not even close to beeing bad , so they have a very normal look in a very acceptable way and i can´t see the users borred for a second because my work , this is really the trully competent work for this videos in a pratical file , depending on the type of the videos i analise the possible work and then i search for the acceprable nice way for them to look , i think if was anyone of you doing them for a pratical file , all of you probably will was searching a way that still giving a positive size to the videos and with them looking more normal and nice as possible but i am shore that all of you at least the acceptable looking of them certainly beeing a normal objective , this is really , i repeat , very competent work for tghis game and i am improving in my work all the time in wherever is possible . Get your file because with this file you certainly be happy with everything and not disappointed .

megakettavan (2010-11-19)

Hiiii Guysss de Game jus wrks 10000% fine wth all videos...includin NFS Shift2 Trailer ....
wowowowwww mind Blowin Rip ....
currently seeding and 'll be seedin guyszz... Alwazfor ur support ...
Globe@ has jus Proved Wat He is up to nd he can do more than diz...
So no more question like is diz game wrks...or smtin....
i hve tested with all langauges wrks perfect...diz is a Multi 10 rip...No crack required ...nutin is required
1. Just extract
2.Run Globe Convetor (tuk about 23 mins)
3. Play de Hottest Game by launching NFS11.exe
Thankxxx a Lot Arc Man (Globe@)
Alwaz ur support here in India (Chennai)
Hatzz Off
by ue fav. 7staruser

devrindare (2010-11-19)

thanks globe
for this nice rip
please tell me that can I have to keep empty space or not like lost planet 2.
for that I emptied 40gb of my harddisk space
please tell me
thank you

 globeplus (2010-11-19)

this game don´t have the window mode option , now it is possible that with the help of a dll , this is a mod dll created for a fan of this type of games to give the possibility to play the game in windowed mode .
(copy or write in successsion the link to the address bar)

 globeplus (2010-11-19)

To blaze69 : i am uploading here nice files for years now and you are not the first good vip user that tells me that but somehow don´t happen and i don´t understand what i have to do or something for that happen but one thing for shore : i do very competent work on my files and i am uploading here for years now showing competence in my work more as possible and never let the users down in a tough situation that is rare to happen , finally i am absolutly agains virus , beside the fact that i recognise that some worked executables or dlls get a little different structure after the work and some antivirus can block or delete because the suspicious structure of the worked executables or dlls , weel my ffriend , i will keep waiting , maybe it happen , who knwos but one thing is for shore , no matter the colour of the skull , the users can count with more competent work as possible . Thank you and you show that a vip user can be nice intentionated ,and that not only now , you are a real nice guy , keep like that .

daanthooft (2010-11-19)

How do you extract the .arc file? plz help.

 globeplus (2010-11-19)

To daanthooft : if you read the description you kn ow that you need the reeware FREEARC to do the extraction and in the instructions.txt inside the file says the same then follow instructions , you need close 12 gb ram to do the exraction , in case of difficulties restart the computer and stat the extraction and evitate run background applications diring the extraction or the conversion work .

 globeplus (2010-11-19)

CORRECTION : in the before comment i said close 12 gb ram is necessary , it was the typing , of course it is 1 gb ram not 12 .

team4ualon3 (2010-11-19)

@ daanthooft
How do you extract the .arc file? plz help.
you can extract arc file with FreeArc Soft

Cr09 (2010-11-19)

thanks globe. you are the best you left all other rippers far behind, now this is called a rip from 8 to 1.88 gb, keep up that brilliant work man

Cr09 (2010-11-19)

what about the Assassin Creed 2 Brother Hood, when it gonna be available globe?

team4ualon3 (2010-11-19)

what about the Assassin Creed 2 Brother Hood, when it gonna be available globe?
bro its not out yet in pc version

pulkit007 (2010-11-19)

everything went fine
but when i clicked to NFS11.exe
i m getting d3dx9_42.dll error.
help neede plz reply.

koora888 (2010-11-19)

@Globe , i really wasn't criticizing your work dude , i appreciate your effort alot ,
and actually personally I LOVE rips with downgraded videos i prefer saving space on my disk .
thanks again.

 globeplus (2010-11-19)


koora888 (2010-11-19)

update direct X i guess , or just get the dll file and put it in system32 folder , i think it work too.

team4ualon3 (2010-11-19)

@ pulkit007
everything went fine
but when i clicked to NFS11.exe
i m getting d3dx9_42.dll error.
help neede plz reply.
download directx 9 from this link and your problem will be sloved :)

 globeplus (2010-11-19)

To koora888 : please do me afavour and i believe you but watch the link with the recorded video of the intro of the game with a little gameplay , i can guarantee that this video was recorded from this file , no doubt !!! please , check what it is a excellent work with a iso close of 8gb coming down to 1.87 gb with a perfect work and really complete , this is the magic of my work in pratical files and after 5 to 10 games my froendly user can be about 15 to 20 gb less in your hard disk drive with the same games and with them complete anyway , please watch the intro video , it is only click on the link that´s all .

gouthamTheGamer (2010-11-19)

@Globe This Was The Number 1 rip i have ever seen in years.....i am from your great fan now...You are the BEST...Waiting for Your HarryPotter RIP...Thank you So Much Globe...
btw i am from chennai [INDIA]

pulkit007 (2010-11-19)

i upgraded DirectX
now its working. Thanx frnds

 globeplus (2010-11-19)

To gouthamTheGamer : thank you for your comment , you are very kind but the refered game i can´t promise the work , i don´t work all the games .

ElMike1 (2010-11-19)

Hey Fellas TPTB is the Best in Rips and Subzero's Always Got A Proper Rip Unlike "Globeplus" or Whatever. If Your Download Speed Is Slow Then Go Buy A Fast Internet Connection. Guys With Slow Bandwidth Are Aren't Worth To Download. TPTB Rocks!!!

ElMike1 (2010-11-19)

TPTB Rocks And The So Called "Globeplus" Whatever Is An Epic Fail!!!
Globeplus You Are Shit Man You Don't Deserve To Be In This Site And Not Even Upload You Torrents!!

vineet120 (2010-11-19)

thnx globe
you r the best ripper in the world
complete game!
with nothing removed
thnx once again
i am waiting for the assassins creed brotherhood rip??

ElMike1 (2010-11-19)

Guys Something Will Be Missing For Sure In This Rip! Audio Or Somewhat
TPTB Doesn't Has Anything Ripped in His Rips Other Than Foreign Languages!

team4ualon3 (2010-11-19)

@ ElMike1
what d H3LL..
get out from here.. if you dont want to download this rip than why are you replying here..

team4ualon3 (2010-11-19)

ElMike1 at 2010-11-19 10:31 CET:
Guys Something Will Be Missing For Sure In This Rip! Audio Or Somewhat
TPTB Doesn't Has Anything Ripped in His Rips Other Than Foreign Languages!
yes TPTB dont has anything ripped thats why they have 5GB + size. i have their rip. and now i m downloading this one.. i will reply back after both compair bro

neemox (2010-11-19)

I'm downloading know I think it'll take days to finish because seeder are limited.
Thanks to globeplus he's a legend !

neemox (2010-11-19)

Why TPTB keeps saying on his torrents that globplus is a liar ?

 globeplus (2010-11-19)


 globeplus (2010-11-19)


 globeplus (2010-11-19)



 globeplus (2010-11-19)

this game don´t have the window mode option , now it is possible that with the help of a dll , this is a mod dll created for a fan of this type of games to give the possibility to play the game in windowed mode .
(copy or write in successsion the link to the address bar)

steelX (2010-11-19)

after I had installed the game so I went into the control panel and checked how much space the game stood, and then stood, only 3.73 gigs? how can it happen?

Cr09 (2010-11-19)

Globe very nice work , this is called a rip from 8 gb to 1.88 thats brilliant, keep it up.
Any infromation about Assassins Creed 2 Brotherhood?

Nis786 (2010-11-19)

i have one problem while running the game. i did what u said in instruction but when i click on NFS11,it shows that :need for speed hot pursuit application has stopped working,check for online solution"....pls help me out. waiting for ur reply

Nis786 (2010-11-19)

Need ur help dude,i followed ur instruction and after that when i click on NFS11.exe,it says that "need for speed hot pursuit application has stopped working,pls check for solution online or close program"....pls help me out. waiting for ur reply.

team4ualon3 (2010-11-19)

Nis786 at 2010-11-19 12:07 CET:
Need ur help dude,i followed ur instruction and after that when i click on NFS11.exe,it says that "need for speed hot pursuit application has stopped working,pls check for solution online or close program"....pls help me out. waiting for ur reply.
i think you have vista or win 7 ? may i right ?
than plz run this game as admin :)

 globeplus (2010-11-19)

To Nis786b : check the game folder with the instructions.txt and follow all the steps .

 globeplus (2010-11-19)

To Cr09 : the release date of the refered game is today but this at the torrents or the time the games can be available can oscilate a little bit , i don´t mind to take a look if becomes available with the possibility of work .

ElMike1 (2010-11-19)

Globeplus Now Don't Cry Like A Momma Boy Everyone Knows That You Are A Loser!!!
So Don't Try To Prove It By Saying That This Is A Full Game, Guys Are You Out Of Your Senses This Guy Is A Big Looser And Is The Biggest Douchebag In The Whole World Loooooser!!!!!!!!!!

ElMike1 (2010-11-19)

@team4ualon3 Mind You It Ain't Compair It's Compare. First Go And Learn English And Then Argue With Me You Ass Whop pin' Jerk!

viperstrikes (2010-11-19)

Hey globeplus, Do you know when crack for Hawx 2 and shaun white skateboarding will be uploaded.

ElMike1 (2010-11-19)

You Know What Globeplus You've Got A Problem So Better Go Check It Out To A Psychiatrist. Believe Me You'll Be Fine... lol

Draiter (2010-11-19)

I don't believe it... Seriously... Why can't the torrent community just get along ?... Subzero, you proved to me that you and your pals are worthless... I used to download your rips in the past but you just stooped so low, that I am NEVER downloading another rip of yours even if it was smaller than globe's... I don't see Globe running to your torrent and posting Bullshit about it, and that just proves that he is a respected and honorable uploader unlike you... Thank you Globe and know that I'm behind you until the end... Your rips have always been pure genius and your morals are too...
BTW Subzero... Using "English faults" as a comeback just shows you are a complete loser, grammer nazi and a freak...
Thanks again Globe :D just ignore them... and keep 'em coming mate !!

Draiter (2010-11-19)

And hell yeah, it's about damn time the star of rips got the VIP treatment... That means you globe ;)

Nis786 (2010-11-19)

i did what is written in instruction. i have windows vista. whenever i click NFS11.EXE,error occurs saying application can't run.

team4ualon3 (2010-11-19)

Nis786 at 2010-11-19 13:51 CET:
i did what is written in instruction. i have windows vista. whenever i click NFS11.EXE,error occurs saying application can't run.
why dont you check my comment bro.. plz run nfs11.exe as admin :)

Cr09 (2010-11-19)

Elmike1: if you can't rip a game don't criticized on other hard work, if you have a guts then rip this game, to 1.88 gb

Nis786 (2010-11-19)

do i need crack for this game by globe? bcoz it crashes when i click NFS11.exe. anybody help?

NYDant (2010-11-19)

thanks globe for all ur work
this game works 100% with good quality videos
the download was fast and even d conversion took 17 mins
i even downloaded ur black ops file
and dat too is running very smoothly
the work is good
and ill be seeding too
have fun guyz with this game

aasif.k30 (2010-11-19)

Hi globeplus, I regularly download your rip but this is the first time I am commenting on
your rip. Your rip are always great. Although we have to compromise with video quality but
that is acceptable. Dont take seriuosly the other guys who are commenting on ur rips
negetivaly. U and ur rips are great. I just want to say the guys who are giving negative
comments that globeplus has prooved to be on the top in the list of rippers by his work.
Words never speak but the work speaks itself. If u guys have the potential to prove urself
best ripper then stop criticising globeplus and do the damn good work in future. I honestly
say that I have deleted all TPTB rip from my hard drive because many of them never work for
me so i just flushed them and downloaded globeplus rips instead.
G- Geniune
L- Lavish
O- Outstanding
B- Best
E- Expert
P- Precious
L- Lovable
U- Ultimate
S- Smart
That's GLOBEPLUS for me. Simply a great man.
BTW globeplus where do u live?

team4ualon3 (2010-11-19)

@ golbeplus
wow buddy. after extract we get 12GB + data.. ohh my god..

tejagamer (2010-11-19)

Great work buddy
Downloading it now

hemingway60 (2010-11-19)

Game works great! For all those having trouble, you're not reading the instructions well!
@globeplus, can you upload harry potter and the deathly hallows part 1? Its around 7GB and I hope you could reduce it to less than 2GB.

u2r1 (2010-11-19)

get lost eh noob an spam else were

koko2010 (2010-11-19)

Could you Please Globe upload the English LANGUAGE on any server as i need it and i know you are the man and you always help any one need your help

 globeplus (2010-11-19)

To aasif.k30 : you can go to my blog anytime that you want , you welcome and get my applications files , you will love it and it is because users like you that i don´t mind to do the work . Thank you .

 globeplus (2010-11-19)


koko2010 (2010-11-19)

could you please upload the English language on any server as i stuck with the RU Repack

koukli75 (2010-11-19)

SEED PLZ !!!!!!

aasif.k30 (2010-11-20)

Hi globeplus, how can i go to ur blogs? do u have any website of ur own, if yes what is the web address. I certainly visit ur website. u didnt answer that where do u live? One request--- pls upload
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 1. thnx and keep it up....:-):-):-)

koukli75 (2010-11-20)

Guys seed i dl only with 40kb/s lol....

MakMan06 (2010-11-20)

Globe, a few minutes of my time to say - YOU'RE THE MAN, MAN! This rip is absolutely perfect, nothing missing whatsoever, videos in perfect quality. Thans for saving me 8 GBs of bandwidth.
As for members of TPTB hating on Globe - stick it up your arse! Maybe if you spent more time ripping games instead of writing jealous bullshit comments about Globe you'd be able to produce some good files. Be respectful.

MakMan06 (2010-11-20)

Globe's blog is his site, he lives in Portugal.
BTW Harry Potter 7 part 1 is a rubbish game, why would you want Globe to touch that crapness?

neemox (2010-11-20)

Thanks globeplus the game works perfect !!!

inevit21 (2010-11-20)

@Globeplus you are the best ripper here.
nice work,only problem with this is there aint not much seeders..the download speed is very slow.Anyway great-rip

SiN-R (2010-11-20)

omg.. i leave my computer downloading since 2 days ago
and its not done yet T_T wth 3kb/s download
moar seed plz

naga3 (2010-11-20)

ungrateful wretches as though u have always been downloading globes... who were u leeching from wen globe wasn't ripping..

frytus (2010-11-20)

thanx a billion globe

ElMike1 (2010-11-20)

@Globeplus U Suck Through The Core Dude. You are Moron Not Me,Gaylord(Globeplus) You Are A Dick-head Who Makes A Fool Out Of Himself!!!

aasif.k30 (2010-11-20)

I m a big fan of harry potter series movies and games. I have read in many reviews that harry potter and deathly hollow part 1 isnt doing well. but as a fan i want it to give a try. (If u dont mind).

saurin3245 (2010-11-20)

How to improve the graphics quality ???? plez

wiltuz (2010-11-20)

NO issues ,lags or stuff like that!
Download and run globe converter(turn your antivirus off)
I thought that globe was new to enter the scene
He's the aXXo of Game ripping
Seed your gratitude by seeding!!
Dont allow dickheads like shroo or subzero to spoil globe's image.
Of course you cant go online.
When it asks to enter your EA acount press ESC.
And play the game using max settings!!
Yeah This is the full version...Nothing ripped..extracts to 5 gigs.
Only thing is that the video graphics are a little low...but WHO CARES!!!Best Rip ever
THe extracted file is smaller than TPTB's torrent!
Guys lets support globe

wiltuz (2010-11-20)

The intro video is way better in the actual game.You gotta believe globe guys.TPTB is bullshitting about him, because until globe came they were like the only good game rippers.Now they are whining like a little girl 'cause Globe is getting popular
Thanx Mate,
With love,

ElMike1 (2010-11-20)

TPTB isn't whining They Were The Best, They Are And Will Be!!, Globeplus Is Just A Piece Of Shit!!!!

 ua3 (2010-11-20)

TPTB is good , but Globe is also doing a good job.
Whereas about who's the best - Leave it to the users.
The only problem with Globe is that , his torrents have low seeder (don't know why , even if his rips are good).
Great job . Thanks for the rip.

zukke (2010-11-20)

Awesome... been playing just a little and it works like a charm ;) Thanks globeplus this really makes my weekend! (and some more!)

tejagamer (2010-11-20)

Speed is way too low
I cant get even 30Kbps
In India
Please seed guys

ankit46 (2010-11-20)

plzzzzz give me english language

mgcg88 (2010-11-20)

Thank you so much globe!
You are the best ripper ever!!
don't mind about these guys like shroo and the tptb staff(tptb is good too but you are better because your rips are smaller on size)
anyway thanks globe i download all your rips and burn into dvds to play anytime i bye and keep this good job man! you rule!

vaibhav03 (2010-11-20)

at last downloads completed now will seed for a long time...
thx globe u r gr888888888...

devrindare (2010-11-20)

I support GLOBE

devrindare (2010-11-20)

how can I reach your blog GLOBE
tell me

rugal2401 (2010-11-20)

seed please

 globeplus (2010-11-20)

To devrindare : my blog is at this small address :
(copy or write in succession the link to the address bar)

vaibhav03 (2010-11-20)

to all users who want to reach globe blog:

and register thats it u r done...

janwr (2010-11-20)

again awesome work dude....
this game works perfectly as usual as globe's other rips........
keep up...don't pay little attention to any of the comments ot this shroo,p2b or tptb whoever it is..

devrindare (2010-11-20)

thanks globe and vaibhav03
hey globe what are you doing next

Ex0duS_5150 (2010-11-21)

game is crashing for me at the start, picking your car and changing color, game crashes.. cant get past it.. should i try and reinstall?
[email protected], 4gigs 2000Mhz memory, GTX275 1.7gig video card, Win7 64bit..
Any help would be highly appreciated thanks..

Nis786 (2010-11-21)

after extraction and globe conversion,game folder size is 4.63gb....and when i click NFS11.exe it just says application can't run. plz help me out

mhcvel (2010-11-21)

Excelent FullRIP!! like always, works pretty nice... but, some problem with save's... can't auto save ?
anyways, I'm seeding (600 kbps)...

Guuru5 (2010-11-21)

@lynch 23
Lazy dude;) Why don`t you just download the wii isos ( the scrubbed ones ) and put it in the emulator yourself. It`s about the same size, and maybe you learn something on the way.
Google for a appropriate dolphin revision and settings if you run into problems. Sometimes an old build is better than a new one. And last but not least you will get a faster download than with Globe.
( The slowest place to be. )

vaibhav03 (2010-11-21)

@ who are not able to run the game...
i have extracted the game to 4.6 gb and it runs like a charm for me....
make sure have have installed nvidia physics ,
latest drivers and direct x installed...
u can download all the stuff from

us4always (2010-11-21)

Thanks for the game globeplus, works great. I have 2 question though, How do I remove the game? And can I set the game up in C:/mygames instead of the desktop? Keep up the great work. Thanks again

devrindare (2010-11-21)

yes u can us4always
after extratraction move the folder in the drive where you want to install the game then run the globeconverter.exe

Ex0duS_5150 (2010-11-21)

aww what a bummer, i can get pretty much any game to work, ive never had problems in the past i guess this is just a bug for me... gonna try RELOADEDs release..

Sinister181 (2010-11-21)

Crashes to desktop upon level load. -_-

patelz (2010-11-21)

just downloaded the game and installed. the game works fine, except that i am getting very low FPS (just 5-7) even in minimum resolution and it is almost unplayable.
my system meets the minimum system requirement Pls help

cf87 (2010-11-21)

Thanks globe for such a fine working highly compressed game.
keep it up

hosawin (2010-11-21)

i downloaded the game but there is the ptoblem
when i start the game it just keep loading and nothing happen. just the loading sign appear at the screen and nothing happen
size of game after installation 4.6 gb

dhruv990s (2010-11-21)

Please seed. Getting 10 kbps speed on a 1mbps connection!

FlowNL94 (2010-11-21)

Game crashes to desktop when I'm trying to chose a car or car color...
Any help?

cf87 (2010-11-21)

@globe game request : Batman Arkham Asylum plz :)

vaibhav03 (2010-11-21)

the game is working without any problem dudes so check properly it gave a dond send error for me once i was racing but after den no error and game is running with full resolutions...
try running in windows xp....
and tell me who is not able to run the game i will help u out...
game is good but no storyline just race like mad people on the road.....

916 (2010-11-21)

Fast download though it took me 1 DAY!!

patelz (2010-11-22)

are you using a quad core processor?

Ex0duS_5150 (2010-11-22)

ok, i went and switched the affinity to 2 cores on my quad core CPU and now the game plays fine..
ANYONE crashing upon picking your car or sooner on a quad core CPU, you need to alt tab out of the game and set the exe to 2 cores under the affinity setting..
Downloaded this twice before learning this damit.. b>

ztech123 (2010-11-22)

First of all, globeplus - Thanks for the game.
the download size is 1.88 GB
After you unARC, it's 7.7GB
After you globe convert, it's 4.6GB
The reason why globeplus' game size is so small is because - audio and cutscene videos have been converted into lower resolution/quality so that file sizes are small. Something has also been done to the graphics as the demo on my PS3 had much better graphics.
If you want the full quality, please download the 7GB torrent. If you are on slow networks on have a crap PC and dont care about the tree textures, please download this by all means.

accountsmaster (2010-11-22)

can someone please help me, i read all commments in search of finding my answer but no luck.
i have windows 7 64bit, after following the instructions carefully i did exact thinngs in the instructions. i got the error for d3dx9_dll and solve it by installlin direct x 9. then another system error came up "XINPUT1_3.dll is missing from my computer" thank u in advance guys, i really appreciate it

accountsmaster (2010-11-22)

ignore my last comment i figured it out, i juss had to copy the dll file into the game folder instead of windows/system32. i juss need to kno how to save my career ? does it automatically save when i escaped?

-R3ap3R- (2010-11-22)

Well I have to say!
Globeplus, your rips are pretty good, ive never had any trouble unzipping them and getting the games to run.... but your video conversion is almost 50% reduced in certain games which does kind of effect the game quailty overall but thats just me being picky... you do save me alot of time downloading though... but any torrent thats a rip has been super slow.
Now TPTB (the power that be) you guys have shown no respect for your fellow uploaders, youve managed to bring your name into the ground!!! why??? Because i love your rips, theres never anything missing accept language files or multiplayer extras that are not needed, your video converstion are untouched which is awsome but it does mean a bigger file to download but it doesnt bother me as im on a fast internet service .... but guys your losing respect and this means no seeders so i guess youve fucked yourself real good...
All im going to say is ive been trying to download both torrents and neither of them have finshed... its been 4 days now and im 35% the sadness

-R3ap3R- (2010-11-22)

Well I have to say!
Globeplus, your rips are pretty good, ive never had any trouble unzipping them and getting the games to run.... but your video conversion is almost 50% reduced in certain games which does kind of effect the game quailty overall but thats just me being picky... you do save me alot of time downloading though... but any torrent thats a rip has been super slow.

tejagamer (2010-11-22)

Seeding at 70kbps
Downloading at 40kbps
Please seed well guys
I have done 900MB. Half way..

tejagamer (2010-11-22)

Download complete
Tom will update you about how it is
Seeded upto ratio of 2
I hope it is as good as your previous uploads ;)

ElMike1 (2010-11-22)

Game Just Keeps On Loading Forever At The Starting Screen!

jr_escalona08 (2010-11-23)

crash when i start a mission :(( globe please help.....

hosawin (2010-11-23)

sama problem as ElMike1. game just keep loading forever. any solution

thanna (2010-11-23)

all of globe's torrents have worked perfectly.
waiting for TWO WORLDS 2,hopefully with nothing removed from the rip.

ElMike1 (2010-11-23)

Give Us A Solution Guys!

ElMike1 (2010-11-23)

Got It To Work Once Again Run The Globe Converter And It Will Work

ravibose49 (2010-11-23)

please rip harry pottor in small size

ravibose49 (2010-11-23)

please rip harry pottor 7 part 1

Dzigit (2010-11-23)

Hey Globe i have a problem with exrtacting the game when i extract i have 47%,6 maybe 8 the time show 52 min and finish free arc show me error i make the same move many times and is the same problem and i dont know way please help :)

Dzigit (2010-11-23)

why* sry for my english:)

pberry (2010-11-23)

The game is 7gb and this one is 1gb?
are you sure it the 3rd hot pur?

vj-ulez (2010-11-23)

Great work Globeplus!! Rightfully said you are the man.. made my day!

Dzigit (2010-11-23)

btw thx it works :)

tejagamer (2010-11-23)

Works 100% guys
Just go for it
Movies quality is just OK but for those with low bandwidth i recommend it alot
Just 1.9GB for whole game is just Excellent

satyalord (2010-11-23)

help please
skipped autolog..
the message displayed is as
""unable to connect to autolog servers
loading defaults
lokking for local ....""
game keeps on loading forever... :(

mfa12 (2010-11-24)

Your Rip works perfect.
But i can't install the FR language, ive added the FR folden and the dll to the folder directory, then run the reg file.
And after start the game, and they r always in english.
What can i do ?
From AL [DZ] sorry for bad english.

gamingzombie (2010-11-25)

hay Globeplus thanks for the game it works gr8 i have a problem the in the game the car gets stuck in some tracks but the time continues and the other racers go on but the track ends for me...i tried restarting the game crashes...any help please thanks keep it up peace

hemingway60 (2010-11-26)

globeplus, if you see this comment, can you PLEASE reply to it. Will you upload harry potter and the deathly hallows part 1 game?

blwntsngh (2010-11-26)

hey globe. i got everything done per your instructions. but i try to load the first race and it just freezes and i can't play at all. you got any suggestions

smithsunknown (2010-11-27)

for anybody where it crashes, criterion released a patch for the game where computers with Quad core processors had problems.
hope this helps.

jjhhff (2010-11-27)

@globe i love ur torrents small and easy to run.I run a slow connection the size is boon. Carry on the good work. This game is crashing on win7 64 bit after it starts. I cannot start career mode crashes help me.

xSiLv3Rx (2010-11-28)

best rip ever! awesome game and only 1.8gb

zijincheng (2010-11-28)

hey globe why is it laggy? even on 800x600 I can run other games on 1280x720 no prob

Huros (2010-11-28)

Greetings guys.
I have a problem. Magnificent work with rip no doubt about it. But did it happen to anyone of You that when You launched the game it keept loading and loading and loading but nothing happend ?
Everything what is possible is up to date by my system. So I really cannot come up with what would be wrong.
Thanks for answer , byes

Vinoth03 (2010-11-28)

tis game need so many days to download..pls seed my frnds lets start seedin n help our gaming frnds

Vinoth03 (2010-11-28)

frnds lets start seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedin n help our dudes..lets rockz

xpressrock (2010-11-29)

globe u r the best.nice upload with small size and nothing ripped.i always with u .great hard work, keep it up dude.

xpressrock (2010-11-29)

downloaded and installed .great torrent hates off to globe .u r great .
os:win xp sp2 32bit
gui:nvidia geforce 210 gt
processor:intel core2 duo 2.93ghz
ram:2gb ddr2
i max out this game and running very smoothly .great work globe .i always with u.

Pothead808 (2010-11-29)

Has anyone been able to get the patch to work? i have a quad core and the performance is really lousy, but ppl have said the patch helps alot, after i install the patch it says activation.x86.dll is missing? anyone have a solution?

daucuskarota (2010-11-30)

Thanks for the work and the ripping, globe, and to all out there for seeding: The game works perfect.
Just a question, is this the limited edition of the game with extras cars available? And in case is not, is there any chance, with unlocker/programs/update to work on them and get them sourced by globe or others?

nithish07 (2010-11-30)

i can' run the game.
plz help
it took me 20 mins to complete the xtraction
after that wen i started the game,it says, no installed copy of the we need to use crack ?
plz help dudess.i really wanna play this game

vj-ulez (2010-11-30)

@nithish07 - you have completed the extraction. then you need to move the whole extracted folder to desktop and then in the folder run globeconverter.exe, it will take 20 mins more n then the game folder size will be 4.6 GB n then run the game exe. thanks.

tejagamer (2010-11-30)

Works 100%
No issues
the videos quality is ok
Thanks for the Up globe

cseabhi (2010-11-30)

plz help
it is showing only loading n loding and it get struck whenver m escaping the registration part..
plz help..what should i do?

shan1992 (2010-12-01)

u finished the extractin part
now juz go to da extracted folder n click on globe converter
it takes 20-25 mins after completion start playin
no need to copy it to dektop.............
it works fyn for me...........
thnx globe hats off ta ya
dwnloaded in 16 hrs 39 mins wid bandwith of 512 kbps

ac1d69 (2010-12-01)

You do realise how pathetic you sound right? your argument is that he wrights wrong info like full game when he ripped languages and other NIT PICKING! And not on the actual quality / playability of the rip.
(Makes you look like a wanker, troll and a retard).
I was always a fan of TPTB but you an shroo coming to Globe@'s torrents all the time and saying the SAME bullshit in every torrent is making me (and many others I'm sure) stop downloading and seeding your rips. He don't go to your torrents an trolling them.
With that said. A lot of globe@'s rips were crap an a lot didn't work for me an you can fuck right off if I'm gonna download 10+ fixes to a rip (some of Globe@'s rips are like this -LAME-)
Main reason I stuck with TPTB but all your BS lately made me give Globe@ another chance. Downloaded MOH and worked fine, now ima try this.
+ his rips are always smaller than TPTB and when he gets a bit better TBTB will be no more imo. + he pumps out WAY more rips (of games we actually want to play lol than TPTB)
/;tldr wall of text lol.

ac1d69 (2010-12-01)

PS thanks for the upload globe, if It works till I finish it. Will seed also.

Yothan (2010-12-02)

it says d3dx9_42.dll is missing from your computer, please help :s

willfahmy (2010-12-02)

I am having the same problem as Yothan,
i did the first and second steps but when i try to open NFS11.exe it says d3dx9_42.dll is missing from your computer. please someone help i really want to play this game

tobikmade (2010-12-02)

you are the best,.thanks dude

Galactic_epic (2010-12-02)

Okay...Pal...i dont know....why some ppl are praising u and some ppl are yelling....and i really dont want to know too...
First of all...this is the first torrent i downloaded from this uploader... The extraction and the rip are awesome ^^ .......ultimately hard and good work
now.....i have done wotever u wrote in the INSTRUCTION.TXT
I start the game....
then there is some kind of "log in" thing
i pressed "esc"
and there it goes.....all black and black....i checked my processor usage it was 45% on NFS11.exe I thought it must be loading or something......i then went out by leaving my PC on....with NFS running....when i came back...after 3 was still black O.O
and i m not the only one...having this problem...we need ur help...Globeplus.....hope u will reply.
Thank You...have a nice day :)
and this is my configuration :-
win7 32
4 GB DDR3 ram
9800 GTS Nvidia {512 MB}
Core 2 Extreme 3.00 GHz
all the drivers are up to date...... Other games run extra smooth :P

Galactic_epic (2010-12-02) have deleted the extraction folder...and re-extracted i start the doesn't even go to that "Log in" just keep on loading and loading...i used Rips by skullputra and someone...named "dopeman" was ages ago....but one thing i marked in their RIPs....was when ever u extract them they have a .reg file with it...and with skullputra after the extraction...u can find the game registry at regedit....well...i didn't found any reg of NFS after my first extraction...neither at the second extraction....well i m not some....RIP pro...or something..but i m just saying.....
okay.......i will keep googling and see wot i can find...

Mister_Toine (2010-12-03)

Game crashes when I select the first race.
Any hand on that?

willfahmy (2010-12-05)

@Yothan yo i figured it out go to and you can fix all you dll problems.

ebinsabu (2010-12-05)

can anybody tell me wht all things ripped out frm this???any change in video clarity?

mad20320433 (2010-12-05)

i had the problem
when i run NFS11, it says.....
"The program can't start because XINPUT1_3.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this program."
When i run launcher, it says...
"could not find a copy of Need for speed:Hot pursuit installed. You may need
to reinstall your copy of Need for speed:Hot pursuit."
Wat should i do now.....pls reply

crazyman1 (2010-12-05)

i had the exact same prob as Andarthiel... a big hole in the road and i am falling...just as i had with globe GTA 4 rip...but i extracted using peazip instead of freearc and reinstalled and i did both in SAFE MODE :)) now its working probs so far....and this is teh first globe rip that worked for me after trying 3 of his, but the file size keeps tempting me...thanx globe

SamAsh07 (2010-12-06)

Thanks for sharing about Pea Zip extraction crazyman1, I extracted and converted NFS with freeARC and got a 4gb folder, with Pea Zip it's 7.16gb, and game works perfect, didn't have any textures while racing, updating graphics card fixed that error.
People who are having black hole/black screen/freeze/crash etc errors, download PeaZip and extract the ARC file then run globe converter as admin (this admin step is only for Vista/7 users)

akmal99 (2010-12-07)

when i run nfs11.exe ,it can run but the loading have no finish..Please help me.....

SITttt (2010-12-07)

Come on people seed! I don't know if its just my shitty computer but im barely scraping 15 kb/s -.-
this is my first time downloading from globeplus and i hope its good. from others are saying you sound good globe!

me4u2010 (2010-12-07)

plz tell me which softwere extract ".ARC" file n how?? i cant extract me!!!

hossamua (2010-12-07)

what is the password of the rar file i cant download it plzzzzzzzzzzzzz help?

ragemaniscool (2010-12-08)

PEAZIP is needed to extract!! works perfect. globe rocks!!

jadink2002 (2010-12-09)

the game crashes when i am about the start career mode. help pls!!

me4u2010 (2010-12-09)

heyz thanx for softwere now plz tell me the password of the zip file plzzzzz i needed it...plz help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

me4u2010 (2010-12-09)

i had the problem
when i run NFS11, it says.....
"The program can't start because XINPUT1_3.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this program."
When i run launcher, it says...
"could not find a copy of Need for speed:Hot pursuit installed. You may need
to reinstall your copy of Need for speed:Hot pursuit."
Wat should i do now.....pls reply

vikrantthemanofathens (2010-12-11)

Hey man.
i am from dehradun(india)
if anyone having any problems about the torrent just email me at [email protected] or leave a comment.
This is an aesowme gAme and if you want any more need for speed torrents emali me.
i have all the games in the series
cause my father who is a bussiness man , he has many electronic showrooms
have fun enjoy

JoeKKer (2010-12-14)

Bad Luck Globe !!!! :-(
Ur Forum Got Banned Just As Mine Previous Forum ....
Dont Create A Forum On Forumotion ...It'll Get Banned After Some Time
Ask Ur Member "Jack Ridic" Abt new Site He's Developing

Brunolive (2010-12-14)

Thanks Tanhks Globe
I An Brazilian and game Works Perfect !!!!!
tankyou :D

extil3 (2010-12-15)

The game works and all, but it seems to be like 14 GB's is that wrong? If so, which files can I delete cause I'm dangerously low on space now. I expected the 1.8 to turn into 10 max, not 14. Anyhow if some one could help me out I'd appreciate it cause I get scared when I'm low on space. 55GB partition, 3.65GB left, its windows 7 32bit, ntfs, ssd 128GB

Arjunnn (2010-12-15)

Yothan install the latest version of directx 9, that will silve ur problem

da_01 (2010-12-15)

hey great torrent but i do have a problem.. the loading never ends..

hbkninad (2010-12-16)

m not able to extract any of my .arc archives free arc software extract till 48% then says read permission:not allowed (compression error )
wat do i do please some one help globe please helpp :(

salman1 (2010-12-17)

Can anyone tell me that how much the nfs hot pursuit 2010 extracted folder takes memory??

salman1 (2010-12-17)

How much memory
does nfs hot pursuit 2010
extracted folder takes??

salman1 (2010-12-17)

How much time does the
arc file take time to

renny2011 (2010-12-20)

thx globe Works Perfect !!!!!8)

Ludskiiz (2010-12-21)

I have that file XINPUT1_3.dll if you want to dl.

Ludskiiz (2010-12-21)

I see your problem go to for the fix

gamer2001 (2010-12-22)

hey guys can someon e help me, i have downloaded the files and i have the .arc file now what program do i use to extract it and once i have exxtrcted it what do i do with it?? some one plz help

ste003 (2010-12-22)

i cant extract with free arc please help

mart2181 (2010-12-24)

Ive got a never ending loading screen, how can i fix this? lol

crazyman1 (2010-12-24)

pls check previous comments guys
"extracted using peazip instead of freearc and reinstalled and i did both in SAFE MODE :))"

toenail77 (2010-12-24)

freearc and peazip returned same file size, no issue with install on 7x64 only using

toenail77 (2010-12-24)

thanks GlobePlus for a great working small download

Dsuza (2010-12-25)

Well I downloaded this torrent and it's working also but I have a 2 big problem that
1)After selecting car It is getting slow screen is passing like frame by frame
2)When race starts complete track is in dark nothing is visible other then my car it is like driving car at night without head light or even moon light
Globe i deeply appreciate ur work. I have download other direct play they are working but only this is not doing well
Pls help me I m dieing to play it.
Pls post any patch that will work for me
Lenovo r61 thinkpad
Processor Intel core 2 duo T1700 1.8 ghz
ram 3gb 667
mobile Intel(R) 965 express chipset
Pls reply soon I m waiting

Dsuza (2010-12-25)


Markozix7 (2010-12-26)

when i run nfs11.exe ,it can run but the loading have no finish..Please help me.....

Markozix7 (2010-12-26)

Ive got a never ending loading screen, how can i fix this?

crazyman1 (2010-12-28)

reinstall with all background services and programs closed...or even in safe mode

hydkaran (2010-12-29)

Does it install or extract data on the hard disk... if so give the instructions to remove or uninstall...

crazyman1 (2010-12-29)

shift del

adzcqe (2010-12-29)

Please What is the password to unzip this game, Thanks

adzcqe (2010-12-29)

Can someone please help me with the password?
I the survey is not working in my country

junbun (2011-01-02)

I can Simply say AWESOME release works like a charm awesome compression man. nobody like you. keep releasing . we will keep seeding.

el-darreiny (2011-01-02)

ionstalled and works fine, but the road and worldly textures arent there, i cant see the road nor the trees or sun, i just see shadows of everything and the cars :(
am downloading the patch ryt now, from hope it fixes this prob
thou nice upload

ZeroFoxtrot (2011-01-02)

It extracts with FreeArc at 9kb/sec O_O

junbun (2011-01-02)

thanx a lot globeplus. downloaded the game installed and the game is working fine.
gr8 gr8 gr8 release.
keep posting more and keep seeding.

Akarsh478 (2011-01-03)

Hi, guys..
I've extracted the arc file using FreeArc. Then i ran 'Globe Converter.exe'. I've followed all d steps given in the 'Instructions' file. But when i try to run the nfs11.exe file, I'm getting the following error.
"The program cannot start because d3dx9_42.dll is missing from your computer. Tey reinstalling the program to fix this problem."
I've Windows 7. Please guide me on this where i'm going wrong. I've tried this in safe mode also. But in vain. Please help me guys.

vikrantthemanofathens (2011-01-04)

Well Globe Help me or anyone please help me
My down speed so slow 2-9kb
please help me
took me over 2 weeks to download and now when i install it all works fine but when it loads the autolog in offline mod it never ends.
the song plays bot it keeps loading for ever
please help
you know how it feals if you download a game and it dosent work

vikrantthemanofathens (2011-01-05)

Well Please Help me.
First I Do Everything as written in the info
After doing everything I get a folder of 4.63 GB
I Install Direct X 10
Run NFS11.EXE and it runs.
I want to play it offline so I exit registration then IT loads thej autolog in offline mode
and I don't know what happens the music plays
but the rund thing that at the corner dosent goes roun it just moves a little bit
and it loads for ever
i have left it for 12 hrs but it still even load
please help
By computer specs are
Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU E2220 @2.40GHz
RAM : 2 GB
Graphic card : Nvidia Geforce 7100\Nforce 630i
Please Help

vikrantthemanofathens (2011-01-05)

Please someone help me dude !
I really want to play the game.
eMail :[email protected] |

209zG8stevr (2011-01-06)

@ vikrantthemanofathens
have u updated everything like ur sound card and vid card are u sure ur vid card is compatible and try deleting/uninstalling everything and doing it over EXACTLY as it says becuz i have this game and others from Globe and its just simplistic so try my advice and if that dont work go buy the game becuz something is not meshing within ur system......
@Globe thnx for upl mayne fukn sweet game love it ur a God

yashaka71107 (2011-01-07)

after finish download, file i move to external hard drive and extract file with Peazip ( u can google it )
it take about 30 minute to extract after extract same location i found in my new folder from extract and i just follow instruction run Globe Converter.exe (Run as administrator) and patient i wait...wait..wait..and wait, its took about another 36 minutes to covert, when to the end its said hit any key to continue and done, all total time over 1 hrs to running the game, its worth a download, i played for awhile now without any problem, thank you so much, for people having a problem just follow what instruction said and voila u can enjoy the game, for those who got problem with directx just google it and install all the update. thanks again globeplus for the best rip to only 1.8 gig. compare to other is 7 point something gig. :)

RareRazz (2011-01-07)

To : Dsuza
Its probably your graphic card, which causes this.
Beacuse its you dont have any dedicated graphic-memory. Its usually like this when the gfx-card is intergraded to the motherboard.
To : Akarsh478
When you are missing a DLL file, you can simply download the one you missing!
In your case : d3dx9_42.dll.
Download from, and extract it to either C:\Windows\System32 or The game folder you are gonna play from.

vikrantthemanofathens (2011-01-07)

Hail 209zG8stevr you mean i have to update all my hardware drivers like sound driver graphic drivers etc.
well thanks for the sugesstion.
I will try.

hoatimdo (2011-01-09)

I start the game then there is some kind of "log in" thing
I pressed "esc"
and there it goes.....all black and black.... i wait for 1 hour but it still black. i tried several times but it was the same.....
can anyone help me? :((

Xandi4652 (2011-01-11)

Globe plz help me, My game has complete descompressed and i run globe Coverter.exe and wait the descompression , but when i run the nfs11.exe the game fail to enter and says "nfs11.exe found an error" Help me plz dude i really want to play this great game But my internet conection is really slow i download the game in 15/kb's Thanks :D

arbri135 (2011-01-13)

Guys ... I really need your Help
My Game runs good until i press to start a race.......after that it says "Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Has Stopped Working"WTF.....It worked awesome in the last 2 days but now it shows this error,,,,,,What is wrong with it....????

karan6789 (2011-01-14)

hey this is a unsual problem that faced if anyone is aware of it pls help
i installed the game as instructed
after running the globe converter when i start the game
the game minimizes each time i hit the esc key
so i stopped hitting esc
but furthur when there is option of online account
hitting esc key is mandatory which again minimizes the game
so till now i am unable to start the game
pls help

sausageishere (2011-01-17)

nice torrent but can someone seed plz

 ua3 (2011-01-20)

380 seeder's how much do you need??

_Wouter_ (2011-01-21)

I did everything you said , but when I opened NFS11.exe he opened, but he stays loading all the time...
Can somebody help me?

 ua3 (2011-01-22)

Did your system spec match game requirement?? and which os do you use ??

arbri135 (2011-01-25)

Guys any suggestions about my problem??

Loekkiee (2011-01-27)

Can somebody send me a link to easy download an .ARC-extractor? I have to extract a .ARC file and i need an extractor
Please send e-mail to: [email protected]

 ua3 (2011-01-27)

Google for a program name "FREEARC" it's free.

wthwtf (2011-01-28)

does this work on windows 7 32 bit??? thanks

KrazyTurk (2011-01-28)

im downloading this right now but the file dont seem its ISO or exe. can someone explain in how to install it please

muggy_man (2011-01-29)

i need some serious help
evry time i open the file the screen goes black then it just says the program has stopped working!!
anyone know how to fix this??

khunt_999 (2011-01-29)

Downloading right now!!
Thanks Globe, you totally rock!! \m/

taraletzz22 (2011-01-31)

hey can someone help me? i downloaded the games and it works fine . but when i start playing it . i dont hear any engine sound coming from my car . .i only hear BG sound and other sutff . wat should i do?is der something missing in dis game?like sound file??or should i updte my sound driver? plzz help coz it bored me . .i wnna hear the awesome sound of engine!

taraletzz22 (2011-01-31)


mazdarati (2011-02-03)

its works and you can download patches for nfs. thats cool but if i run nfs and i go drivin i only see the cars, not the roads

Sw33TAnKx (2011-02-12)

Works beautifully man, Thanx a lot for a fr8 release. respect.

matu644 (2011-02-13)

help me plz it works perfekt until i go to play nfs11 it dosent work:S help plz

Mrlims (2011-02-15)

thank for the torrent !! Nice ...

damo21 (2011-02-19)

Hey Man .....I Went And Got A Account Just To Say Thanx !!! I Have A HP G62-140US Notoebook ...And It Plays 100% Great Thank U ...Easy Instalation

Barefootplowboy (2011-02-25)

Thanks for the effort & the up!

real-man (2011-02-26)

i got this message every time during extracting the file >>>(write :resource exhausted (no space left on device) and stop on 60%

real-man (2011-02-26)

i got this message every time during extracting the file (resource exhausted no space left on device) and stop on 60% any help plz

ra3yalvtc (2011-02-26)

it all worked
I DID EVERYTHING .. but i was MISSING this DLL THING i guess .. and i downloaded a programe to fix that problem tooo but even that is not for FREE.

babypugo16 (2011-03-02)

one of the races is missing textures, i race straight into a field of whiteness, the rest of the map is just missing and the game freezes... :/

wissam1396 (2011-03-04)

down speed of 1 mb!! fast. it's downloading now, hoping it works!!

thefathu (2011-03-05)

I have a little problem, when I extract the arc files. I can not find the globe converter in the folder. can get help for download this program ..?
I can not find globeconverter.exe in that folder .. I've searched on google and everywhere, but to no avail. I hope you want to upload globeconverter.exe ..! anyone, please help me. I really beg ..
Please help ..! Please upload globeconverter.exe .. I'm missing it ..

rishuv1 (2011-03-05)

Can someone please post step by step what to do ASAP .

rishuv1 (2011-03-05)

can someone please post step by step what to do ASAP.

crazyman1 (2011-03-09)

the prob is that it is not extracting completely so what i did is:
1. i extracted using peazip instead of freearc
2. then rebooted and got into safe mode or alternatively u can disable unwanted startups and processes using msconfig and then restart coz the prob is i think some background processes are interfering with the extraction and therefore not extracting completely.
3. then run the globe converter
it worked for me when i did this in safe mode after unsuccessfully installing 2 or 3 times without safe mode..

crazyman1 (2011-03-09)

and also install latest visual c and stuff

sameral (2011-03-25)

Please help someone! everything works perfectly until i start the game, it just keeps on loading. I tried clicking on launcher but it gave me an error of not having a copy of the game! Please help!

EnnioR (2011-04-01)

Great Succes!!!

Yenrock7 (2011-04-02)

thank you very much globeplus! very fast download. if only all people would seed your works! small in size and reliable.

Angelscry (2011-04-05)

I was so amazed to see that this file is 1.88GB and after full extraction, it's over 7GB!
Thank god i didn't download from any other uploader (which has over 7GB to
I Exracted the arc file with Peazip portable-3.6.2.
Game works PERFECT!!! God bless u and THANKS!!!

Aniketwww (2011-04-06)

hey thanks globeplus:) game is working but i have only 1 question-after installation-Need for Speed(TM) Hot Pursuit folder is only 4.63GB? is it true or only me? plz comment thanks again!

Aniketwww (2011-04-06)

thanks man game is working fine but it is only 4.63GB after installation! why ?

Loading.. (2011-04-11)

Wow great torrent. Game works fine on my Windows 7 ultimate 64bit no problem at all. Its just 1.88 gb, amazing and on top of it no installation no crack nothing.
It extracts to 10 gb and after running Globe converter.exe its about 4.6gb which is amazing. I think everyone who make torrents should compress the game using this ARC format. It becomes easy for people to download.
Thanks to 'globeplus' for this awesome torrent. Please can you make torrents for games like Gta4 and Dead space 2 :). Torrents of these games are freaking huge. Gta4 is about 13.5gb and dead space 2 is 15-16gb. Although there's one torrent which is about 10gb. But even that is big.

rohancoolyo (2011-04-12)

globeplus i dont know how to thank you man you are the god of torrents

Pra85 (2011-04-14)

thanks a lot,there is no problem in running this game. I have also found the way to patch this game with the latest patch version1.0.4.0
1-Download the Patch #4 from
2-also download this torrent

3-now for easy installation of the patch,put the game directory to the Program Files folder
4-now after successful installation of the patch ,replace the crack file from the torrent above
5-now u r ready to play but dont let it connect to the internet
(worked for me ,even though i did the version ,at the installation time it showed that it was updating to ver from

fallengun04 (2011-04-30)

I don't know how to thank you globe! You helped me alot when I need PC Games + low size download + high speed download! I owe you alot men!
Your torrents rock!

fallengun04 (2011-05-01)

This is working guys! Follow the Instructions and wait patiently when you're in the globeconverter.exe part. (took me 17mins and 50secs)

livegnome (2011-05-04)

hiiii____help here_need help please!!!!!!!!
Stuck at 91.0 percent

livegnome (2011-05-04)

wow just got ahead upto 98.3 %
nice. you are not so much pain in the ass as the others.
you ar really nice
keep it going
well please tell me how to become a vip on tpb

b1788964 (2011-06-05)

awesomeass game n' rip!

loekiethaballer (2011-07-02)

i did everything and all i got was a fucking black

intel CORE i3

pwner591 (2011-07-07)

thank you globe :) nice rip ..
subzero, skullptura hated you guys..and i too .. you stole his many rips ...skullptura was god to me :D

thelacha (2011-07-11)

Try PeaZip to extract, personally use it. It is better & faster then any other extractor for 100% sure.
Thanks globeplus for many great uploads.

BM7733 (2011-07-21)

seed guys seed please.........

BM7733 (2011-07-22)

whats that fucking black screen & it seems like loading but nothing happend.........

krusade38 (2011-07-22)

I had played this game before using ur files only, but recently, it crashes after "press any key" plz lemme noe how to fix this

witcher142 (2011-08-01)

I installed the game like you said but I have a FPS DROP PROBLEM... the Fps sometimes 60 and sometimes 14...
Any suggestions?

george047 (2011-08-03)

what is the extracted size

witcher142 (2011-08-03)

it was 7 gb when i extracted then it decreased to 4 gb when i clicked globe_converter...

witcher142 (2011-08-05)


flakes36 (2011-08-11)

work great nuff respect globe

george047 (2011-08-18)

video clarity is bad....

needy5 (2011-08-19)

@globe: I've downloaded the torrent from other website mentioning same torrent name but it is a rar password protected file. Can you help me with the password plz. Highly appreciated if you provide. Thanks

cobraost (2011-08-21)

Can you go on line???

cobraost (2011-08-27)

Can you have need for speed world(legal) and need for speed hot pursuit(torrent)???

herwagen (2011-09-07)

How install ????

herwagen (2011-09-07)

How install??????

batman38102 (2011-09-16)

Will this game work on my pc I have Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5400 @ 2.70GHz 2.70 ghz
Ram:2.00 gb system type 32 bit

batman38102 (2011-09-16)

Will this game work on my pc I have Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5400 @ 2.70GHz 2.70 ghz
Ram:2.00 gb system type 32 bit serrvice pack 1

batman38102 (2011-09-16)

also i have serivce pack 1, 3 local disks

Schmiatz (2011-09-16)

How can I uninstall this game after I've played it. Can't seem to find it between software in configuration. Or must i just delete the folder?

batman38102 (2011-09-17)


patrickptk2009 (2011-09-20)

for the issue of autolog loading screen, just release the game on the firewall options,this worked for me
I hope it helps!
ATENTION don't forgot to run the globo converter after extract the game,it's located on the directory of the extracted folder!
it solve the forever loading screen.
THX globeplus!
sorry the bad english

WilliamFe (2011-09-21)

work's all windows 7 users run it as adminitrator! tnx globeplus!!!

sp22614 (2011-10-05)

Tnx Downloadding,.. :D

sahil0076 (2011-10-09)

@globeplus m having problm in launchng the game when i click on launcher it says "could not find a copy of need for speed hot pursuit,you may need to reinstall it" n when i click on NFS11 it only shows a black screen...plzz hlp me

xh0lyc0w (2011-10-11)

Does this work? im reading the comments above and some comments are negative and positive. Should I download?...

sanji_26 (2011-10-15)

plzz... seed.

sanji_26 (2011-10-15)

plzzzz seed....

zackwong88 (2011-10-31)

there's a lagg when i play the game....i don't think it's normal for it to lagg right? and what is the cd key?

rivelino86 (2012-01-01)

Can any 1 give me the link of Need for Speed : The Run (Directplay torrent of Globeplus)

rastamees (2012-02-20)

im stuck at extracting from seacrest.rar ???

amederas (2012-02-21)

should the screen be so tiny? I can't get it to play full screens, please help

amederas (2012-02-21)

figured it out!!!! thanks many, works brilliant

rastamees (2012-02-25)

why does it keep loading when i click on settings

stahtufiang (2012-05-19)

that FreeArc it's acrap, is taking way too long to extract few files.

stahtufiang (2012-05-19)

it's sitting for half hour, at 0.0 % come on, it can be a way to change that

stahtufiang (2012-05-19)

looking to get this game working for a while

ADIDUTTA (2012-06-21)

it extracted perfectly but once i click on the .exe application it just loads on and on!! :(
someone please help!!!

ADIDUTTA (2012-06-21)

it extracted perfectly but once i click on the .exe application it just loads on and on!! :(
someone please help!!! and when i try the launcher, a message comes that says " could not find copy of NFS HP 2010" you may have to reinstall it. Please help i really want to play this game. Thanks in advance

arindamneral (2012-06-22)

i did it as said...but on running the game it says some files missing...
wht d heck...!!!!
please help...!!!!!

arindamneral (2012-06-22)

i had the problem
when i run NFS11, it says.....
"The program can't start because XINPUT1_3.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this program."
I Will b gReatful...!!!!!

mohammedx97 (2012-07-17)

sorry ( globeplus ) but do not download this game dosen't work it just loads do not download i swear

.Jack_Bauer. (2012-07-22)

Thank You so much!
Works very good!!!
Congratulations! :D

shailendramaxx (2012-07-22)

@ arindamneral Go to this site-

And download it and read how to install. If some other .dll files are missing you can download them also. Hope this helps. Take care.

iDeve (2012-08-21)

works fine as it is so thanks for the game, but the problem is when you try to patch it to game won't work .

kteja2001 (2012-12-22)

I can't aperciate of ur hard work u can anything as ur wish, and i will be ur appreciative firend my opinion abot u is awesome, clever, suprised and possitive
keep it up for what ever u did
nfs hp 2010 is my 2 best
nfs the run is my 1 best

kteja2001 (2012-12-22)

u are right that guys are just just internevigating u just get of here u dump and stupid guys and who are u to just say his torrents are bad u just suck like anything just go and support tpbt and never come back u guys making globeplus angry he is a man of nation ur are a child of stupid or bad and bad okay!!!! one more negative comment that user has get out of this seeding/best group

kteja2001 (2012-12-22)

before comment saying u its the users i'm happy with my friend globeplus

kteja2001 (2012-12-22)

before comment saying u its the users i'm happy with my friend globeplus
next internavigating

kteja2001 (2012-12-22)

before comment u its the users

kteja2001 (2012-12-22)

guys lets make a team and defeat those guys

ADIDUTTA (2013-02-10)

This game works 100% Playing it and loving it!!!!
Once downloaded, just extract using free arc and wait for about 18 minutes.Then move it to the desktop and run globe converter.exe and wait. For me it took 38 minutes.Then run the .exe file and play your heart out. Thanks alot globeplus!!!!
A dam cool gam for only 1.88 GB!!! That's kickass!!!

FlyinCoco (2013-06-17)

Game works great, download size is small and definitely worth it for those having volume cap. Extract the file for about 25 mins on Core2Duo 2.9Ghz, so it must be way faster on i3,5,7 processor.

bobby_33 (2013-07-03)

nice rip works 100%
the game itself is mind blowing


1. PC » NEED FOR SPEED HOT PURSUIT 2010 Full Game directplay by globe@/Need for Speed(TM) Hot Pursuit 2010.arc 1923.25 Mb
2. PC » NEED FOR SPEED HOT PURSUIT 2010 Full Game directplay by globe@/Need_For_Speed_Hot_Pursuit.jpg 37.61 Kb
3. PC » NEED FOR SPEED HOT PURSUIT 2010 Full Game directplay by globe@/$cfi-2365160467.ico 9.44 Kb
4. PC » NEED FOR SPEED HOT PURSUIT 2010 Full Game directplay by globe@/globe @.ico 7.19 Kb
5. PC » NEED FOR SPEED HOT PURSUIT 2010 Full Game directplay by globe@/Instructions.txt 1.02 Kb