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Diablo 2 + Diablo 2: Lord Of Destruction




Games PC


Diablo 2 + Diablo 2: Lord Of Destruction




2008-10-14 (by Dragons90 )




Files count:



2307.46 Mb




oggiuddh (2008-11-26)

Är det här virus??? Snälla svara ärligt....

bliss86 (2008-12-05)

i am stuck on 99.9%!!!fuck!!!!

tjuty (2008-12-07)

Does it work ?
Without CD ?
CD key included ?

djwhathisface (2008-12-08)

hi - How do I install this game? It keeps asking to have the install cd in the drive??

djwhathisface (2008-12-08)

tjuty - yes there is a key gen included

djwhathisface (2008-12-08)

oh you have to mount it with daemon. got it

Stetzz (2008-12-09)

Can we play on with this any of the keys that the gen makes?

Diphen (2008-12-10)

I'm having the same problem as Trombean

Tomppa6666 (2008-12-13)

Im have a Problem I installed it but i cant Play It Says no CD in the Drive Help. Ps.Im seeding

mrbooby (2008-12-13)

The game doesn't run. It keep asking for the Play Disc. I tried mounting it with UltraISO and it still doesn't work. Install works though.

Tomppa6666 (2008-12-13)

i have The same Problem as "mrbooby" but it also asks for (kernel32.dll)

copy_guy (2008-12-25)

cant run it either just asks for cd

sk8ter12244 (2008-12-26)

works great. all you have to do is get daemon tools. Then mount the install disk image. go to computer and doubke click the image ( mine is on the f drive). Then it asks for the key. Generate the key with the generator. When you install it, it asks for the play disk. Don't do anything with the installation process. unmount the disk image from daemon tools and mount the play disk. then when that part is done the same thing will happen with the cinematic then back to the install. Then your done. You do the same thing with the Lord of Destruction. Hope that helps!! :)

sk8ter12244 (2008-12-26)

also when your done and ready to play the games, be sure you have mounted the main game image. Then you are ready :)

maakun (2008-12-28)

Well, installing the game workst perfectly, but like many of the others experienced it keeps asking for the play CD while I have it mounted...

trolllrouge (2008-12-28)

Hey I had the whole insert CD problem also. What I did was install the 1.12a patch which makes it so you don't need the CD if you did a full installation.

A9k (2008-12-29)

Awesome upload Dragons90, works perfectly if you use DaemonTools correctly. One question for all you DLers out there, what's a good alternative Battlenet to play on? I know there's servers out there.

xXKageXx (2008-12-30)

Boy this pisses me off..
my Daemon tools wont mount the image file it says it is unable to. at first i thought it was cause it was being used my BitTorrent so i closed the program and it still dont work.
so i am currently extracting the files from the install cd using ISO buster

xXKageXx (2008-12-30)

i give up.. my daemon tools wont work it wont mount the images so i cant do anything.

Jazz_at_Dawn (2008-12-31)

Installed like a snap per Sk8ter's instructions, but game won't run for me..and I've tried mounting the play disc, the install disc, both of them together, it still says "Please verify that your Diablo II Play Disc is in your CD-Rom Drive, then click on retry"
Thanks for the upload, but maybe A9k and some others who got this to work can explain how. It's a great game that I'll gladly seed if someone can point out what some of us are missing. I'm running Win Xp Pro svc pk 3....thank you

Jazz_at_Dawn (2008-12-31)

Ok, for those who can't get it to run, download the no cd crack 1.12a
Found it as a torrent, downloaded quick and works perfectly, but as it came directly from Blizzard, you can prob get it from their site
Wow, I can't remember how many hours of college I wasted between this and Red Alert XD

l337sponge (2009-01-01)

I downloaded it all and didnt get a single .iso file... all .rar archives that are just the cd files that would be on the disc when extracted. Daemon tools refuses to accept anything. Guess I will download again and see what happens

thekarny (2009-01-02)

Ok for ppl having the "insert play dics" problem... prior to this u mounted the install or whatever... when it asks for the play disc... just mount the play disc to daem tools... and it will automatically run.
took me a minute to figure it out

sentient1 (2009-01-02)

mad noobs on these comments.. shiiyyt

troll86 (2009-01-03)

I just heard about this place called Erwin's Realm:
Play online, no key required, up 24/7!! Spread the word.

Jazz_at_Dawn (2009-01-03)

thekarny: Go over your statement and think about how much sense it actually doesn't make .
Sentient: Fuck you, cockface, I'm not a noob. The installation for this game does not work like a cracked game is supposed to work. Normally, it's mount the disc, install..apply key if asked(with this you have to switch between discs, which is fine) After the install, usually the .exe File from the Hard Drive is replaced with a Cracked file from the download.......keep the Play disc mounted and it the game should start fine.....that's how every other good, cracked game works.........not with this.....asshole.

Jazz_at_Dawn (2009-01-03)

Back to my friend thekarny for a sec, when the play disc is mounted after the install, it automatically runs, but you still need to select 'Play Game'....that's when it asks for the CD....again...if you get the nocd patch it's fine, but if there were no such animal, this torrent would be fucking worthless.

thekarny (2009-01-03)

how do i use character editor properly? just says invalid stats or somthing... no matter what i try.

Jazz_at_Dawn (2009-01-03)

I'm quite upset because my favorite Diablo II Editor, Jamella Editor, doesn't work with this, cuz it's version 1.12 and the editor hasn't been was AWESOME though...I tried one a couple days ago that came close but I think I deleted it....if I find again, I'll post.

thekarny (2009-01-03)

ok ill check in

thekarny (2009-01-03)

Found a loophole.

and then open it with Hero Editor v1.03... thats how i was able to do it.

ryan7690 (2009-01-05)

is there any way to get online with this torrent? or do i have to find a different one?

taurusz8 (2009-01-20)

when I installed lord of destruction there was no problem whit "nocd in the drive" :)

rhmum (2009-01-24)

if i remember correctly the past patch REMOVES the need for a cd at ALL. theres no point in using a nocd patch, just install and update with the cd mounted, then unmount. i did this with legit cds though, since i actually own a copy

sentient1 (2009-01-25)

You are such a noob if you cant install this retard.
Then thekarny tells exactly how its done, and you cut him down. Your a waste of skin you fagot noob inbred. If this is too complex for you go buy the game cock sucker.
Thanks for the working upload!!
and fuck you cock_at_dawn you simpleton Idiot

Gutey (2009-01-26)

seed pl0x

gastert (2009-01-28)

Thanks for upload, it's working great.

Jasnator (2009-02-01)

can you play online?

Jasnator (2009-02-01)

Downloaded and installed... now I have NO CD problem. I'm completely stuck, I tried daemon tools, with/without YASU, burned myself a physical copy of the play disc, and still doesn't work.

jlee0916 (2009-02-04)

by the way those having trouble with the "please insert Play CD" error. You have to go to blizzard website and download the latest patch 1.12a. Run the patch, and it should work. at least that's how i did it.

laitblade (2009-02-06)

it didnt ask em for a diferent disk while instaling does that matter?

rapolitas (2009-02-24)

my avast! keeps telling me that its a virus. but as i noticed no one else complained except for one guy who doesnt even speak english. so wtf? should i trust the uploader or not? pls answer :]

rapolitas (2009-02-26)

HELP! i installed the game, and then i installed the expansion straight away. then i played it for a bit. the next day i want to play it again, but i cant! even the icon shortcut is gone. so what do i need to mount to start playing the expansion? when i mount the expansion disc, it says i need to install the original game. so wtf??? pls help the noob xD

Larsito (2009-03-09)

Just to let you know:
Both Keygens included contain a Virus/Trojan.

gddynasty (2009-03-09)

Since you cant play on offcial servers is there any other way to play with a friend online?

Downstyle (2009-03-11)

This thing fucked my computer sideways. It installed, then ended with an error and needed to close. The same happened for the expansion. When i tried to patch, the patch couldn't find Bnclient.dll, which is right in front of me. When i try to play, just get an error message that takes like 6 clicks to get off my screen. Can't uninstall, cuz its not on the add/remove programs list, but it is on my start menu programs list. Try to use the uninstall from that menu, and it says uninstallation failed. What a fucking waste of time.

mabobber (2009-03-14)

Jesus christ you fucking leechers.

onthespot64 (2009-03-15)

My Game crashed when entering ACT 5. Anyone got a fix for it?

peradj95 (2009-03-15)

works perfect and on vista :D

PetterOlva (2009-03-18)

pls, i have a problem.. i can't use the short-cut keys for the spells in the game, any1 knows how to take care of this? i've tried changing to other buttons and stuff but pls i need help

the-elmo (2009-03-19)

when i mount the install.iso with daemon tools nothing happens, am i doing something wrong?

the-elmo (2009-03-19)

sorry.. i forgot to add nothing happens when i run the setup.exe file.

iiikore (2009-03-22)

Make sure to run this through a virus scan. It should be fine, if you know how to protect yourself.
Anyways, I got it to work and playing on a private server. Well, visit my source for news and updates on the upcoming Diablo 3.

Ymegop (2009-03-24)

keylogger found on keygen.

vinymph (2009-03-29)

For those people with the message requesting the play cd during expansion install, here is the fix, direct from blizzard:

Downstyle (2009-03-31)

Anyone know how to patch a torrented version of this game? You can't just connect to because of the Keygen, the version i got comes updaetd to 1.11, only problem is, can't get any maphack to work with anything before 1.11b, which i can't get as every attempt to install the patch says it can't find d2exp.mpq, which is right there in plain sight.

Spudz76 (2009-04-01)

@Larsito. Keygens are not virus or trojans. read the FAQs here at TPB.

Xxm4t30xX (2009-04-06)

I can't play. Because when i put the game on deamon toolz, it put but nothing happens. What I have to do? Please Help! i need the answer.
In spanish:No puedo jugar, porque yo lo pongo el juego en el deamon tools pero no pasa nada. Se carga pero igual luego no pasa nada. No me aparece, play diablo 2. Porfavor respuesta necesito la respuesta rapido, ¿que debo hacer?

GLR457mAn (2009-04-09)

very nice torret game works. no isseue's..
if you got a prob with your virus protections saying that the key gen are a virus then its false triggers due to the fact that thay are key gens.
want too play ladder play on a very nice mod for this game?? go too:
its ladder play & on a closed realom.aka private server. banned & key gened cd key do work on this server. ;-p

xrodak (2009-04-09)

Seeded 32.5gb in 12 hours, will continue to seed to 100gb. Enjoy, friends :)

XMatteusX (2009-04-13)

I mounted the iso files to install it, but when I try to play it, it is telling me the rom is not inserted, but It is mounted, help me?

Rizles (2009-04-14)

Like loads of other people I was getting the disk error..until I installed the 1.12a patch from the Blizzard website...nice of them to remove the CD check for us.
Game runs fine now and I'm running Vista. Thanks for great torrent :D

Apoorva (2009-04-18)

Please anyone help!!! Does the game run fine on Vista and Windows 7 or it needs the XP because I installed it and every thing went quiet well but the game ended saying that the version is not matching... Help me if any one can

silox2 (2009-04-26)

Keygens are picked up as false-positives by security software because the software was designed to, they don't want you using them. In no way shape or form are they malicious.

Shungbat69 (2009-04-28)

It would be better just to buy this game, its probably like $5 for the game + expansion. I bought this game like so many years ago.

drkessence (2009-05-01)

Why the hell is there 4 disks? One for installing, one for playing, one for cinematics, and one for the expansion..... And all of the installers are 0kb...WTF is going on?

mizdachubz (2009-05-02)

I installed the game, it says the keys are banned. I keep generating new ones, it keeps saying its not authorized to go on help?

hockeyhead (2009-05-05)

keygens dont work for online

jimmy_mtx (2009-05-06)

hey today i got this torrent working. what i did was burn (copy) the files from the play disc file and then burn to a cd. then because i had a error that said "please insert the play disc cd" i went and got the patch from it works fine. you still need the copy'eyd cd to play tho. msg me if u have any problems

yaqwsx666 (2009-05-06)

System Requirement link:

Onisutra (2009-05-17)

Does this not work on Vista?

Stinkfluid (2009-05-21)

this fucking shit contains a virus!! i use Norton Security and it notified me right away. DONT DOWNLOAD THIS TORRENT !!!! VIRUS ALL OVER!

nahqr1 (2009-05-27)

There's no virus..
Is there some way to go to I'd like to play it online. If someones knows how, please tell me! ;P

kvttt (2009-05-27)

I'm having a problem, when I hit 99.9% and its saying that it'll be done in a couple sec it lowers it download speed so then it has to take a little bit longer. This loop runs over and over. I used to be at 200kb/s now I'm running at 0.4 kb/s and still on 99.9%. I've been downloading for 9 hours.

Amialis (2009-05-28)

Just though I might help to clear up a few things I saw people were having a problem with. 1. Generated CD-Keys DO NOT WORK! (you have to either go buy the game or buy a cd-key online). 2. Yes this game works on vista BUT you cannot be using vista aero, you need to change your theme/appearance to plain vista. It should change automatically though. 3. If you are getting a "please insert play disc" message then you need to install patch 1.12 from THEN copy the .mpq files from the play disk to your diablo II directory. I'm pretty much a Diablo genius, so if you have ANY problems...let me know and I can help 100%.

romaman892002 (2009-06-01)

I got this: "Error in script file SetupDat\inst.ins, line 14: undefined symbol (desktop)."
I'm using vista. Any idea?

jacknitro (2009-06-04)

nahqr, find a cd key trading site and con some schmuck out of his key.

thefusuperior (2009-06-07)

I got the insert CD problem so i downloaded the 1.12a patch and when i tried to run it i got this error
Registry error loading key 'Diablo II\InstallPath'
The system cannot find the file specified.
I did extract all the ISO files.

Amialis (2009-06-08)

If you're having an istallation problem and are using vista, try right clicking the .exe and going to properties and run them in Windows XP compatibility mode. Also, if youre computer doesnt auto change the display to vista basic, then you're going to need to do that as well

Amialis (2009-06-08)

and if the above comment doesnt help then you should make sure you have full administrator control. right click and run as adminstrator.

NiBU (2009-06-23)

has anyone tried this on vista? does it work?

lzm_1 (2009-06-25)

can someone help me out with the whole installation process? im having alot of trouble and im not quite sure how to do this
it keeps on asking me for the install disk whenever i try to install it

Slashozzy (2009-06-29)

hahahah 3 years and 36 weeks to download this
ahh shit ima just sit back and w8 awhile:)
oh ima get some popcorn :D hahah

nath1194 (2009-07-01)

probably a silly question but i have downloaded it what?
mount the ISO's?
extract them? Using what?
please help someone

nath1194 (2009-07-01)

no matter, done it :)

dutindude (2009-07-05)

Suspicious.MH690.A was detected by norton antivirus in the keygen... this does not mean there is a virus but since your trusted im sure its just one of those false positives.

krsticPOWER (2009-07-06)

Can anyone tell me where can i DOWNLOAD that 1.12 patch for this game .... link pls

HaakonXCI (2009-07-10)

You guys are idiots for downrating this torrent and writing bad comments because you couldnt figure it out.
I am having 0 issues with this game. Works 100%, no viruses and I even patched it to latest version and all the third-party apps work perfectly! So once again take some time to learn how to install games before you downrate this thing.

Onisutra (2009-07-12)

Installing Diablo 2 + LOD 1.12a NoCD on Linux w/ Wine
a. I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 & the latest versions of Wine & WineTricks.
b. This works for me personally, if you don't like it, don't use it.
c. If you really have a problem getting Diablo 2 to work maybe you should consider using a differect OS (i.e. XP).
d. I do not condone "pirating" software, but I do support it. Enjoy.
1. Download & Install Wine
Method 1: Goto & download latest or desired verion
Note: Your system my already have Wine prepackaged.
2. Download & Install WineTricks
Method 1: Run in terminal / command line
- wget
- sh winetricks corefonts vcrun6 d3dx9 vb6run
Method 2: Goto & download latest or desiered version

3. Configure Wine
- Run in terminal / command line "winecfg"
- Once open go to "Graphics" and select "Emulate a virtual desktop" and set your size as needed.
- Make sure you "Allow Pixel Shader" if your hardware is supported.
- Now click "Drives" and add D: with the path /path/to/drive/cdrom (i.e. /media/cdrom/). You can browser for the CD path if need be.
- Click OK
4. Installing Diablo 2
CD Installation:
- If installing from a CD simply insert the install CD and follow installation direction.
- Once installation is complete, copy d2music.mpq from the "Play" CD to your Diablo II folder.
- Now download & install "D2Patch_112a.exe". To patch properly place the patch file in the Program Files folder of your Wine virtual drive.
- Now insert the Diablo 2: LOD cd if you have one and follow installtion directions.
- If all has gone well then you should be able to play D2 with no problems.
ISO Installation:
- First you need a way to mount ISOs, might a suggest using mount/unmount scripts.
- Second you need all the ISOs for Diablo 2, LOD & the 1.12a patch.
Note: I used/suggest
for D2, I downloaded 1.12a from gamershell &
for D2: LOD.
- Now create a folder for each CD (e.i. play, cinema, install, lod)
- Place each CD in its corresponding folder & rename the ISO to cdrom
- Attach the install CD & in your terminal enter "wine /path/to/drive/cdrom/setup.exe"
- This should initiate the install & just follow the installtion instructions.
- During this time you will be asked to change CD's a few times, once asked unmount the current CD and mount needed CD.
- Once installation is complete, copy d2music.mpq from the "Play" CD to your Diablo II folder.
- Now download & install "D2Patch_112a.exe". To patch properly place the patch file in the Program Files folder of your Wine virtual drive.
- For D2: LOD unmount any CD & mount the LOD cd and run the install.. If you used a working version or the one I used above everything should be in working order.
Notes: If you've used the suggested versions you will need keys to install. The D2 comes with a keygen but it does not run properly without using a certain method.
D2 Keygen:
- Make sure winetricks is installed & has vb6run.
- To run the program either place it in your wine virtual drive or in your terminal enter "Wine /path/to/file/keygen.exe"
LOD Key:
- A working one comes with the torrent in a txt file.
Insert CD Error:
- If you followed directions you should not get an error.. but if you still are then place d2music.mpq from the play CD in your Diablo II folder & make sure you're version it patched to 1.12a. That will fix the issue.
Peace Bitches!
- Onisutra

marylnotj (2009-07-13)

levq wiow gfet thait tolrrent sluper fjast usijng thils
xt ozi.gosipma thereda. I c I o I m
eswdvso takle abjove annd paslte in bvrowser anjd detlete aljl I afnd spacves hahja

xray777 (2009-07-15)

Does anyone know what editor works with this? I have updated with the 1.12 patch but every editor I try ends up the same, my character come up as a level 32 Amazon with 0 Strength, Vitality, Dexterity and Energy. Which editor works!?

xray777 (2009-07-15)

And the files that I edited cannot be entered via the game, the game says "Bad Game File" and froze in the screen....the editor that the download included does NOT work (for me). Please help!!

alainfigue (2009-07-17)

PLZPLZPLZPZLL i don't know what to do i ha this message when triyng to install with the install disc, "Error in script file SetupDat\inst.ins, line 14: undefined symbol (desktop)." I burned the 4 discs using magicISO and i'm running on vista. PLPZP LZPLZPLZPLZZP HELP!!!!

jakeDassler (2009-07-18)

im at 96% now. but its killing me to wait with speed at 10kbps.
pls seed. im gonna seed after i done.
pls act like pirates. do what pirates always do which is plunder then share with fellow pirates.

alainfigue (2009-07-19)

PLZPLZPLZPZLL i don't know what to do i ha this message when triyng to install with the install disc, "Error in script file SetupDat\inst.ins, line 14: undefined symbol (desktop)." I burned the 4 discs using magicISO and i'm running on vista. PLPZP LZPLZPLZPLZZP HELP!!!!

333def (2009-07-24)

installs great. just read comments on first page. off to play it now.

RayTheBaller (2009-07-26)

I really want to play online, is there any possability of that ever happing without buying the game?

Davidando (2009-07-29)

Yeah jake your referring more to a robin hood style attitude than a piratical one.

kinuhbud (2009-08-01)

I am currently playing the mod: Back to Hellfire.
Its quite difficult(srs :P)
Here is the website
The forums can be found under feedback.
everyone except vista users can play over TP/ICP (sorry vista users)
The creator has added the blood wizard as a class. Which was considered when the original hellfire expack was made. Personally i haven't played one very far as i like my warrior, sorcerER, and monk.
check it out.

kinuhbud (2009-08-01)

^err i'm still only on normal so challenging is the correct word. however, the difficulty is what many people like about the mod.
Be sure that you read the forums before you play. Otherwise you would realize that 2 books of another class put in your alchemy bag, produce 1 book for your class.

malucku (2009-08-03)

You can play it over TCP/IP in Vista, at least it works for me

JMazerat (2009-08-03)

just've seen the gameplay trailer of Diablo 3!!!
Want to experience the world again!!!
seed, please! i'll seed for ages!

Timecubism (2009-08-04)

So I installed Diablo 1, patched and then installed the expansion. When I run the game it thinks and then doesn't do anything. It does start "diablo 2.exe and game.exe *32" in my task manager, but never any actual game. I did get the Diablo 2 to start prior to the expansion, but after I patched it.
Any ideas? I am running Windows 7 beta, but haven't found any reason why this should be the issue. I have tried a noCDhack from gamecopyworld with no success.

Timecubism (2009-08-04)

correction on previous comment. I installed diablo 2 without the expansion and the patched and proceeded to add the expanion*

ShaderZ (2009-08-05)

Free online play at:

grey.rock (2009-08-07)

buy the original its cheap and you can play on bnet

TDG (2009-08-10)

General Answers!!
Zonfire - Hero Editor works and has always and will always work with every version and it creates virtually every item, character and then some.
Play online search for 'private' servers free and very common! or LAN / Hamachi etc.
ISO / Mounting use PowerISO very nice and easy to use program. People seem to have issues with daemon which I don't like myself.

shotstars (2009-08-10)

works perfect. download it then open up the place it was saved, use magic disc to create a virtual drive then use magic disc again to mount the install disc into the virtual drive, it will then ask you to change it to play disc i believe then you just mount the play disc into the virtual drive then it will ask for the cinematic disc then mount that and so on and so fourth. just remember to use the keygen that comes with it and if you want to play online you need to download a private server. thank you for seeding and thank you to Dragons90 for the download :)

Cormack (2009-08-12)

the game works perfect, thenks! havent tried an editor tho

nonnaseth (2009-08-12)

can you play this LAN? I mean if i install this on my computer and on my bros computer can we play together usin LAN? (Local Area Network)

biggblack86 (2009-08-14)

i installed all fine. installed the patch, and i no longer get the "please insert disk" error. but when i double click on the icon, nothing happens.
the diablo II process IS running, but nothings on the screen. any help?

845672 (2009-08-15)

Thanks alot it took 10min to download it :)

hobbypunk (2009-08-17)

Haven't read all 6 pages of comments: but here's the solution foll all missing CDs: install the last official patch, and you won't even have to use a no CD crack. The reason why he keeps asking for a CD: some*.mpq files are missing, just copy all files ending with MPQ (oh, wait, INSTALL.MPQ is not needed) to the game folder - you're done.

thelindd (2009-08-18)

Lol i don't know if it is a virus but my av found like 10 Worms :/ Please response :p

thepickle (2009-08-19)

For some reason I can't play as an Assassin or a Druid. Whenever I try to create one, it freezes and I get an error message like this.
Location:, Line #855
Expression: Unrecoverable internal error 6fe22f1b
Should I try reinstalling it?

movermanmitch (2009-09-01)

got it to work actually easy to install you need to download the patch from blizzard load it and it should work i use virtual clone drive super easy to use i owned a game called lion heart it very similar to this game but its good if you like diablo youll like it much better graphics to

jabunk20 (2009-09-02)

plz help me
whats the name and cd key valid
i found one cd key installed
but i can not play plzz help me
email [email protected]

silox2 (2009-09-06)

I'm running Vista Home Premium x64. Game installed perfectly, got the play disc ISO mounted. Game will not play in Compatibility mode for Windows XP or Windows 98. Looks like us 64 bit users are s.o.l.

Reaper24 (2009-09-09)

Are these discs cracked or anything? All I want is a genuine install disk, because mine is scratched. I have everything else legit.

Reaper24 (2009-09-10)

^ I just tried using it, and it worked. From what I can tell, the CD's are untouched.

despizer (2009-09-11)

i cant find a iso and the setup dosnt work, it says i need the installer disk, any help? :(

despizer (2009-09-11)

got it, nvm :)

askjfe (2009-09-12)

if I don't have my original D2 CD, but I /do/ have LoD, will I be able to connect to using the authentic LoD cdkey? The cdkey for installing D2 itself is fake.

halfsquid (2009-09-15)


it will make this work [for those of you that are suffering from the please insert disk into x:\ problem]

sdk222 (2009-09-20)

^^ Apparently the installers for the updates aren't on their site anymore so it just says "Not Found" when I try and download them. I'll have to search Filefront or something.
I have my own copy of Diablo 2 and the expansion, but they're scratched to shit and I won't play online anyway so. :D

sdk222 (2009-09-20)

PS: The first time I tried installing the expansion, it kept re-prompting me endlessly to insert the play disc so I just exited the installer and retried and it worked. A little strange but I was able to do it nonetheless.
Thanks for the great torrent.

sdk222 (2009-09-20)

Great. I got an access violation when I installed the latest patch for LoD. Now every time I try and load the game up, I'm asked to insert the expansion disk, and when I load up with it inserted, I get that same access violation error.

ChemicalJesto (2009-09-20)

Someone humour me. 3 Days straight and I can't get it to work, and Im on the thin line of being pissed. Game boots fine until after the intro the game wount load and I get this POS error:
Location: , line #94
Expression: Unrecoverable internal error 6ff2f6b9
Then finally the game crashes back to desktop.
I googled that shit only finding out a rare few people get this with no help in finding a solution.

ChemicalJesto (2009-09-20)

Oh I forgot to mention, yes I installed the "LATEST" patch, and yes I still get that error.

sdk222 (2009-09-20)

The ISO image for the expansion is damaged for me. I can mount it and it runs fine, but I can't actually explore the ISO with Winrar. I can do it with all the other images though. That might be a reason why, but I'm not entirely sure.
I'm just gonna give my disks a try again...

faeriewings (2009-09-20)

Thanks a mil, was wanting to replay and couldnt find just 1 disc - the install disc, love it when i get to choose what i want to download.

Truefinn (2009-09-23)

does this work on windows 7 64-bit??

jabunk20 (2009-09-23)

fuck off this doesnt works on vista

HarveyTheHammer (2009-09-27)

Works perfectly for Windows XP, great upload.

gnetix (2009-10-03)

Just in case anyone else is wondering, this doesn't work on The game works fine though. I still did a full install. Thanks a ton uploader!! I lost waaaaaaaaay to many things in a move and it's nice to be able to play this again. By the way for Vista 64 users-you need to download a patch called D2Patch_112a. It didn't work for me either till I got the patch. I tried to post the link but couldn't. Hope this can help some people out.

fjongybong (2009-10-11)

I was wundering why would people start downloading Diablo 2 and Diablo 2 LOD
First: it cost like 10 dollars
Second: it is very old still cool but dont you have it buy now :S

metalikod (2009-10-11)

This Torrent Works ^_^
1.Install Full Install
2.Install Expansion upgrade It
3.Download 1.12a patch
4.Copy D2xMusic.mpq In Expansion Disc to the Diablo II Folder
Isn't That Easy haha!!!
PINOY ROCKS!!! \../,

lol_davve (2009-10-12)

Works perfectly on Windows Vista 64 bit when updated the game to version 1.12a

Z3R0OneOneSe7en (2009-10-13)

why am i downloading this? i have this somewhere on CD but i cna't find im downloading a vitural back up LOL

TiberiousJonefer (2009-10-20)

Trojan Virus on it

kyoshiro421 (2009-10-20)

seed please.. im only getting 5kbps...

dyeyman (2009-10-21)

it works. and on vista too. thanks Dragons90 =)

ldml (2009-10-26)

which file on the install disc opens the installing setup?

Rovelius (2009-10-27)

Your attempt at being funny and original is fail. Countless people did that already.

demonickilr (2009-10-28)

1. mount cinematics disk
2. mount lord of destruction
3. mount install disk
4. mount play disc
5. double click on the install disk and the diable 2 installer will appear
6. choose full install
7. use serial from serial generator
8. have fun

Locojax (2009-10-29)

this is great to have i have my CD keys but my cds are fucked up so thx for the upload

liwersvain (2009-10-31)

What's the cd key for expansion?

liwersvain (2009-10-31)


jyri72 (2009-11-06)

Does this work in internet?

HailsHailey (2009-11-07)

Hey thanks for the upload Dragon!
I'm so very sorry to hassle everyone, I am a noob.
Can someone give me detailed instructions.
I have Power ISO and WinRar.
If I need something else I can get but I'm not sure about the process.
I tried this before probably a month back and I burned it to cds and I had absolutely no luck.
Thanks in advance!
P.S. I SEED!!! Lol!

swe_nozy (2009-11-07)

I cant get it to work on Vista, have anyone else got it running ? Just stand that its not compatible..

idrone42 (2009-11-08)

wth, anyone still playing this game? you gays do realize it's 300x240x8 colours gfx right?

[Red.Kirby] (2009-11-13)

this is NOT a virus
got it working on windows 7
my computer is perfectly fine
had to make it open in window to run it thru
(if you run daiblo,and it loads but noting happens,it means you gotta run in window)
to do this,on your short cut,go to properties and then in 'Target:' add '-w' to the end
thanks for upload!

SwingingDead69 (2009-11-15)

Got the game and expansion installed no prob but when i try to run the game it says there is known compatibility issue with my OS (vista x64) i click run anyways and it thinks for a sec then nothing happens. when i tried to uninstall and reinstall it says that it is in use. I rebooted and uninstalled and reinstalled and same issue. Ive seen posts that this runs fine in vista. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance

SwingingDead69 (2009-11-15)

Sorry to spam comments but i rebooted and DLed patch from blizzard and works great

Arachanox (2009-11-18)

I all too much agree, WyrmSaint!! We know better than to follow the shine!
Regards. :)

mavkkuli (2009-11-19)

thx pal, i've lost my cd too.

patrioticparadox (2009-11-20)


patrioticparadox (2009-11-21)

First and foremost thanks go out to Dragons90 for uploading this and to all the seeders for keeping it alive. Though I do not intend to download this game your efforts are none-the-less appreciated.
Happy Pirating

evilbob354 (2009-11-23)

Does the KeyGen have virus?

Ratton3 (2009-11-24)

Were is the key generator or the key
DOn't see it at all

biggblack86 (2009-11-25)

hey great torrent man. i got it to run just fine on my vista machine. no virus no nothing. +++A vote from me....
but where the hell can i find a good D2 server?

mumb4k1 (2009-11-29)

does this work on win7????

AYATIP (2009-11-30)

worked perfectly this is how I installed it on windows vista
1. mount cinematics disk
2. mount lord of destruction
3. mount install disk
4. mount play disc
5. double click on the install disk and the diable 2 installer will appear
open setup.exe in "install disk"
6. choose full install
7. use serial from serial generator
8. installed expansion (using diablo 2 expansion key gen)
9. downloaded 1.12
10 copied D2XMUSIC.MPQ to Diablo II install folder

Now I can play without cd.

Gaffler (2009-11-30)

Totally predictable comment, hopefully a favorable outcome.
Seeeed, anyone? My playstation 3 is awaiting a new hard drive and my irresponsible self has nothing to kill time with. What better way than to play Diablo II, one of the best games of all time?
Anyone, anyone? I'd be like, eternally grateful xD.

Gaffler (2009-11-30)

Whoa. Went from 30 kb/sec to 155 right after my plea for seeders lol.
You guys are awesome-- please keep it up! xD

zgdzgdzgd (2009-12-01)

fast download thanks really appreciate it been needing to get this for a long time

Krandel (2009-12-04)

seed please! :)

mooby22 (2009-12-05)

Neatly packed with virus, W32, killed my computer. Thanks.

piemaster96 (2009-12-05)


DeathsAdvocate (2009-12-06)

seed please. im only DL at 30kbs please speed it up thanks =]

Voronias (2009-12-08)

Seeders pls :D
Seed and get some cookies with lots of chocklate ::D

Voronias (2009-12-08)

Thx to the Seeders =) Some more? Im at 80kb/s now ... Cmon... You get cookies ! ^^ Or some Cakes :D Plz Seed ppl :D

uGinn (2009-12-08)

I cant open the Cinematics Disk and the install disc and the other two..please help me..i cant install and i cant open cuz the file is .iso..please help me >

uGinn (2009-12-08)

i manage to extract but the expansion says its unknown format or i have to download it all over it again?

uGinn (2009-12-08)

ok i got it =D

samurai-21 (2009-12-10)

seed pls love this game havent played for a few years

samurai-21 (2009-12-10)

it keeps telling me to insert install disk
please assist

cephus1 (2009-12-10)

Downloaded and works perfect on xp

frank19 (2009-12-12)


mashoMUSHI (2009-12-12)

Works great man!

TerraBit (2009-12-13)

frank19: its nice to see that child porn can detect viruses too, its just a shame to think that not only did you just admit to having CP, but you also got a false positive on the torrent..

xoxo1234 (2009-12-13)

please help....what will i do?expansion wont open it says unknown format or damage...what will i do?

xoxo1234 (2009-12-13)

i also opened the 3 files..i click set up...but it appears that it needs CD labelled.. what will i do?which of them shall i click???please help i really want 2 play..T_T

xoxo1234 (2009-12-13)

OMG please help me...T_T

xoxo1234 (2009-12-13)

what does mount mean??

j0hnmatth3w (2009-12-13)

how do i mount. new at this. pls i need full guide to mounting. pls email me at [email protected]

oxide17 (2009-12-15)

why are you guys still playin this?

xoxo1234 (2009-12-15)

can someone tell me what is an iso file??

oxide17 (2009-12-16)

its a copy of a cd, you need to download daemon tools, and mount the iso - it will act like u inserted an actual cd
google is your friend btw

Cannonboll (2009-12-16)

I have installed the game but I cannot get the game to work, the cd:s are mounted but the game wont start and the setup for the expansion doesnt start either. Anyone that can tell me what I´m doing wrong????

xoxo1234 (2009-12-17)

hey...what did u i can play diablo 2...
just download daemon tools and everything will happen..=) tnx guyz,,,,....

uGinn (2009-12-18)

it does not work in Windows 7..anyone tried it b4?

uGinn (2009-12-18)

if do..please teach me how to do it.

XxEMUxX (2009-12-18)

Instructions using PowerISO (does not need a no cd)
1. Mount install disc (not expansion)
2. Double click on the install disk under My Computer
3. Use the Diablo 2 keygen to put in key
4. Install Full Game
5. Follow prompts on mounting play disk and install disk
6. Run Graphics Test
7. Exit Installer
8. Mount Expansion .iso
9. Run Expansion disk from my computer
10. Use the Diablo 2 expansion keygen provided
11. Follow prompts on mounting play disk and expansion disk
12. Exit Installer
13. Download patch 1.12a

14. Install patch
15. Enjoy

ps1_game (2009-12-20)

i am trying and trying, it always says. No program start menu found. what do i do next.

Goosw (2009-12-20)

anybody seed this for me its gona take 4 weeks at the moment??Please?

Goosw (2009-12-20)

Pretty please seed this it has no gone oer 5 kb/s yet??

Goosw (2009-12-20)

Pretty please seed this it has no gone over 5 kb/s yet??

xoxo1234 (2009-12-21)

guyZ,,,,dont make your installing a hard time just download daemon tools(latest version) and it will work....

xoxo1234 (2009-12-21)

dont follow long instruction coz it will just make you more confuse...just use ur brain....

genderhax (2009-12-22)

No matter how hard i try it won't work
here is the error i get after trying to run the patch (whilst trying to run the prompt of full install - insert cd )
Blizzard PrePatch v2.70 compiled on Sep 9 2003
This program patches Diablo II Expansion
Log created at 1:46 pm on 12/22/2009
Registry error loading key 'Diablo II\InstallPath'
The system cannot find the file specified.
RESULT: Prepatch failed
guize any idea's
I feel fucking dumb as hell

tbguillermo98 (2009-12-23)

dear oxide17,
We still play this because it is fun even if I have the Witcher enhanced edition on my pc, it's always good to go back to the good old days.

karias92 (2009-12-23)

An amazing torrent, works FUCKING well. No viruses, no errors and a Fast download speed! I give you my thanks for uploading this awesome torrent!
For newbs:
1. Download a mounting software such as daemon tools or power ISO(google is your friend)
2. Mount all the files with .iso behind
3. open my computer and run the INSTALL DISC
4. use the keygen generator to generate a keygen or you can go find one yourself, i used another keygen generator i got (not from this torent)
5. select full install and type in the key
6. after installation finishes, do whatever they want you to do
7. run the expansion disc and install the expansion the same way, only with the expansion key that the keygen gave you.
8. you are good to go! Run the game in administrator if you are using vista.

Benteho (2009-12-25)

I need help when i burned the expansion onto a cd there doesn't seem to be anything in it and so I'm a little confused what i'm suppossed to do. can someone help please.

bassfreak12 (2009-12-28)


dukenuken090 (2009-12-29)

pleace seed guys

delorca (2009-12-31)

You son of a bitch! Is a fucking Worm! Don't dowlod this torrent! Keygens have a virus!

jebobbles (2010-01-02)

What should I name the virtual drive, or does it matter?

m3takliff (2010-01-03)

When I ask warriv to travel east I get an error message which made me exit.. Why is that?? T.T

jebobbles (2010-01-03)

Okay, everyone having problems with daemon tools, DL and use this
Its a free iso mounter that works efficiently, even though it may not be as friendly or big as daemon tools, it gets the job done, just follow the instructions in the read me. If that still doesn't work, try to get sonic mediasource or something that can burn images into discs, and use the ISO's in this torrent to burn onto a disc. They are only abot 550 mb each, so getting four of those disc's shouldn't be more than a dime. I hope this helps with some peoples problems.

madokhn (2010-01-04)

This is NOT a virus, I scanned with AVG and it came up clean. my computer is working fine too.

Thrashash (2010-01-05)

I started installing and got about 26% complete when my antivirus sowftware popped up and told me that it stopped the download because it found a trojan. What the hell? I'm glad as hell my comp stopped the download.

Mehw (2010-01-06)

2.25gb download and the only think in the folder is a diablo 2 character editor. wtf can someone help?
please nothing ever works for me!

AnonFace199 (2010-01-06)

This torrent is crap. Only had the cinematics iso and a worm in the key generator.

SNES_VS_PS1 (2010-01-06)

man,i finished this game more than 30 times & i can never get bored at all!

SNES_VS_PS1 (2010-01-06)


Jerod77 (2010-01-07)

Hey guys i finished the first part did the first 6 missions and when i talk to the guy to go east, it gives me an authorization error and it wount load any idea??

Jerod77 (2010-01-07)

Hey guys i finished the first part did the first 6 missions and when i talk to the guy to go east, it gives me an authorization error and it wount load any idea??

Xoriat (2010-01-07)

Warning! This torrent has a trojan virus! If you're anti-virus didn't catch it, then you need to update!

iyaoyaswow (2010-01-07)

ok first off this works perfectly,am having a blast reliving old D@ memories and secondly if your too ignorant to mount an image then frankly you shouldn't be here in TPB

escapeinTV (2010-01-13)

I have a problem!, I installed diablo II and the expansion without any problem. including the patch. but when i try to run the game I get an error that says directdraw connat instal or something. So is ran the videotest and it says that my computer cannot play diablo 2.
now i already set the compatibility to windows xp,89.
So does this mene it's just a problem with my hardware or could I find another way ?
please help me, I realy would like to play diablo II

escapeinTV (2010-01-13)

I ment mean*

ubrmnsch (2010-01-15)

@xoxide17: I know, right?? why are people still playing this??? they should've gotten their mom and dad to buy them a new computer for Christmas... fuckin losers.
And for everyone who thinks there's viruses in half the illegal software they download, I really have a soft spot in my heart for people like you.
You shee, guysh, theshe "keygenerators" act like "virushesh" in order to hack your illegal fuckin hax0red games.
See for more info.
So, please, before posting about a virus, ask yourself, "Am I an idiot?" Because I really don't wanna see you screaming VIRUS TROJAN IMSTUPID AHHHH MOM WHERE'S MY MEATLOAF in the comments of every fucking game torrent I see, intelligent people don't give a fuck what your under-developed brain can't understand.

shonuffx (2010-01-17)

If there is a known trojan within this torrent: TR\CRYPT.XPACK.Gen
If its not, please explain...

Suskinovich (2010-01-19)

Perfect upload, Played this download start to finish, everything works fine. Thanks alot Dragons.
Peace & Love

GLR457mAn (2010-01-20)

you can play this game @ gamranger google it. dl it sighn up & play it there also might be a good idea to got the 1.12 patch & when 1.13 come out get that as well.

Keyosu (2010-01-20)

is there any way to get on bnet with this?

bigbadwolv (2010-01-20)

thank you dragons great torrent quick download havent played game yet il keep u all posted...

AlphaEtOmega (2010-01-20)

Very good torrent, works like a charm.

To get the latest patch.

MrCihat (2010-01-21)

I keep getting the error somehow , i tryd some ways to solve it, so if someone can explain me slowly how it works , please pm me on [email protected]
thanks alot m8s

Ccloudff7 (2010-01-22)

McAfee Antivirus alerted on the keygen at first, then later removed a trojan called Artemus! from the keygen as well. Jusdt a heads up ill try to redownload without the keygen to see if anything else gets picked up.

ivayim (2010-01-23)

does it work online?

SevenTwentySeven (2010-01-24)

every keygen is detected as a virus nomatter what
a small trick AV companies do to stop piracy
you cant play on battlenet but there are other gaming servers like garena
just a google search away

Robb_z12 (2010-01-27)

hey how well does this work on vista? anyone downloaded this onto their vista computer?
iv had problems with old games on vista
(specifically motocross madness2, worms, scarface, red faction)

traceadkins1234 (2010-01-29)

Keeps asking for play disk. I made a play disk but doesn't see it. Mounted with ultra ISO and daemon, still asks for disk. I have the same problem on xp, vista and win 7 32bit. I also have this problem on some other ISO games. Anyone have any advice ?

traceadkins1234 (2010-01-29)

Left out part.
It installs OK Mounted or with the disks I burned. You can swap the disks and do the install fine. But after the install is done and you try to play the game, it just keeps asking for the play disk on the first game, then `after you add the exspantion it asks for exspantion disk

Dyhrkopp (2010-01-31)

If you cannot run the game due to the "please insert play disc" error you need this patch...

your welcome

Dyhrkopp (2010-01-31)

Downloadable Installer Support
- If all required Diablo 2 '.MPQ' files are installed on the hard drive, the game will no longer require the CD to play.
For users that originally performed a 'Full Installation' and wish to run without the CD, all '.MPQ' files should be copied from the Diablo 2 CDs to the Diablo 2 directory. Most users will only need to copy D2Music.mpq from the Diablo 2 Play CD and/or D2xMusic.mpq from the Lord of Destruction CD. Mac users will need to copy these music files and rename them to 'Diablo II Music' and 'Diablo II Expansion Music' respectively.
Anyone who did not perform a 'Full Installation' will need to re-install from CD again to ultimately play without the CD. In this case, a 'Full Installation' is required, followed by file copy step noted above.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an incompatibility between Rosetta and OpenGL mode on Intel Mac.

eskoleipa (2010-02-03)

My friend downloaded this game how do he can play that on it says something like this keygen is not maded to play or something !?!?!? any 1 idea?

jemloq (2010-02-03)

@ eskoleipa
tell "your friend" that the use of pirated software usually isn't supported by the makers of said software.

Incandia (2010-02-07)

Aww. I was disappointed. A trusted download with a virus. I don't recommend this download. Anyone want to argue? Put it through some tests.

EasyC (2010-02-11)

If you patch the game with 1.12a only, does it update all the other changes from previous patches?

UnbetledJoker (2010-02-11)

Currently downloading @ over 2mb/s thanks seeders !!!
If anyone is interested here is a link to Median XL an amazing Diablo 2 mod

daemonesc (2010-02-11)

why do noobs still complain about viruses hahahaha.
antivirus software sees keygenerators as viruses because they are adaptive programs that change .
are you all actually retarded or something .
if i had a pound for everyone who said that in my years using this website i would be a bloody millionaire . just patching this to get it to run on windows 7 hope it works xD

PunkArmy (2010-02-12)

awsome thanks

Jordanicas (2010-02-15)

I think McAfee just deleted my keygen thinking it was a virus. is there a way to get it back?

kevinvoduy (2010-02-16)

oi, i downloaded the 1.12 patch & d2Editor does not work! any one find a way a get the d2editor to work with no cd & on vista??

epijauu (2010-02-16)

when i've burned installing cd and try to instal "full instal" it says "unable to save unistall data file. Installation aborted." what should i do?

chee154 (2010-02-18)

How to basically install the game (credits to XxEMUxX):
*Set number of drives to 3 on PowerISO before the installation*
1. Mount install disc (not expansion)
2. Double click on the install disk under My Computer
3. Use the Diablo 2 keygen to put in key
4. Install Full Game
5. Follow prompts on mounting play disk and install disk
6. Run Graphics Test (3D over 2D)
7. Exit Installer
8. Mount Expansion .iso
9. Run Expansion disk from my computer
10. Use the Diablo 2 expansion keygen provided (a different one from the Diablo 2 original keygen)
11. Follow prompts on mounting play disk and expansion disk (mount the "play disk" iso)
12. Exit Installer
13. Download patch 1.12a

**** Download the Expansion patch not the Original patch if you plan on playing the expansion****
14. Install patch
15. Enjoy
Use PowerISO, it works for me. So why not use what works?

shibuya07 (2010-02-22)

can this be played with windows 7 ?

_metzeller (2010-02-22)

Works with Windows 7. Just download the latest D2 patch, then set the compatibilty mode to winxp sp2, run under 256 colors, and rub it as a administrator..

AEIOWNU (2010-02-24)

Any chance someone can do me a solid and seed this for an hour or two?

doesavasiri (2010-02-24)

There's almost a thousand seeders, what are you talking about?

ToTheGrind (2010-02-28)

TY seeders, got a good 850kbps for 40% of the download, around 600kbps for the rest.

Zephyx (2010-03-07)

I keep getting "Please insert the diablo 2 cd
labeled expansion disc" message after inserting the play disc and then it asks for it and it doesnt work anymore. What did I do wrong??

Xee29 (2010-03-08)

Would It kill you to read comments? instead of just posting them ^^
Just install the patch from blizzard and you are good to go, there is even a link to direct download somewhere between the comments.

Xee29 (2010-03-08)

Was the one. lol link was on page 11. Meh ^^
Anyway, worked for me. Used power Iso for mounting, and did full install, then downloaded and installed patch,

Kynssoni (2010-03-08)

troijalasta paukuttaa tämä torska

bboy0001 (2010-03-09)

awesome worked perfectly thanks a million

L337ish (2010-03-10)

Took me a sec to get it right.
Mounted ISO's, did full install, downloaded patch that Xee29 provided a link to, works great.
Thank you!!

shadowniy (2010-03-12)

i found a privet server just reg download a gateway editor then make a account name @ home page make sure to come play online with me
i a lvl 9 necromancer its in Spanish and eng but sever lang for some reson is Spanish but u can type how ever u like my user name is shadowniy
heres the link be sure to reg then download then make account at the home page there more instructions on the how to add a gateway

evdoxoszel (2010-03-13)

PEOPLE HELPPPPPP,I MOUNT THE INSTALATION CD AND WHEN I PUT THE CD KEY THAT THE KEY GEN GIVESME THE SYSTEM SAYS -INVALID CD KEY you entered a cd key from a different product.please chech to ensure that yoy have entered the cd key from the right cd case- that hapenes with all the keys i try.WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS GAME???????????

MP3zilla (2010-03-15)

Great, fast torrent, worked well. Bought this game years ago and when i tried to install it, it said i had an invalid key. Forgot this game for a while, lost 2 of the 4 disks(install and LOD). Thank you Dragon90. Anyone bitching about this torrent needs to re-evaluate their skills

stefi666 (2010-03-17)

hey guys when i try to install the patch from blizzard it says smth about missing file name Bnclient.dll but i already have it wtf!!!

Creature1977 (2010-03-18)

Is there not supposed to be a ISO included in this package?

Creature1977 (2010-03-20)

Okay ... forget my last comment, Originally when i downloaded this torrent i looked inside my completed D/L to find it full of Winrar files. At first me and a few friends could not figure it out and wer wondering where the .ISO files were to mount them. Then in a final attempt i just mounted one of the winrar files .. they turned out to be the ISO's i was looking for. i didn't have to open the winrar or anything like that. Once we figured this out, it was a cinch and was playing within about 5 minutes.
Thank you very much guys ... very well done :-)

redvsblue9191 (2010-03-21)

I am a n00b at downloading games for the pc and how to use them. i downloaded the torrent and used winrar to get the files unzipped. what now. what is mounting the disc. im lost. help! (2010-03-21)

I followed instructions, and it worked like a charm :)
Tho i got a bit disapointed tbh ^^
Did'n remember the game to be THAT horrible when it comes to graphics hehe. 800x600 max resolution :O wtf!
Uninstalled it right away again ;) But it sure worked ;)

cincuentaydez (2010-03-23)

yeah thanks, nice torrent! i bought this game years ago, lost the play cd 5 years ago, i guess...
downloading the patch right now, let's test it out!

shiftypain999 (2010-03-23)

@redvsblue9191, mounting the disk is making your computer believe that the game disk is in the cd drive, you need a program such as power iso, daemon tools or alcohol 120%

zombiex1 (2010-04-16)

Ive download the game and the expansion fine, but when i go to play the game an error message pops up saying,
'Error 22: An error has occured while initializing DirectDraw.'
Can anyone help me fix this?
Please help!

NSRacer (2010-04-28)

i downloaded the patch from blizzard but it didn't worked for the original said something about wrong version...but the expansion what's the difference between the game and the expansion?

robertoII (2010-05-03)

The original is THE GAME itself, while the expansion is also the game with extras. If you play the game, you won't get to fight Baal, won't get to the Barbarian's settlement, won't get to choose the assassin and Druid. AND you also won't be able to obtain runes.
So yeah, the Expansion is better. You're lucky that your expansion is the one working.

Requimatic (2010-05-03)

For all of you having installation and/or disc problems, here's how to get it to work (or how I got it to work).
1. Install Diablo 2
2. Install the latest patch for Diablo 2 from Blizzard's website.
3. Copy D2MUSIC.mpq from the play disc to the installation directory
Diablo 2 is now ready to play, without a disc.
Now for LOD..
1. Install LOD
2. Install LOD's latest patch from Blizzard's website
3. Copy D2XVIDEO.mpq AND D2XMUSIC.mpq from the expansion disc to the installation directory
Now you can play the game without any disc. I can't promise this will work for you, but it worked for me.

randO89 (2010-05-04)

HELP!!!! i got Diablo 2 to work but Lod says i need a cd i have tried evrey thing i could think of down to burning it onto a cd it still wont run Lod what should i do

robertoII (2010-05-05)

Hmmm... how do I get the Expansion to play without having to mount the ISO file?

Kibs135 (2010-05-06)

Work sweet for me had a little trouble installing LOD but thanks to Requimatics help (a few comments down) i was wel on my way cheers

Kibs135 (2010-05-06)

my bad a few comments up..

themericacn88 (2010-05-07)

installed easily and fine, both keys worked, downloaded patch and it all worked perfect running on windows vista, very nice upload thanks a bunch

D0wnL04D (2010-05-08)

for people having problem with the "play disk thingo" go into powerISO and select 4 drivers !!!
the put all the "play disks,install disks,cinamatic,and expansion on the drivers. there shoulndt be a problem :)

D0wnL04D (2010-05-08)

OMG !! , i just downloaded it all (the game and the expansion) .. so i click the "diablo 2- lords of duscruction " icon, and it says it wont work because i dont hav the disk !!!!!!

D0wnL04D (2010-05-08)

iv installed it its great ! , but there is a PROBLEM !

L337ish (2010-05-09)

Great upload! Works perfect! Thanks!!

thrashsickhate (2010-05-09)

doesnt work..
have installed it..
but when clicking the play D2-LOD
game wont appear..
when i restarted the computer..
it says insert expansion CD... HELP PLEAASSEE..

pon999pon999 (2010-05-09)

Just download last patch and you won't need a cd

iisak96 (2010-05-09)

go to the place where u have the file and press the exe from there. it will usually help

iisak96 (2010-05-09)

if that doesnt work you have to burn it to a disc

iisak96 (2010-05-09)

if that doesnt wor you will have 2 burn it to a disc
if that doesnt wor you will have 2 burn it to a disc
if that doesnt wor you will have 2 burn it to a disc
if that doesnt wor you will have 2 burn it to a disc
if that doesnt wor you will have 2 burn it to a disc
if that doesnt wor you will have 2 burn it to a disc
if that doesnt wor you will have 2 burn it to a disc
if that doesnt wor you will have 2 burn it to a disc
if that doesnt wor you will have 2 burn it to a disc
if that doesnt wor you will have 2 burn it to a disc
if that doesnt wor you will have 2 burn it to a disc
if that doesnt wor you will have 2 burn it to a disc
if that doesnt wor you will have 2 burn it to a disc
if that doesnt wor you will have 2 burn it to a disc
if that doesnt wor you will have 2 burn it to a disc
if that doesnt wor you will have 2 burn it to a disc
if that doesnt wor you will have 2 burn it to a disc
if that doesnt wor you will have 2 burn it to a disc
if that doesnt wor you will have 2 burn it to a disc

iisak96 (2010-05-09)

if that doesnt wor you will have 2 burn it to a disc

y2jerichouk (2010-05-10)

It wont let me connect to battlenet and its annoying me cus thats all i got this game for is to play it online

mission2move (2010-05-11)

y2jerichouk, you're not going to be able to play on battlenet with tons of people using the key. You're pretty much going to have to either play the game solo, or buy a legit copy. Can't complain when it's free.

Eth1c (2010-05-14)

For those who misunderstand


GLR457mAn (2010-05-14)

so untrue you can dl this & play on ladder & all

andrew5500 (2010-05-15)

while im doing a full install, i mount all the iso's allright and then as the install is about to finish (as it installs game.exe) windows says that an error occured and the program has to close. I am on windows 7 x86, if anyone knows why, please help.

skyl981 (2010-05-24)

won't finish downloading the cinematics disk, 1mb missing.

nimbylive (2010-05-25)

Everything went smooth on DL. I used VirtualClone drive and it plays flawlessly on wind 7 64 bit. Windows says that it has conflicts that it cannot resolve and yet if you accept and load the game anyway then it runs perfect. If you want to play on bnet then just the codes online. You shouldn't have to pay over $10US for to make both game legit to bnet. Enjoy this is a really great game and
Thanks to Dragons90 for putting this little gem together the best.

elxori (2010-05-26)

Does the game really works in, i am trying everything but i cant get it working online, if anybody has done it please let me know, it will be most appreciate it

-Sylo- (2010-05-31)

Do I have to burn it to a disk to install it?

Lord-Khorne (2010-06-03)

ok i downloaded it i intalled it and it says i need a god dam disk!!

TechnoPhyc (2010-06-05)

download the latest patch Manuely from the site. and the game should run without a disc

goldsilentmac (2010-06-05)

When you want to install lod and it asks for the play disc just mount the original diablo 2 play disc and it should install for you.

crevilo (2010-06-06)

@iisak96 - People as retarded as you, shouldn't even have permission to download torrents from TPB.
Get daemon tools, so you can mount it.. gosh, how hard can it be o.O?

jordanidk (2010-06-09)

Thanks, worked.
Here is what I done I followed someone elses instructions so full credit to them for it. I'm merely bringing it to the newest page of comments.
Mount install disc, continue with install once done. Update from blizzard site 1.3 is the version atm use the Diablo patch not the expansion.
To install expansion, run the LOD install disc, continue with installation then update. (Update the normal diablo before installing LOD it seemed to help)
Again I merely followed someone elses instructions and take no credit for it, simply bringing it to the newest page.

yrbroom (2010-06-09)

seed plzzzzzz

yrbroom (2010-06-10)

couldn't get expansion to install, but everything else works.. thanks

NeoOhm (2010-06-13)

FIX: The game WORKS even if it say -insert cd- just WAIT a few minutes, and it will start.
I installed the game, full intsall incuding the expansion. Then klicked the desktop icon on diablo 2. Then after like 2 minutes it started, even when i closed the -insert cd- window :)

SylerFrost (2010-06-14)

Ive downloaded this thing 5 times now. it gets about a little over half and every time it tells me i dont have access does anyone know whats wrong?

actiondan85 (2010-06-17)

everything works great except when i tried to mount the expansion it was not recognized and would not burn to a disc... Any help?

Tronios (2010-06-21)

Thank you very much.

NickNL (2010-06-27)

Virus or unwanted program 'WORM/Virtool.BUY [worm]'
detected in file 'C:\Users\Eigenaar\Downloads\Diablo 2 full game with expansion\Diablo 2 CD Key Generator.exe.
Action performed: Deny access
Avira AntiVir

DreadPoet (2010-07-07)

I get the window for LOD and it says i must install Diablo II first... its already installed, do i have to unistall then install again?

Ganjagal420 (2010-07-07)

seed plz, share the luv

globesno7 (2010-07-11)

I Had problems with it saying insert disk, all i did was go to and download the newest patch. now it runs perfect no disk required heres the link

lilneko (2010-07-12)

thanks globesno7!nnI was also having the problems with the \"insert disc error\" even after mounting with daemon tools but I followed the link globesno7 provided above, downloaded the most recent patch, and everything is working perfectly!

street_pirate (2010-07-17)

This works fine on Windows 7 64-bit. I installed it by mounting the iso\'s with MagicISO. Downloaded the latest expansion patch from Blizzard and then everything ran fine. Windows might pop up and say something like \"this software was made before windows 7 so we\'re not sure if it will work\". Just click Run Anyways and it works great. Full screen, all the colours are correct and sound too. But of course you can\'t play on

babastini123 (2010-07-19)

virustotal analysis on the keygen
a-squared 2010.07.19 -
AhnLab-V3 2010.07.19.01 2010.07.19 Win-AppCare/Keygen.58368
AntiVir 2010.07.19 Worm/Virtool.BUY
Antiy-AVL 2010.07.15 -
Authentium 2010.07.19 W32/VirTool.BUY
Avast 4.8.1351.0 2010.07.19 -
Avast5 5.0.332.0 2010.07.19 -
AVG 2010.07.19 -
BitDefender 7.2 2010.07.19 Trojan.Generic.3900493
CAT-QuickHeal 11.00 2010.07.19 Trojan.Agent.ATV
ClamAV 2010.07.19 Hacktool.Diablo
Comodo 5478 2010.07.19 Application.Win32.VirTool.KeyGen.~BUY
DrWeb 2010.07.19 -
eSafe 2010.07.19 Win32.Backdoor.Troja
eTrust-Vet 36.1.7720 2010.07.19 -
F-Prot 2010.07.19 W32/VirTool.BUY
F-Secure 9.0.15370.0 2010.07.19 Trojan.Generic.3900493
Fortinet 2010.07.19 HackerTool/Diablo
GData 21 2010.07.19 Trojan.Generic.3900493
Ikarus T3. 2010.07.19 Virus.Win32.Trojan
Jiangmin 13.0.900 2010.07.19 -
Kaspersky 2010.07.19 -
McAfee 5.400.0.1158 2010.07.19 Keygen-Diablo
McAfee-GW-Edition 2010.1 2010.07.19 Keygen-Diablo
Microsoft 1.6004 2010.07.19 HackTool:Win32/Keygen
NOD32 5292 2010.07.19 -
Norman 6.05.11 2010.07.19 W32/VirTool.FI
nProtect 2010-07-19.01 2010.07.19 Trojan.Generic.3900493
Panda 2010.07.18 -
PCTools 2010.07.19 -
Prevx 3.0 2010.07.19 Medium Risk Malware
Rising 2010.07.19 -
Sophos 4.55.0 2010.07.19 Diablo2 Keygen
Sunbelt 6602 2010.07.19 Trojan.Win32.Generic!BT
SUPERAntiSpyware 2010.07.19 -
Symantec 20101.1.1.7 2010.07.19 -
TheHacker 2010.07.19 -
TrendMicro 2010.07.19 CRCK_KEYGEN
TrendMicro-HouseCall 2010.07.19 CRCK_KEYGEN
VBA32 2010.07.19 -
ViRobot 2010.6.21.3896 2010.07.19 -
VirusBuster 2010.07.19 HackTool.Agent.MICB
dont run it...

pirate_wood (2010-07-20)

everything installed easy but I cant play online. it says that the key registered was not authorized by blizzard. can anyone help?

DaN00berz (2010-07-26)

Hey, please help, it says '- If you are looking for old patches please check here [Expansion] or here [Original]. Please note: By installing the latest patch all previous updates will also be installed.'
meaning I just have to get the latest 'D2Patch_113c.exe' and 'LODPatch_113c.exe' patches, rather than downloading all the other previous ones on the site, right??

zZcorruptionZz (2010-07-30)

When I did this it loads the title screen and it APPCRASH'ed on me??

2FnFast (2010-08-04)

wtf is a "cinamantics" disk

ahnus (2010-08-04)

do not download i got to level 18 and it deleted it GOD DAMN

Xenif (2010-08-08)

The game works but there is a trojan in the cd key generator, suggest you find keys elsewhere

Zalabalus (2010-08-09)

I've burned down to cd and when I installed it, it just says "this game hasnt been installed correctly"
Running on Vista, What should I do?

Zalabalus (2010-08-09)

using CyberLink to burn O_o (Should I use Daemon tools?
Using Vista, the game hasnt installed correctly error do I get when I'm starting Game :S)

BLACKxFROSTY (2010-08-14)

this worked but i would like to know if theres anyway i can get it to play online? thanks in advance.

ekzoekzo (2010-08-14)

I have patched to 1.13. I have tried what cdub6959 said. I tried absolutely everything I could think of and it still wants that damn expansion disc. I'm about to lose hope. What's the problem with this game. A few months earlier I had no problems.

ekzoekzo (2010-08-16)

I have patched to 1.13. I have tried what cdub6959 said. I tried absolutely everything I could think of and it still wants that damn expansion disc. I\'m about to lose hope. What\'s the problem with this game. A few months earlier I had no problems.

biogenesiss (2010-08-17)

Install was easy, I mean REALLY SIMPLE!! Just one problem, I click to play and I get NOTHING, no errors, no nothing!!! what's wrong?? :)

oskarhellquist (2010-08-17)

does works?

wahlqvist96 (2010-08-22)

plz help i need a cdkey to diablo 2!

wahlqvist96 (2010-08-22)

det finns inte cd key till diablo 2.. snälla hjälp mig!

Hulktor (2010-08-23)

This shit was too simple. Thanks, I miss this shit.

jassu2 (2010-08-25)

guys.. great work.. thanks a lot...
i had no issues... beautiful...
love u all...

1nTh3fAc3 (2010-08-27)

I have both discs and unistalled them so i could download this, everyone knows pirated shit is cooler :P

kebabonline5233 (2010-08-28)

Easier to install too xD

Crumblezz (2010-08-29)

haha @oggiuddh du är efterbliven

MNXFR (2010-08-30)

The keygen for D2 is broken. I start it, and it freezes on itself.

MNXFR (2010-08-30)

This is just full of bugs, and a Trojan. Readme and cleanup, or boo!

1nTh3fAc3 (2010-08-30)

@kebabonline5233, it really is easier....but you wouldn't know it reading some of the other comments. idk how anyone could mess this up.
1. download daemon tools lite (its free so don't bitch)
2. mount play disc.
3. begin download. FULL DOWNLOAD, don't waste your time on singleplayer download just cause you know you can't play battlenet
4. mount what ever disc it asks for.
5. use correct keygen. i.e. Daiblo 2 keygen for Diablo 2. Expansion keygen for Expansion.
6. download latest patch. a link for it is somewhere in the other comments.
7. mount Expansion disc.
8. shut up and play.
if this doesn't work, you've done something wrong. suicide is you only option.

1nTh3fAc3 (2010-08-30)

and at MNXFR, if your referring to the keygen having a trojan....duh....its a keygen.
keygen=false positive
100% of the time

ips1989 (2010-08-30)

will this work on windows 7? i tried downloading one before, but it wouldnt work...

LiuMahou (2010-08-31)

Just putting the adress of the latest patch in this page.

Rastamanse (2010-09-02)

when you have installd it and done everything right, it can take a while sometimes, i got angry and unistalled it but then the game just got started, now im tryin with vista home edition premium. i hope it works. cd key for diablo 2, you can get from the winrar map, or search in the comments of all diablo 2 pc games in piratebay or google it.

Rastamanse (2010-09-02)

the keygen is not a dangerous troja.. just use it anyway, when you finnished then you can delete it! dooh

Rastamanse (2010-09-02)

Recommendation: Permit this detected item only if you trust the program or the software publisher.
Microsoft Security Essentials detected programs that may compromise your privacy or damage your computer. You can still access the files that these programs use without removing them (not recommended). To access these files, select the 'Allow' action and click 'Apply actions'. If this option is not available, log on as administrator or ask the local administrator for help.
2 full game with expansion\Diablo 2 CD Key Generator.exe

Rastamanse (2010-09-02)

okey, i did full install with deamon tools, then i run play disc with deamon but the game says : please verify that your Diablo 2 play disc is on your cd-rom. shall i wait or shut down computer then try again or burn a cd of diablo II play disc? by the way im using vista home edition premium can it be something with that? that it dosnt work with vista?

DiMiSh4 (2010-09-06)

maybe you have figured it out but i want to make clear it works on vista.
you just have to mount diablo 2 play disc with deamon tools and then play(burning not necessary)
Special thanks to the uploader and Blizzard

twinblade212 (2010-09-11)

how can i crack the game?

twinblade212 (2010-09-12)

i cant get it to run ??? why

redskie009 (2010-09-14)

this works great....!!!! thanks for sharing this fucking game!! from now on you are my idol!!

pixelperu (2010-09-14)

Im going to dopwnload the game now, but for those who still can't play it, they have explained clear!!!: Mount the fucking play disk ad stop to ask stupid questions!!
If after this you still can't make it work because you are a dumb ass, then download a NO-CD crack and play the fucking game!!
Im sorry but you look like you cant do anything else!

lasrever (2010-09-23)

Norman Antivirus detects "Diablo 2 CD Key Generator.exe" as a Trojan Horse named "W32/VirTool.Fl".
Could be a false alarm or it could be a real problem.

Nehconk (2010-09-30)

I mounted the ISO and it keeps telling me to insert install disk, even though its mounted. Anyone know how to fix?

vente364 (2010-10-08)

i hope my comment helps :3
i also having insert play CD msg when i pressed the icon
all that i did is
1. patching diablo2 into the latest version(DL the patch here
2. sometimes after patching the game it still say "insert play CD" no worries try open that playCD ISO file and click on PLAYD2.exe ;)
*based on my frustation xDD

Nekzar (2010-10-09)

Going to download it, even tho im pretty sure i wont play it again. But if there ever get boring on a lan or something, its a great game never the less.

nothing0 (2010-10-10)

works great on Windows 7 :) Don't forget to download the patch from Blizzard!

jbnett (2010-10-13)

you can play this online just register on the pandemonuim server do s google serach and register on there and you will have online play including hardcore mode and ladder toons

Hammicman (2010-10-21)

I downloaded this game and I did not get a Diablo 2 key gen, I got diablo 2 expansion key gen just not the first one i need

ChayDX (2010-10-26)

just so you know the keygens in this have trojans

NinetyOneBravo (2010-10-26)

It keeps asking me to put in the install disc. I don't know what to do. I was under the impression that a disc wasn't needed. Coule someone please lend me a hand?
[email protected]

Saerain (2010-10-27)

@ChayDX: No, they don't. Keygens are always detected as trojans, precisely because they are keygens.

kingkyle (2010-10-29)

Awesome... Already Downloaded this on 2 of my PC's.... Great torrent... Thanks

Canonjac (2010-11-05)

"Error 22: A critical error has occurred while initializing DirectDraw." Please Help
I have windows 7 64 bit and when i click to play diablo it tells me it has compatability proglems but i click run program. Then a loading icon appears around my mouse icon and the above error happens.

Killer-c (2010-11-07)

aww im only downloading 1.2MB/s

TiMMEh013 (2010-11-09)

Downloaded, installed and played it.
Just did what that InTheFace guy said on page 15, ty. :)

aTOMBBOMb (2010-11-11)

I'm fucking sick and tired of the noobs; or the trolls who really aren't trolls and are just even bigger noobs.
Fuckin' lrn2computer

lootacris (2010-11-15)

@Saerain don't be an idiot, alot of keygens are detected as a virus but not all.
Use these keygens at your own risk, Virus total says 25/43 detected a virus I don't like those odds..

lootacris (2010-11-15)

For convenience here's a repost that bodomchild17 posted a while back with keys.
Diablo 2 Keys (Don't work with Battlenet):
Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction Keys (Don't work with Battlenet):

milkshake916 (2010-11-17)

Have followed your information wanted6060 .. But im trapped at the last one before enjoy part =/ I have go to the site but were do i click to download the patch ?

buki93 (2010-11-22)

Thanks great game will seed

Ashley152 (2010-11-22)

Does this work online :

karvatuppo (2010-11-25)

Ermmm... It just downloaded perfectly until it reached 50% and then came the information on utorrent, something like: " Warning: Downloading suddenly stopped. " and vola, 4 Trojan.Agents. It didnt finished downloading and i got 4 trojans. Im glad I got good Anti-virus Software! DO NOT DOWNLOAD, I DONT KNOW IF THERE'S EVEN MORE VIRUSES!

karvatuppo (2010-11-25)

Yeah, there is more.. My Software just cleaned over 70 Gen:Variant.Buzy.146 - viruses. i repeat: DO NOT DOWNLOAD!

nvnvn (2010-12-03)

Thank You!

arnold- (2010-12-09)

works perfectly on windows xp, and by the way if your antivirus gives you information about Trojans and etc, they just keygens, Thanks!

TheAlbatross (2010-12-10)

Why do you feel the need to lie?
I just downloaded this and I am currently playing Diablo 2: LoD.
No viruses or malware.
100% safe.
There's a reason Dragons90 has a pink skull next to his name, it's called "Trusted"

Si1vermage (2010-12-13)

Seed plz some one. odl atm :(

fridheim (2010-12-15)

When im mounting the expansion .iso and are going to enter a real CD-key its not enough space to enter the whole cdkey, its like for the original. Anyone knows if this can be fixed?

Amialis (2010-12-17)

Srsly people a cd-key costs less than $5 on one of the Diablo 2 item're never going to get a keygen to work and single player is just out of the question. This is not meant to be a single player game.

Amialis (2010-12-17)

Srsly people a cd-key costs less than $5 on one of the Diablo 2 item're never going to get a keygen to work and single player is just out of the question. This is not meant to be a single player game.
I do have ONE working key message me if you want it but it wont be free so have something to offer. (like a serial for another game maybe)

yunkichang (2010-12-25)

Hi please tell me where to buy it ? I want to buy 1

gbroman (2010-12-26)

To play Lord of Destruction you have to have the LOD disc in the drive, either the real disc or the ISO mounted in Damon Tools or another Virtual drive.
2 years I ripped D2 LOD from a mates originals with all sorts of game rippers, Daemon Tools Pro 4, Sly cloners, Alcohol 120%, Blindwrite 4 and 6, GameJackal and I couldn't get a copy of the LOD expansion disc that played in Virtual drive or from a burned disc in a CD drive. Cracks were hard to get the right version of.
Anyway, Im downloading this Dragon90 upload and to hell with all the repetitive nays showing that lots of d-loaders don't read the previous comments before they jump in and have their say.
As for viruses...hahahahah, keygens, cracks...send AV's bells and whistles a-go-go
Ignorance is the best policy.
Hell!!! the d-load is almost done...2hrs at average 236 kB/s. ..47 seeds. That'll do me.
Cheers Dragon90.
I'll come back and dis ya if its no bloody go-go!!!!!
; )

gbroman (2010-12-26)

Installed like a charm and plays as is without any crack or patch update. I'm only playing single player but did the Full install.
I used Daemon Tools 4.36.0309 to mount and install. Had to right click the mounted icon and choose Open in File Explorer to get it to open up so I could click the sweat.
When asked for next disc(ISO) I unmount the mounted image and mount the one the instal wants, click ok twice where needed and it continued.
Bit of same juggling as it goes through instal but just do what is asked and Mount/unmount/Mount in the same virtual drive and its as sweet as cherry pie.
I didn't use the keygen supplied, I used the list of serials supplied here in the comments by someone. Can't remember who, sorry.....go look.
When installed I mounted the D2 LOD disc(ISO) went to play and the game started to open for a second but went back to desktop twice.
So, I rebooted computer, and then Mounted the D2 LOD disc, hit the desktop shortcut and I'm now off to destroy BAAL and anything else that comes between ME and it.
I'm using W7 X64 Ultimate and just ignored the 'Compatibility issues'notice from W7.
All good here. And the AV i use was as quiet as a defeated bleeting lamb
Excellent and thanks Dragon90......hey I said I'd be back to dis ya if blah blah, well here I is
did is go-go-oooood shit man.

Yuzz1 (2011-01-03)

I just bought LOD, and after 20 minutes of searching, I gave up on finding my original D2 play disc. I'll just get it from here. Long live justified torrenting!

fauset (2011-01-10)

This is a post i found from Neo824 (his key works)
Neo824 at 2010-08-13 17:57 CET:
The CD Key provided with this torrent is not valid.
Working CD key. ;] Enjoy!

SquisheeLOTUW (2011-01-18)

@Amialis Right, I guess the single player campaign is just an extra feature right? This isn't Call of Duty.

queener666 (2011-02-01)

Malware found on key generator!
I was expecting a better stuff coming from a trusted uploader!
"D:\Downloads\Diablo 2 full game with expansion\Diablo 2 CD Key Generator.exe
[DETECTION] Contains recognition pattern of the WORM/Virtool.BUY worm"

Ev5 (2011-02-02)

Thanks, clean torrent works 100% hassle free installation!

(Adrenaline) (2011-02-04)


Slipknotfan13 (2011-02-06)

You retard, this torrent was uploaded before Windows 7 was released, of course it won't work.

Wack_Sparrow (2011-02-09)

IT SHOULD WORK! - (i did on win 7 32 bit)---- - 1--on the exe - right click it
2-- click on troubeshoot compatability
3-- use reccomended settings
4-- or try running it as administrator//

LAST_SPARTAN (2011-02-14)

my d2.exe is coming up as a trojan..i have a new virus scanner called magicwipe..

shazeb4 (2011-02-15)

This Fuckin Torrent didnt work
after install I run Game it show insert Correct CD-ROM

DeathsAdvocate (2011-03-06)

you windows 7 users are retarded you people do realize that if you cant figure out how to get a program to run on a win 7 (32 or 64 bit) there are virt OS drives right? try looking it up, you can run windows xp or vista virtually on windows 7 just gotta learn how to use an emu.
D-load now, will comment when done and will show my support, will upload for 2 days (having internet turned off in 3 so i'll do 2 days seed)

parapeta (2011-03-08)

Guys its confirmed...All you need to do is install EXPANSION DIABLO PACTH 1,13c .... after it works like a charm. Have fun

Nyhilanth (2011-03-13)

After i installed the game and the expansion , i tryied to start the game (with the expansion disk mounted) and it keeps giving me this error " Please verify that your Diablo II Expansion Disc is in your CD-ROM drive , then click 'retry'" any tips where things got wrong? also , i'm using windows xp

aratron_x (2011-03-15)

no crack :(

Ouriel123 (2011-03-16)

Great torrent, thanks for the upload. :)
The game works fine, no issues.
I'll post later some instructions on how to install the game, which there are already tons of it.
Use the keys that lootacris posted on page 16.
NOTE: [B]Those keys does not work for the multiplayer, if you want to play the multiplayer, I'd suggest you to buy the retail version of both Diablo 2 and Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction.[/B]

Ouriel123 (2011-03-18)

This is how I did with alcohol 120%.
1. Mounted the Diablo 2 disk and selected "Full Install".(Don't forget about the serial keys posted on this website on page 16)
2. Once you select "Full Install" you will be required to mount the "Cinematics" disk.
3. Then you will need to mount the "Play Disk".
4. Then you need to mount "Diablo 2" disk.
This is what I did with and installed Diablo 2.
Now for the expansion.
5. Mount the Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction.
6. You will be required to mount "Play Disk".
7. Mount the "Play Disk" just like you did with Diablo 2 installation.
8. Then mount the "Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction(expansion disk)".
9. Download the patch 1.13c from

10. On the website select PC or MAC(if you have PC select PC, if you have MAC select MAC)
11. Download the patch 113c.exe
12. Install it.
13. Copy D2XMUSIC.MPQ and D2XVIDEO.MPQ files to where you've installed Diablo 2.
14. Play without disk.
NOTE: The serials you will use are not for, so you can't play on multiplayer.

rculp99 (2011-03-18)

im a noob to this shit so i've got to ask. i got the game to work no problem. ive been play for a few hours and havent gotten any runes yet. do i need to winrar the rune file? or will the patch from battle net fix this. WTF?

Ouriel123 (2011-03-18)

@rculp99 You don't anything to download. The runes are obtained later in-game on the second or third act, don't remember quite, haven't played the game for years.

Arevolution (2011-03-21)

First of all thank you for the upload ! It works fine ! [ no virus, etc.. ]
The torrent : DIABLO 2 by redlion has a good patch and no cd crack. Download it !
I patched the game and putted the crack on the correct place. Now mount the Play disc and ITS FIXED :)
Enjoy the game ;)

racerstar (2011-03-22)

can someone help I installed Daemon Tools
on virtual drive E is my diablo play disk I installed Diablo II but
when I try to play this message occurs
"Please verify that your Diablo II play disk is in your CD-ROM drive , then click 'retry"
Anyone know what I did wrong?

Arevolution (2011-03-22)

Omg racerstar , i just explained it in the comment above !! READ FIRST, then ask questions ....

dekiai (2011-03-24)

nice fucking viruses D= Detected 4 of them right after i started downloading, glad it was able to remove em.

DarKaiN (2011-03-31)

it has no viruses... your pc has dekiai... also wtf are you talking about nocd in diablo? install 1.13 it runs withoud cd anyway

nick1420 (2011-04-01)

i just downloaed it with the cd key generator and tryed battle net and it said my cd key was ment for a different produce and told to reinstall, that takes a while and is it just bad luck that it doesnt work or should i try using a different cd key

michaelsk8r (2011-04-02)


Alicethetic (2011-04-12)

Thanks for sharing. ^__^

donkeydick121 (2011-04-14)

This is incompatible with Windows 7 !!!!

Sly_Grey (2011-04-21)

Need some more seeders, and is it compatible with windows 7?

Atharol (2011-04-26)

Play World Of Wacraft Free At merciless
Custom weapons/Gear
Custom dungeons/instances
Level Cap up to 255
New Zones/Monsters
Custom Vendors
Find new friendly friends/gms with a lot of players
NO DC/Delay or restarts
And a lot more!

Rastamanse (2011-05-06)

For windows 7 problems patch the original. and mount play disc if it dosent work without.

iJordii (2011-05-07)

i always get an error when 'my uTorrent is downloading this torrent, but also with allot of other torrent.
i have to click start again and again. when the torrent finished it normally work's, sometimes it say's that there are files missing tho...
then i have to start al over again...
it say's something about an error on the torrent idk how to translate it...
*Dutch: clynische gegevensfout*
i downloaded Bittorrent now i and i'm downloading the torrent with it.
i really hope it work''s now.
(Yes i have been searching on google for this problem! i;m not a retard)

iJordii (2011-05-07)

im on about 30& at the moment.
bittorent gave me 0 error's so far.

iJordii (2011-05-07)

i gave me the same error at almost 80% ....

iJordii (2011-05-07)

well that's just great...
i think my fucking hdd is failing!! fick

EemGiee. (2011-05-09)

Works great, thank you!

cq999 (2011-05-14)

This shit simple doesnt work. And doesnt contains any kind of no-cd crack, or whatever.
Try dl from somewhere else.

pzykotik (2011-05-17)

cq999 you're probably too noob to even locate it. that's just too bad for you, great game, easily installed. I've installed it, twice. Works great, great torrent, just not sure if it works well with win7 or vista.

daslayer55 (2011-05-19)

This works perfectly fine. Everything is in order, nothing is complex at all. AVG did report a virus on the CD keygen, but it was a false alarm. Just ignore it. Other than that, absolutely perfect torrent! I support it 9001%.

wicked313 (2011-05-25)

486 seeders yet I'm still at 0.00%???!! WTF dam i've been wanting to play this game for so long since my original got scratchd and doesn't work anymore.... please seed............

keravnokefalos (2011-05-27)

data file error,setup xannot read a required data file
Error 0x00000017:data error (cyclic redundancy check )(safe SF>cpp 67

Ricaldo15 (2011-05-29)

the key gen only works for the expansion pack but i cant install that without installing diablo 2. how do i get diablo 2 serial?

shadowst17 (2011-05-30)

dosnt work for windows 7 64bit keeps saying incompatible even tho i tryed every compatible mode

hothead420 (2011-05-30)

Thanks a bunch for the upload. Works like a charm and really straight forward.

masspwner (2011-06-02)

Im played the orriginal game for a few days without a single problem but today i decided to install the LOD expansion and it installed fine but when i went to play it, it starts to laod then jut stops and doesnt run it at all. I have both LOD and orriginal game mounted but it still wont run. I thought it may be that i need to patch it so i went to the blizzard site and tried to run the patch but it says i need to close the game to install the patch, can anyone help?

masspwner (2011-06-02)

ok i restarted my computer and immediatly tried to run the patch and it worked, after installing the patch it still sais that there is no CD even when i have it mounted..HELP

domacleod (2011-06-12)

Y'all smarties out there, most of the pre-windows 7 games are 32-bit. So install windows 7 32 bit version, if there's any. If not, tough luck. You wanted windows 7, now deal with it.

dackz (2011-06-18)

thanks Dragons90 for this game..
i took me a while to figure out how it work ^^.
works great!

SolidShakeGO (2011-06-18)

its 2011 of course. It took me a while to figure this crap out but i got it finally. i installed diablo 2 FULL and then i installed LOD. i dont know if it actually installed because i dont have a desktop icon, but i am assuming it did.
after i install go to

and download patch v1.13. dont worry, this has the previous no cd patch with it. i downloaded the LOD patch and it failed to load a .dll. so i downloaded the D2 patch. and that installed perfectly fine. it then ran the game on its own.
i watched the open cinematic and i was really excited.
now..i havent played diablo 2 in a long..long time. so idk what the cinematic is for D2 or LOD. but after the cinematic the title said Diablo 2: lord of destruction expansion. so idk..anyways..i made my character and i started playing with no crashes or anything.
so thats it.
1. install with Daemon tools
2. go to
and get patch
3. download D2 only patch, run, then play.

PitMaGGot (2011-06-22)

@TahNei Keygens ALWAYS register as a virus, its a KEY GENERATOR but i'd take it since 408 ppl are seeding it's more than safe + I haven't got a virus from a Trusted or VIP user my entire time here on TPB and i've been useing it waaaay b4 i got an account

DigFunk (2011-06-25)

Wow, just LOL at all the people that can't get this to work; it really is the easiest older videogame torrent I've installed on Win 7 (64 bit).
Just get four virtual drives going on DaemonTools (I use DT Lite), and mount up all four discs, in this order: 1)Install 2)Playdisc 3)Cinematics 4) LOD expansion. There are keycodes earlier in the comments, about 3 pages back, I used these (they worked) so I don't know if the included keygen works. If you can't get the install disc to begin installation, right-click it and go to "Open in File Explorer", and open the "INSTALL" file and it will begin. If it asks you to put in the next disc, you should already have it mounted, so click OK, do this for all three; THEN once it's installed do the LOD expansion and click "Upgrade to expansion".
Once all of them are installed, GO TO
AND DOWNLOAD THE PATCH 1.13, this is what gets it to run properly so it's very important to do this. You only need the one from the expansion column. Once it's downloaded, double click and it will automatically apply the patch. THE END. If you can't fucking run it with these simple ass instructions, you probably shouldn't be torrenting video games.

jaii6 (2011-07-01)

How can i install it on windows 7 64 bits?
every time i try it says
Setup was unable to create following directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)
Installation aborted
Anyone can help?

nik2492 (2011-07-03)

okk ...after installing daemon tools ... i mount the image using daemon tools .... but when i clicked install or run program it tells me that --> " No Program start menu found " ......guys plzzzz help!!!
i m using vista.....plzzz.
thanks!! :-)

acerauto21 (2011-07-06)

it says cant install this because "classic environement is no longer supported
What does that mean? Help

Howdy117 (2011-07-19)

Thanks for the download, works great!

frvme (2011-07-23)

Yoh I have my latest drivers for my recently buyed laptop that has a ati radeon hd 6250.
Could it be just the fact that I have no DirectX installed or theres nothing to do with that ?

HP-NRNS (2011-07-29)

Simple install. Works brilliantly. Absolute classic many thanks!!

ADGMOD3 (2011-08-04)

Hows about dumb-ass Blizzard can stop making games 4 CDs big???

SiLeNt_oNe1 (2011-08-07)

well i gotta say...this upload works great... im playing it right now... X) TY 2 the Uplaoder 4 this Game

Yeobra (2011-08-08)

For anyone still having issues, What I did was install the game with MagicDisc while mounting all 4 disks at once that way there was no disk swapping. Once all is downloaded go here.

Download the V1.13 patch and then it will start the game no problem.

Duhya2 (2011-08-18)

Run in compatibility mode if you have 64bit, not sure if that works though, but easy to try.

slaymordor (2011-08-27)

wow nice one dragons90
im downloading with an Epic 3.3 MB/s

gyroscopic (2011-09-02)

Works like a charm. Thanks for the up.

fEcAlMaTteR (2011-09-04)

Any of you tell me what version this installs?

SlappywagJonesy (2011-09-11)

Will this work with a legitimate key for online play?
I've lost my disks but am going to buy a real cd key.

vdutch (2011-09-12)

you guys dont need to dl the patches it will auto patch when you log in, anyways thanks for the up nd thats for keeping this alive. lost my d2 LOD disk few years back and ive been re downloading this torrent everytime i need to reinstall

Desdemon666 (2011-09-19)

umm i cant unzip the exspantion?? its pretty gay i have to say. im useing winzip and i know how to torrent games and stuff i do it all the time. but it says its not in the right file type but its a winzip file...idk can anyone help me?

Devil4444123 (2011-09-21)

Very quick d/l (only took 16 minutes 46 seconds for the whole 2.25GB).
@those who are saying stuff about viruses; MS Security Essentials only detected the Keygen as being a Keygen and SpyBot found absolutely no viruses.
Let's just hope it installs and runs okay.

crysious (2011-09-25)

every time i go to the link many people have given on this torrent for the patch it says i am already updated to this patch and listen the downloaded patch from blizzard as 1.0.2 something any solutions i have running the windows 8 developers preview do you think that could be it?

Thetruewonder (2011-09-25)

Can you play online?

marky_marko (2011-09-26)

Hay I just got the game works good but the colour keeps going really crazy. Any ideas on what it can be Im using windows 7 and have changed it to run 16bit rather than 32bit

Rhonyn (2011-09-30)

about color,for old games like diablo2 run game in Scummvm, it works great!

biohazard007 (2011-11-02)

it installed coorrect but.. wt do i do next... do i have to copy smthing... it says cd rom error put diablo 2 play cd in cd drive (daemon tools virtual device)

biohazard007 (2011-11-02)

i have windows 7... already patched the update v2.30 frm patch folder

GenghisKhron (2011-11-09)

thanks, perfect for the private server my buddies want me to join

KanameKuranTB (2011-11-25)

I downloaded the whole torrent, loaded all the images for Diablo II including cinematics disc and installed the game full. Evey time I try to open the game is doesn't do anything... Someone please help.

Diluted56 (2011-11-25)

Works flawlessly... I am using Windows 7 64 bit with no colour or resolution issues.

Dexified (2011-12-02)

AVG detected a Trojan while downloading this!

paragrin_took (2011-12-16)

this did not work for online play , key-gen fail

paragrin_took (2011-12-16)

this did not work for online play , key-gen fail looking for a good key-gen, or key codes!

paragrin_took (2011-12-16)

does not work for online play keygen Fail, looking for working keygen, or key,

psiloxx (2012-01-29)

Theirs a really easy way to get around having to use the cd keys just goto blizzards website and download their digital copies of the game and type in the digital copy cd keys from their. Shouldnt be hard to find, the cd key is slightly different then the ones provided down below.Also run it for XP SP3 compatibility.

psiloxx (2012-01-29)

doing this isnt going to give you access for inline but will get rid of the any disk iso's you need to use and the game itself will download and install faster then hell.

nowbob420 (2012-03-06)

you can play online on a private server like

Stillflexin (2012-03-15)

after downloading. world of warcraft account got hacked twice. ran AVG and picked up a trojan. since then haven't been hacked. take this torrent down

nunucle (2012-03-23)

this game is cursed.

nunucle (2012-03-23)

cursed game ever.
i can't stop playing

nunucle (2012-03-23)


edierbarr (2012-04-15)

AccurateRip CD Keys works, but when I try to play it says I have not the D2CMP.dll file. what can I do?

edierbarr (2012-04-15)

This game is far too complex to install than World of Warcraft... but I feel nostalgic.

tracegrand (2012-04-24)

Just incase anybody is getting the Unhandled exception window after executing Diablo 2. All you have to do is put it in windows mode. Create a shortcut icon/right click/properties/ and in target put a -w after the address. It should look like this... "C:Program Files (x86)Diablo IIDiablo II.exe" -w

tracegrand (2012-04-24)

"C:Program Files (x86)Diablo IIDiablo II.exe" -w

Cokaric (2012-04-24)

I had a problem with pink, green colors in game on Windows 7 and delay before game starts...
Fixed those two problems with Program Compability (Set to Windows XP SP3 and selected all options bellow) and installed Sven's 3dFXGlide OpenGL wrapper,

ron916 (2012-04-29)

MalwareBytes did detect 1 infection but it was easily cleaned after reboot.

MitchAllen (2012-05-06)

If you are having trouble with this one i suggest

Also download this game editor it works
Took me an hour to find one that did work lol

donnywillo (2012-05-13)

FuCtUpPuNk's is better + 1000+ seeders.

ChriSilvia (2012-05-19)

Seed plEASE

zmaster1985 (2012-05-30)

Hey guys...
If u wnt DII simply download it from this version:

All you need to do to instal is unpack the zip file with WinRAR or WinZIP...
Also if your on Windows Vista or 7... change the Compatibility mode to Win XP... u can place tht folder anywhere on ur PC tht it will work!
Keep Seeding, Z

tiz2 (2012-06-11)

@ MitchAllen, donnywillo, zmaster1985 That version has all the video ripped. Not worth it. It's 2012 500mb makes no difference.

snake0463 (2012-06-19)

It seems to not be working for me, I'm running as administrator, in compatibility mode for windows xp service pack 3, and windows 2000 and some others I saw that worked, I restarted after install of both the game and expansion. Are there any patches that I need?

snake0463 (2012-06-19)

I found the patch you need, so disregard my last comment. To anyone else who was confused, you need the 1.12 LoD patch. Great torrent! Thanks Dragon.

{me} (2012-08-20)


SwordsMaster6 (2012-08-27)

I cannot get this to work. Downloaded successful, burned all but the LoD successfully, the key generator did not work (used online generator), and when I tried to play the game it kept asking for the play disk (yes, it was in the CD drive).

Mikiah (2012-08-30)

You guys should use:
Daemon Tools Lite. It's free.
I think I'm just going to buy the game.
It's like 40 bucks for both games together, maybe less now. And I'm in Canada.
So for you guys it's a cheaper price out there for me =3.

treetops422 (2012-11-16)

I have cd keys the download client from blizzard fails.... so here I am, hopefully this is just the ISO so I can mount it.

DangerZ12 (2013-03-07)

Keygens requires administrative rights? Riiiiiight. Game itself is fine. Just don't be a moron. Find your serials elsewhere.

HackD (2013-04-15)

ok, so, all I have for Keygens is the one for the expansion pack, not the one for without. any help on this?

kiasta (2013-06-05)

Finally a well seeded torrent with the actual ISOs instead of rips. I have legit cd keys registered to blizzard but for some reason the installer keeps failing... so fuck it.

BurningThemDown (2013-06-14)

AVG found 3 viruses.
Download at your own risk.

David89an (2013-07-07)

I tried installing d2 for hours, now it finaly works.
I got OS Windows 8
I got D2Lod working with this torrent here on TPB:

I used these links:

The trixs where (with Win8) ; compatibility mode, something with adding on the shortcut direction target, add "-w" (open in window mode), dunno if that worked really for me.
Options for "compatibility mode", google it for pictures, options checked: "run in 16-bit, run as admin, disable display scaling on high DPI settings, disable desktop composition (dosnt exist on win8).
Another trick, try wait 8min if d2lod dosnt start directly.

booduh1181 (2013-07-20)

I downloaded twice and both times it didn't have the iriginal Diablo 2 keygen, just the expansion :(

GSB2000 (2013-09-03)

If you're looking for a great server for Diablo 2 LoD, is your choice!!
You will enjoy this game when it's online! :D
>>[info on how to connect in the forums]
>>[ feel free to join and resolve your issues :) ]
[pictures of some spec's the server has]

>> more info:
*new.level (realm.of.the.snakes with Uber Nihlathak)
*3x.exp rate
*3x.drop rate
*great.gaming.environment with active.staff