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PC » WARHAMMER 40000 - DAWN OF WAR 2 v1.1.3 Full Game directplay by globe@




Games PC


PC » WARHAMMER 40000 - DAWN OF WAR 2 v1.1.3 Full Game directpla




2010-02-27 (by globeplus)


* Hello PC great games fans ... * Play the new WARHAMMER 40000 game ... * Patch 1.1.3 already applied * Full Game with everything normal but english only * To get more languages , please use this link : * The freeware FREEARC need to be installed to help in the extraction of the arc file * Story : * * The game opens with the player and Sergeant Tarkus deep-striking onto the planet Calderis to aid Captain Davian Thule and his initiates. As they drive away the Orks they are confronted by Mek Badzappa and his wartrukk. Although the Mek escapes, the Marines collapse the mine through which they are coming and take a victory. After this they strike from the cruiser Armageddon into a hamlet where Scout Sergeant Cyrus is waiting for them. They manage to fight their way to the defender of the hamlet, Sergeant Avitus, rescue him and save the hamlet from Orks. After this they receive word that Orks have attacked two more key locations and assume someone is leading them. The first attack is led by a Stormboyz Nob named Skykilla and the second by Warboss Gutrencha. After this the Marines obtain information from Skykilla and Gutrencha and find that both have visited Felhammer Mine recently. They also learn that Mek Badzappa is there as well. However Cyrus remains onboard the Armageddon to provide technical support. When they enter the mine they see a Warp Spider Exarch and his retinue vanish, and the marines are rescued from Ork gunners by Sergeant Thaddeus. They also find Badzappa and his platoon under attack by an Eldar Warlock and a company of Guardians. Although they kill the Warlock, the Mek escapes once again. As the Warlock dies he speaks of a greater foe threatening them all but the heroes remain unconcerned. They travel to planet Typhon to stop Eldar activity. A Warp Spider Exarch is stirring up the Orks into revolt and must be eliminated. He mentions nothing of the so-called "greater foe" but Thule asks them to return to Calderis as Mek Badzappa is launching an attack against the capital, and citizens are reporting plants mutating and small purple creatures killing livestock. The Space Marines arrive and finally kill the Mek, but they are soon attacked by the Tyranids. Thule is mortally wounded by a Tyranid Warrior and Techmarine Martellus leads them back to safety after they destroy the Tyranid attack force. The Space Marines return to Typhon, leaving Apothecary Gordian in charge of Thule. They kill the Eldar ranger Nemerian, who has been stirring up trouble and returning to Calderis to kill the Tyranid Warrior that mortally wounded Captain Thule. After this the game presents three primary objectives to complete: gathering a sample of bio-toxin, securing the Astronomic Array, and defending Angel Forge. These can be completed in any order desired. The Astronomic array will grant the player orbital bombardment and deep-strike, defending Angel Forge will allow Sergeant Tarkus to use Terminator Armour, and the bio-toxin will provides a Dreadnought which is the revived Captain Davian Thule. Upon completion of all three objectives, the Tyranid poison is ready for delivery. However, the Litany of Fury (which has been traveling to the player's aid for some time) is psionically assaulted by the Hive Mind and is in grave danger of becoming lost in the Warp. This effectively takes your reinforcements out of the picture - but the Hive Mind is weakened from the exertion and goes to planet Typhon to feed. The player's strike team deploys on the planet and administers the poison to the Hive Mind through its feeder tendrils. In the space battle above, the Armageddon is destroyed and Gordian killed. As the poison takes effect, all appears lost as the strike team has no means of retreat and massive waves of Tyranids are preparing to attack them. Suddenly, Gabriel Angelos and an entire company of Blood Ravens land on the battlefield and protect your force from the oncoming Tyranids. Angelos himself joins your command and is completely controllable; with his help your team kills the Hive Tyrant Alpha and the day is won. Minimum System Requirements: ============================ OS: Windows XP/Vista Processor: Pentium 4 @ 3.2 GHz or any Dual Core Processor Memory: 1 GB for XP, 1.5 GB for Vista Hard Drive: 5.5 GB Free Video Memory: 128 MB (nVidia GeForce 6600 GT/ATI X1600 (Shader Model 3.0) Sound Card: DirectX Compatible DirectX: 9.0c or 10 Keyboard & Mouse DVD Rom Drive ***** enjoy ... *****

Files count:



2495.21 Mb




Amjr (2010-02-28)

Visit !! :)

illprospect (2010-03-04)


kabaljoker23 (2010-03-13)

Game ran fine for a while...than I got black pixels spreading on a black snow storm :S Strange thing is after I exit game the shit is now in every browser and even on my desktop....virus?

kabaljoker23 (2010-03-13)

After restart game works again for a bit...than again I have same same problem.
OS: Vista 64
Hardware: i7 920, 6GB 1600Mhz RAM, Xfx 260 Black edit. Should do the job I think.
Any ideas? Globe?

kabaljoker23 (2010-03-13)

One more question. How to uninstall this release?
Thanks for the up...hope I get it up and working

dxk (2010-03-26)

Works perfectly. Is there any way to patch it?

amon87 (2010-04-11)

for me, it doesn't work. after extraction, nothing happens after opening loader. just 'crash report'. gonna download normal version.

Tolian94 (2010-04-22)

Convert with Globe converter and then open loader morron..

Anonym1 (2010-05-03)

Ran using Loader.exe but the game drops me after a few seconds while loading a campaign because of Steam/LIVE authentication error. In other words, completely unplayable.

Sinister181 (2010-05-05)

It doesn't fucking work!! A few minutes into loading the game, it says "a sign in change has occurred". And then it goes back to the main screen. Creating an offline account doesn't work either. Is there any way to fix this, like a crack or something? Either way, thanks for the useless upload. I spent hours downloading this, and those are hours of my life I'll never get back.

Sinister181 (2010-05-05)

Ok, after trying everything, I finally got this game to work. I just renamed the folder to "DoW2", and moved it to C:\ . I'm not sure if this is the default install directory, but now the game works perfect OFFLINE. Also, I'm not sure if the firewall had anything to do with it either.

Anonym1 (2010-05-06)

Thanks Sinister181, it worked after I renamed the folder holding Loader.exe, but I didn't have to move it to another drive.
I think the original path:
Drive:/PC » WARHAMMER 40000 - DAWN OF WAR 2 v1.1.3 Full Game directplay by globe@\PC » WARHAMMER 40000 - DAWN OF WAR 2 v1.1.3 Full Game directplay by globe@
Was too long, so it just has to be shortened.

Plague.Jester (2010-05-21)

Alright... so... don't DL this. I'm not sure what it is, but it isn't the game, and whatever it /is/, it's big. Probably not good. I mean... if it weren't bad, why would the uploader lie about what the hell this is?

siegfrid (2010-05-22)

if you're not sure on what you're talking about don't bother saying anything since you're only making a fool out of yourself, it IS the Dawn of War 2 game if you ever tried to install it, which likely you NEVER even tried to download or install in the first place, I can say this since i just downloaded this fucked up game 3 days ago and I've playing it since.
Anyhow back to my MAIN rant.....
It works and it has too many fuck-ups if you ever played it like you have to rename the god damn Main folder to DoW2 for it to work or it wont load the main game.... other than that you CANNOT, I repeat, CANNOT quit the game with ALT+F4 or you will loose your god damn save game and it will corrupt your save and you cannot load it no more, It happened to me twice already lost my level 12 & 17 save game..... god damn....

faikwan (2010-05-24)

Eh. I installed the ARC File Software, and shortened the name to DoW2, but to no avail the Loader still produces a crash report.
Vista, x86.
Help anyone?

siegfrid (2010-05-27)

Read the instructions included in the torrent.
1 - Extract the arc file in the main folder of the file
2 - Move the extracted folder to the desktop
3 - Open the extracted folder and go to the GameAssets folder
and run the Globe Converter.exe
- read the console information and wait for it to finish
4 - Go to the front of the game folder and run the Loader.exe
5 - Rename the Folder Containing all the files to "DoW2"
I'd highly recommend patching this game from v1.2 till v1.5 version since the current version may crash and fuck-up your save game, like what happened to me, keep in mind that if you close the game with Alt+F4, CTRL+ALT+DEL, or any other means on the existing version that is on the torrent, you WILL loose your save game.
6 - Download the necessary patches from;51040

siegfrid (2010-05-27)

Disregard the Link that i posted above, it's for Dawn of war 1
Here's the link for DoW2:

siegfrid (2010-05-27)

to the people that are too lazy to use the immaculate search bar

StefanopuloZ (2010-07-26)

This doesent work! Dont download!

Janimester (2010-08-06)


DriestBiscuit (2010-08-07)

thank you for the torrent but how do u get the cd key for the game because i have to sign in with live but they ask me for a key and im stumped from there any help from u or anybody reading this will be greatly appreciated

tommy153 (2010-09-02)

i use theis cd code on this game but a different torrent and it worked fine but i can't try it on this one becouse it is still downloading (cd key xfcfx-wfrpf-tjh83-twc44-9vhv8)

tommy153 (2010-09-03)

why dose it ceep asking me to update windows live and then not working and logging me out so i cant play

tommy153 (2010-09-03)

you have to create a local acount you just click on create acount an neer the bottum of the page

tommy153 (2010-09-04)

you should get the patches 1.8 & 1.9 you can get them both from

if the dont work you might need to get 1.5 from

and if it askes you for a cd key just put
to apply the patches just copy and past the files inside the folder downloaded you.

WifiRex (2010-09-18)

howcome the file is so small? I thought it would be 5-10Gb

SAS9211 (2011-03-01)

globeplus thank you so much for such a great upload..for those who are saying this is fake can go and screw them selves..
just keep em coming globe :D

nikromants (2011-04-24)

i need a fucking help. I extracted the file with "freeware FREEARC" as says here, than i take it to desktop the extracted folder, and now im stuck at point 3. at the place where i have to go in GameAssets folder and start some kinda "Globe Converter" which i never heard of it before, and there isn't such *.exe file anyway , just Data/Movies (and those folders are empty) and i can't find anywhere to download the Globe Converter , as i said before, it doesn't exists, can't find anywhere, i think my head is gonna blow up, im taking with this shit almost 3 - 4h just to understand the fucking instruction, why just can't be some kinda DVDrip or SKIDROW or any other popular cracking teams, only one witch i found in TPB is "Dawn of War 2" original, others are "Dawn of War" or full place with "Dawn of War Retribution" and some DLC's . Some shit, at least make some normal instruction, where to get the "globe converter " if can't find it anywhere, i tried something with the same FREEARC but nothing, how others can even play it ? where the fuck did they got fucking non-existing Globe Converter ?

nikromants (2011-04-24)

I can say that this torrent isn't downloadable, maybe it works, but instruction sucks, witch is important part of the "download and install" part, too many shits have to do just to get it work properly, too much time it takes and you end up with no result anyway, so no use of this thing anyway, if someone knows what is Globe converter...than show me where to download it and what it does, i know that you will say that the name describes ,it converts, but how does it looks like ? some youtube trials or something, i never heard of it till now, still this torrent isn't downloadable.

shidobu24 (2013-07-06)