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FSX - PMDG Simulations - 747-400X v2.00




Games PC


FSX - PMDG Simulations - 747-400X v2.00




2007-12-25 (by 4X-AXG)


Yes yes, the 747X has already been released a while ago..but this one is different. Wildmans and I present you the ultimate FSX Christmas gift: the PMDG 747-400X without any "difficult" installation/cracking instructions. Simply install the plane using the EnableButton program, replace one single file (all explained in the install.txt) and fly. Yes it is that easy!

Files count:



106.52 Mb




Daxe24 (2007-12-25)

Thx for this and the oder pmdg
req: Crack for Fsx Service Pack 2

Daxe24 (2007-12-25)

Working the Displays??????????? yes or no

DrOctaCoG (2007-12-25)

THANK YOU!! very much, Serious kewl!!

kegsey (2007-12-26)

Hi, nice one. anyone also got the new Dreamfleet Dakota plane to upload ? thanks

lavishfaraz (2007-12-26)

Req: flight1 latest de-wrapper all older i have tried...i need one which can work on ecommerce 3.2+

4X-AXG (2007-12-26)

in the right sequence:
Daxe: yes the displays are working if you don't fuck thingsup
Makhno: if you don't know how to use the EnableButton program, don't even try to fly PMDG jets
Lavish: don't we all..

rrsousa (2007-12-26)

Tks. Happy 08!

stiffeg (2007-12-26)

Does this work in Vista?

4X-AXG (2007-12-26)

haha a stupid question deservers a stupid answer makhno..note to self..never underestimate the stupidity of leechers :-)
oh and I'm not sure if the EnableButton thing works under Vista, sorry

Frodge (2007-12-26)

Ho Ho Ho very nice up!
Bedankt kerstman =)

luke97 (2007-12-26)

Does not work for me... Black MFD´s after +-1 minute. :-( ..and I know how to install addons.

c402_rog (2007-12-27)

Works 100% here. I just deleted my previous version by deleting the PMDG folders in fsx/simobjects/airplanes and reinstalled this version.
The instructions is wrong though for the pmdgoptions.dll, it does not goto fsx/modules but to fsx/pmdg/dlls or something to that effect

4X-AXG (2007-12-27)

ah sorry about that, I don't even have FSX installed..I admit I assumed the .dll file had to go to the modules directory
sorry 'bout that guys

luke97 (2007-12-27)

Tnx c402_rog !!!! Working great now. That .dll on the right place was the solution.
Tnx 4X-AXG and Wildmans !!!!

4X-AXG (2007-12-27)

you figured it out :D :D

stiffeg (2007-12-27)

I get a fatal error and fsx shuts down

4X-AXG (2007-12-27)

haha I'm not a moron..I've been in this 'business' for a couple of years now and I've come to a point that I can no longer be patient to noob problems. If you have found your way to torrents, to TPB, to FS9, to PMDG, you shouldn't have to ask about EnableButton..first try to figure it out, then ask. Not the other way around.

mikenude (2007-12-27)

Thanks 4X
You have been the best all year!

crazitrain02 (2007-12-27)

I'm also getting a fatal error when I try to load the aircraft into the game. Any ideas?

4X-AXG (2007-12-27)

LOL I have uploaded more than 200 FS torrents here, versus 6 of yours..and I'm the noob?
get over it and fly the damn plane :)

Havok_ (2007-12-27)

woooo, a perfect version of the pmdg has been missing from the torrent pipeline for a long time! leave it to 4x to provide it for us all to enjoy!! 4x=one cool dude.

FSSR.Keyno (2007-12-27)

WoS back up?

ssbeeci (2007-12-27)

Another Gr8 up M8:):)
And hey Bro.. let the loosers cry...;)

c402_rog (2007-12-27)

WOS?!? Url?

slugga (2007-12-27)

Thanks a LOT for this. Btw, is this the same version that have been around here, or is this with servicepacks?

Husky42 (2007-12-27)

Look this file does not take an idiot to install.
Use Enable. Install the freaking plane. Then Go to:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\PMDG
In that folder you see dlls - Copy the PMDGOptions.dll into that folder and overwrite.
Ta DUH your fucking done.
Thanks to erikrock for posting this file.
4X-AXG is a thief who steals other peoples releases. This file Originated from Wings of Silence.
Please do not support these TPB Postings. Unless they come from the original purchasers and team that cracked them.
All you do is feed the ego of thieves.

Husky42 (2007-12-27)

BTW - What 4X-AXG does is like Fairlight stealing something from Razor or Deviance.
This would not happen within groups, it is about competition. All 4X-AXG has managed to do was alienate himself as a non team player and thief.
This would not have been accepted years ago. A child to the game 4X-AXG will continue to steal. But be aware, he has never released a file that was not released elsewhere first.
He has never purchased and sold, or donated to help a cause. He is the lowest of the lowest when it comes to file sharers and in no way deserves any form of respect. He does not even know how to give appropriate credit.

apncka (2007-12-27)

what about level-D 767 for FSX ?

c402_rog (2007-12-27)

Geezes Huksy42, how hypocritical can you be?!?!? "All you do is feed the ego of thiefs" that made be chuckle, what is everybody doing here in the first place?!?!?
Enlighten us, or me at least and tell me what Wings of Silence are and where I can get to them and I will come grab stuff there, otherwise, I'm gonna get it from where I can and if it's a file uploaded by someone who stole it from someone else, so be it!!

belltaco (2007-12-27)

Thanks 4X,Jumbo fly perfect,allready tested between Rio and Salvador,no problems.

4X-AXG (2007-12-27)

haha this file originated from WoS? that's funny..I'm sure it has appeared on WoS by now, but me and Wildmans released this on usenet and TPB..that's it
oh and erikrock? seriously? he's been the one who has been providing me with a lot of 'private' or 'VIP' add-ons all along..I am the one who is supposed to thank him, not you guys ;-)

Panodilo (2007-12-27)

A poem about gayviation - by Panodilo

I was on finals, into a wintry O'hare
Lined up gloriously on the motherfucking slope
Suddenly I felt my co-pilot's Jim's stare
I offered my crotch for Jim to grope
The passengers screamed in collective fear
as we plowed into the snows of December
Jim's hard cock in my hairy rear
Oh, tis' a night to remember

4X-AXG (2007-12-27)

hahahaha god I've missed you P'Dilo! :D

slugga (2007-12-27)

Posted on WOS 11.26.2007 (one day after this release)
12-26-07 10:50 PM - Post#37199 New Reply
This is the one posted in TPB bt wildmans,thanks to him.
New about this one does not corrupt the CFG.file and is easier to use,just after install run the enable button and copy the DLL to your modules and presto. Enjoy
So stop fucking around. Thx 4X-AXG.

4X-AXG (2007-12-28)

ahh now what do ya know..WoS 'stole' it from me! not that I care..sharing is sharing. they can 'steal' stuff from me just as I can 'steal' stuff from them :) hope the WoS kids have fun with this one ;-)

4X-AXG (2007-12-28)

LOL oh now you are erik all of a sudden eh
come on man admit it, it's fun to rat out on WoS ;-) take credit for your work erik :D

loggie (2007-12-28)

i know im a noob in this area..but what is WoS ???
thx ..or is it forbidden to talk about it

Panodilo (2007-12-28)

WoS is a little group, or a circle jerk, that I started about a year ago. The idea was that I would buy addons and have them cracked in return. I bought stuff for probably 3000 euros.
Then some elements within WoS wanted a change in leadship so they leaked some of the addons I had procured with the serials that came with them. It wasn't long before Eaglesoft, Flight1 and PMDG fired off email after email with lawsuit threats. I bought three padded envelopes and scraped some nut crust from my ball sack and sealed it in with a fart and sent of to the developers. Ron Hamilton was not pleased.
Then, without my consent, they changed the name of my outfit from Wings of Sodomy to Wings of Silenze. I cried that day. Eventually I left WoS because I was accused of a number of things, but the most offensive thing was that they suggested I was homosexual which is a lie. I have never been a gay, and as for that plainclothes cop in the airport mens' room, I only asked him for the time.

stiffeg (2007-12-28)

It works now!
Best addon!

zyx321 (2007-12-28)

is this the updated version (after NOV3)? If so, could you plz upload the fs9 unifier

zyx321 (2007-12-28)

so the updated unifier file also? thanks very much!

slugga (2007-12-28)

Hehe 4X-AXG - you have uploaded so much good stuff here so I thought it was okay to post that msg .. anywayz thz a lot :-)

loggie (2007-12-28)

thx Panodilo for tihs explanation =)

globalair01 (2007-12-29)

Thanks 4x for another great upload!
Any chance of an SP2 crack. I tried Accel and it doesn't work on my laptop, whereas normal FSX does?!
Thanks again!

palmofsweden (2007-12-29)

loggie: Panodilo is a joker!

Husky42 (2007-12-29)

4X-AXG why do you not admit that you were relatively new to WOS when you started to steal from the site?
You continuously post WOS here and take credit that it is your own.
In regards to pondequeer - He has/had never had any thing to do with WOS. Just another lose.
TBH I do not think some posters would have issues with the fact that 4X-AXG post stuff if he would just leave the original NFO and credits in the files, the fact that he does not is disrespectful to the original sharers.
Everything yes, is illegal in the long run, the the little sense of respect for original shares by groups is tossed out the window. Nobody ever things to say thanks to the guy that actually purchased the item and provided the serial, or the original crack (remember these cracks from dedicated members of WOS) One of those being Wildman. I think if 4X-AXG kept the nfo's in tact there would be less issue amongst people.
Some of thesee torrents have saved my ass, but just remember guys 4X-AXG is only able to share maybe 5% of what WOS has to offer.

loggie (2007-12-29)

right...but now i kknow what WoS is..i didnt know that that is a forum and I didnt know anything about it he helped me a bit =)

4X-AXG (2007-12-29)

1. I have been in this 'business' since the end of 2003; as far as I know, WoS was created after that
2. I don't see a problem with me not giving credits to WoS as they won't give me credit as well. This 747 was shared at WoS (which again, is fine by me) with my name erased from the install.txt. Again, fine by me, but don't complain I'm removing your names as well.
3. Wildmans is NOT active, nor has he ever been, at WoS. He's not active at TPB, WickedFriends, WoS, not anywhere.
4. Good holidays :-)

rentacow (2007-12-30)

It looks like the EnableButton program doesn't work with Vista. I run the program after starting the installation .exe but the "Next" arrow is still un-clickable. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong, or have alternative installation instructions?
Thanks for the upload!

stiffeg (2007-12-30)

I have Vista and it works fine!
Before you click on the installprogram of the plane and the enable button you must right click on both of them and check the kompatible for WNDOWS XP-SP2. DO IT WITH BOTH OF THEM.

radar201 (2007-12-30)

could somebody please tell me how to upload files step by step? email me at [email protected]

radar201 (2007-12-30)

can someone please tell me how to upload files/zip files step by step. Email me @ [email protected]. sorry if I dble post!

groundcrew (2007-12-30)

Does anyone have a key for XPAX??

groundcrew (2007-12-30)

I have a working version of XPAX but can't upload it. Maybe if I pass it through to you, you can upload it??

354 (2007-12-31)

hey could someone please tell me how to upload things here. How to convert to .torrent?
Thanks much appreciated.
Email at [email protected]

radar201 (2007-12-31)

When you find out would you kindly share with me. My email address is right above groundcrew post. Vise versa. Thank you

354 (2007-12-31)

Sure once i find out i will tell you. Great upload 4X
thanks soo much. I really needed this. And all you guys that say 4x is a thief (Husky42) well you guys are just dumbasses and wannabes. And even if he is a thief isint evreyone on TPB?

stiffeg (2007-12-31)

Flight Environment X

the-uploader-boy (2008-01-01)

Thanks! Havn´t installed yet but am going to in 1 min, I´ll be back to tell if it worked :D Happy New Year everybody!

the-uploader-boy (2008-01-01)

4X-AXG THANK YOU! It really worked!!

Boogie73 (2008-01-05)

I couldnt get it to work...I used the enable button and yes i have used it installs OK but when I try to select the plane it crashes FSX. Im running XP..

Tosig (2008-01-06)

Does anyone have the LevelD 767 for FSX?? Please share
Thank You!!!:-)

vkk68 (2008-01-10)

May I know why the size of this download is only 106.52MB where as the actual download from pmdg measures 133 MB ? Thanks.

rockn886 (2008-01-12)

I'm getting a fatal error every time i try and load the plane! anyone have any ideas!? plz help!!

ashwill (2008-01-13)

This is quite strange actually. It downloaded and installed ok, but when it came to flying it. It had no texture at all, and you could see right though the plane, and all the seats inside. None of the displays in the VC were working either.
Any ideas?

belltaco (2008-01-13)

try this one:

flyhan (2008-01-14)

you upload Airport Facilitator X is down one error.
Be sure to ask for repair.
Or ask for the latest version (1.4).
seed pal...
Thank you very much.

far_isle (2008-01-15)

Been putting out the word about Just Planes Air Greenland. Forgive me if you have run into this request a few times - just spreading out the alert. 30 folks are stuck at 28.4%. It's been about 5 weeks, maybe more and patiently we are all hoping for a hero to jump in and save the day. Anyone and Everyone that hears and helps - Thanks 10,000 times. PB Seeders are AWEsome. BEV was requested and less than 1 Day (!) later PB came forward and seeded. Thnx!

rockn886 (2008-01-15)

thank you so much. it worked perfectly. its nice to have some people on here that actually want to help out. cheers

jka380 (2008-01-17)

THX so much 4X-AXG your the best I love this plane so much. Any chance you could get Aerosoft - ProFlight Emulator Deluxe, exe with code key that would be great!!

amf93 (2008-01-19)

igot some problems!!!! when i am in the cocpit all the insruments are black. and the switches moves butt the dont work.
and when i am outside of the plane the front weel wont move and it points to the left.
and none of movable parts outside is working!!. what do i need to do????!!!

Title27GT (2008-01-20)

I'm having the same problem as Ashwill, the plane is see-through! Can anyone help us? Are we the only ones?

ywgflyer (2008-01-20)

Still get the fatal error after applying the DLL.XML fix outlined earlier. Any other ideas, guys?

amf93 (2008-01-20)

igot some problems!!!! when i am in the cocpit all the insruments are black. and the switches moves butt the dont work.
and when i am outside of the plane the front weel wont move and it points to the left.
and none of movable parts outside is working!!. what do i need to do????!!!

amf93 (2008-01-20)

igot some problems!!!! when i am in the cocpit all the insruments are black. and the switches moves butt the dont work.
and when i am outside of the plane the front weel wont move and it points to the left.
and none of movable parts outside is working!!. what do i need to do????!!!?

amf93 (2008-01-20)

igot some problems!!!! when i am in the cocpit all the insruments are black. and the switches moves butt the dont work.
and when i am outside of the plane the front weel wont move and it points to the left.
and none of movable parts outside is working!!. what do i need to do????!!!!!

amf93 (2008-01-20)

igot some problems!!!! when i am in the cocpit all the insruments are black. and the switches moves butt the dont work.
and when i am outside of the plane the front weel wont move and it points to the left.
and none of movable parts outside is working!!. what do i need to do????!!!!!!!

amf93 (2008-01-20)

igot some problems!!!! when i am in the cocpit all the insruments are black. and the switches moves butt the dont work.
and when i am outside of the plane the front weel wont move and it points to the left.
and none of movable parts outside is working!!. what do i need to do????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

amf93 (2008-01-20)

igot some problems!!!! when i am in the cocpit all the insruments are black. and the switches moves butt the dont work.
and when i am outside of the plane the front weel wont move and it points to the left.
and none of movable parts outside is working!!. what do i need to do????!!! plz help me!!

amf93 (2008-01-20)

igot some problems!!!! when i am in the cocpit all the insruments are black. and the switches moves butt the dont work.
and when i am outside of the plane the front weel wont move and it points to the left.
and none of movable parts outside is working!!. what do i need to do????!!! plz help me!!!!!!!!

amf93 (2008-01-20)

igot some problems!!!! when i am in the cocpit all the insruments are black. and the switches moves butt the dont work.
and when i am outside of the plane the front weel wont move and it points to the left.
and none of movable parts outside is working!!. what do i need to do????!!!

amf93 (2008-01-20)

igot some problems!!!! when i am in the cocpit all the insruments are black. and the switches moves butt the dont work.
and when i am outside of the plane the front weel wont move and it points to the left.
and none of movable parts outside is working!!. what do i need to do????!!!??????????????????

amf93 (2008-01-20)

igot some problems!!!! when i am in the cocpit all the insruments are black. and the switches moves butt the dont work.
and when i am outside of the plane the front weel wont move and it points to the left.
and none of movable parts outside is working!!. what do i need to do????!!!?????????????????????????

amf93 (2008-01-20)

igot some problems!!!! when i am in the cocpit all the insruments are black. and the switches moves butt the dont work.
and when i am outside of the plane the front weel wont move and it points to the left.
and none of movable parts outside is working!!. what do i need to do????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

amf93 (2008-01-20)

igot some problems!!!! when i am in the cocpit all the insruments are black. and the switches moves butt the dont work.
and when i am outside of the plane the front weel wont move and it points to the left.
and none of movable parts outside is working!!. what do i need to do????!!!
plz help me!!

amf93 (2008-01-20)

igot some problems!!!! when i am in the cocpit all the insruments are black. and the switches moves butt the dont work.
and when i am outside of the plane the front weel wont move and it points to the left.
and none of movable parts outside is working!!. what do i need to do????!!!????????????????????

amf93 (2008-01-20)

igot some problems!!!! when i am in the cocpit all the insruments are black. and the switches moves butt the dont work.
and when i am outside of the plane the front weel wont move and it points to the left.
and none of movable parts outside is working!!. what do i need to do????!!!???????????????????????????

amf93 (2008-01-20)

igot some problems!!!! when i am in the cocpit all the insruments are black. and the switches moves butt the dont work.
and when i am outside of the plane the front weel wont move and it points to the left.
and none of movable parts outside is working!!. what do i need to do????!!!??????????

fighter512 (2008-01-24)

Hello, im new to the downloading of aircraft, how do you use the crack to get the email, id, and password?.... plz help me

flyhan (2008-01-26)

Where Mr. AXG-4X?
You do not, in thepiratebay?
Please recognize good material active again, please, please.
And please do AFX 1.1 (flight1) favor the recovery.
AES(aerosoft) also asked.
You are the best flightsim seeder.
Please see you again.
Thank you very much.

ikkeno (2008-02-01)


aircanada11231123 (2008-02-18)

I mean gosh guys!! i know if i wud have been taught how to crack-- this PLANE wuD have been the focus. but, jeez seems like somepeople dont want to help.. its the 767 MAN!! the LEVEL D 767!! why cant any1 crack this?? err :(.. its an amazing bird guys.. some1 please try to fix this so it can work with FSX. my email is [email protected] same as my IM if u got yahoo messenger.. some1 contact me if they figured out how to fix it.. i know i know.. after readin this ull jus leave and sayy EHH who gives a ffuk about him.. but u all are in the same shoes when it comes to requesting a plane for fs9/fsx. so please as a fellow friend/pilot PLEASE get this plane working!!!
goodluck, if i CAN HELP in anyway cracking.. please message me email or IM as given above.. ill do ANYTHING!

plguzman (2008-02-21)

Thanks for sharing. I also got the "black efis" problem but it was solved with the old crack. The registry entries are needed, as well as the number entry in the aircraft.cfg.
Hope this helps.

pitjr (2008-02-22)

information about the install..
be sure that u put the pmdg .dll in your fsx/pmd/dll folder an overwrite.

toshibct (2008-02-27)

i'm so proud of you, for sharing great pics!
here's my request !!
i really need Instant Scenery v1.04 CRACK !!
please !

aircanadapilot (2008-03-01)

thx thx to all seeders out there but the weird thing is i dont have a problem with this plane at all love it!

b3n8999 (2008-03-03)

alright someone please tell me how fix the black instrument display. email is
[email protected]

b3n8999 (2008-03-03)

or just type it on here

b3n8999 (2008-03-03)

or just type it here

aircanadapilot (2008-03-05)

guys if u have black panels u might have to turn em on lol

Tomik864442 (2008-03-12)

How do you use the EnableButton.exe?
plss help

orangsibu (2008-03-14)

Thanks 4x-AXG

youranNub (2008-03-14)

Am looking for the Alphasim Rutan 61 Long EZ. Just out, can you please get it

Title27GT (2008-03-18)

Anyone else have a transparent fuselage?

KillerSpade (2008-03-20)

Great stuff 4X! Small problem though. I read through the comments and followed the install to the letter. However, when I open the enablebuttonexe followed by hitting next in the pmdg install nothing happens. What did I miss?

radwan52 (2008-03-26)

NOthing happens with me aswell does the enable button works with vista??

radwan52 (2008-03-26)

KillerSpade have you got VISTA???

a380person (2008-03-27)

ok ppl im gonna help u wit the enablebutton!
first if u have vista u must right click on the enablebutton.exe and click run as administrator
then if u have xp i think u just double click but if that dont work try doing the same as u would on vista!!
REQ:Just Flight A340-500/600

radwan52 (2008-03-27)


HF_ATL (2008-04-02)

I've that problem and I found the problem. The 2d cockpit was 100% transparent, so it didn't appear. You can solve that by going to FSX -> Options -> settings ->Display -> aircraft tab and put 2-D panel transparency at 0%.
I'm having a problem with pmdg 747..sometimes it become very unstable when press the VNAV button at MCP. Anyone can help me?? Thanks

Joshpilot1234 (2008-04-14)

REQ: Flight1 Cessna 172R FOR FSX PLEASE!

airforce87 (2008-04-17)

REQ: Captain Sim CL,T,and KC Crack
Thanks !!!

HF_ATL (2008-04-17)

Follow the crack of FS9 PMDG 747 in order to have the airplane 100% operational and you never more get black instrument display in cockpit.

thaiavia (2008-04-18)

4X-AXG, remember me?
Where are Could you pls to tell me at [email protected].

southsky (2008-05-12)

I also get the FSX crash when the plane is busy loading - Any sugestions???

b773 (2008-05-26)

thanks for sharing , request last PMDG dlls (PMDGoptions.dll,....) version 10.0.61355.39 for using(overwrite) after update with latest service pack 2.10 released may-08 ,thanks

boeing1145 (2008-05-27)

hey do i go to download this torrent to get the plane?

JimD10796 (2008-06-07)

I can't seem to get this to work correctly. I have tried the old crack, followed instructions, etc. I Had it working prior to a fresh computer format and reinstall of FS. Running windows XP (sp3) and FSX(sp1). I'm getting theblack screens, switches on and won't move etc. Any ideas on a fix?

Lorian14 (2008-06-07)

Request PMDGOptions.dll crack for 2.10.


Zxzap (2008-06-12)

Hi there.
Im getting this problem where it says i have a unvalid fsx ( and yes i downloadet it from here)
any help? i realy need this plane

honcho66 (2008-06-14)

Makhno at 2007-12-26 21:03 CET:
This is the correct install instructions:
1. Start the installation from PMDG747_400_FSX.exe
2. When installation process reaches page with validation button start EnableButton.exe program.
3. Point mouse over "Next" button and click. Finish installation process.
4. Copy the included cracked pmdgoptions.dll to fsx/pmdg/dlls
5. Fly!
be sure to start the .exe files as administrator!

Zafaaa (2008-06-15)

Anyone know of a working crack for v1.20?

Zxzap (2008-06-19)

When i try to install, It ways: your registry does not show a valid fsx installation location..
help me here please!

sciencepilot (2008-06-20)

people! if you guys have any trouble cracking this by enable bottun (because u are using vista) i can help because i know a way to do this! its simple...but abit hard to explain. and if someone doesnt see the screens of the cockpit i can help aswell. send me an email with your problem wen installing the PMDG and i will replay back as fast as possible. my email: [email protected] sry for not telling here. but that would take me long time and i m kinda busy. peace.

boeing1145 (2008-06-21)

REQ:: Digital Aviation Piper Cheyenne X. FROM AEROSOFT

StephenWX2 (2008-06-27)

whats involved with going to V2.10? is it just a matter of installing and re-applying the crack or am I going to have to re-crack it all over again?
if its the latter does anyone have a patched 2.10 installer? or crack for it?

StephenWX2 (2008-06-27)

regarding the blank screens experience by people its usually incorrect application of the crack, in FS9 I used a registry edit and added a line into the Aircraft.cfg otherwise I'd get the same deal, uninstall, check your DLL.XML in the same directory as your FSX.CFG file and go through a Re-install also don't forget if using vista to make sure its all installed as administrator and that the files cane write correctly into the directories.

ericjohnson (2008-07-18)

Please help. When I run the installer it says 'Can't locate FSX' Please help please!

ericjohnson (2008-07-18)

It says:
"can't find fsx.exe. Unable to install."
But my fsx.exe is in my
C:programfiles/microsoft games/microsoft flight simulator x
Please help

ericjohnson (2008-07-19)

Nevermind. fixed it. It was a registry problem. =/
Now my PMDGOptions.DLL is all fucked up.

NightM0nkey (2008-07-23)

I really like this plane. Shame it has such a hit on the frame rate though. Time to spend some more money on a new PC i guess!!

sciencepilot (2008-08-13)

ok guys, i m tired of writing emails to people having problems, so i made my first torrent and i m seeding it antil someone else seeds. it has a pdf file with the instructions to help install the pmdg747x on vista, and the crack and the enable bottun, and thats it. this is my link: dont forget to write a coment!

DJTurboSolarium (2008-09-29)

i cant use it, i cant get past the Validate page, can sum1 make a tut, or explain to me on e-mail, my e-mail is: [email protected]

mattaust (2008-10-01)

Ok peoples,
I can install fine but when i choose the aircraft it will just get stuck on loading that aircraft from the selection menu, any ideas please!
I have reinstalled FSX, Fixxed the DLL.XML file with no help so please help!
Cheers, Matt

mattaust (2008-10-01)

Oh and this has really confised me too when you all say V2.00 are we talking about the program or the Service packs?

mattaust (2008-10-01)

One more thing thats confused me, some say this is/isnt FS2Crew. Help lol.

Nik101 (2008-10-12)

OK i'm sure this is bcoz i'm a nub at this and i'm pretty surre it has smthng to do with some sort of settings i've wrongly set but all my pmdg models show up like half and half... half tha a/c is normal paint and the other half is a transparent model (ie i can see the seats on one side not the actual skin of the airplane and the other side is normal).Is this how the model is supposed to look like?it looks mighty weird.Help plz

21glock (2008-10-18)

All the PMDG downloads from TPB or anywhere else are junk. Even if you follow the install instructions to the "t" they crash your sim, and it does not matter if you use XP or Vista. PMDG is just crappy overpriced frame killers, so it does not surprise me that these versions are shit too.

Spiritmenace (2008-10-27)

request: pmdgoptions.dll crack v2.1

gobstop (2008-10-31)

How do i get the enable button to work on vista home premium.TIA

Slump004 (2008-11-06)

To enable the EnableButton on Vista, right click on it and select run as administrator; it worked with me ;-)

JA844J (2008-11-30)

Perfect torrent.

gmac00 (2008-12-16)

Plane works great! Any ideas on why sounds such as aural callouts, gpws, reverser deployed, air conditioning sounds will not play?

spinner0205 (2009-03-14)

It says "unable to find fsx.exe" on the setup program ???????????

sdcf334 (2009-04-11)

i like PMDG 744, but this is not FPS-friendy in FSX :( I must flying CoolSky Super80Pro -.-

yosm (2009-04-16)

is it normal that the panelscreens turn black?? even with the engines stil runnning and that the auto pilot doesn't work it doesn't hold the flightpath made by the FMC anybody knows how to fix this???

kwestarz (2009-05-03)

PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ HELP IT SAYS CAN'T LOCATE FSX.EXE!!! HELPE PLZ... it says that for the pmdg md-11 and some people have the same problem but know one's helping HEEELP plz?

kwestarz (2009-05-03)

I tried the steps and it didn't work so i upgraded to version 2.10 and downloaded the option.dll file and put it in pmdg folder and when i start i see the instruments but when the plane starts moving they dissapear!! HELP PLZ.... i fixed the cannot find fsx.exe! plz help me fix the instruments and the md-11 doesn't even show the instruments

tapenut1 (2009-06-09)

for those not getting anything to happen with the enablebuttton in Vista when you hit next -- Do Not press validate button just enter the bogus info then start the enablebutton program and press next. Also run as admin, etc of courses - I also set to winxp compatible.

joe1712 (2009-11-14)

tapenut1, what do you mean "bogus info" and where do i enter it?

JamesDinsdale (2009-12-15)

hi guyz
im new to this enable button thing.... whats the id things on the install
please can someone help me and leave easy-to-follow steps!!!!!!!!

JamesDinsdale (2009-12-15)

oh and it wont let me click next tepunet

JamesDinsdale (2009-12-16)

how come there isnt any liveries????

cmte_valle (2009-12-22)

for the guys having problem with the panelscreens
1. Open the PMDG 747 aircraft.cfg
2. Search for the line ---BEGIN SHA1---
3. Insert this string

At the end, it must be like that:
//Do Not Alter the following line or your 747-400 may cease operating.
---BEGIN SHA1---

---END SHA1---
// Do Not Alter the above lines.

razer-vortex (2009-12-28)

I have Xp Service Pack 3 and when i load 747 it freezes and then Error! Help

Fuchs_Be (2010-01-04)

panel goes black is the same problème as for FS9 in PC with 64bit OS, you must change the reg key like this exemple:
original key for 32bit OS
USB Host\Din Controller\cssb2v6]

key modified for 64bit OS:
USB Host\Din Controller\cssb2v6]

I hope this help you, i DL this file right now and i'll try this for make it working
please feed back if this solution is working or no

FlightSimGuy82 (2010-01-11)

Fucking Faggot ass bull shit. Can anyone upload anything that can work? What the Hell is the Email address order ID and the password? I ran the Enable button and doesn't do shit. Yeah haha easy to install my ass. Your forgetting that a lot of people out there don't know how to unstall stuff like this.

FlightSimGuy82 (2010-01-11)


FlightSimGuy82 (2010-01-15)


coldathrun (2010-01-24)

got a problem with PMDG ,torrent lvl d my PMDG 747 and Md-11 crashed when ever i load them up and i somehow got md-11 and 747 to work together so befoe the crash they were working fine until md-11 lost it's panel as it turns black than the next day 747 crashed in load i reinstall it and there's this problem it says error! PMDG main.DLL cannot find PMDG option.DLL did it again and again then reinstall fsx still the same thing

jonharv2 (2010-02-05)

requesting new PMDG 747-8F/i expansion

all4golf (2010-02-10)

Please help me, I did...
1. Install w/ enabler.
2. Changed the .cfg's w/ key.
3. Did the registry editor for Win 7 x64 w/ key
4. Copy .dll
5. Select aircraft and it crashes

Fuchs_Be (2010-02-20)

FlightSimGuy82 stop to cry and try to learn how use your PC, this upload work verry well it's you the Fucking Faggot ass bull shit!!

Stekmeister (2010-02-24)

Fuchs_Be: Ive got that problem on my pmdg MD11 too. Could you please explain a bit more in detail? :)

stirfly (2010-02-27)

Great upload. Works as advertised. Enable button doesn't seem to work with Windows 7. Is there an enable button that works with Windows 7 or a fix for such? Thanks for the upload.

Triplebroken (2010-03-02)

Has anyone managed to get this working along with the MD-11? I can get each one working on its own, but when I try and install both only the one installed last works, so I assume it's overwriting something. I'm on a 64 bit OS, but I've done the Wow6432Node changes properly and it doesn't make a difference. The cracked dll with this one also causes a fatal error sometimes, not sure if it's because of the MD-11.

strettyboy (2010-05-30)

Anyone looking for liveries:

then choose: 'FSX & FS2004 747-400 /F'
a list of liveries will appear. choose the 'FSX version' to download for FSX

strettyboy (2010-05-30)

futher to the liveries...
anyone having trouble with the enablebutton program not working read on.
If you are using: Windows Vista or Windows 7, you HAVE TO RUN ENABLEBUTTON as an ADMINISTRATOR.
You can do this by right clicking on the enablebutton program, and choosing 'run as an administrator'.
Then, you can run the install program and the 'next' button should be working on the registration page.

qantaspilot (2010-06-19)

hey like the plane nice work um cmte_valel um i used this code and it works but um twred lines go through the pfd display help help pls it says ils not gps the nav display has no route data like dist etc so if u can help plz do so. Fuchs_Be um were do i use the 64 bit os casue that wat i got were do i put it

qantaspilot (2010-06-20)

come onguys help me i want this plane

qantaspilot (2010-06-24)

ok guys i followed the hkey thingy adn i get nothing but to fuking ugly fucked up lines through pfd display this addon is good but not for me its a nice plane but realy shit cause i cant figure it out it is easy to install but just think about people like me who dont know how to remove ulgy fuked up lines adn how to change to gps not be stuck with ils its shit that every one else can figure this out but me so if any one is willing to help anyone jsut plz do so send me an email [email protected] thanks if u can help qantaspilot

qantaspilot (2010-06-26)

ok heres wat i did
1. i installed with crack
2. copy pmdg 747 options over
3. did the hkey code thing
4. tryed flyign and 20 secs later red lines appear

gaet2007 (2010-09-12)

Thanks, works great
Request the PMDG 747 LCF "Dreamlifter" (extension for PMDG 747)

awhitek (2010-09-29)

for "enable button work" run both programs as "run as admin"

acona380 (2010-11-06)


zaki1990 (2011-05-05)

pleas seed alphasim MH 53J for fs9

SKVA100 (2011-06-27)

This is bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I Doesn't work, Tried everything, people suggested and the Screens go Black after about a minute!
So how did you guys get it working Using the Method explained???

vorox144 (2011-09-13)

IF UR SCREENS GO BLACK TYPE IN VOROX144 in youtube and watch the pmdg black guages fix in my uploads WORKS 100 PERCENT Like not fukn around with u guys go watch :)

zlozla (2011-10-13)

I have win 7 x64,and I changed the aircraft.cfg.but it couldnt save.Please tell me how I can save changed aircraft.cfg . tnx

tenessi12 (2011-12-29)

Hi 4x-AXG, I ve installed for a first time the 747-400x and worked well.After upgraded no gauges after 1'. After uninstall there 's no way to have a plane that works like before upgrad what should I do?

liahahazone (2012-04-26)

With all due respect please go fuck yourself and eat a dick. If you can't read the simple instructions then you don't deserve to own a fucking computer. I suggest you take your pc and modem outside, and then destroy them
Kudos to 4X :)

ItayD (2013-01-18)

FSX - PMDG 747-400 Working 100%

Taco92 (2013-03-13)



1. PMDG Simulations - 747-400X v2.00/PMDG747_400_FSX.exe 106.13 Mb
2. PMDG Simulations - 747-400X v2.00/READ BEFORE INSTALL.txt 13.09 Kb
3. PMDG Simulations - 747-400X v2.00/README_PMDG_747400_FSX.txt 21.50 Kb
4. PMDG Simulations - 747-400X v2.00/crack/EnableButton.exe 28.00 Kb
5. PMDG Simulations - 747-400X v2.00/crack/pmdgoptions.dll 335.00 Kb
6. PMDG Simulations - 747-400X v2.00/install.txt 282 bytes