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The Complete Dune Audio Books




Audio Audiobooks


The Complete Dune Audio Books


Audio/Audio books


2006-08-31 (by bigbadbrian)


The complete dune audio books, the old torrent is now gone so here is a re-submit of them all.

Files count:



2877.04 Mb




V_Lenz (2006-09-22)

Thank you very much for this release !!!

avaksi (2006-09-27)

Thanks a lot for this. The other books incl the Butlerian Jihad ones are avl at

Darklight310 (2006-10-27)

The tone and voice are dull and flat - almost as if a computer reads it.

kwikky (2006-11-01)

I see "House Atreidis" is also included. I also have these audiobooks, but the "House Atreidis" audio book I have is corrupted. It seems that the original tape was twisted or something. It starts off ok, but along the way it's like it's being played backwards.

heimdall39 (2006-11-09)

hey could someone seed this, please. pretty please.

arronax (2006-12-02)

omg thx thx thx thx ^^

the almighty dude (2007-01-14)

Ok guy, you don't really know what you're talking about. I think you guys gave up after dune messiah, didn't you? Frank Herbert was a genius and the dune world evolved into the pinical of sci-fi. They just get better and better. heretics is my favorite. Now you've got them on audio you might give them the chance they deserve. his son's work is ok to an extent but reaching frank's level IS impossible.
To all the people who haven't read dune; enjoy. you are about to visit the greatest saga ever written.
P.S. Star wars and harry potter can suck my left nut

bodeb (2007-01-31)

@the almighty dude
U live in Libanon? Where I live ppl can say whatever they want, So if one finds one book better than the other he is allowed to say so.
So... shut ur cakehole, you want freedom of speech as long as it is ur kinda speech...? Go read dune for once ;-) U Braveheart.
For my comment on the torrent; very nice =)

olizog (2007-05-15)

This is a great find! But what a tease. It doesn't work on WMP or VLC. How do I get this to Play? Thank

phatzmb (2007-08-15)

This is the shit. The entire Dune series is right up there with the best literature ever written.
None of these are abridged right?

museiscool123 (2008-03-17)

AMAZING lol i cant be assed to read them so i got the audiobooks will seed for long time

SmegBrains (2008-03-26)

Thanks for the upload, but the guy reading most of these books is ridiculous. I can't listen to his voice for more than a few seconds, let alone many hours. Too bad.

Ursinus (2008-04-11)

I just love bodeb's moronic comment. Freedom of speech may apply to opinions but it also applies to criticism of those opinions. As for hating freedom of speech, telling someone to shut their "cakehole" is about as hating on that freedom as you can get. Not to mention this site is from Sweden so only Swedish law applies.

wbwoodford (2008-04-26)

Please continue to seed....stuck at 90%

mUnTe (2008-04-27)

OOhhhh the horror.
The original books are read by som freak with a horrible accent and it sounds speedup. Makes me want to kill myself, goddamn awful uuhwl...

mUnTe (2008-04-27)

oooh i think im going to puke...

mUnTe (2008-05-04)

hmm i think there is about 1 hour or more missing from Heretics of Dune (Dune 5)

Tbone139 (2008-06-01)

I registered just so I could rant on this. Children of Dune is the first novel I tried from this set, (having read the previous 2) and I'm giving up on it because the narrator sounds constantly cynical and unemotive, with a ceaseless warble. The only voice that comes to mind close to this narrator is huckleberry hound, taking away the southern influences and adding flamboyant overtones. (Sentences ending higher than his vocal register would indicate.) I'd rather listen to a software-based voice.

divine03 (2008-06-13)

Can someone please help to put these in some kind of order? House Atreides, House Harkonnen, House Corrino, Dune, Messiah, Children of Dune, God Emperor of Dune, Heretics of Dune, Chapterhouse Dune, The Road to Dune, Hunters of Dune, The Butlerian Jihad, and Sandworms. Or if I am Missing Something, Please say something.

TawnyT (2008-06-14)

this would be sweet, but the person reading is so awful it makes these books un-listenable...

divine03 (2008-06-14)

Dune Messiah is out of order.

MattDWeed (2008-08-11)

Dune: The Butlerian Jihad (Great book)
Dune: The Machine Crusade (Great book)
Dune: The Battle of Corrin (Great book)
Dune: House Atreides (Good book)
Dune: House Harkonnen (Okay book)
Dune: House Corrino (Okay book)
Dune (Good book)
Dune Messiah (Okay book)
Children of Dune (Great book if you reach the end)
God Emperor of Dune (Good book)
Heretics of Dune (Kind of boring book, but I'm still reading it)
Darklight310 is kind of right about the voice being flat and dull, but the Dune series of books are meant to be more kind-of-intellectual books. They are not meant to be screaming emotional/annoying stories.
Some minutes of audio are missing (or just quite and distorted) in some of the books, but still a very good read.
I highly suggest reading it all.

Porphyrogen71 (2008-10-23)

God bless you, bigbadbrian : )

sanfranciscojack (2008-10-30)

Don't waste your time. Completely unlistenable.
I don't know who this guy is that is reading these books but whoever hired him should be taken out and shot. Seriously, why would you want somebody with a wheezy nasal voice to read 9 books? Trying to listen to this is pure torture. *sigh* and I was /so/ looking forward to these.

581011 (2008-12-03)

I'm currently downloading, but I've listened to a hard copy of House of Atreides...Tim Curry narrated that one at least...not sure who does the others.

zadig1 (2008-12-08)

If you think that any of the dune novels are just "good" or boring or anything less than the best of all sci fi then you are a shallow person and should stick with Harry Potter.

marius2859 (2009-01-20)

There are new versions of all the original books. They are done in a more dramatic style with multiple readers.

cros (2010-04-06)

I had version read by Conner O'Brien...can't forget the name: sounds like Conan O'brien. Anyway i'll search my files see if I can find it but I think it's gone. Anyone have the Conner O'Brien version?

vinveezy (2010-05-15)

this is DAN GOOD nice job man! Seriously. Fuck that moron saying it does not work it is just FINE

Fuddhed (2010-08-22)

I would like to start by thanking bigbadbrian for taking the time and effort to upload this. It does take effort, and for that I am grateful. The following comment does in no way detract from my gratitude nor impugn him in any way.
There may have been times in your life when you've experienced horror. Perhaps terror. Perhaps you can remember the sound of a car accident victim wailing shrilly and sobbing over a decapitated relative as you were forced to drive past their personal trajedy explicitly exhibited for the world to see as a tableau of twisted metal perfused in blood atop body parts splayed across the highway as the traffic moved on uneffected by the gruesome death only feet away from their cars.
Or maybe you've been present when a cat manages to catch a small rabbit and discovered that rabbits can scream when their life is ending viciously in the jaws of a predator. The shreik a rabbit makes is surprisingly bloodcurdling for an othewise mute animal.
Possibley you were present when a mass catastrophe occured; an earthquake, a terrorist crime or a building fire and can intensely recall the screams and cries of innocent people witnessing senseless death all around them with howls of pain and anguish so distorted and primal that it was difficult to believe that they were coming from humans. The sound of lost children wailing for their dead parents to wake up mixed with shrieking pleas for mercy, help or death from the injured so deafening that you found yourself momentarily questioning the existence of God while simultaneously wondering if youre among the dead and in Hell.
As horrible as those sounds may be, as chilling to the soul as they are, none of it compares to the experience of listening to thirty seconds of this audiobook. You find yourself ready to relax to a treasured piece of literature and then only moments later scrambling as though your face was on fire to find the mouse to shut off the soul-leeching moan that is the voice of the reader, speaking in tones that actually challenge your assumption that it's a human speaking. Perhaps, like me, you'll scream in horror yourself and be in such haste to shut off not just the player, but upset an ashtray with a burning cigarette, a coffee mug and accidentally trample your beloved cat who then bolts from the room with a screeching howl than is actually favorable in comparison to the groaning whine coming from your computer as you drop to the floor to unplug it as well as a stereo on the same outlet just for good measure.
I can compare this sound, this feeling to nothing other than the feeling I got when I was linked to "3 Guys & 1 Hammer" and watched and listend as an inocent man was clubbed to death over a period of 15 long minutes. But unlike that video, this time I felt the need to cry before plugging the computer back in. Nor did the 'hammer' video make me contemplate praying to God to make me deaf rather than be ever subject to such spirit tormenting sounds again. Part of me died listening to the first thirty seconds of this; I felt somehow that the narrator had raped my ears, and that music would never feel quite the same. I remembered a flash of the Kubrick film "Clockwork Orange" where Alex jumps out a window from the torturous music and understood the scene in a way that I may never would have before being subject to this audiobook reading. I got a shower before coming back to the computer, spending most of the time with either ear directly connected to the shower-head roaring away, gushing water into my ears as I tried to wash the memory away and forget the horror. The horror.
If you must test fate and listen to this, give your silverware to a neighbor to hold on to, as I suspect that another ten seconds and any creature unable to make the audiobook stop fast enough would simply resort to shoving knives into their ears to stop the pain and cruelty. Also refrain from eating for four hours before or after trying to listen to it; nothing will stay down and youll simply make a mess if you can t get to the toilet fast enough.

honunetcti (2010-08-31)

@Fuddhed Best comment ever. So you are saying u didnt like it?

zadig1 (2010-09-11)

Fuddhed, that was hilarious! cheers. By the way I'm such a big fan of Frank Herbert that I did listen to all of the original Dune books in the torrent.

cros (2010-09-12)

Ok someone wanted to know which books to read, and in what order.
The original author is where you want to start.
1. Frank Herbert - Dune series
2. Dune Messiah
3. Children Of Dune
4. God Emperor of Dune
These are all written in sequel. I have read this novel many times and these 4 books are complete masterpieces of literature.
If you can't spare the time, atleast try to get through the first 3. The 4th book, which is actually my personal favorite, is during the end of the reign of the great dictator. The god of all men. Half man and half sand worm, he is the God Emperor of Dune.
The last 2 books written by Herbert Sr. are not my personal favorites. I did read them, but I don't recommend them to anyone. They are technically in sequel to the first 4. But none of the old characters exist.
Anyway, the book speaks for itself. Go read on wikipedia. Dune is one of the first books to ever win both the hugo and nebula awards jointly. I recommend most every book that has won both awards. Enjoy.

TawnyT (2010-10-29)

I agree with "Fuddhed". Totally.

dvalmont136 (2010-11-10)

LOL @ Fudhead, hilariously awesome and sadly true... How does something like this happen.. :(

Banjoboots (2010-12-28)

After reading Fudhead's comment (BTW - I laughed till I cried), I was driven to downloading these audio books. Could it really be that bad? Er, yes it could. If you really want to experience this for yourselves, I recommend download one book only but do so at your own risk. Pins in the eyes is preferable. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

mohiergauth (2010-12-28)

This sort of thing happens my fellow humans, because the ones making the decisions are complete morons. It happens for the same reason that Adobe completely screwed up macromedia, EGO. Whoever sucks the most rectum gets the job, never the best qualified. It is a shame. The same thing happened to SK's Gunslinger series, they reissue the audio with some valium~head reading, and take SK's readings off the market.......WE ARE A DOOMED SPECIES!

bakaonna (2010-12-28)

Fuddhed made the best comment ever. While my opinion might be influenced by the connection his chosen subject has to my favourite author, I must say it is a (personal and subjective) honour to share this humble site with him/her.
Furthermore, driven by the same subjective feeling, I propose to somehow make this comment know as the greatest comment ever posted on the internet, and a crowning achievement for the interacting flow of information that it represents.
That is all.

Mal--Man (2011-01-03)

Fuddhed, I totally agree. Connor O'Brien and his fucking robot voice are more than just a little irritating.
Does anyone know where I can find the 'Children of Dune' audiobook that is NOT narrated by a monotone voice synthesized asshole? I've looked on every torrent site there is, I can't find anything. Every download that shows promise has 0 seeds or doesn't say the reader's name. And when I download it, it's fucking Connor O'Robot-Voice everytime, without fail.

Mal--Man (2011-01-03)

Fuddhed, I totally agree. Connor O'Brien and his fucking robot voice are more than just a little irritating.
Does anyone know where I can find the 'Children of Dune' audiobook that is NOT narrated by a monotone voice synthesized asshole? I've looked on every torrent site there is, I can't find anything. Every download that shows promise has 0 seeds or doesn't say the reader's name. And when I download it, it's fucking Connor O'Robot-Voice everytime, without fail.

Mal--Man (2011-01-03)

Fuddhed, I totally agree. Connor O'Brien and his fucking robot voice are more than just a little irritating.
Does anyone know where I can find the 'Children of Dune' audiobook that is NOT narrated by a monotone voice synthesized asshole? I've looked on every torrent site there is, I can't find anything. Every torrent that shows promise has 0 seeds or doesn't say the reader's name. And when I download it, it's fucking Connor O'Robot-Voice everytime, without fail.

c3bhm (2011-02-04)

House Atreides
God Emperor of Dune
are read by THE WORST voice you could ever imagine somehow getting hired to do this professionally. It's impossibly bad reading. Like a robot that treats a line break like a period: "I'm going to the. Store to buy some milk."
It's surreal!

treetops422 (2014-01-07)

Messiah is out of order so far it seems 21 should be where 18 is or something like that.
I like the audio book, the other guy I tried 2007 or whatever sounded like a pirate with a english accent. This audio book is ancient and only the blind or shamefully lazily listened to audio books back in the day but it still beats whoever did that 2007 rubbish.

gskrillz (2014-02-05)

For those who can't stand the narrator Connor O'Brien, which is anyone breathing with an interest in the Dune series. I have found a link for the top 100 Sci-Fi audiobooks. Book #2 is Dune, by Frank Herbert. Narrated by Scott Brick, much much much much x 100 times better.

shark456 (2014-10-21)

Yes its true that Connor O'Brien is no Jeremy Irons but to say that his voice is comparable to torture is beyond hyperbole. As for the accusation of sounding robotic, he does have a neutral tone when narrating but he also has a distinct voice for each character when he does their dialog. Overall I'd say Connor O'Brien is a solid 7/10.
As for the download itself its good overall but beware that some of the audiofiles may be out of order which can make it very confusing. For example in the second book sections 18-21 are in reverse order so you'll have to listen in the order 17,21,20,19,18,22 or rename them.


1. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/01.mp3 14.81 Mb
2. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/02.mp3 15.07 Mb
3. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/03.mp3 15.19 Mb
4. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/04.mp3 15.09 Mb
5. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/05.mp3 15.11 Mb
6. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/06.mp3 15.09 Mb
7. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/07.mp3 15.19 Mb
8. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/08.mp3 15.21 Mb
9. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/09.mp3 15.13 Mb
10. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/10.mp3 15.08 Mb
11. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/11.mp3 15.25 Mb
12. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/12.mp3 15.22 Mb
13. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/13.mp3 15.05 Mb
14. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/14.mp3 15.00 Mb
15. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/15.mp3 14.99 Mb
16. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/16.mp3 15.01 Mb
17. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/17.mp3 15.09 Mb
18. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/18.mp3 15.00 Mb
19. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/19.mp3 14.94 Mb
20. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/20.mp3 9.70 Mb
21. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/21.mp3 14.94 Mb
22. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/22.mp3 15.09 Mb
23. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/23.mp3 15.24 Mb
24. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/24.mp3 15.18 Mb
25. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/25.mp3 15.06 Mb
26. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/26.mp3 15.00 Mb
27. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/27.mp3 15.29 Mb
28. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/28.mp3 15.27 Mb
29. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/29.mp3 15.11 Mb
30. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/30.mp3 15.09 Mb
31. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/31.mp3 15.12 Mb
32. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/32.mp3 15.04 Mb
33. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/33.mp3 15.06 Mb
34. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/34.mp3 15.01 Mb
35. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/35.mp3 10.03 Mb
36. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 1 House Atreides/36.mp3 8.53 Mb
37. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/01 of 36.mp3 14.67 Mb
38. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/02 of 36.mp3 14.91 Mb
39. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/03 of 36.mp3 15.17 Mb
40. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/04 of 36.mp3 15.18 Mb
41. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/05 of 36.mp3 14.98 Mb
42. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/06 of 36.mp3 14.94 Mb
43. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/07 of 36.mp3 14.70 Mb
44. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/08 of 36.mp3 14.69 Mb
45. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/09 of 36.mp3 14.91 Mb
46. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/10 of 36.mp3 14.88 Mb
47. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/11 of 36.mp3 14.96 Mb
48. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/12 of 36.mp3 14.94 Mb
49. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/13 of 36.mp3 14.92 Mb
50. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/14 of 36.mp3 14.94 Mb
51. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/15 of 36.mp3 15.04 Mb
52. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/16 of 36.mp3 15.07 Mb
53. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/17 of 36.mp3 14.86 Mb
54. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/18 of 36.mp3 14.84 Mb
55. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/19 of 36.mp3 14.96 Mb
56. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/20 of 36.mp3 11.54 Mb
57. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/21 of 36.mp3 14.79 Mb
58. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/22 of 36.mp3 14.91 Mb
59. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/23 of 36.mp3 14.94 Mb
60. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/24 of 36.mp3 14.88 Mb
61. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/25 of 36.mp3 14.96 Mb
62. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/26 of 36.mp3 14.94 Mb
63. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/27 of 36.mp3 14.67 Mb
64. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/28 of 36.mp3 14.58 Mb
65. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/29 of 36.mp3 14.93 Mb
66. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/30 of 36.mp3 14.96 Mb
67. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/31 of 36.mp3 14.93 Mb
68. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/32 of 36.mp3 14.88 Mb
69. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/33 of 36.mp3 14.91 Mb
70. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/34 of 36.mp3 14.88 Mb
71. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/35 of 36.mp3 14.97 Mb
72. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 2 House Harkonnen/36 of 36.mp3 11.41 Mb
73. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 3 House Corrino/01 of 32.mp3 14.79 Mb
74. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 3 House Corrino/02 of 32.mp3 14.80 Mb
75. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 3 House Corrino/03 of 32.mp3 14.88 Mb
76. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 3 House Corrino/04 of 32.mp3 14.82 Mb
77. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 3 House Corrino/05 of 32.mp3 14.87 Mb
78. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 3 House Corrino/06 of 32.mp3 14.87 Mb
79. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 3 House Corrino/07 of 32.mp3 14.93 Mb
80. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 3 House Corrino/08 of 32.mp3 14.86 Mb
81. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 3 House Corrino/09 of 32.mp3 14.96 Mb
82. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 3 House Corrino/10 of 32.mp3 14.52 Mb
83. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 3 House Corrino/11 of 32.mp3 14.86 Mb
84. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 3 House Corrino/12 of 32.mp3 14.85 Mb
85. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 3 House Corrino/13 of 32.mp3 14.91 Mb
86. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 3 House Corrino/14 of 32.mp3 14.83 Mb
87. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 3 House Corrino/15 of 32.mp3 15.00 Mb
88. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 3 House Corrino/16 of 32.mp3 14.93 Mb
89. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 3 House Corrino/17 of 32.mp3 14.94 Mb
90. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 3 House Corrino/18 of 32.mp3 14.36 Mb
91. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 3 House Corrino/19 of 32.mp3 14.87 Mb
92. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 3 House Corrino/20 of 32.mp3 14.88 Mb
93. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 3 House Corrino/21 of 32.mp3 14.99 Mb
94. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 3 House Corrino/22 of 32.mp3 14.90 Mb
95. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 3 House Corrino/23 of 32.mp3 14.89 Mb
96. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 3 House Corrino/24 of 32.mp3 14.86 Mb
97. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 3 House Corrino/25 of 32.mp3 14.93 Mb
98. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 3 House Corrino/26 of 32.mp3 14.90 Mb
99. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 3 House Corrino/27 of 32.mp3 14.44 Mb
100. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 3 House Corrino/28 of 32.mp3 14.88 Mb
101. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 3 House Corrino/29 of 32.mp3 14.91 Mb
102. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 3 House Corrino/30 of 32.mp3 14.50 Mb
103. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 3 House Corrino/31 of 32.mp3 14.04 Mb
104. Complete Dune/Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson - Dune Prequels 3 House Corrino/32 of 32.mp3 7.34 Mb
105. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 01of78.mp3 3.19 Mb
106. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 02of78.mp3 3.24 Mb
107. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 03of78.mp3 3.05 Mb
108. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 04of78.mp3 3.16 Mb
109. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 05of78.mp3 3.25 Mb
110. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 06of78.mp3 3.37 Mb
111. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 07of78.mp3 3.18 Mb
112. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 08of78.mp3 3.26 Mb
113. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 09of78.mp3 3.51 Mb
114. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 10of78.mp3 3.21 Mb
115. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 11of78.mp3 3.23 Mb
116. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 12of78.mp3 3.53 Mb
117. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 13of78.mp3 3.21 Mb
118. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 14of78.mp3 3.22 Mb
119. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 15of78.mp3 3.45 Mb
120. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 16of78.mp3 3.18 Mb
121. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 17of78.mp3 3.23 Mb
122. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 18of78.mp3 3.42 Mb
123. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 19of78.mp3 3.18 Mb
124. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 20of78.mp3 3.26 Mb
125. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 21of78.mp3 3.56 Mb
126. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 22of78.mp3 3.21 Mb
127. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 23of78.mp3 3.23 Mb
128. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 24of78.mp3 3.48 Mb
129. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 25of78.mp3 3.21 Mb
130. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 26of78.mp3 3.21 Mb
131. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 27of78.mp3 3.58 Mb
132. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 28of78.mp3 3.20 Mb
133. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 29of78.mp3 3.23 Mb
134. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 30of78.mp3 3.51 Mb
135. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 31of78.mp3 3.18 Mb
136. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 32of78.mp3 3.25 Mb
137. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 33of78.mp3 3.51 Mb
138. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 34of78.mp3 3.18 Mb
139. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 35of78.mp3 3.26 Mb
140. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 36of78.mp3 3.47 Mb
141. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 37of78.mp3 3.21 Mb
142. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 38of78.mp3 3.23 Mb
143. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 39of78.mp3 3.48 Mb
144. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 40of78.mp3 3.22 Mb
145. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 41of78.mp3 3.22 Mb
146. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 42of78.mp3 3.43 Mb
147. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 43of78.mp3 3.21 Mb
148. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 44of78.mp3 3.20 Mb
149. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 45of78.mp3 3.59 Mb
150. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 46of78.mp3 3.21 Mb
151. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 47of78.mp3 3.19 Mb
152. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 48of78.mp3 3.61 Mb
153. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 49of78.mp3 3.22 Mb
154. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 50of78.mp3 3.20 Mb
155. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 51of78.mp3 3.54 Mb
156. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 52of78.mp3 3.22 Mb
157. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 53of78.mp3 3.22 Mb
158. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 54of78.mp3 3.52 Mb
159. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 55of78.mp3 3.18 Mb
160. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 56of78.mp3 3.25 Mb
161. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 57of78.mp3 3.48 Mb
162. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 58of78.mp3 3.21 Mb
163. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 59of78.mp3 3.23 Mb
164. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 60of78.mp3 3.45 Mb
165. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 61of78.mp3 3.21 Mb
166. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 62of78.mp3 3.23 Mb
167. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 63of78.mp3 3.59 Mb
168. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 64of78.mp3 3.22 Mb
169. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 65of78.mp3 3.22 Mb
170. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 66of78.mp3 3.56 Mb
171. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 67of78.mp3 3.21 Mb
172. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 68of78.mp3 3.22 Mb
173. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 69of78.mp3 3.22 Mb
174. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 70of78.mp3 3.22 Mb
175. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 71of78.mp3 3.22 Mb
176. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 72of78.mp3 3.17 Mb
177. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 73of78.mp3 3.22 Mb
178. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 74of78.mp3 3.18 Mb
179. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 75of78.mp3 3.35 Mb
180. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 76of78.mp3 3.13 Mb
181. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 77of78.mp3 3.32 Mb
182. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune1] - Dune/Dune 78of78.mp3 2.64 Mb
183. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune2] - Dune Messiah/Dune_Messiah 01of33.mp3 3.21 Mb
184. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune2] - Dune Messiah/Dune_Messiah 02of33.mp3 3.20 Mb
185. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune2] - Dune Messiah/Dune_Messiah 03of33.mp3 3.36 Mb
186. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune2] - Dune Messiah/Dune_Messiah 04of33.mp3 3.21 Mb
187. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune2] - Dune Messiah/Dune_Messiah 05of33.mp3 3.22 Mb
188. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune2] - Dune Messiah/Dune_Messiah 06of33.mp3 3.57 Mb
189. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune2] - Dune Messiah/Dune_Messiah 07of33.mp3 3.21 Mb
190. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune2] - Dune Messiah/Dune_Messiah 08of33.mp3 3.23 Mb
191. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune2] - Dune Messiah/Dune_Messiah 09of33.mp3 3.65 Mb
192. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune2] - Dune Messiah/Dune_Messiah 10of33.mp3 3.22 Mb
193. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune2] - Dune Messiah/Dune_Messiah 11of33.mp3 3.18 Mb
194. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune2] - Dune Messiah/Dune_Messiah 12of33.mp3 3.64 Mb
195. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune2] - Dune Messiah/Dune_Messiah 13of33.mp3 3.21 Mb
196. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune2] - Dune Messiah/Dune_Messiah 14of33.mp3 3.22 Mb
197. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune2] - Dune Messiah/Dune_Messiah 15of33.mp3 3.72 Mb
198. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune2] - Dune Messiah/Dune_Messiah 16of33.mp3 3.21 Mb
199. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune2] - Dune Messiah/Dune_Messiah 17of33.mp3 3.21 Mb
200. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune2] - Dune Messiah/Dune_Messiah 18of33.mp3 3.45 Mb
201. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune2] - Dune Messiah/Dune_Messiah 19of33.mp3 3.23 Mb
202. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune2] - Dune Messiah/Dune_Messiah 20of33.mp3 3.19 Mb
203. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune2] - Dune Messiah/Dune_Messiah 21of33.mp3 3.55 Mb
204. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune2] - Dune Messiah/Dune_Messiah 22of33.mp3 3.22 Mb
205. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune2] - Dune Messiah/Dune_Messiah 23of33.mp3 3.21 Mb
206. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune2] - Dune Messiah/Dune_Messiah 24of33.mp3 3.42 Mb
207. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune2] - Dune Messiah/Dune_Messiah 25of33.mp3 3.22 Mb
208. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune2] - Dune Messiah/Dune_Messiah 26of33.mp3 3.21 Mb
209. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune2] - Dune Messiah/Dune_Messiah 27of33.mp3 3.59 Mb
210. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune2] - Dune Messiah/Dune_Messiah 28of33.mp3 3.21 Mb
211. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune2] - Dune Messiah/Dune_Messiah 29of33.mp3 3.22 Mb
212. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune2] - Dune Messiah/Dune_Messiah 30of33.mp3 3.57 Mb
213. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune2] - Dune Messiah/Dune_Messiah 31of33.mp3 3.36 Mb
214. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune2] - Dune Messiah/Dune_Messiah 32of33.mp3 3.35 Mb
215. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune2] - Dune Messiah/Dune_Messiah 33of33.mp3 2.16 Mb
216. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 01.mp3 3.22 Mb
217. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 02.mp3 3.21 Mb
218. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 03.mp3 3.16 Mb
219. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 04.mp3 3.32 Mb
220. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 05.mp3 3.31 Mb
221. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 06.mp3 3.21 Mb
222. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 07.mp3 3.32 Mb
223. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 08.mp3 3.32 Mb
224. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 09.mp3 3.25 Mb
225. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 10.mp3 3.32 Mb
226. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 11.mp3 3.32 Mb
227. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 12.mp3 3.22 Mb
228. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 13.mp3 3.37 Mb
229. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 14.mp3 3.37 Mb
230. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 15.mp3 3.31 Mb
231. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 16.mp3 3.35 Mb
232. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 17.mp3 3.38 Mb
233. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 18.mp3 3.31 Mb
234. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 19.mp3 3.35 Mb
235. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 20.mp3 3.37 Mb
236. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 21.mp3 3.37 Mb
237. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 22.mp3 3.30 Mb
238. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 23.mp3 3.35 Mb
239. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 24.mp3 3.33 Mb
240. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 25.mp3 3.38 Mb
241. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 26.mp3 3.40 Mb
242. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 27.mp3 3.34 Mb
243. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 28.mp3 3.37 Mb
244. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 29.mp3 3.41 Mb
245. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 30.mp3 3.35 Mb
246. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 31.mp3 3.29 Mb
247. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 32.mp3 3.35 Mb
248. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 33.mp3 3.28 Mb
249. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 34.mp3 3.29 Mb
250. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 35.mp3 3.35 Mb
251. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 36.mp3 3.28 Mb
252. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 37.mp3 3.32 Mb
253. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 38.mp3 3.32 Mb
254. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 39.mp3 3.13 Mb
255. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 40.mp3 3.32 Mb
256. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 41.mp3 3.31 Mb
257. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 42.mp3 3.17 Mb
258. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 43.mp3 3.31 Mb
259. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 44.mp3 3.31 Mb
260. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 45.mp3 3.09 Mb
261. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 46.mp3 3.31 Mb
262. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 47.mp3 2.08 Mb
263. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 48.mp3 3.03 Mb
264. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 49.mp3 3.37 Mb
265. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 50.mp3 3.37 Mb
266. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 51.mp3 3.29 Mb
267. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 52.mp3 3.36 Mb
268. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 53.mp3 3.37 Mb
269. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 54.mp3 3.30 Mb
270. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 55.mp3 3.37 Mb
271. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 56.mp3 3.35 Mb
272. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 57.mp3 3.36 Mb
273. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 58.mp3 3.21 Mb
274. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 59.mp3 3.24 Mb
275. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune3] - Children Of Dune/Children_of_Dune 60.mp3 2.52 Mb
276. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 01 of 58.mp3 4.56 Mb
277. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 02 of 58.mp3 6.83 Mb
278. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 03 of 58.mp3 7.99 Mb
279. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 04 of 58.mp3 8.80 Mb
280. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 05 of 58.mp3 4.63 Mb
281. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 06 of 58.mp3 6.34 Mb
282. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 07 of 58.mp3 6.39 Mb
283. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 08 of 58.mp3 9.72 Mb
284. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 09 of 58.mp3 3.66 Mb
285. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 10 of 58.mp3 4.93 Mb
286. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 11 of 58.mp3 8.99 Mb
287. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 12 of 58.mp3 5.72 Mb
288. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 13 of 58.mp3 9.30 Mb
289. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 14 of 58.mp3 6.61 Mb
290. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 15 of 58.mp3 4.02 Mb
291. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 16 of 58.mp3 7.24 Mb
292. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 17 of 58.mp3 8.59 Mb
293. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 18 of 58.mp3 3.91 Mb
294. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 19 of 58.mp3 1.68 Mb
295. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 20 of 58.mp3 11.27 Mb
296. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 21 of 58.mp3 7.11 Mb
297. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 22 of 58.mp3 8.25 Mb
298. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 23 of 58.mp3 5.82 Mb
299. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 24 of 58.mp3 5.71 Mb
300. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 25 of 58.mp3 8.67 Mb
301. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 26 of 58.mp3 4.69 Mb
302. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 27 of 58.mp3 6.39 Mb
303. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 28 of 58.mp3 5.08 Mb
304. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 29 of 58.mp3 13.24 Mb
305. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 30 of 58.mp3 1.16 Mb
306. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 31 of 58.mp3 8.61 Mb
307. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 32 of 58.mp3 5.67 Mb
308. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 33 of 58.mp3 5.51 Mb
309. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 34 of 58.mp3 6.04 Mb
310. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 35 of 58.mp3 3.44 Mb
311. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 36 of 58.mp3 10.09 Mb
312. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 37 of 58.mp3 10.36 Mb
313. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 38 of 58.mp3 7.83 Mb
314. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 39 of 58.mp3 1.95 Mb
315. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 40 of 58.mp3 2.07 Mb
316. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 41 of 58.mp3 13.02 Mb
317. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 42 of 58.mp3 4.85 Mb
318. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 43 of 58.mp3 5.40 Mb
319. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 44 of 58.mp3 8.92 Mb
320. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 45 of 58.mp3 5.66 Mb
321. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 46 of 58.mp3 7.32 Mb
322. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 47 of 58.mp3 9.64 Mb
323. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 48 of 58.mp3 2.88 Mb
324. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 49 of 58.mp3 7.25 Mb
325. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 50 of 58.mp3 8.74 Mb
326. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 51 of 58.mp3 4.18 Mb
327. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 52 of 58.mp3 5.02 Mb
328. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 53 of 58.mp3 9.71 Mb
329. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 54 of 58.mp3 5.20 Mb
330. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 55 of 58.mp3 5.34 Mb
331. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 56 of 58.mp3 8.48 Mb
332. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 57 of 58.mp3 6.38 Mb
333. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune4] - God Emperor of Dune/God Emperor of Dune 58 of 58.mp3 13.54 Mb
334. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune5] - Heretics of Dune/Heretics Of Dune 01 of 18.mp3 12.44 Mb
335. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune5] - Heretics of Dune/Heretics Of Dune 02 of 18.mp3 8.18 Mb
336. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune5] - Heretics of Dune/Heretics Of Dune 03 of 18.mp3 12.67 Mb
337. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune5] - Heretics of Dune/Heretics Of Dune 04 of 18.mp3 12.46 Mb
338. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune5] - Heretics of Dune/Heretics Of Dune 05 of 18.mp3 10.50 Mb
339. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune5] - Heretics of Dune/Heretics Of Dune 06 of 18.mp3 12.09 Mb
340. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune5] - Heretics of Dune/Heretics Of Dune 07 of 18.mp3 12.45 Mb
341. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune5] - Heretics of Dune/Heretics Of Dune 08 of 18.mp3 12.59 Mb
342. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune5] - Heretics of Dune/Heretics Of Dune 09 of 18.mp3 12.29 Mb
343. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune5] - Heretics of Dune/Heretics Of Dune 10 of 18.mp3 12.70 Mb
344. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune5] - Heretics of Dune/Heretics Of Dune 11 of 18.mp3 12.42 Mb
345. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune5] - Heretics of Dune/Heretics Of Dune 12 of 18.mp3 12.29 Mb
346. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune5] - Heretics of Dune/Heretics Of Dune 13 of 18.mp3 12.06 Mb
347. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune5] - Heretics of Dune/Heretics Of Dune 14 of 18.mp3 12.57 Mb
348. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune5] - Heretics of Dune/Heretics Of Dune 15 of 18.mp3 12.63 Mb
349. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune5] - Heretics of Dune/Heretics Of Dune 16 of 18.mp3 11.38 Mb
350. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune5] - Heretics of Dune/Heretics Of Dune 17 of 18.mp3 12.10 Mb
351. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune5] - Heretics of Dune/Heretics Of Dune 18 of 18.mp3 3.47 Mb
352. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune6] - Chapterhouse Dune/Chapterhouse Dune 01 of 16.mp3 12.58 Mb
353. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune6] - Chapterhouse Dune/Chapterhouse Dune 02 of 16.mp3 12.43 Mb
354. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune6] - Chapterhouse Dune/Chapterhouse Dune 03 of 16.mp3 12.28 Mb
355. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune6] - Chapterhouse Dune/Chapterhouse Dune 04 of 16.mp3 12.52 Mb
356. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune6] - Chapterhouse Dune/Chapterhouse Dune 05 of 16.mp3 11.69 Mb
357. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune6] - Chapterhouse Dune/Chapterhouse Dune 06 of 16.mp3 12.57 Mb
358. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune6] - Chapterhouse Dune/Chapterhouse Dune 07 of 16.mp3 12.34 Mb
359. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune6] - Chapterhouse Dune/Chapterhouse Dune 08 of 16.mp3 12.47 Mb
360. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune6] - Chapterhouse Dune/Chapterhouse Dune 09 of 16.mp3 12.78 Mb
361. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune6] - Chapterhouse Dune/Chapterhouse Dune 10 of 16.mp3 11.30 Mb
362. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune6] - Chapterhouse Dune/Chapterhouse Dune 11 of 16.mp3 12.36 Mb
363. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune6] - Chapterhouse Dune/Chapterhouse Dune 12 of 16.mp3 12.34 Mb
364. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune6] - Chapterhouse Dune/Chapterhouse Dune 13 of 16.mp3 12.44 Mb
365. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune6] - Chapterhouse Dune/Chapterhouse Dune 14 of 16.mp3 12.36 Mb
366. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune6] - Chapterhouse Dune/Chapterhouse Dune 15 of 16.mp3 12.26 Mb
367. Complete Dune/Frank Herbert - Dune series/Herbert, Frank - [Dune6] - Chapterhouse Dune/Chapterhouse Dune 16 of 16.mp3 11.25 Mb