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Rush Limbaugh 9-18-08
Rush Limbaugh 9-18-08
2008-09-19 (by grunyen13)
Rush Limbaugh
3 hours, no commercials.
Plus morning update video.
On Today’s Show...
Rush's Opening Monologue: Barack Obama is employing typical Chicago thug-style politics. Sarah Palin's email has been hacked and Obama is lying about Rush in an ad which insults the intelligence of Hispanics and inflames racism. This Saul Alinksy-taught community agitator will do whatever he thinks it takes to clear the field and win this election. He's a fraud and a disgrace. (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen Here)
Pearl of Wisdom: "Senator Obama is acting no different than a 1950s segregationist trying to stoke racial hatred."
ABC's Jake Tapper and Politico's Jonathan Martin did superb jobs in debunking Obama's Spanish-language ad that lies about Rush. (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen Here)
» ABC News:Tapper » Politico: Martin » Powerline: Most Hateful Ad Ever?
» Watch: Obama Ad » Watch: Morning Update (April, 6 2006): The Limbaugh Laws
(Morning Update video is available in QuickTime format only)
Note: Watch for Rush's op-ed on the Obama ad in tomorrow's Wall Street Journal.
Democrats caused the mortgage meltdown. Bush proposed new oversight for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and Democrats rejected it so their cronies like Obama advisors Franklin Raines and Jim Johnson could loot the institutions and get rich. In 2005, Fannie Mae CEO Daniel Mudd addressed the Congressional Black Caucus and called the Democrats the "conscience" of his company. (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen Here)
» IBD: Whose Bailout Is It? » NYT '97: House Banking Chief Wants Freddie Inquiry
» New York Post: Mudd-Flap Manor » Bloomberg: Congress May Adjourn
A note to Sen. McCain: Let Sarah be Sarah. Don't turn her into a clone, denouncing Wall Street greed. You're running against liberals who are to blame for the financial scandals. Hang this on them. It's a sitting duck. (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen Here)
» Daniel Henninger: Will McCain Waste Palin?
Pearl of Wisdom: "So here's another Obama supporter, Josh Howard, echoing Reverend Jeremiah Wright saying, 'God blank America.' Josh Howard has become wealthy because of this country." YouTube: NBA Star Disrespects National Anthem
Obama encouraged his followers to go up to non-believers and "Get in their face." Meanwhile, Joe Biden says it's patriotic to pay higher taxes.
Audio sound bites galore: Hank Greenberg and Larry Kudlow on the mortgage mess, and Lynn Forester de Rothschild blasts the Drive-By Media elites.
Rush defended Senator McCain against a caller who impugned his conduct as a POW.
From Rush's Stack of Stuff Quick Hits Page:
» Michelle Obama Resurfaces; Bashes "Cute" Palin
» Grateful Dead to Reunite for Obama Fundraiser
» Electoral College Polling Model Not Good for Obama
» Georgia Poll: Obama Trails McCain by 16 Points
» Morris and Rove Have McCain Ahead on Electoral Map
» Bad Mortgage Brokers Ran Wild, Florida Says
» The Obama Campaign Owns Kathleen Sebelius
» Change Washington by Changing Reid and Pelosi
Files count:
44.96 Mb