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AVGN Angry Video Game Nerd 63 Episodes MP4 IPOD READY






AVGN Angry Video Game Nerd 63 Episodes MP4 -> IPOD READY




2008-10-31 (by nomisqc)


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  1. AVGN Angry Video Game Nerd Rev

Files count:



3334.32 Mb




vega_jill (2008-10-31)

Where did you get the first 23 episodes? I managed to download 24-63 from GameTrailers, but the rest can't be downloaded form YouTube, where did you get them? I'd prefer the original files over the MP4s if I can get them.

adrianox (2008-11-05)

seeeeeed plzzzzzzzz, neeeedd seeederrrs

Chase357 (2008-12-02)

@ vega_jill
They CAN be downloaded from YouTube and if you did it the correct way the original files ARE in mp4 format.

maximusbrime (2008-12-04)

I wish this guy would make a podcast or something!!!

daveggg (2008-12-23)


guddarps_trollet (2009-01-08)

I can convert them to avi and upload it

Vixx (2009-03-30)

@ guddarps_trollet
Please do, mate!

dchiou (2009-04-21)

thanks sooo much for this.

daveggg (2009-06-03)

Too bad the quality SUCKS ASS!! If you have a screen bigger than 2" then you can forget about it.

AVGNjnr (2009-07-07)

Please please seed 97% Pleeeeeease Thanx for torrent also

AVGNjnr (2009-07-07)

100% down. great torrent all scanned and clean, picture quallity isnt as bas as daveggg would have you believe! Looks great on phone and looks fine on 16" screen too. Thanx again for great Torrent I will be seeding this for a few weeks

AlternateView (2009-11-30)

Thanks a bunch man, really great torrent, been wanting to get some AVGN vids for a while - and they're already iPod ready for me! Will continue to seed. Thanks again!

kardall (2010-06-17)

So... There are seeders with 100% but they're giving me: d
"Your client wants to download, but peer doesn't want to send (interested and choked)"
So.... what's up with that?

Arse_Done_69 (2011-02-04)

Sweet!!! It is so hard to find these episodes. Theses are the first 63. :D Do you have anymore?
Thanks a lot, this was great. :D

aliceisbi (2012-04-23)

All 106 episodes in mp4 format here:

daivox (2014-11-21)

Just wanted to say thank you for posting this. Back in the day (about 4-5 years ago) this was how I got my hands on the first episodes to be able to watch them at my leisure. I appreciated it and enjoyed the videos, and you helped me do that, so thanks!


1. AVGN Angry Video Game Nerd 63 Episodes MP4 IPOD READY.rar 3334.32 Mb