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Games PC






2007-06-14 (by pctorrent )


Prepárate para vivir una experiencia en mitad de la suciedad y el barro con el nuevo Colin McRae. Tras dos años vuelve el rey de los juegos de conducción por superficies de todo tipo. En Colin McRae: DIRT competirás con toda clase vehículos como buggies, coches de rallies, camiones y un largo etc. Lo único que tienen en común es su capacidad para ensuciarse totalmente. Además, las posibilidades multijugador que encierra el juego son realmente increíbles, puesto que tendrás modos de competición muy variados y algunos tan impresionantes como la vibrante carrera de rally ?point-to-point? contrarreloj con hasta otros 100 jugadores al mismo tiempo. Colin McRae: DIRT destaca también por su elevadísima calidad gráfica que te ofrece manchas de barro sobre la carrocería, impresionantes modelados, escenarios deformables (es la primera vez que, si te estrellas contra un guardarraíl, este se deforma) y una física alucinante. ¿El problema? No hay más que ver los requerimientos técnicos del juego para saber que se trata de un auténtico título de ?próxima generación? ? Para utilizar Colin McRae: Dirt necesitas: Requisitos mínimos: Sistema operativo: WinXP/Vista Procesador: 2,0 GHz Memoria RAM: 1,0 GB Vídeo: 256 MB DirectX 9.0c

Files count:



4839.17 Mb




justeve (2007-06-14)

same thing here same size and files and its well seeded

phil_in_uk (2007-06-14)

tried deamon tools 4.09he with all on and off, still same :(
i run the shortcut, message on screen - checking disk - pause - followed by Error failed to identify the disk in the drive.???

Reilert (2007-06-16)

Dette virker!!
Vær sikker på at du har siste versjon av deamon tools, V4.09HE
Innstaler spillet ved å mounte det i daemon-tools på vanlig måte.
unmount mds filen, slå på "all options on" under emulation, nå skal daemon ikonet ha en grønn farge.
Mount mds-filen igjen og trykk play, innstaler protection og restart pc`n.
unmount og mount mds-filen igjen og trykk play.
Dette skal gjøre susen. God Sommer :)

Fobp (2007-06-16)

får d f.. ikke til. har prøvd alt no men d går ikke.
anyone who knows how to make this thing work?
i've done all the things, still the game fails to indentify the disk..

Half-DeadCRO (2007-06-16)

It has starforce protection, and it will damage your PC.

mirza15 (2007-06-17)

Snälla seeda lite ...när jag har laddat ner den så kommer jag seeda 24/7

mirza15 (2007-06-18)

Vart får ni tag på crack och Cd-key??

mirza15 (2007-06-18)

Where are u get crack and cd-key?!

trichome (2007-06-19)

Hey guys I was having the Star Force issue. I downloaded Daemon Tools 1.43 to replace 1.39 and it works fine. I also use Yasu because it easy and worked in the past. So with the combo of Daemon tool 1.43 and Yasu 1.07 or 1.7 (?) I got it running. Also if the disc protection is this bloated Im sure you need to block any activity with a firewall, one phone home and im sure its locked like a door. But yeah use Yasu if you got the latest D Tools (2007-06-20)

Thanks guys ..
Can someone seed me ?

TheMythical (2007-06-20)

For some additional info, if & when you get by the security sure that you have support for shader 3 on your grafic card, as the problem with spider-man 3 for alott of people, me included. The game wont start if you do not have support for shader 3.
I manage to bypass the security check of the game once i uppgraded the game to patch 1.1 but then came the error, shader 3 not supported on your card.
So for all you out there that dident manage to get spider-man 3 working...sorry!!!!
Stay tuned & thx all uploaders out there

egvas (2007-06-23)

Stupid game, it has to high requirements, unless you don't have computer which costs 2000 euros, don't even try to play it!!!

pojken9393 (2007-06-23)

wtf is shader 3.0

Turmion__ (2007-06-23)

Crack to this game on

asjanv (2007-06-28)

fan så hade itne mitt skit grafi kort shader 3:P

eddiejansson123 (2007-07-05)

tänkte köpa spelet men vågar inte p.g.a grafikkortet så jag får väl ta fram mitt tålamod och ladda ner det istället! :|

Rozik (2007-07-12)

I cant run this game, instalation was OK crack was OK ,but if i try to run it there is a problem and I must clese this aplication. Can you help me?? thanks (icq:217621977)

vomitcomet (2007-07-16)

This crap just deosn't work at all! Waste of my time and effort.

TILT56 (2007-07-31)

Thanks pctorrent :)

aigh (2007-08-30)

Hey, any one of you PLEASE help me, and I will love you for it. Its pretty simple actually, PLEASE help me :):)!!!
Under download, only a few files end up corrupt, if you could upload these for me, I would be very, very grateful. Its very few files. THis is the files:



















Thats all the files. Please help!

_vaafaan_ (2007-09-08)

Funkar den här för någon?
Och vars finns cracket?

black_south (2007-09-10)

denna spelet funkar perfekt men se till att ha en riktig bra dator och inte nån 3 år gammal dator :P
this game is exellent but u really need good comp and not 3 years old one :P

black_south (2007-09-10)

ladda ner crack här

Troelsrs (2007-09-12)

Hey - I'm having problems with this game as well. I've succefully installed the game and i've also installed the crack, but I get this very odd message everytime i try to play the game. It says: "This program could not start because xinput1_3.dll was'nt found"
What does this message mean and can i do anything to fix the game in order to play it?

-OLDBOY- (2007-09-16)

RIP Colin

Vannemann (2007-09-16)

R.I.P. Colin McRae. :'(

Vannemann (2007-09-16)

A legend of the road

kamakafinikamkam (2007-09-17)


bluedude (2007-09-17)

Rest in peace ! :(

BitLordMan (2007-09-19)

Rest In Peace 2x McRae.. :'(

BeTtKo (2007-09-20)

I`m downloading with 12KB/s

BeTtKo (2007-09-20)


simonben (2007-09-23)

Any chance of uploading Colin McRae - Helicopter Rally 2007 ?

RawSnake (2007-09-25)

"simonben" Very funny. What if it was someone you knew how would you feel? Show some respect. R.I.P Colin Mcrae...legends never die!

cliffne (2007-11-22)

don't download this. I did and now i'm being taken to court by Codemasters, unless i pay them £510 compensation.

spagyi (2007-11-23)

the same here :( but i have to pay 537GBP :(:(

kawlv1 (2007-12-01)

This game isn't worth a damn anyways.

Vegsand (2007-12-13)

Just go to

Vegsand (2007-12-13)

Seed For fuck sake!

Burken93 (2007-12-23)

this shit dosent work!!!!!

karl500 (2008-01-01)

Easy to install but the game is not that great.
The graphics are not detailed enough & there are no reflections on the cars.
NFSC is still the best.

yoran (2008-01-02)

doet dit spel het ??

blackleader (2008-01-02)

@ troelsrs
If u need a dll file.
Just go to

search for the dll u need and put it in the main directory of your game.
Otherwise put it in C:/Windows/System 32/

Gibah (2008-01-04)

I manage to install and pass the CD check for this game and when I try to launch it the screen goes black for a few seconds and then the computer reboots itself for no apparent reason, no error messages or anything. Does this mean I don't have the Shader Model 3 thingy? I have a friend who can start it with an older graphics card than me so feels wierd!

Anatol_Popow (2008-01-04)

REQUEST: B.A.S.E. jumping game

3770-des (2008-01-04)

93,9% and 2 day back 156 seeders (2008-01-25)

Seed guys! it wont start downloading with good speed =\ I really want this game :P

cinatup (2008-01-27)


cinatup (2008-01-29)

it don't have eny harmy files called starforce
LOL Loser

mariano123456 (2008-02-04)

Thanks to all
Do not bring crack
15 days like seed full velocity
the pirate bay the best tracter

royraiden (2008-02-07)

i installed it and them mounted the image but it asks for a serial, could you give me one or a keygen that actually works?

yanick241 (2008-02-17)

pleeze send me ! [email protected] ... this is my favorite video game plz !

prymer (2008-04-01)

can anyone please seed for me?
will seed if i can ever download.

prymer (2008-04-03)

Thanks for seeding you assholes.

UglyPilot (2008-04-25)

There is a file called adi_oal.dll in directory; c:\windows\system32\adi_oal.dll
Or if you have a 64 bit system;
I had installed colin mcrae dirt for over 4 months and luckily I found this solution on codemasters forum. And I can play both stalker and colin. Before this, I couldnt play both.

toshiden (2008-05-27)

il faut obsolument utiliser daemon tools pour creer l'image sinon cela ne fonctionne pas : il demande le serial !!! si le jeux ne demarre pas malgrè cela, c'est la config materielle de votre pc qui n'est pas suffisante.
it is obsolument necessary obsolument to use daemon tools to create the image if not that does not function it requires the serial!!! if the plays does not start malgres that, it is the material config of your PC which is not sufficient,

tommyboy12 (2008-05-30)

plz seed

tommyboy12 (2008-05-31)

seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed seed vvv

captinmars (2008-06-12)

STOP WRITING STUPID THING ASS's all we need to know is if it works, and have a decent pc before asking questions can you meet the specs and shit like that, but anyways DOES THIS WORK? or is it like Gears of war and u need a faggot ass windows live acc to play

captinmars (2008-06-12)

ASLO GUY SAYING SEED SEED SEED SEED try making yourself connectable asshole do some quick and simple portforwarding, asshole

axXxa_08 (2008-07-12)

hey guys what is the serial key, please post it

xEdde (2008-08-18)

okej, nu tänker jag fråga nånting dumt.... hur installerar man spelat??

pesja (2009-02-01)

Can you complete the "My people were fair" album you uploaded? Been at 97.4% for two weeks now!!! Don't upload shit if your not going to seed!!!!

marcusn (2009-09-15)

here's how i got it to work on vista x64 and a core i7 cpu:
disable multithreading i bios and also change to run the computer with only 2 cores, if you have a 4 core cpu.
download patch 1.2 and install.

download and install patch 1.22 (it's only a DiRT.exe and it removes the copy protection).



1. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/NeWPCT - DivX Juegos PC Mp3 Software Y Mas Tu WeB de BiTToRRenT.url 139 bytes
2. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/SeXoToRRenT.url 144 bytes
3. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/SpanishTracker.url 136 bytes
4. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/TodoVenganzas Tu Web de Videos Porno Amateur.url 134 bytes
5. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r00 95.37 Mb
6. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r01 95.37 Mb
7. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r02 95.37 Mb
8. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r03 95.37 Mb
9. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r04 95.37 Mb
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11. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r06 95.37 Mb
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13. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r08 95.37 Mb
14. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r09 95.37 Mb
15. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r10 95.37 Mb
16. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r11 95.37 Mb
17. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r12 95.37 Mb
18. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r13 95.37 Mb
19. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r14 95.37 Mb
20. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r15 95.37 Mb
21. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r16 95.37 Mb
22. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r17 95.37 Mb
23. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r18 95.37 Mb
24. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r19 95.37 Mb
25. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r20 95.37 Mb
26. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r21 95.37 Mb
27. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r22 95.37 Mb
28. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r23 95.37 Mb
29. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r24 95.37 Mb
30. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r25 95.37 Mb
31. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r26 95.37 Mb
32. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r27 95.37 Mb
33. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r28 95.37 Mb
34. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r29 95.37 Mb
35. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r30 95.37 Mb
36. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r31 95.37 Mb
37. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r32 95.37 Mb
38. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r33 95.37 Mb
39. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r34 95.37 Mb
40. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r35 95.37 Mb
41. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r36 95.37 Mb
42. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r37 95.37 Mb
43. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r38 95.37 Mb
44. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r39 95.37 Mb
45. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r40 95.37 Mb
46. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r41 95.37 Mb
47. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r42 95.37 Mb
48. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r43 95.37 Mb
49. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r44 95.37 Mb
50. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r45 95.37 Mb
51. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r46 95.37 Mb
52. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r47 95.37 Mb
53. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r48 95.37 Mb
54. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.r49 70.80 Mb
55. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/cmd.rar 95.37 Mb
56. Colin McRae DIRT [PCDVD][SP_EN_FR_GR_IT][]/install.nfo 39 bytes