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Mangos Platinum ! Wow private server Emu - Works with v1 12 1






Mangos Platinum ! Wow private server Emu - Works with v1.12.1




2007-02-10 (by Distun)


This is the easiest way to create a wow private server. THIS ONLY WORKS ON WOW 1.12.x VERSIONS! Ill try to find a stable TBC Emu but its very rare. You can find the GM commands here: Try and upload it as much you can. I have a small bandwith. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- System Requirements : Minimun: 800+ MHz 256 Ram Windows Server 2003 Recomended: 2 GHz 1 GB Ram Windows XP (No special video or sound card is needed for the server) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instalation: 1. Install ManGOS Platinum 2. Go to mangos server folder and copy the file called ad.exe to your wow root folder (for example C:Program filesWorld of warcraft). Then make a folder called "maps" inside the WoW root folder. 3. Run ad.exe 4. When ad.exe has finished, cut the folder "maps" and paste it into the Mangos server folder. 5. Run Mangos.exe, and click on "start-SQL". Two web pages will pop up. If they are showed without any problem, then the Mysql server is completely opened. 6. Once the Mysql server is opened, go to Mangos.exe again and click on "Start Realmd" and "Start MangosDB". It will take up a minute more or less (depending on your PC) to completely load. 7. Go to your WoW folder, and open the file called with notepad. Change the us.login..... to . Save and cose the file. 8. Open Wow and play! Note 1: Be sure you dont have Skype open! This program makes the SQL database (run.bat) unable to run correctly. Note 2: Be sure you dont have any MySQL or Apache running when you run start.bat! Close down your current MySQL server if you have one running (uninstall is not required, just close it - Use: ctrl+alt+del, and find process "mysql-nt" and close it.. Also close "Apache" if any of those are running.) Note 3: To make sure that start.bat is loaded successfully, a webpage comes up. When it comes up, wait 5 seconds, and then refresh it. If the page cannot be accessed or showed anymore, you have something that blocks for mysql to start! If it comes up with the exact same page again, loading was a success and you can go on. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Useful tips: Creating an account: There are to ways of creating one. 1. Go to the acc creation page and make one. 2. Go to mangosd.exe console and type "create NAME PASSWORD" and hit enter. Making a player GM: Go to mangosd.exe console and type "setgm ACCOUNT GMLEVEL" The gmlevels are: 0 = Player 1 = Moderator 2 = GameMaster 3 = Administrator The gm commands can be found here: Changing the xp and drop: Open "mangosd.conf" and edit where it says: Code: # Drop rates # Default: 1 Rate.Drop.Items = 1 Rate.Drop.Money = 1 # XP rates # Default: 1 Rate.XP.Kill = 1 Rate.XP.Quest = 1 Rate.XP.Explore = 1 (1=Normal ; 2=double ; 3=Triple ; etc) Making the server Online: 1. Open any web browser and go to this address: http://localhost/a/ 2. You should be now at your phpMyAdmin server. On the left upper side, there is a dropdown field;Click on it and select the realmd (4) Database. Again on the left side, at the bottom of realmd (4), click on the realmlist entry. 3. Now, at the upper left part (where you can see Browse / Structure / SQL / Search / Insert / Export /Import / Operations), Press the Browse tab. Press Edit on the lower right tab (the green pencil) Now you should see following: 4. Upper left, the actual server name (1) and server -address (2) is shown. Change the Server name as you wish. Change the IP to your internet IP ( ) Check if the dropdown says "Save" (3) and press Go (4) SQL Settings done. Close your browser-windows; click the [STOP SQL] button at ManGOS.exe 5. Configuring WWW Registration/Realm Site for Users Go into your /diskw/www/ folder of ManGOS Open index.php and pomm_conf.php with notepad and search for the next line: Code: $server = "localhost"; // Server adress (for realm status) 6. Change localhost to your LAN/ INTERNET IP 7. Enjoy your internet mangos server! Thanks to: Skite2001 for the original and first MP DXP for the MP rev. 2865 and ignarausch for the tutorial.

Files count:



55.72 Mb




Robin555 (2007-02-11)

Does this really work ????? i really want a P Server that my ifrends and i can plkay on

Distun (2007-02-11)

Yup. Ive used it for a week now. And the best is you only need this file. No extra programs needed ! :)

Sohlberg84 (2007-02-12)

Haha fränt... 3st 60 på under 1 timme fick kårngla lite för att andra skulle kunna komma in på servern då det inte fans nån info om hur de skulle göra annars är detta en toppen uppladdning!!
bara en fråga!
Många gm commands verkar inte fungera tex .add
nån som vet varför?

Distun (2007-02-12)

Dette er en litt eldre versjon av Mangos så mange av kodene vil ikke fungere. Det samme er det med Items og div. Hvis du installerer en Pack som

Kan du få alle koder og items til spillet.

stbd (2007-02-12)

hello!.. all went fine until i clicked wow.exe and i get error message.. failed to open terrain.MPQ??? PLEASE HELP!

Sohlberg84 (2007-02-13)

stbd same happend to me dont know what i did wrong but i just restarted the process and now it works just fine! make sure u follow every step in the guid! and make sure u have version 1.12.1 i tryied with 1.12.0 with no luck!!

Distun (2007-02-13)

Remember to run maps.bat after u have run it once :)

stbd (2007-02-14)

jeah,, i re-installed wow and patched 1.12.1 and yes followed the quide and now it work FINE! =)

stbd (2007-02-14)

how i can use those gm commands.. where i write those?

stbd (2007-02-14)

teleport isnt working proberly..?? i write gm command to teleport example stormwind city it teleports but not to the ground.. im like fallin continously.. whats the prob! sry my bad english..

Sohlberg84 (2007-02-15)

stbd try to write .tele and u will get all locations u can be teleported to! to get teleportet to stormwind u write .tele storwind

stbd (2007-02-19)

how i can add honor points..commands .addhonor and .sethonor wont work...

stbd (2007-02-19)

how i can add honor points..commands .addhonor and .sethonor wont work...

stbd (2007-02-19)

how i can add honor points..commands .addhonor and .sethonor wont work...

stbd (2007-02-19)

how i can add honor points..commands .addhonor and .sethonor wont work...

antilos (2007-02-22)

Well, I followd the instructions in the readme file...
Everything worked fine until i was going to log in om my account: When i typed in username and password and hit enter I get a messege "Disconnected Form Server"
Whats wrong?

antilos (2007-02-22)

oh now it works fine :D
btw where do u type in the gm commands?

antilos (2007-02-22)

Oh averything works fine now...
But how do i get a higher level than 60? is it possible?
The command .SETLEVEL doesnt work...

antilos (2007-02-22)

k srry for spamming..but i got antoher question..
How do other players (my freinds for example) connect to my server?

MulleMeX (2007-02-23)

Seed a little bit thanks?
Seeda! lite tack!

stbd (2007-02-24)

how to get honor points???

holasa (2007-02-25)

wheres the root folders?

PREloaDer (2007-02-25)

i have followed the instructions but my server is offline :/
what should i do???

PREloaDer (2007-02-25)

i have followed the instructions but my server is offline :/
what should i do???

Savrill (2007-03-05)

Everything goes fine until I get at the Internet/Online part.....I can find the Realmd database but what part must I edit? I cant find server name/adress...can u plz post a screenshot so ik know what to look for?

Savrill (2007-03-05)

Add: I also cant find the pomm_conf.php file...plz help?

miksta22 (2007-03-08)

do u need a WoW account to use this server...anbd if u do where do i get a free 1??????

shadow destroy (2007-03-08)

for any help with this server you can e-mail me, PM me or just add me to your messenger :
for questions, help, server modification and anything else.
and if you want to play on my server that's also good with me.

fkej (2007-03-11)

Funkade inte för mig. Och ja, jag har läst hela alltet. Min s.k. "mysql" funkade fint, dock så verkar inte min ad.exe kunna identifiera min MPQ..någonting. Och därmed tog det rätt så tvärstopp. något förslag?

shadowbass64 (2007-03-19)

When i ry and log on i get a "Disconnected from Serer" message, wha did i do wrong?

Nathaliah (2007-03-20)

well i got it to work but like... where are the mobs in Naxx? :( and like is it possible to create a GM command for geting PvP Rank 14?
Thanks :)

shadow destroy (2007-03-27)

i will no longer help people coz it drives me nuts.
i only accept invites to join my server now on...
add me without any use or reason is use-less.
i will not accept or i will delete and ignore..
for those who needed real help.... sorry but some fools just dont read.

shadow destroy (2007-03-27)

to join my server u must download hamachi at
join the network:
Network name: blijerobin password: hi
then just send a chat message over that and ill send u the information about how to join the server ( version 1.12, 1.12.1 or 1.12.2 required 1.12.1 for best performance )....
see you soon...
my server information:
friday 2.5 Xp rate
sunday Loot day ( loot has been increased and u have change on special items only can be looted on that day )

.arv (2007-04-03)

ok guys , i have wow installed and TBC..
i coped ad.exe in tool files.. i putted it in c/programs/wow .. then i runned, first it said it couldnt find something then it was like that for 3 - 4 mins .. then a error came up .. (you know the 1) send report , dont send thingy.. what do i do =(? sorry if i am not clear.. plzadd my msn

Omarsh XD (2007-04-11)

can some1 write some more commands for GMs??

Re@per (2007-04-24)

ooooooh i hope i can get this to work ^^

Re@per (2007-04-24)

i got some problem with patches =( can some one help me,..... My msn

Re@per (2007-04-24)

plzz plzz plzz help me its downloading patch 2.0.1 when iam logging in!!!

Re@per (2007-04-24)

nvm iam getting Disconected from server wen iam logging in?!!! why?

Re@per (2007-04-25)

okaaay =D its working for me now BUT iam not an gm on the server =( how do i regist so iam a gm?

Re@per (2007-04-25)

okay thanks for all help...... (non) but i fixt it =D but i need some comments. ".additem" or ".setlevel" or some thing dossent work =S

joonas12345 (2007-05-27)

Well i m trying to get it work... but can someone tell how to set LEVEL MAX?!?

zaurez (2007-06-16)

.where ?Tells your position in the world
.help ?List available commands
.addgo ?Add gameobject to your coordinates
.add ?Add item to your backpack
.addnpc ?Add Paralysed npc to the world
.del ?Delete targeted npc or object
.setlevel ?Set level for pc or npc
.setmodel ?Set model number to pc or npc
.learn ?Learn spell by number
.save ?Save world to file
.rehash ?Rehash object
.flag1 ?Set debug flags
.ppon ?Turn on pp system
.ppoff ?Turn off pp system
.turn -Turn targeted npc facing to you
.come - targeted Npc will come to the your position
.go- Go to world coordinates
.gotrigger- Go to world area trigger location, parameter: trigger_number
.kill- Kill selected pc or npc
.killallnpc - Kill all npcs in visual range
.resurrect - Resurect selected pc
.setsize - Set size for npc. times normal size
.setspeed- Set speed for pc or npc. Times normal speed
.setflags- Set flags bitmask for pc or g.o.
.addspawn- Add spawnpoint to your position.
.setnpcspawn- Add entry and number of spawned npcs to spawn point
.setnpcgo- Set entry for spawn gameobject to spawnpoint
.setspawndist- Set min and max distance for spawn
.setspawntime- Set min and max respawn time
.setxp - Set XP for pc
.paralyse- Paralyse and unparalyse selected pc or npc
.setaura - Set aura by number
.exploration - Open up your map locations
.dismount- Dismount you.
.listsp- List your spells
.listsk- List your skills
.delsp- Unlearn on spell
.delsk- Unlearn one skill
.info- Give you info about selected npc
.online- Show numbers of players online
.setreststate- Set new reststate for testing.
.exportcharacter- Export character to external file
.importcharacter- Import objects from external file
.goname- Teleport to charname, pc or npc
.goguild- Teleport to guild
.targetgo- Trying totarget nearest gameobject
.targetlink- Trying to target link of selected objects
.move- Move objects
.retcl- Reload TCL Scripts
.rescp - Reload SCP scripts.
.clearqflags- Clear quest flags from me
.bytes - for debug
.pingmm - Make point on your minimap
dont know if any of them work but here is some comands:D

robinrm (2007-06-17)

i have done every thing in the readme and i did it right but when i try to log in it says "disconected from server"
how can i make it work?

yodaflo (2007-08-19)

asså när jag ska fixa in min server till internet upkoppling så när ja går inte på http://localhost/a/
så får ja ett error hur fixar ja de!? snälla svara eller skicka ett mail

yodaflo (2007-08-19)

ehm when i go to http://localhost/a/
i get an error how do i fix it!??
send a mail to or make a comment here

moredaring (2007-08-28)

So I followed the instructions and cut the ad.exe to the main WOW folder and made the map folder, tryed to run it and the patch error messages came up and closed it out saying it was runtime terminated, can some one tell me what the problem is?

RadioKnob (2007-10-13)

So when i make my own server i can spawn items and stuff?

RadioKnob (2007-10-13)


ollis92 (2007-11-12)

i cant get it to work... it comes at mangosd that map 0004331 doesnt exist then it closes and i cant make an account..or can i another way?

Fattihjon (2011-02-17)

Seed pl0x and ill keep seeding for 1 month!