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Fake Steam(working) for hl2 og mods (hl2, cs source, hl2dm downl
Fake Steam(working) for hl2 og mods (hl2, cs source, hl2dm downl
2005-01-28 (by Imgaer)
This is a fake Steam client, for free download of hl2 and mods(no bullshit) for good clean gaming. I have no interests of uploading if it was a scam. When installed(first the large file, then the update-patch) just let the steam update itself, then verify hl2 and your own copy of hl2 and cs s and hl2dm will be uploaded to your computer! Be shure to make a fakt account(with fake e-mail) Then there will be no way of tracking the fake account! happy gaming!
Files count:
18.45 Mb
Imgaer (2005-01-28)
I just remebered, This actually has a nice converted sonic-game for you to play while waiting for your hl2 download:-) it is even better than the original steam:P and smaller to! -the seederoutzzzider (2005-01-28)
Hei!jeg har laget en profil på denne "fake" steamen og alt ser ut til å fungere bra, men når jeg skal logge inn på cs eller Half-life 2 finner den ikke .exe filen ser det ut som... Fungerer det å spille cs på denne Steamen? jeg har en ripped versjon av half-life 2
Håper på svar!!
Imgaer (2005-01-28)
After making your account, make shure to "verify hl2files" that is when you start downloading all of the games, hl2, cs s and is quite important not to quit(or push cancel) the program during verifying files, this might cause it not to download. If you want to show the progress, u can push "monitor" on the system tray icon. it might take a couple of mins after you verify your files util it starts downloading, regarding how much traffic the steam network has! if something should go wrong somewhere, just unistall and go for it one more should work!:) hope this helpes -seederImgaer (2005-01-28)
and yes, u can play cs s online with this!:P go for it dude:DImgaer (2005-01-28)
ps: downloading might take a LONG time, remeber it's somewhere between 1-2 GBImgaer (2005-01-29)
If u want to stay updated with what is up with this fine guys who made this possible check out: (2005-01-29)
I have received some complaints, about not being able to play, try to close steam once, and just log in again, i just tried the install ablot 10 mins ago, and everything works as it should!guniu555 (2005-01-29)
i have two questions(cuz im noob :P):1. does it solve problem with 'Your ticket has expired' ?
2. to play css online do i have to download whole hl2, or can i download only css ?
Paller (2005-01-29)
Ladda inte ner denna! Denna funkar inte! ärligtt vad trodden ni? allt funkar ändå tills man ska konekta till en sever då kommer du upp att man måste skriva in sitt lösenord.Så gör man gladligen det tills man upptäcker att man måste gör det igen, igen igen osv
Imgaer (2005-01-29)
er du HELT blåst!??? du kan lage en NY konto her!! ikke snakk om noe du ikke har peil på. denne har fungert til dags dato. og ikke fordi man må gi sitt pasord, men fordi man kan LAGE EN HELT NY KONTO, sjekk FØR du skriver kommentar TAKK!. What i am saying here: u can all make a NEW account with this, u dont have to access your old one(with any older game) AND it does NOT need to be an correct email/because u dont need to confirm it) just check it yourselves. i bet some of you have some have burn yourselves, but check the LINK in the post above at leat. it is NOT FAKE!Imgaer (2005-01-29)
if you have been getting "your ticket has been expired" you should create a member-login at the site i mentioned above, there is sertainly a fix to come, but for my self, it is working(though i have an account with the actual bought game).if you cannot gain any access at this, to play online, if you wish to not wait for a new update(might be a month)Just buy the game! it isnt even 30 dollars.Imgaer (2005-01-29)
WALKTHROGH: install both files: let steam update:create/access account, verify hl2 files: AFTER this, though it is downloading, shut down steam, restart;by now it should be downloading hl2, push play games;right click cs s/hl2dm and push install(no payment needed). now it should be downloading all you need to play, from this far: go to for further inf.Imgaer (2005-01-29)
direct comment to the "the ticket has been expired" message:*** Update 20/01/2005 ***
H3llBoSS, the developer of Steam-down, may possible have tracked down the problem. This is what he wrote on the RIN forums:
i finally figured out wtf happend.... steam guys r not so smart after all , this is what they did :
they altered the timestamp on the blob so now its a few hours before actual time, (ex now its 05:34 20-01-2005 , the blob timestamp is set to 22:04 19-01-2005) this is just and example ,this makes you allways have expired steamid, but it means it can be cracked cause it does not depend on the server time but on my pc time ,(changed my pc time to 2004 and the blob timestamp hit back to 2004 to)
so , now hopefully we can figure this out
Imgaer (2005-01-29)
"the ticket has expired" has only been a problem for a few, and it might work to set your pc clock back to 2004 right before logging onto the theory, u dont need hl2 to play cs s online, but you have to activate it though, and after activating with the "verify hl2 files" it starts downloading automaticly, in the real steam, u can stop the download by clicking "do not automaticly update this game" in properties, but dont think the function is added in this "version":P just push "istall game" on cs s after verifying hl2 files, and restarting steam, and it starts downloading.
hewger (2005-01-31)
Hur verifierar man hl2 ?? jag är helt nyyb så ta allt från början.. snälla? =)hewger (2005-01-31)
Hittade det men när jag gjort allt så står det bara "upgrade new" och "purchase"... inte install ? :'(dvs när jag varifierat klart...
HobbaN (2005-01-31)
six steam va?moille (2005-02-01)
if your using six steam,can't your steam user get banned?chrazy (2005-02-01)
Dette er jo bare helt nydeliig :)mattyfatty (2005-02-01)
Thanks for the Upload....Steam's servers are SOOOO SLOOOWW.I have a 163kb/s connection and they are only serving me CS at 50kb/s.
mattyfatty (2005-02-01)
The Expired Ticket Error is here to stay awhile.Thanks for the download anyways :(
chrazy (2005-02-01)
Heisann.Nå har jeg lastet ned denne fake Steam saken, innstalert det og laget en ny brukerkonto.
Så trykker jeg verify HL2 GCF, men når den er ferdig med validating.. hva gjør jeg da? Jeg får ikke lastet ned hl2 fra "play games" - Kommer bare inn på kjøpe spill menyen... Er det noen jeg gjør feil?
Imgaer (2005-02-02)
etter å ha verifisert, kan det hende at du må restarte steam, det pleier å funke.Imgaer (2005-02-02)
DONT use your original steam account, make a new one, with fake e-mail(no tracing). pls read all the comments before, if u get the error message, pls visit the page i mentioned earlier to see if there is a update coming. and yes, this is Six-Steam.dagglii (2005-02-20)
Jag får inte upp rutan med pingvinen!?!?!!!?! Snälla ja behöver värkligen hjälp!dagglii (2005-02-20)
okej de klarade jag men nu e de ett nytt problem. Hur kommer hl2 och co ner till ens spel:S:S ja har typ startat om en massa gr.Krek (2005-03-04)
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We're are happy to say that we stole your account and atleast got many working
hl1 accounts jay st00pid fucks!
Thanks for using SiX-Steam keystealer!
Ja man tackar man tackar.....
Så bra fungerade denna SKITEN!
spineless (2005-03-04)
Yes fick samma brev,, har du verkligen blivit av med ditt account ?Imgaer (2005-03-10)
Hi again, i dont know what you all have experienced so far, but there is a problem with the "ticket error". now there is a new forum up and going, so please check the for additional info in the future.when it comes to the mail a lot of people got(including me), about their original steam-account was stolen, i think this is just a scam, and it probably is, since i never used my original account for the six-steam, and i have always suggested on the strongest for you to create a fake account with a fake mail when using six-steam!
If you are worried about your original account, just change the password on the account, it's as simple as that!
cavern (2005-03-26)
hva gjør du for å verify HL2? (er litt CP):pcavern (2005-03-26)
nå har jeg vertifisert den og restarta, men det står fortsatt at jeg bare kan kjøpe.....??? hjelp!criminalwolf (2005-03-30)
jag har verifierat hl men jag får inte in det på my games he i helvete gör man??(har restartat ett antal gånger) snälla hjälp mejjbasspower (2005-04-13)
why i cant download CS. It write `` a client has been releashed, please restart steam `` help me !franders (2006-04-04)
Kan någon vara snäll att seeda...:)Osterhus (2007-09-28)
seed!Osterhus (2007-09-28)
fucking hell plz seed !!!!!!got 0 kb/s