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Selected Favourites Of Mine (Legal To Download!!!!!!)






Selected Favourites Of Mine (Legal To Download!!!!!!)




2006-06-09 (by Clockmender)


A LEGAL TORRENT FOR A CHANGE This is a broad based selection of the music I have been working on on the PC. Every track has been played on a TMK88 Midi Keyboard or an Electric Bass Guitar (made by me), through an E-MU 0404 Sound Card into various music software packages, e.g. Sonar, Cubase, etc. I have used some of my favourite instruments including a Grand Piano and a peach of a Scream Lead Guitar (modified from the standard by me). Recognition should go to the original Artists/Composers (where known) and to "Erik" (this may or may not be his real name!) who helped with the Techo track. I don't think I owe any copyright fees to any of these people because they are: A) Long Dead. B) Too rich already. C) Unlikely to see this stuff. or the music track is: A) Not quite the same as the original. B) An utterly crap rendition of their masterpieces in their opinion. Phew - that should keep the Thought Police off my case. The Track List is: Comfortably Numb (Pink Floyd) - Just a classic Erik Techno (Anoymous/?) - Thanks to Erik) Fur Elise (Beethoven) - Nice easy one to learn (ha ha) Maple Leaf Rag (Scott Joplin) - What he is best known for No Regrets (Scott Walker) - Features Scream Lead Guitar! See The Light (Clockmender) - You will probably not like this! Take My Breath Away (Berlin) - I like the Bam Bam Synth on this The Entertainer (Scott Joplin) - This made him famous Tubular Bells (Mike Oldfield) - This is the "Introduced Instruments" bit Whiter Shade Of Pale (Procul Harem) - Another classic Notes: 1) Caveat Emptor! 2) Don't be too frightened to download these as there are no vocals. This is because I cannot sing and I can't find anyone locally who can! 3) They are not in any particular order (other than Aplhabetic) so you can arrange them how you like. 4) If you like the music - drop me an email at TPB and I may be encouraged to do some more, oh and tell your mates!. 5) If you don't like it - well I'm sorry to have wasted your bandwidth and you can always delete it immediately. You may NOT however, send me insulting mail because you don't like it! 6) Have fun with these - If you would like the Midi Files to play with yourself - again mail me at TPB with an email address and I will gladly send them to you. Keep up the good work and lets all make the pirate bay a better, safer and tiny bit more legal place to be (snigger snigger). Cheers shipmates! Clockmender PS I think I own the copyright to these tracks and I hereby give permission to any TPB user to download, copy, play, modify or otherwise use these files. (this is a little joke at guess who's expense) PPS Why don't some more users publish some legal material - I'm sure it will enhance the good standing of The Pirate Bay within the Legal Authorities/copyright owners ,etc. etc.

Files count:



90.54 Mb




Clockmender (2006-06-09)

Please help me seed this - This is my FIRST EVER upload (fekkin' Virgin I hear you cry)

Clockmender (2006-06-20)

Hi Shipmates!
I am going to be away - so cannot seed - from 22 June to 25 July - can someone please seed this in my absence? (assuming there are still peole who want this!)
PS I have uploaded about 2Gb on this torrent so far

legalegel (2006-07-05)

this isnt a legal torrent no torrent is legal lol
there all illegal because torrent openers are..

Clockmender (2006-08-19)

Legal - you are a fuckwit, and you spell the large bird of prey EAGLE!!!!

lillesvin (2007-01-17)

Whether or not you like it, this infringes on a number of copyrights. Even though the composers are "too rich already", it doesn't magically make their rights to their compositions go away. At least you're recognizing the original composers, which is the least you can do.
Just so you know why I'm saying this... I'm a musician and composer myself and I don't care if people redistribute my songs and/or play/re-record them as long as they recognize me as the original composer.
I just wanted to tell you that this is definitely not a legal torrent.
Personally I'd be more interested in seeing some original work from you. I mean, playing with other people's compositions is one thing, but recording your own stuff and releasing that --- thus putting your own ass (directly) on the line --- is way more interesting both to yourself and the rest of us.

Clockmender (2007-01-19)

It is legal - on the basis of the arguments above any child playing a beatles song at home on his piano would have to pay Lennon & McCartney copyright fees. Works by Joplin and Beethoven are out of copyright now anyway on account of the time they were written, works by myself are mine to do what I want with - check your facts next time Mr High-and-Mighty Music Composer. I am not making money out of this so therefore recognition of the genius behind the works suffices. By the way what is a person so hooked up on the morality of copyright fees doing on this site anyway?

Donkeylord (2007-05-04)

Lol you go Clockmender!

Clockmender (2008-01-25)

Well guys not ONE single comment about the quality of the work!!!! Is it that bad or are you all to lazy to comment? If I don't get some responses soon, in the comments that is, I am going to post some MORE work! - you have been warned..... I have some jelly, custard, cream, fruit and sherry and I am not to be TRIFLED with.
PS will those of you (you know who you are), with the annoying predisposition to moaning (sorry about the long word) kindly stop bitching about the search engine - it works fine for peeps who know how to search and the products in this fine store are FREE for fucks sake!! Try sorting by "Uploaded", "Seeders", etc.