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Early Church Fathers Software






Early Church Fathers Software




2007-11-26 (by Orthodox_Christian)

Description: Study of the Fathers has a special place in the Church. The Catechism calls them "models of catechesis" (CCC 8), and "always a timely witness" (CCC 688) to the Tradition of the Church. This CD-ROM allows the viewer to gain an understanding of the Tradition of the Church in an interactive-learning format. Content List: Remains of the Second and Third Centuries The Testament of Abraham St. Adaeus Alexander of Alexandria Alexander of Cappadocia Alexander of Lycopolis St. Ambrose Anatolius of Alexandria The Canons of the Councils of Ancyra Aphrahat the Persian Sage Apostle Archelaus The Apology of Aristides the Philosopher The Seven Books of Arnobius Against the Heathen The Extant Writings of Asterius Urbanus St. Athanasius Atheenagoras of Athens St. Augustine The Epist The Epistle of Mathetes to Diognetus Methodius The Octavius of Minucius Felix Novatian Origen Papias of Hierapolis The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs The Works of Peter of Alexandria Polycarp of Smyrna Pontius the Deacon Rufinus The Canons of the Synods of Sardica The Passion of the Scillitan Martyrs Sulpitius Severus Socrates Scholasticus Salaminius Hermias Sozomenus Memoirs of Edessa and Ancient Syriac Documents Tatian the Syrian Tertullian Thedoret of Cyrus Excerpts of Theodotus Theophilus of Antioch The Canons of the Council in Trullo Poem of Venantius Honorius Victorinus St. Vincent of Lerinsle of Barnabas St. Basil the Great Caius, Presbyter of Rome Appendix Containing Canons and Rulings John Cassian Fragments of Clement of Alexandria Clement of Rome Commodianus Cyprian of Carthage St. Cyril of Jerusalem The (false) Decretals Dionysius The Works of Dionysius the Great Documents of the Second Ecumenical Council The Fourth Ecumenical Council The Seventh Ecumenical Council Ephraim the Syrian Eusebius Pamphilus of Caesarea Gennadius St. Gregory Nazianzen St. Gregory of Nyssa St. Gregory Thaumaturgos Pope St. Gregory the Great The Pastor of Hermas St. Hilary of Poitiers Hippolytus of Rome St. Ignatius of Antioch Irenaeus of Lyons St. Jerome St. John Chrysostom John of Damascus Julius Africanus Justin Martyr Lactantius Pope St. Leo the Great Marcion at Smyrna View Screen: The entire 38-volume set of the Ante-Nicene, Nicene, Post-Nicene Fathers and other ancient writers are included on this CD. Search any words, words or phrase with our new Folio technology search engine. This product is not dressed up with pictures or music. Better yet it has a usable and powerful Search engine. This new search capability will enhance your search by indicating the number of hits per article. If it's in a writing of the Early Church Fathers, you can find it. Not Windows Vista compatible. Compatible with Macintosh PowerPC, System 7.5 or higher, 16MB RAM, monitor with thousands of color capability and CD-ROM drive. Just run SETUP.EXE and will install on your computer. Enjoy! God Bless!

Files count:



83.28 Mb




gabelgate (2007-11-26)

Thanks a lot! :)

merio (2007-11-29)


Orthodox_Christian (2008-01-25)

No problem :)
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