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Rush Limbaugh 9-11-08
Rush Limbaugh 9-11-08
2008-09-12 (by grunyen13)
Rush Limbaugh 24/7
3 hours, no commercials; plus morning update video.
Sistromo, who has shared no torrents with the community, will be in here momentarily to make some inane mud-slinging comment.
Files count:
91.15 Mb
sistromo (2008-09-12)
Thanks for recognizing my good work. Yes indeed, the laughing stock of the civilized world once more spreading his message of intolerance, bigotry and repression.larryg4th (2008-09-13)
Thanks grunyen13. In USA everyone has the right to be heard, unless they are screaming FIRE ! ina crowded theater. Just because you don't AGREE with someone, DOES NOT MEAN YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO KILL THEM ! ! ! or shut them up.
grunyen13 (2008-09-13)
I have found in my many years of hearing people talk about Rush, that without exception, it turns out the person has never actually listened to the show once they are honest and 'fess up. Some of them might have seen a few minutes of the TV show or heard a little bit of the radio.When I ask them where they got their impression of Rush, it's always based on what others have said about him- not from direct experience. You have to think- if some people are so vociferous about bad-mouthing Rush, what is it they have to hide?
I say this in part because I did the exact same thing myself. I had seen a few minutes of Rush making fun of Jesse Jackson on TV, combined that with all the things I heard leftists in the media say- and I figured he was a racist blow-hard.
On discussion it, someone confronted me and said there was no way I had actually listened to the show for a regular period of time. I'm not afraid of new information, so I gave it a chance. I also read both of his books. I was extremely surprised to find that what I saw for myself was very different than what other people had described.
It really made me take a big second glance at those who had maligned him.
There is plenty on which I do not agree with Rush. I'm not a Christian, in fact I'm an atheist. I'm not a republican either. When my liberal friends criticize republicans, and the current administration- I agree that many, but not all, of those criticisms are right.
So, you have to ask yourself, if I find it worth listening to, is there something there? Rush has the largest audience in radio history. He's been doing this show for 20 years now, and he's got the biggest contract in radio history. He's won numerous awards in broadcasting.
If nothing else, the man puts on an entertaining show. I would suggest you give the show a month. Rush says you have to listen for 6 straight weeks to actually get the gist of the show... but I would say 4 is enough.
If you're confident about what you believe, you have nothing to lose. Especially when you can get through 3 show hours without commercials, it doesn't take long at all.
You don't have to have an open mind. Trash cans are open, you can throw anything in them. I would encourage you to have an active mind. Always be moving forward, challenging things and looking for new information to evaluate and decide if you want to integrate it or not.
This of course takes a lot more maturity than drive-by childish insults. The internet makes it easy to be short-attention span, low investment, little thought- and all with safety and anonymity. If that's the stuff of which you build your life, I think you're going to be very dissappointed when you get old and see the house you've built for yourself.
Just something to think about.