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Investigate 911 - Susan Lindauer Speaks in Seattle






Investigate 911 - Susan Lindauer Speaks in Seattle


Video/TV shows


2011-09-08 (by falseflag911)


Investigate 9/11 videos in 2 parts produced for 58-minute community access time slot featuring Susan Lindauer, former CIA asset, peace activist and author of the book Extreme Prejudice. Susan speaks and answers questions about the how, why and who of the events of 9/11 in her talk of Aug 2, 2011 in Seattle. Susan pulls no punches and names names in the highest gov offices. Her account brings together some of the loose ends in the truth behind what really happened on 9/11/2001. .avi 480p


  1. Susan
  2. Lindauer
  3. 9/11
  4. inside job
  5. false flag
  6. iraq
  7. war
  8. bush
  9. cheney
  10. rumsfeld
  11. WTC
  12. September 11
  13. CIA
  14. whistleblower
  15. patriot act
  16. wtc
  17. terrorism
  18. extreme
  19. prejudice
  20. world trade center
  21. terrorist
  22. attack

Files count:



1364.93 Mb




skat1140 (2011-09-09)

9-11 truther & clinically insane person.
skip it.

falseflag911 (2011-09-09)

@skat1140 - You speak with the voice of the uninformed and closed-minded and those in denial about the corruption that runs rampant in the US gov. You refuse to consider an alternative to the absurd official conspiracy theory put forth by gov appointees because to do so challenges your world view that was crammed down your throat over and over by a news media that is owned by war profiteers who make money off both sides in any war. Of course she was declared "incompetent to stand trial" (not "clinically insane" as you wrongly mention), but they would have declared her "cured" her of incompetence if she promised to plead guilty. Is that what you expect from the Land of the Free? What the hell do you think they do to whistleblowers? You do not recognize that discrediting a whistleblower is the most obvious ploy in a cover-up. Your comment also implies that there is something wrong with people seeking the truth by using the phrase "9/11 truther" in a derogatory manner. It is the duty of every American to speak out when they see something wrong in their government. It is one of the highest forms of patriotism. To discredit and pathologize those seeking or speaking the truth is the defense you use in response to your fears that maybe it was an inside job. You refuse to believe anything but the official bullshit story from the gov because it would destroy your entire belief system. You are not alone. You are avoiding the truth. You can't admit that 9/11 was an inside job because you are protecting your misinformed beliefs with a system of denial. You are in for a rude awakening. Susan speaks with the "ring of truth". You can see it, hear it and feel it when you watch and listen to her. You don't see it when you watch Obama, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc., but in your case, maybe you don't see the difference. That comes with age and experience. Watch the video before you make yourself even more complicit in this cover-up.

falseflag911 (2011-09-09)

@skat1140 - You cite Wikipedia. Wikipedia is extremely biased and one-sided exactly like all the US mainstream media. It's obvious that it is not an impartial source when you browse through articles of a political nature. You will deny the truth because it is too painful for you to accept. It's nothing new. Happens in other countries throughout history. Just happens to be happening in the US this time.

falseflag911 (2013-08-04)

And furthermore skat1140, you haven't uploaded anything to p-bay, so your motive in posting comments such as you have is apparently one of that who is complicit in the coverup of the crime of 9/11. Like a punk YouTube troll who defends the official conspiracy theory (aka, the Big Lie) but knows in their heart that 9/11 was obviously an inside job - either that or you're just a
Time for people to wake up and start taking action!