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Fallen Angels ( w/ Commentary & Extras )






Fallen Angels ( w/ Commentary & Extras )




2009-01-10 (by ricintoxin)

Description: *For more info on Fallen Angels (plus downloads/streams). Fallen Angels ( w/ Commentary & Extras ) 418 Mb Fallen Angels: WMV: 340 Mb [1:09 hr] Creator Commentary: WMV: 37 Mb [14 min] Extras: WMV: 40 mb [8 min] Sacred Texts: 400 Kb [ Book of Enoch, The Necronomicon, Apocalypse Of Adam, Book Of Baruch, Book Of Jashar, Book Of Jubilees, Book Of Tobit ] _____ Summary Today's minds are being programmed to accept a single world leader, and with Hollywood's help, they will. In each film lies layers upon layers of occultism, synchronicities, conditioning, programming, desensitization, and symbolism. A repeating story is being told, one whose purpose could only serve the dark elite. By binding together seemingly unconnected Hollywood films, Fallen Angels reveals a nefarious plan to deceive the world into worshiping a mere man; and on the way, exposes writers and producers like Matt Groening ( The Simpsons ), George Lucas ( Starwars ),Joanne Rowling ( Harry Potter ) and Larry/Andy Wachowski ( The Matrix ) as Illuminati insiders. Other movies like Stargate, The Road to El dorado, and Dogma are also part of this repeating story. All of these movies share a common thread, and reveals a storyline every Illuminati member is familiar with. _____ Keywords fallen angels hollywood insiders alex jones illuminati occult symbolism movies subliminal messages tv television jinn jesus dajjal dragon demon possession serpent anti christ 911 truth wtc conspiracy wtc7 prophecy anunnaki revelation david icke nwo new age world government order trade center aquarian elite free mason reptilian shape shifter nephilim zeitgiest rense bill william cooper economy economic dollar collapse satan lucifer exposed alan watt controlled demolition financial crisis george black magic bush rfid chip iraq iran war bilderberg group skull bones mark beast sons god ufo alien cia fbi nsa trilateral warren commission 666 draco garden eden spirit supernatural islam divine bible quran kuran barrack obama nibiru planet crop circle igigi sumerian babylonian giants ghosts poltergeist Zecharia Sitchin Jehovah race american european union cherub kabbal archangels zionism israel massad grey area 51 dulce federal reserve mi5 mi6 prisonplanet verichip ron paul secret society twin towers michael tsarian genetic manipulation atlantis sightings texe marrs bin laden endtimes doomsday 2012 mayan calender haddith mahdi astroid bohemian grove all seeing eye witchcraft truth rising loose change dick cheney john carpenter they live jew oil underground base denver airport fluoride symbology psychic astral projection vatican jesuit leo zagami amero pentagon terror terrorism internet2 mind control cathy brien pope false prophet military mystery sighting abduction paranormal societies money masters eugenics bloodline economy inside job mythology satanism symboliek films subliminaal berichten Jezus draak bezit slang duivel voorspelling wereld regering bestelling handel midden planeet ontvoering paranormaal geld eugenetica stamboom economie mythologie satanisme profeet satan duivel heks tovenarij vreemdeling iluminados ocultas simbolismo películas mensajes dragón demonio posesión serpiente Anticristo profecía mundo gobierno orden comercio central planeta secuestro paranormal dinero eugenesia línea de sangre economía mitología satanismo profeta Satanás diablo bruja brujería extranjero occulte symbolisme jésus démon antéchris prophétie monde gouvernement ordre commerce centre argent eugénisme lignée. économie mythologie satanism satan diable sorcière sorcellerie étranger Okkulte Symbolik Film unterschwellig Nachrichten Dämon Besitz Schlange Prophezeiung Wel Regierung Reihenfolge Handel zentriert Entführung übersinnliches Geld Eugenik Stammbaum Wirtschaft Mythologie Satanismus Teufel Hexe Hexerei Fremder иллюминаты оккультизм символика кинофильмы подсознательный сообщения Иисус дракон демон владение змея антихрист пророчество мир правительство заказ торговля центр планета похищение не поддающийся объяснению деньги евгеника родословная экономика мифология сатанизм пророк сатана дьявол ведьма колдовство иностранец belysningen ockult symbolisera bion storslagenhet meddelandena hinder demonen besittande orm Antikristen profetia värld regering beordra handel centrerat planet enleveringen pengar hygienisk blodlös sparsamhet mythology satanisk profetisk satanisk djävul häxa trolldomen främling


  1. illuminati
  2. nwo
  3. conspiracy
  4. occult
  5. freemason
  6. 911
  7. new
  8. world
  9. trade
  10. center
  11. government
  12. order
  13. bible
  14. revelation

Files count:



418.70 Mb




qtraker2000 (2009-01-19)

I didn't think there were idiots out there that believe this rubbish!

ricintoxin (2009-01-26)

There are qtraker, and even dumber folks like myself who make this rubbish. Sorry :(

sentient1 (2009-03-05)

Qtraker = Blind Fool.
Thank you for this.

tulsatrans (2009-03-10)

its not the powers that will get the site shut down it will collapse because of our greediness. Please dont limit your upload speed it fucks it for everybody.

timlit (2010-02-26)

This stuff is Illuminati's brainwash and anti-awakening campaign.
Always mind the video and audio hypnosis and lack of any valid points in the movie.
Watch out!

NoMoreAVI (2013-06-24)

I was looking for the Niven-Pournelle book. Instead I get insanity:
and on the way, exposes writers and producers like Matt Groening ( The Simpsons ), George Lucas ( Starwars ), Joanne Rowling ( Harry Potter ) and Larry/Andy Wachowski ( The Matrix ) as Illuminati insiders