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Clinton Democrats are to blame for the credit crunch
Clinton Democrats are to blame for the credit crunch
2009-01-31 (by danielion)
An article by David Sewell taken from the British Spectator political magazine.
"Our current financial turmoil is not the fault of greedy bankers, says Dennis Sewell. In fact, the banks were bullied into lowering their lending standards by left-wing idealists intent on equal opportunities at any cost."
Files count:
51.88 Kb
oleelo (2009-01-31)
Republicans never own up to there mistakes...They have been able to pass anything they want and look at the mess they have given us and they still want to blame Clinton....what cowards.danielion (2009-01-31)
"They have been able to pass anything they want" ??? Without controlling Congress for the last 4 years??!! The policies of the 'third way' leftists has help drive this, in the US as well as the UK. Now they have the chance to nationalize more of society and control the lives and finances of the people. Be afraid, very afraid . . .ps2ps2 (2009-01-31)
If you want to know, how it came to the financial crisis: Read this piece by Michael Lewis.
In the 80s lewis was working for Solomon Brothers an investement bank, that lobbied to get the foundation of Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae.
SmoothWeiner (2009-02-01)
Why is it Democraps are incapible of admitting they screw up.torgman1 (2009-02-01)
My rear axle broke this weekend. Can I blame the Clintons for that, too?mssorlons (2009-02-01)
Carter broke yur axle. and the economy.hoycegracie2k (2009-02-02)
The democrats did not have a supermajority in the congress for the last 4 years and they had Bush sitting there waiting to veto anything he didn't like.How soon sheep like you forget when the republicans DID control congress under Bush Cheney and DID pass tax breaks for the rich, eliminated the estate tax, passed laws for the credit card industry to make sure THEY got paid as american citizens went bankrupt. And oh those guys who control the banks and wall street? They got their $2 Billion in bonuses this year. How did you do? They got their bailouts when no strings attached. And used it to buy other banks and pay out bonuses. I suppose that is the Clinton's fault as well. And isn't it nice how the Iraq Oil revenues funded the cost of the war in Iraq? Oh WAIT, that and no WMDs must be Clinton's fault too! Heckuva job bushie and brownie and cheney! Way to go.
bill_214 (2009-02-03)
Is this the fiction section?????noyb4567 (2009-02-06)
People in the know understand that liberals created the credit mess with their massive greed. And yes, conservatives could have done more to stop it.But, I NEVER expect even one liberal to own up to their part in this. It is much easier to blame Iraq, Bush .
Most liberals do not have any concept of admitting a mistake or admitting there is even the slightest chance they are wrong about anything ever. Things that involve humbling yourself and admitting that you are going to be wrong quite often and make mistakes quite often are usually steeped in religion. Liberals tend to care about pride and feeling good. You are as likely to see a unicorn as you are to hear a liberal say something like "I was wrong, I made a mistake".
It is much easier to get Obama on a stage and tell people they don't have any money because a rich white guy has it all and is not sharing. Rather than addressing all the crack dealers in poor communities it is easier for his pastor to scream GOD DAMN AMERICA and claim that white people are the ones selling crack. That one was really out there!! Try to find a white crack dealer in poor black communities - you can't. It is a problem but instead of addressing it the correct way, blaming rich white guys is better when you need people to do what you say.
Hell, they won an entire election doing this. Obama spent more money on negative campaign ads than any other candidate in history and look what he got - he purchased presidency!
Such is life, I definitely do not hate Obama and he has my hope and prayers to do a good job.