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Europa Universalis 3 Complete Edition






Europa Universalis 3 Complete Edition




2009-05-16 (by PeddersOC)


Europa Universalis 3 Complete Edition Olá a todos: Sakei isto do emule e como não encontrei nenhuma torrente aqui, decidi criar a minha primeira... É a versão Completa, com ambas as expansões "Napolean's Ambition" e "In Nomine" incluídas. Manuais incluídos, também. NOTA:Vai ser difícil semear ao princípio pq não tenho o computador ligado 24h/dia. Conto com a vossa ajuda! Divirtam-se! ______________________________________ Hello chaps: I downloaded this from emule and since I didn't find any torrents here, I decided to create my first one... This is the Complete version, with both expansions "Napolean's Ambition" and "In Nomine" included. Manuals included, too. NOTE: It's going to be a bit difficult to seed at first because I don't have the computer on 24h/day. I'm counting on your help! Enjoy!


  1. europa universalis complete
  2. europa universalis 3
  3. europa universalis iii
  4. europa universalis 3 complete
  5. europa universalis

Files count:



309.29 Mb




RedCommie (2009-05-21)

Thankyou, works perfectly! Great to have all the addons in one package.

Degreaser (2009-05-26)

Português (para o uploadador da torrent.. haha)
Sua torrent rox, Pedders!
Mas estou tendo um probleminha.. :/
baixei, muito rapidamente, sem problemas, tudo na maravilha.. mas na hora de comecar, vem um erro, e eu simplesmente nao sei o que fazer! Estou emulando o cd com o dtools, mas ao clicar no ícone, da pau pedindo uma .dll...
o que fazer?
The torrent is pretty good... downloaded it with great speed, everything was fine..
but when I try to lauch the game, just clicking on its icon, an error of "missing dll" comes.. what shall I do? Did anybody have the same problem as me??
(p.s.: there's no crack on the cd, and i'm emulating it with d tools.. :/)
thanks for any help!

Degreaser (2009-05-27)

desinstalei e instalei novamente, e o problema persiste!
a Directx que eu tenho é a nove, creio que isso esteja em ordem, nao?
I tried uploading my directx, that wasn't the problem... =/
the missing .dll is d3dx9_35.dll...
"bla bla bla, dll not found. New instalation should solve the problem."
I tried. It didn't. u.u

Degreaser (2009-05-28)

I tried... I suppose the problem is with the computer...
I'll try with any other computer that I have, but that's gonna take a little long, since I still have to install a windows xp on it (on a 'boot camp'ed mac)...
but anyway...
The torrent is very good! It seems to work perfectly, and I downloaded it with superb time! :)
Obrigado, Pedders.

eskrogh (2009-06-07)

Cant really understand what things you guys are talking about... but if anyone got a clue..
i got supposingly missing a installation support file..?
Anyone got a tip?

e-roxo (2009-06-07)

thanks vou fzr o download a ver se dá :)

SolSys (2009-06-14)

DX9.0c is being updated all the time. make sure you have the latest version (from 23.03.2009).
use MS update (needs GWA check).

PapaPop (2009-07-13)

It is missing a DLL d3dx9_35 but I googled it and found at
I just placed it on the same folder as the EXE and it works like a charm.
(Oh, and I updated DirectX beforehand. No go. Placing the dll on the Game folder solved the problem)

Starbeer (2009-07-21)

Worked PERFECTLY for me!
No need for extra .ddl file...
Thanks Pedders!

MrBronzer (2009-07-26)

Fantastic torrent, well done.
Works perfectly :)

AnomalyQ (2009-08-15)

very nice:)
is it normal that I can't patch it?
when I try patching it through the launcher I get this error

An error occurred while trying to replace the existing file:
DeleteFile failed; code 5
Access denied
does anyone know how I can patch it?

DoctorDivinity (2009-11-10)

Great torrent this, it sure didn't take long for me to download this. Except since I'm not very good with computers overall I can't manage to install anything but Europa Universalis 3 basic. I can't figure out how to install Napoleons Ambition and/or In Nomine.
Could some kind soul out there in the .www perhaps explain to me how it's done?

Vihosa (2009-11-20)

Seed plz. I'm DLing like 0.2 kb/s :(

reabhloid (2009-11-27)

Great torrent. Worked like a charm.

gane88 (2009-12-18)

Thanks dude!!! Looking 4 this a looonnngggg time! Thanks again!

gane88 (2009-12-18)

me again, it was down 4 like 40 minutes, thanks guys

kaleckton (2009-12-18)

For anyone missing a direct x file. Look for and download direct x 9 complete, or direct x 9 fullpackage. Install it. Ever missing a direct x file and do not know where to look? Then google the file your missing, download it, install it yourself, and keep doing till you get no more errors and can run the file without crashing. If your still crashing or computer crashing, its either a temperature issue, a video card issue, a video card heating issue, some kind of heating issue somewhere, or your missing a direct X file. I bought a CG 5270. It would crashed when running vista or windows 7 all the damn time. reviews said alot of people were having issues and no one couldn't figure out why. I installed direct x 9 full package. I stopped having all issues right away. Bought 15 more of those damn cheap machines as christmas presents. installed and ran direct x 9 full package. Not a damn one had an issue for 2 months while i was configuring it and fixing things up and testing them and moving them all to windows 7 for my family members. Most issues nowadays that results in a game crashing can be associated to a direct x 9 issue even if you think you got them all installed or updated to the max. Just because you have direct x 10 or above does not mean you have everything for direct x 9. you still need some of those older files since a lot of games people play still uses them. You just don't need direct x 9 c, you need the whole set sometimes depending on the game. I doubt even a direct x 11 would be good enough for computers to just use that instead of wanting direct x 9 files.
By the way CG 5270 if handled right and fixed up right, is a damn powerful machine and only a few games won't load fast or lags badly if you set things to the max settings. So flipping my finger for everyone that calls my machine a wuss. I have 4 300 dollar Lcd screens, and am using a lawsuit money to buy all these machines anyhow and have proven to my friends i can run things better than an average person. Now don't ask what i am using this for and go home. Anyone want to sue me, I won my lawsuit against an ISP while I was doing something that I am told is not good thing to do. I am a dangerous damn man and an asshole to boot. So I love being sued cause I always sue back. Time spent in jail 0. Time spent on pirate bay, IDK anymore, only just made an account because of recent past month events. Money given to 35 lawsuits against me, NONE. I am also an american. Guess you can't find me cause my IP address is actually not mine lol. Yes I may have a slight delay when i download, but at least I can't be caught. those that do are my isp and they haven't been very successful. GO PEOPLE WHO PIRATE> Buy what you can, borrow what you can't, and if anyone tries stopping you, well sue them.

iiiratep (2009-12-24)

I had problems the first time I ran the game, but it worked fine after that. Loading times are very slow and I get a black screen with just a cursor on it every time I minimize the game. Other than that, great torrent :)

hypertensao (2009-12-30)

Seeda isso sff tá com availability 0.
Seed please. Current availability is 0

Muzikants (2010-02-15)

Hey a very nice torrent! Only 300MB and works like charm on WINDOWS 7, all the exspansion packs are already included in the setup! 10/10

Gaastra_NAC (2010-02-19)

thank you very much for this beautiful game !

2_tall (2010-02-22)

when error shows and says dll bla bla bla is missing just download direct X 10 that what i did and it worked out just fine :)

eddyms (2010-03-18)

Hello Friends, I did copied the directX from CD, to my desktop. then I installed it. but not happen.. still error... :( is there something simply wrong? like I have to restart my PC? or wrong place to install? please let me know, thank you very much!

vetsoljer (2010-03-27)

to all who are having problems with that missing file. you have to copy the file into c:\programs\paradox interactive\eu3... that should work

Mickdaddy12 (2010-06-21)

Yeah, so, when I play the game for the first time its in English but the second time I play its in Polish or something, wtf? Not to be rude or anything, but that doesn't make any sense to me. Do you know why it would do that?

marruciic (2010-06-29)

Good one! :) Thanks!

svecenik (2010-07-30)

You can find new beta updates here!!(with out !) No need for game key or some other stupidities!

Death_Dealers (2010-10-30)

I have a problem with my game running for probably about 20 minutes and then my game will lock up, have no idea why, if someone can help it would be greatly appreciated!

miguelsz3 (2010-11-18)

Anybody else have massive loading periods? I've downloaded it and the game takes like 30 minutes for the initial boot up and no I dont have a slow computer I go beyond the system requirments.... =-=

RelaxedUnicycle (2011-01-05)

i signed up just to say thanks for this torrent

DisneyXD (2011-01-27)

Game works fine

DisneyXD (2011-01-28)

If your game is loading too long,dont play tutorial,you cant

Kootchey (2011-02-06)

Downloaded it fine, my comp won't open it because apparently it's the wrong file type or summin?
Says it needs a program that opens .iso file types.

vatikan (2011-02-22)

Hello i have a big problem with all my Paradox Interactive games (Victoria 2, Supreme Ruler 2020 Gold, Hearts of Iron 3, Europa universalis 3) None of them work, they all crash at the part "Map properly initialised" of the loading. I'm really getting bored with no interesting game to play. Help please

PadduBhai (2011-02-27)

Uhh, so I install and run the game fine, it gets to the starting screen, but whenever I try to load one of the tutorials, it gets to 'adapting history' and gets stuck.
Task manager shows it as not responding, and the only thing I can do is close the program. Could someone give me a step-by-step review of the installation, so I can see if I've missed anything?
DirectX is installed and up to date, and there are no messages about missing files, dll or otherwise.

Fivinho (2011-03-08)

I have exactly the same problem as PadduBhai
It stuch at adapting history and task manager shows it as not responding.
As far as i see It's a very nice game and i think that the tutorial is a Very SIGNIFICANT part of the game so plz if any1 could help it would be really appreciated

jayjay191 (2011-04-17)

The Tutorial doesnt work its hard to play without but you pretty much have to it will always freeze on it (at least this torrent will)

jayjay191 (2011-04-17)

Solution i found downolad this torrent
and tutorial will work fine

Lukeshadow12398 (2011-07-31)

The whole map is blue :O

gameplayerJR. (2011-08-30)

i have a problem its seid cant create graphics device please help i like the game

rohlfes141 (2011-10-02)

bom torrent!!funciono perfeitamente

SolSys (2011-12-15)

Europa Universalis Sprite Packs: for even a better game download the full spritpack from

[SMURF]Lolsmurf (2012-02-16)

2) Start the game from your program files europa universalis folder, click RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR
=> A lot of people said: oh easy game no need for crack or something, well that's not right, the game must have some sort of built in registration which allows it to connect and try to register your game, this is what causes the game to crash at startup after the creating world or intializing map.
If this still doesnt work, go to the program files europe universalis folder and there you find settings.txt file
a) set : fullscreen to NO (instead of yes)
(**choose your own destkop screen resolution and adapt it**)

afpeixoto (2012-02-28)

My map is blue lol.. anyone knows why? or what should i do?

4bu (2012-05-08)

tutorials arent working

shadowmadaxo (2012-07-31)

Guys if u want to play this online download tunngle

Viblo (2012-09-09)

For those who can't get through "Adapting History" when starting the tutorials.
Update the game(you can do this through the luncher) and it should work. Worked for me.

ootsoots (2012-09-22)

Quality download. Downloaded it, mounted it, patched it and boom, works a treat.

blackestsheep (2012-11-04)


NoCaRe (2013-03-16)

"File exception:
Exception in: discfile.cpp, line 424.
Description: Could not open file: commoncountriesHolyRomanEmpire.txt"
Why did i even expect this to work ...


1. Europa Universalis III Complete.iso 309.29 Mb