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Video/TV shows


2009-08-18 (by FTVDT)


FFFFFFFFFF TTTTTTTTTTT VVV VVV DDDDDDDDDD TTTTTTTTTTT FFFFFFFFFF TTTTTTTTTTT VVV VVV DDDDDDDDDDD TTTTTTTTTTT FFF TTT VVV VVV DDD DDD TTT FFF TTT VVV VVV DDD DDD TTT FFFFFFFFF TTT VVV VVV DDD DDD TTT FFFFFFFFF TTT VVV VVV DDD DDD TTT FFF TTT VVV VVV DDD DDD TTT FFF TTT VVV VVV DDD DDD TTT FFF TTT VVV VVV DDDDDDDDDDD TTT FFF TTT VVVVV DDDDDDDDDD TTT Finnish TV Document Team PRESENT [email protected] /* */ RELEASE INFO TITLE.......: Josef Fritzl - Kellaripeto LENGTH......: 43 min FORMAT......: AVI AIRDATE.....: 22/03/2009 CHANNEL.....: MTV3 AUDIO.......: MP3, avg. 119 Kbps (Finnish and German) VIDEO.......: XviD, 1034 Kbps, 624*352 (16/9) SUBTITLE....: None THUMBNAILS..: PLOT (Fin): Dokumentin nimi: Josef Fritzl - Kellaripeto Huhtikuussa 2008 itävaltalaisessa Amstettenin pikkukaupungissa paljastui poikkeuksellisen järkyttävä rikos. Suurperheen isä Josef Fritzl oli vanginnut tyttärensä vuosikausiksi kellariin ja siittänyt tälle useita lapsia. Itävaltalaisessa dokumentissa käydään karmea tarina läpi vaihe vaiheelta Fritzlin oikeudenkäyntiin saakka. Asiaa puivat muun muassa oikeuslaitoksen asiantuntijat ja psykologit. Ohjelmassa kerrotaan myös, kuinka Fritzlin perhe on joutunut ennennäkemättömän mediamyllytyksen kohteeksi. Fritzlin tapauksen ohella dokumentissa otetaan esille kaksi muuta vastaavanlaista tapausta. Kun lataatte näitä FTVDTn dokumentteja niin muistakaa myös jakaa. Ratio olisi hyvä olla suurempi kuin 1.5. Ei saa olla liian itsekäs, muuten tämä homma ei toimi. PLOT (Eng): Document name: Josef Fritzl - The Beast of Basement The Fritzl case emerged in April 2008 when a 42-year-old woman, Elisabeth Fritzl, (born 6 April 1966), stated to police in the town of Amstetten in Austria that she had been held captive for 24 years in a concealed part of the basement of the family home by her father, Josef Fritzl (born 9 April 1935), and that he had physically assaulted, sexually abused, and raped her numerous times during her imprisonment. The incestuous relationship forced upon her by her father had resulted in the birth of seven children and one miscarriage. Three of the children had been imprisoned along with their mother for the whole of their lives: daughter Kerstin, aged 19, and sons Stefan, 18, and Felix, 5. One child, named Michael, had died of respiratory problems three days after birth, having been deprived of all medical help; his body was incinerated by Josef Fritzl on his property. The three other children were raised by Fritzl and his wife Rosemarie in the upstairs home. Fritzl had engineered the appearance of these children as foundlings discovered outside his house: Lisa at nine months in 1993, Monika at ten months in 1994, and Alexander at 15 months in 1997. When the eldest daughter, Kerstin, became seriously ill, Josef acceded to Elisabeth's pleas to take her to a hospital, triggering a series of events that eventually led to discovery. Josef Fritzl was arrested on 26 April 2008, aged 73, on suspicion of serious crimes against family members and went on trial in Sankt Pölten, Austria on 16 March 2009.He was charged with incest, rape, coercion, false imprisonment, enslavement and the murder of the infant Michael.After a four day trial from which the public and the media were largely excluded, he was sentenced to life imprisonment. NOTE: Audio is mainly Finnish and partially German. Only Finnish subtitles are included. When you downloading these FTVDTs documents, remember seed also. Ratio should be bigger than 1.5. Don't be selfish, else this torrent system won't work.


  1. Josef Fritzl
  2. abuse
  3. document
  4. FTVDT

Files count:



354.52 Mb

