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Imhotep's Secret - In A Coffin In Egypt [DivX][Verifire]
Imhoteps Secret - In A Coffin In Egypt [DivX][Verifire]
2009-09-12 (by verifire)
Hi there..
Firstly I'd like to tell you about a new Christian site:
Registrations are open for a while. Safe, no ads, pure, non-denominational site.
Now about this upload:
Here are some more unusual footage and material. Now from an unknown era in Egyptian history. And a mystical figure that was second to the Pharaoh in power, but came from outside the dynasty's bloodlines..
The Archaeologist and explorer J. Gray takes us through yet another journey through the landscape of the past. Again he does it through the simple method of him and a silver screen and slides and a camera.
Through hieroglyphics and depictions and statues and ancient records, he point out to us a man by the name of Imhotep. But who was this man? Why and how could someone that did not come from the lineage of the blood of the pharaohs, be elevated to a position that was next to Pharaoh himself in command?
J. Gray makes a certain case and lays out an explanation to this that may baffle many, but it is not to be discarded easily. The truth has a unique way of convincing those who really want to know it's full potential, with all aspects taken into consideration, even aspects that shake our foundation so we might have to change our views and stands. But that's just what growth in knowledge and wisdom has in it's wake..
Love from
[email protected]
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"Personally I've found the hope of deliverance and enlightenment through Yeshua Ha'Mashiach to be the greatest mystery and riddle, shrouded in the shadows of shame, but revealed to those who seek the Truth, no matter the cost."
Files count:
681.01 Mb
torrent-sweetie (2009-09-12)
I look forward to watching this one. Thanks.HamsterXX (2009-09-12)
Trackers are back up dude. Torrent box sucks.neon (2009-09-13)
hey verifire you need to download and watch this
neon (2009-09-13)
Somewhere in the world a man has abducted a little girl. Soon he will rape, torture, and kill her. If an atrocity of this kind not occurring at precisely this moment, it will happen in a few hours, or days at most. Such is the confidence we can draw from the statistical laws that govern the lives of six billion human beings. The same statistics also suggest that this girl?s parents believe -- at this very moment -- that an all-powerful and all-loving God is watching over them and their family. Are they right to believe this? Is it good that they believe this?No.
The entirety of atheism is contained in this response. Atheism is not a philosophy; it is not even a view of the world; it is simply a refusal to deny the obvious. Unfortunately, we live in a world in which the obvious is overlooked as a matter of principle. The obvious must be observed and re-observed and argued for. This is a thankless job. It carries with it an aura of petulance and insensitivity. It is, moreover, a job that the atheist does not want.
It is worth noting that no one ever need identify himself as a non-astrologer or a non-alchemist. Consequently, we do not have words for people who deny the validity of these pseudo-disciplines. Likewise, ?atheism? is a term that should not even exist. Atheism is nothing more than the noises reasonable people make when in the presence of religious dogma. The atheist is merely a person who believes that the 260 million Americans (eighty-seven percent of the population) who claim to ?never doubt the existence of God? should be obliged to present evidence for his existence -- and, indeed, for his benevolence, given the relentless destruction of innocent human beings we witness in the world each day. Only the atheist appreciates just how uncanny our situation is: most of us believe in a God that is every bit as specious as the gods of Mount Olympus; no person, whatever his or her qualifications, can seek public office in the United States without pretending to be certain that such a God exists; and much of what passes for public policy in our country conforms to religious taboos and superstitions appropriate to a medieval theocracy. Our circumstance is abject, indefensible, and terrifying. It would be hilarious if the stakes were not so high.
Consider: the city of New Orleans was recently destroyed by hurricane Katrina. At least a thousand people died, tens of thousands lost all their earthly possessions, and over a million have been displaced. It is safe to say that almost every person living in New Orleans at the moment Katrina struck believed in an omnipotent, omniscient, and compassionate God. But what was God doing while a hurricane laid waste to their city? Surely He heard the prayers of those elderly men and women who fled the rising waters for the safety of their attics, only to be slowly drowned there. These were people of faith. These were good men and women who had prayed throughout their lives. Only the atheist has the courage to admit the obvious: these poor people spent their lives in the company of an imaginary friend.
Of course, there had been ample warning that a storm ?of biblical proportions? would strike New Orleans, and the human response to the ensuing disaster was tragically inept. But it was inept only by the light of science. Advance warning of Katrina?s path was wrested from mute Nature by meteorological calculations and satellite imagery. God told no one of his plans. Had the residents of New Orleans been content to rely on the beneficence of the Lord, they wouldn?t have known that a killer hurricane was bearing down upon them until they felt the first gusts of wind on their faces. And yet, a poll conducted by The Washington Post found that eighty percent of Katrina?s survivors claim that the event has only strengthened their faith in God.
As hurricane Katrina was devouring New Orleans, nearly a thousand Shiite pilgrims were trampled to death on a bridge in Iraq. There can be no doubt that these pilgrims believed mightily in the God of the Koran. Indeed, their lives were organized