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Israel - The Road to Jenin - 2003 - XVid - English.avi






Israel - The Road to Jenin - 2003 - XVid - English.avi




2005-07-04 (by TrickyNick)


Road to Jenin 2003 Documentary Directed by Pierre Rehov English, Arabic, Hebrew and French with English subtitles 52 minutes Documents the media-inflamed, widely-acknowledged myth of a massacre in Jenin during Israel's invasion of the West Bank in 2002. Images, footage, and interviews with both soldiers and Palestininans expose the purpose of inventing the story, as well as the consequences of the media hysteria. Background information can be found at Wikipedia:

Files count:



348.73 Mb




hummiz (2005-07-04)

im not sure ,but..
Don't u think that if an palestinian does a movie,it probably a pro-palestinian and against israeli movie ? every side has its own truth,no matter if u agree with his truth,it still remain exist,so im dont think that this kind of ducumantaries really the right way to "convince" people from all over the world who are not from this 2 sides,is the right way to do,cuz every side has its victim(s),even if he doesnt show it everywhere on every media that exist...

Bluesoul (2005-07-04)

Myth my ass. Anytime Israel is responsible for killings of Palestinians, massacres, war crimes, state terrorism, you name it, it's all suddenly a myth and lie. Only Palestinians can be terrorists. No way that Israel might be the one with blood on their hands. After all they are the chosen one's, right? BS...

TrickyNick (2005-07-04)

Please read the online encyclopedia entry if you have any questions.

w000ter (2005-07-04)

it was blatent media manipulation. heck, they had a funeral procession where the dead man fell off the stretcher and ran away..on camera:P

fujiwara (2005-07-04)

yeah sure, let's talk about the "myth" that a palestinian boy nearly got beaten to death last week in gush katif? in front of running cameras and the IDF?

Ponde (2005-07-04)

Watch this documentary from the inside of Jenin during the invasion. A documentary which largely describes and document the massacre. For example how Israelian soldiers executed people by driving over them with their tanks; or attacked stonethrowing kids with F16 missiles...

dibbuk (2005-07-05)

Not even the UN managed to find any "massacre" in Jenin.

w000ter (2005-07-05)

an engineered tragedy

Bluesoul (2005-07-05)

Wooter: Israeli or Neocon? YOu brainwashed's obviously you hate Arabs/Muslims/Palestinians and facts aren't primary to you when defending "your" people...

Bluesoul (2005-07-05)

And as far as who kills more civilians:

It's an Israeli site, yet it confirms what those of us who are not brainwashed by Israeli/US propaganda already know: IDF's is the one with more blood on their much for your rant

Bluesoul (2005-07-05)

And one more name for you: Uri Avnery. Amen

TrickyNick (2005-07-05)

BlueSoul: Betselem is an Israeli radical leftist group who are anti-Zionist. Since Israel is a democracy, Betselem are permitted to live and operate in Israel without any persecution. Try going to Saudi Arabia and complaining about wearing a burqa or attempt to drive a car. See what happens. Cheers.

Bluesoul (2005-07-05)

Oh so they're a radical leftist group and so their statistics are not true? LOL I guess radical extreme right groups and LIKUD governments are the one to be trusted? Those nazi likes even among Jews themselves? Give me a break. I'd take something by Uri Avnery and Amira Haas anytime before those murderous bastards and land grabbers. At least they are capable of self-critisicm (regarging their country and its actions) which could be hardly said for some of you Israeli-firsters and neocon likes over here that so viciously defend and justify anything Israel does in the name of "anti-terrorism" even killing and destroying clearly civilian targets, people, children, women, denying pregnant girls to hospital etc..? On what planet do you live? Any humanitarian worker I ever talked to (and they weren't Muslim or from the ME) had a lot of ugly things to say about Israel's actions and they were pretty much neutral before that only going there to help with aid, not taking sides. That told me enough to know how it really is on the ground. Amen

Bluesoul (2005-07-05)

Rachel Corrie RIP
And we need more documentaries of the other side here badly. One sided propagand is bad for your health...

backdrop (2005-07-05)

One problem with Israel is the lack of whistleblowers. The press is subjected to a law that requires all articles to be processed by the government/army. Hence, there is no press that covers matters that can be truly harmful to the causes of the government.
Take the case of Vanunu, he had to flee the country and publish in the UK in order to get the story out at all. Think what this does to a democracy... It's insane. That, and the fact that Israel are called victims when they have the might of the US military weapons, tanks, money, helicopters, bulldozers... All payed by the american people, against a population that live in an occupied territory. To even suggest that the palestinians should back down is almost Orwellian.

w000ter (2005-07-05)

this is rachel corrie
the the real rachel corrie
more rachel corrie

article about rachel corrie from motherjones magazine

Bluesoul (2005-07-05)

wooter: you call yourself liberal democrat and you call Rachel Corrie deluded and hate filled? Aha right... Just because she stood up to bulldozers that were illegally destroying houses on FOREIGN land? (not Israeli, even by UN division not)!!
You're a laughing stock of liberalism. And the fact that you cite Mother Jones as some vastly referential site is like saying that Fox News and anything owned by Murdoch is liberal. LOOOOL...
Apparently US liberals must have really gone to the right (no wonder so many democrat voters went along Bush) that you call yourself liberal. You're far from liberal. The stance on Palestine/Israel and the Palestinian right to land, self government/state without IDF's presense beyond the green line is a fine example of who really is a liberal and who not. You by supporting Sharon, the IDF and it's illegal occupation clearly position yourself to the right. Ask Mandela, Desmond Tutu and other even mildly progressive people around the world what they think about Israel's policy. You'd be surprised how far from the left and objective you are. Enough from my side. Have enough of the neocon Sharonists around the net to argue constantly. HIstory will prove me right. Jews are not always the victims. Palestinians can clearly prove so nowadays. WW2 was entirely different story and other generation. This one clearly prefers war criminals like Sharon. Too bad..

w000ter (2005-07-05)

Antisemitism in 3-D
January 21, 2005
Why is it so very difficult to combat the "new antisemitism"?....

Bluesoul (2005-07-05)

w000ter (2005-07-05)

and yes i am a liberal democrat. if a deluded activist goes out to protect the taliban or groups like it..even if the activist is themselves nonviolent, their support for a dispicable cause and their disgusting tactics of violence and foundation of hate is nothing that can be defended. it is something that should instead face the harsh critisism it deserves. you talk leftist, but the extreme left has always had a certain deluded idealism that has led to mass murder whether it be gulags or political purges. so don't pretend being far left is a good thing. i am a moderate. and you sound like a jihadi.
and you don't know history. the palestinians rejected peace from day one. even before un partition. the mufti of palestine made an agreement with hitler to carry out his portion of the final solution. and on the day of partition they chose war instead of peace. time after time whenever they had a choice, it was war. it was a war to push israel into the sea. and with the support of the arab states, how could they lose they figured. the arab states even declared their three famous no' peace for israel, no recognition of negotiation with israel and that has been the mindset ever since. the green line isn't a border. it is an armistice line. never time in history does a loser in war get to draw their borders. except when it comes to the jews it seems.

w000ter (2005-07-05) example of true attrocities. these are the rules of palestinian behavior, the israeli accidents are the eception. no stray bullets, just pumping bullets into pregnant women and children while video taping it all the while. not a shred of shame
the fundamental fact is this. the israelis minimize casualties whenever possible, and the palestinians do exactly the oppposite, maximizing and actively targeting civilian for death. when the idf troops have to scramble down alleys full of improvised explosive devices, mines, whatever traps the palestinians can get their hands on, it is the palestinian civilians who get caught in the crossfire. and it is the apologists for the terror that support and validate their tactics. why is it that you think they went on a raid to capture terrorists on the ground when they could have bombed from the air? when they have a choice, they risk their soldiers, not civilians. sometimes that is not a choice when a terrorist is deep in enemy territoy surrounded by armed gunmen, the gunfight would cause far more casualties then any bomb. palestinians would never make that choice, they would simply kill with impunity. when you scream and moan everytime a suicide bombers house is bulldozed with due notice, you ignore the deaths of the israeli civilians as if they are worth less than a house. its a sad distorted view of reality.

Bluesoul (2005-07-05)

You talk as though Rachel Corrie supported terrorism not Palestinians as such (regular nonmilitant people) There's your big problem. Unless you eqaute Palestinians with terrorists (even children, women, pregnant girls, elderly, humanitarian worker, cultural workers..) Then you're even worse then I imagined. You talk about the far left, yet you sound like one from the far right in your unconditional support of Israel and it's policy (your constant rant about "it's war" they can do whatever they like). A true liberal/leftist whatever (even moderate) would NEVER support unconditionally Israel and would never talk in racist terms regarding Palestinians and would NEVER generalize, which you clearly do everytime i read your posts. And still you delude yourself of being a liberal and fair/objective? Yeah, like Wolfowitz/Rumsfeld are fair and objective regarding liberalism, Iraqi war or humanistic issues that they don't care nothing about. You're a big fat joke. Now I really end my debate here. Sorry to all filesharers for this, had to put it out. Once Jews, Romas, today homosexuals, Palestinians need to be defended and their rights clearly stood up for by true liberals, progressives and people that do care (and not about war criminals like Sharon or Arafat). The real people. Over and out

w000ter (2005-07-05)

and not to mention. freedom? you know what happens to palestinians who speak out against the palestinians in power? yes, they are tortured and killed. many so called "collaborators" are just opposition to the entrenched thugs that run their terror groups.

w000ter (2005-07-05)

you are one to talk about generalizing with your unjust demonization of the israelis. its not my job to defend your awful position while argueing against it for the sake of balance just for balances sake. the fact is israel minimizes casualties whenever possible. the palestinians always try to maximize casualties. the idf cannot not defend israeli citizens against attacks, that would be immoral. and whenever they have held back, its been met with more attacks. its simply the truth of the situation. and its clearly not everything goes. many a time israeli soldiers are asked to risk their own lives when the calculationis made that it would save lives of civilians. if it were not true then they would simply bomb everything as the palestinians would. and never would the idf have to face casualties again. its simply the facts that stare you in the face. and your zealotry blinds you to reason.
and its just rather sickening for you to bundle palestinians along with the jews of the holocaust, and homosexuals as if they are persecuted for no reason and have no hand in their current fate. it cheapens the crime of the true victimhood of homosexuals and jews of german who did not call for the genocide of their neighbors, who did not make viscious blood libels against their neighbors, and who did not routinely masscre their neighbors. and of course did not go to war to carry out their evil intentions. you talk of history, but the fact that you would make such a comparson shows how sadly ignorant you are of history. the palestinians are a people who chose war at every turn over peace. they hated the jews more then they loved the futures of their children.
israel has always fought for peace. they have had to, being a tiny state surrounded by giant states of hundreds of millions who would gladly masscre them if they could. and even then, they made peace with egypt, and signed the Sinai back to them. and really dont bring up the other bs offers by other arab governments of so called peace. they never offer what is required. the recognition israel has the right to exist. they only recognize the fact, and the facts can be changed by future actions.....

w000ter (2005-07-05)

and you aren't even reasonable on your first post. you watched Palestine Is Still the issue? that documentary is so fact free and biased it makes michael moore look like the the author of the encyclopedia britanica. it doesnt even take 5 minutes before it goes into half truths and falsehoods. maybe you should stop getting your information from palestinian propganda media and far left wing antisemitic zealots.
i suggest dennis ross's new book "the missing peace". you know... Special Middle East Coordinator under President Clinton and a key player in the peace talks. something with atleast a few facts. as an athiest you'd think you'd be a little more skeptical:P but i guess you are young, and any propaganda that is against "the man", "the establishment" and roots for a seeming underdog appeals to you.

Bluesoul (2005-07-05)

What's this constant rants? You're brainwashed dude, and stop it. No matter how many posts you do and how long they are, nothing will change the facts. Now go and wank to Dennis Ross, US mediators bought by Israel and pretend you are objective balanced and fair, just like Faux News, lol...
Enough and spare us with your neoconservative pro Sharonist lies

TrickyNick (2005-07-06)

You accuse others of rants? You consistently fail to respond to points people bring up. Genocide occurs in Sudan -- actual genocide -- and you say nothing. Mass graves in Iraq -- nothing. Syria's 20+ year occupation of Lebanon? Not a peep. No state for the Kurds -- an actual ethnic minority brutalized and gassed by Sadaam? Nothing. And yet, for whatever personal resentment you have, you wring your hands about Israel's response to terror like a neurotic housewife. You're concern for human rights is warped and twisted and is more a function of your infantile resentment towards your dad. Everyone who disagrees with you is a neo-con or "sharonist". Support for Israel existed long before "neo-cons" ever existed. That's right, neo-conservatives are posting here at the Pirate Bay -- and so are little misfit college girls with a infected navel piercings.

w000ter (2005-07-06)

oh thats rich, dennis ross is bought by israel. are you going on faith with your conspiracy theories now? pretty shameful for an atheist really. and since you know about faux news, you should know better then to consume the opposite sides extremist propganda. and the fact that you would once again make the stupid ignorant assertion that the jews are somehow all powerful conspirators behind the scene buying everyone up like some kind of new illuminati shows you have an underlying antisemitism that poisons all your thought on this subject.

trtrtr (2005-07-25)

i think people should consult this excellent site :
specialy the media analysis in this website to see who is fooling who

klomax (2005-08-02)

For the truth on this film and the other side of the debate, Jenin, Jenin check out this page of reviews:


tomtomx (2007-08-27)

Could someone please seed. Missing the last 4Mb.

ioannix (2010-02-14)

somebody please share the whole movie.. Ive been stuck at 99% for weeks now.. If only for a little while, then I'll share for a long long time afterwards