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Declaration Of Interdepence (Steps of Freedom1)






Declaration Of Interdepence (Steps of Freedom1)




2010-05-25 (by TOSUP)


If you have the Knowledge,life becomes very simple. You must only know how to speak for yourself and carry yourself and file the right papers. We give so much Credit and Power away. Yet the very men women that claim kingship over you were once common. THEY had to claim it, learn it and live it. If you want to free. You have to be ready to go back to School and learn to rethink the world through the eyes of one who sees. To change the Future you have to be centered in the PRESENT. This may sound Meta to you, but TRUTH is always stranger than fiction. For you, truth may be something from a sci fi movie, for me it could be.....Technicolor Illusion based Fallacy. The point is We are and can be that different.. Individuals, Indivisible and Creators of the future with every action and thought and INtent. Arrogance is not a path to righteousness, its a short road to exploitation. Ego is not the ruler of this Universe this was TAUGHT to us. US. When we were corporate entities owned. Think on it from this way; EdUcate is designed to Conform and Confound us. I dropped out of school very young..... and went out to see, hear, feel, taste, know for my self what was and what wasnt, What stood under its own weight. STANDALONE is Undeniable. For intstances... I do not need you to BELIEVE a single word i say to be me or be complete. I my intent is to share with those that resonate, through their own knowing and research and be available on the day those beings want to see ones way. Not the only way, but the expression of this BEING. I AM All that I AM Being. Without Judgment or Prejudice a Free Man of His Land. Blessed be. It can all boil down to this. We bought the story and bought in out of ignorance. Now we choose to OPT out. For every Human that OPTS out. 10K in /Sys protocols go to critical. EACH ONE that wakes up EFFECTS that greater WHOLE. This is the TRUTH for all. This is why they built asylums, hospitals, churches, schools and prison as a method of Containing the Project and Eradicating the Oversights and Diligent Free Thinking/acting ONEs. When We BECOME SOVEREIGN and speak the language we no longer live in the above mentioned Fear/Control based world. We step out.. send me a message on my siteif you want to delve deeper and get remedy}Aeonpi(.)com


  1. Interdependece
  2. Declaration

Files count:



75.50 Kb




TOSUP (2010-05-26)

I would give me room for my site. Aeonpi dot com