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Path to 9-11-part 1




Video Other


Path to 9-11-part 1


Video/Movie clips


2006-09-11 (by gizmomelb)


The Path to 9-11 Part 1 of 2 A dramatisation of the events leading to the destruction of the World Trade Centre in 2001.

Files count:



2099.99 Mb




streetho (2006-09-11)

no seeds at this time, only got to 1 percent. everyones stopped at 1 percent. seed the damned thing.

streetho (2006-09-11)

sorry if your having problems. will come back later.

streetho (2006-09-11)

OK , it's coming along slow,at 3 percent now.must be super seeding, so that's why no seeds are showing. i will help get this torrent going i have a good upload speed, i've seeded over 200 percent at this time. will keep it going for all.

Bamimi (2006-09-11)

this just got over airing, and I'm on the east coast, so how did you pack it and get it ready already? is this the edited version, or the unedited? frankly I don't know what the democrates were whining about.

nolaf (2006-09-11) is reporting this aired in New Zealand with key scenes edited but largely intact.

gizmomelb (2006-09-11)

Hi all, yes I'm super-seeding. I'm only on a 512/512 but this seed has full upload bandwidth.
I have no idea where the second seeder is coming from as this is MY capture and encoding of the show - NO BODY ELSE has a copy of it as yet. So turn on Safepeer guys!
I just compared my version to the edited New Zealand version on you tube and so far it is different.
A key difference is where Berger is talking the to CIA guy:
in the NZ version as the camera pans outside his window the CIA guy says:
"This Lewinsky thing is a noose around his neck"
the Australian broadcast version says:
"They're talking about it as we speak"
NO mention of Lewinsky at all.
So I guess there is the possibility that the Australian broadcast is the UNEDITED version.
Can anyone give me other specific scenes to check?

apds3 (2006-09-11)

Ok im helping seed out what i have gotten this far on my DS3 line i have QOS on so bare with me i cant lag out my servers, Hope it helps a bit.

streetho (2006-09-11)

is this the Australian version or the NZ version? i have just found a version on usenet also. but no way yet to see from where it came. how far into the film is the Lewinsky thing?

slapoet (2006-09-11)

Did the youtube version get pulled? I can't find it on a search. I've stopped my other torrents so I can allocate my full bandwith to peer sharing this at work and home. I hope it gets seeded fully so I can watch it before tonight's broadcast.

streetho (2006-09-11)

i just viewed quite a few clips on you tube, also the usenet version is from the UK, here's the link of info from that program

streetho (2006-09-11)

YES it has been removed from youtube, i just went back and the clips i viewed are nowhere to be found. only some new ones saying ABC is lieing about everything. they don't want anyone to see the thing as it was written.

streetho (2006-09-11)

here's a link to Fox news showing the removed parts on youtube, i think you need to be a member of youtube to see these clips

FlyingFrisia (2006-09-11)

So, I missed the airing of part one from BBC2 (England) yesterday, that's why I'm downloading this one. Will be recording part two tonight on VHS (I'm not that technically advanced to put it on PC.) Should I wait for part two here or watch the BBC version ater on. Who knows?

streetho (2006-09-11)

i hope this version is not chopped all to hell like the one here in the US, the Democratic Party, had a shit fit. about it here in the states, they have done everuthing they can to get it put off the air. Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton is thought to be running for president next term, and is afraid, if people know how her hubbie screwed up and the Democratic Party, it will hurt her chances. so i'm sure with all the power they weild it will not be worth watching here.

nolaf (2006-09-12)

Seeding is incredibly slow at the moment.

streetho (2006-09-12)

i see a seed for the first time. that could be the problem. stopped superseed and started with a 100 percent copy. it don't work that way. now we will all have to wait untill the whole thing is up. please go back to SUPERSEED

streetho (2006-09-12)

this is fucked up, i'm quiting, i have been on this torrent from the start, i'm at 73.5 percent seeding those just starting and have been for some time , i'm not downloading at all anymore. thank goodness for usenet ,or i would have nothing. for almost 24 hrs of downloading.

gizmomelb (2006-09-12)

joises christ, what a bunch of whiners!
my ISP dropped connection about 3am last night, so there was no super seeding for about 4 hours. I'm up, I'm already at work and super seeding has been happening for the past 2 hours.
Part 2 is already edited and encoded, I'll be sharing that as well.
Both parts 1 and 2 are the Australian broadcast version.
Because no-one has been able to give me a list of edits/changes so I can compare, I have no idea if this is the edited or unedited version - all I cann tell you is that my version had different dialogue at the early point where Keitel is at the bar with his girlfriend (for his son's birthday? I don't know I haven't watched the full thing yet) and he's talking to a CIA guy. When there is an external shot of the CIA guy's apartment/office (outside his window, looking in) - that's where the different dialogue occurs (that I noticed - I think it was in CD3, I'll need to check when Iget home tonight as I don't have a copy of the files with me at work).

gizmomelb (2006-09-12)

also BLOCK the 3 SEEDs - they have to be fakes, as no one still has a 100% copy other than me (and I cannot afford super fast internet access like some, so you're stuck with my 512/512 ADSL link).
Super seeding sees a heap of people on 74.1% at the moment. I'll let super seeding finish before I post part two (I'm guessing in another 4-6 hours)

gizmomelb (2006-09-12)

more info.. I just watched the FOX news item about the changes on youtube:

and the section with Madeleine Allbright discussing missiles over Pakistan is DEFINATELY in the version I've posted.
as I haven't watched the majority of the show as yet I'll have to let you know about the other sections.

streetho (2006-09-12)

forgive me for whining, but when all stops and i come here and read nothing i think maybe it's all over or something. then i saw seeds that were doing nothing. they are all over this i have blocked time warner,portland university,USLEC corp.Ball state university, to name a few in the last few mins.

gizmomelb (2006-09-12)

heya, no worries streetho - my bad for getting pee'd off :)
I understand your frustration with torrent seeders who hit and run and never finish their files.

mr.greencard (2006-09-12)

I'm showing 0 seeders for about 12 hours now (79% the total torrent is available).
I'm running Peerguardian so I wonder the seeders being blocked.
If this is a bogus copy, someone please throw up a legit version.

mr.greencard (2006-09-12)

checking my blocklist logs, there's a lot of entries of this:
Blocked IN: Time Warner Telecom,hits: 81,SRC:
just FYI for everyone.

gizmomelb (2006-09-12)

there are 0 seeders as I'm super seeding the torrent. Sorry for the slowdown, I just noticed my wife had halved my bandwidth as she was doing something on the net. She's finished now and I've allocated full upload bandwidth to finish off seeding. (80% now)

isisism (2006-09-12)

gizmomelb... based on your notes about the dialog of Lewinsky being a noose... this is the edited version. That line was edited out as it was a complete fabrication and defamatory. The LA Times had an article today online that went over some of the changes.
STREETHO and BAMIMI - You guys really need to read up on this before you go spouting off about democrats whining. There are many conservatives who have spoken out about how inaccurate this movie is and what a travesty it is to misinform the pubkic and play politics with the history of such an event. This thing was written and directed by ultra conservative religious zealots and funded at least in part by David Horowitz, who stated a couple years ago that he was going to set out on a pr campaign to blame Clinton for 9/11. So get your facts straight before you go repeating the same old drivel that the Neo-cons want you to say. And while you're at it why don't you look up the stats on how people and this country are doing now as compared to when Clinton was president. If you think BushCo is on your side you better start doing some research. Unless you're a multi-millionaire or billionaire, then he's definitely out to help you.
This film is an almost complete fabrication. They advertised it as being based on the the 9/11 Commission's report and yet it showed things that were contradictory to what was in the report. They made up scenes for which the sole purpose was to try to blame Clinton for 9/11 when nothing could be further from the truth. Go read about the real history of what happened, you'll see.

gizmomelb (2006-09-12)

isisism - ahh many thanks for clearing that up.

Renaldo (2006-09-12)

Thanks gizmo! Will you be putting up part 2 as well?
isisism: bla bla bla blah...

gizmomelb (2006-09-12)

Hi Renaldo, sure will! I'll post part two in another hour or so.. the super seeding is sitting on 97.3% so it's almost at the tipping point.

Renaldo (2006-09-12)

Great gizmo! Thanks again! yeah, I can see you're almost done with this one. I'm only on 9% myself, but I'll keep seeding when it's done.

streetho (2006-09-12)

isisism i can't stand Bush, but i can't stand Hillary more. she and Bill and the democrats are doing all the bitching. i would at least like to see what i'm not supposed to not belive. the truth will come out in time. look at all the documentaries saying Bush was behind 9/11. i don't belive that, he's not smart enough. the cia and the fbi do some dumb things, no one can understand. that i do belive. i just don't like big brother ( big sister in this case) telling me what i can see or not see. if you hate this so much why are you here? do you work for Hillary or are you just a hard nosed democrat ? anyway how come your info is better than everyone elses ? i have heard it all, don't need you or the democrats telling me. i just want to see what the democrats , Bill and Hillary are so worried over .

gizmomelb (2006-09-12)

99.9% super seeded.. here we go - avalanche!

rmaestrali (2006-09-12)

Will you release part 2 today ?

isisism (2006-09-12)

gizmo... forgot to thank you. I"m not sure I can bear to watch it but it's good to have for reference. ;)
Streetho - It's not that my information is better, but you were wrong when you said it was about the democrats whining. As I mentioned, there are *a lot* of conservatives who complained about it. Since you don't seem to know this, clearly you have not heard it all. google it, you'll see.
No one who was complaining about this movie said Bush was behind 9/11. But he most certainly didn't do anything to try to stop it. Surely you've heard about the PDB that he ignored. HIs admin also ignored all the warnings Clinton and his admin gave him about terrorism.
And this is not about big brother. Bush is big brother. This is not about free speech either. Free speech doesn't give you the right to spout of falsities about other people, hence the laws regarding slander. This movie completely made up scenes with the sole purpose of making Clinton look responsible for the attacks so he was being drfamed. That isn't legal. Why do you think they sent screeners out to only far right wing people? Clinton asked for a screener and they wouldn't let him have one. Why do you think that is? Seriously, read about it. Your comments show that you haven't because you've completely missed the point.

streetho (2006-09-12)

isisism "Clinton sked for a screener and they wouldn't let him have one." now that's a dumb comment.
is this the Australian version or the NZ version? i have just found a version on usenet also. but no way yet to see from where it came. how far into the film is the Lewinsky thing?
streetho at 2006-09-11 17:05 GMT:
i just viewed quite a few clips on you tube, also the usenet version is from the UK, here's the link of info from that program

streetho at 2006-09-11 17:19 GMT:
YES it has been removed from youtube, i just went back and the clips i viewed are nowhere to be found. only some new ones saying ABC is lieing about everything. they don't want anyone to see the thing as it was written.
i hope this version is not chopped all to hell like the one here in the US, the Democratic Party, had a shit fit. about it here in the states, they have done everuthing they can to get it put off the air. Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton is thought to be running for president next term, and is afraid, if people know how her hubbie screwed up and the Democratic Party, it will hurt her chances. so i'm sure with all the power they weild it will not be worth watching here
now those are the things i said. i see nothing there addressing you . they were things i felt about why i wanted a version outside the US, you remember the FREE SPEACH we are supposed to have here. there always has to be a ass hole come along and shoot his mouth off and preach to people, if you feel so much for Clinton why don't you give him a blow job? or are you Lewinsky? anyway get off my back and shut TFU.

ubinemo (2006-09-12)

Thanks for posting this.
The show was very well done. There are no winners in this show except for John O'Neill. The concluding 10 minutes of part 2 clearly illustrates that of the 41 recommendations made by the Commission, only 1 has been adequately implemented.
I'll continue seeding for a while. Hope you can post part 2 soon.

mr.greencard (2006-09-12)

Thanks for finishing the seed gizmo.
Going political for a moment, I recommend everyone view all the "controversial" media that gets released. If you're left-side, watch this, if your'e right, watch stuff like farenheit 9/11. Go to the aljazeera site for a fresh contrast to fox and msnbc.
If you only watch the propoganda that supports your point of view, you're a fool.

streetho (2006-09-12)

this sums up everything
also a thanks to gizmomelb looking forward to part two.

isisism (2006-09-13)

streetho - "isisism "Clinton sked for a screener and they wouldn't let him have one." now that's a dumb comment."
You are so ignorant. One google search will tell you that's a fact. lmao. I mean really, you should learn to read. Once you have it down, do some research before you make a fool of yourself in public again.

isisism (2006-09-13)

Oh, and yes, view a lot of things, but stay away from those sources known to lie continuosly. No point watching/reading untruths unless it's for reference. If you do read/watch those particular people/outlets make sure you investigate for yourself what is true and what is lies.

isisism (2006-09-13)

omg streetho... I just read the rest of your comment. I would be laughing it it weren't so pathetic how screwed up you are.
You are wrong on all counts. How many ties do you have to be told that CONSERVATIVES COMPLAINED ABOUT THE HISTORICAL INACCURACIES IN THIS FILM. This has nothing to do with Hilary. Clinton DID NOT screw up getting Bin Laden. Seriously, go learn something. You're making an ass out of yourself. And you are giving americans a bad name by being one of the ignorant ones who mouths off when they don't know what they're talking about.

goriogorio (2006-09-13)

anybody found the torrent for part 2 by gizmomelb yet?

sweens (2006-09-13)

any word on when part two will be posted?

streetho (2006-09-13)

isisism shut your fucking mouth and go away, you are some kind of fool, i don't care what you belive. i didn't come here to argue with a dumb fucking ass like you. you pop up from nowhere trying to get everyone to see things your way. you are a dumb son of a bitch. now shut your fucking mouth, and go away you old are you 14?

carolinawolf (2006-09-13)

isisism i have read this whole thing through you and streeho. it looks to me as if you jumped streetho for just saying she wanted a version that had not been cut. she has a right to her opinion as well as you. i think you feel as if everyone doesn't see things your way they are stupid. could be your the stupid one ,at least you acting as if you are.

isisism (2006-09-13)

Far from it carolina, far from it. streetho keeps repeating accusatory things that aren't true and that s/he could easily find out about if s/he would take the time to look it up. S/he was *not* simply stating why s/he wanted to see this movie. Instead of checking to se what the truth is s/he says that something I said was the stupidest thing they've heard when actually it was a fact. But s/he would rather say what I said was stupid than check on it and get educated. It was after that that I said s/he was ignorant, which is exactly what s/he has revealed through his/her comments. As you can see, s/he resorted to a bunch of cussing, a clear sign of not having the facts on your side.
I posted because I didn't want the incorrect comments s/he was spouting to go unchallenged since they were so far off the mark. S/he kept spouting the same misinformation rather than finding out what really happened with the whole controversy.
streetho, sorry to have upset you, but you really should get the facts before you post stuff that's just not true, especially when you accuse the dems of "whining", choosing a derogatory term, as if no one else is complaining about this film when a lot of conservatives are complaining as well. And when you try to ridicule something I say as being stupid when it actually did happen. So sorry to upset you, but what you posted was inaccurate and incorrect.

streetho (2006-09-13)

well after all the negative things said by isisism about this fine release by gizmomelb he may not even post part 2.

goriogorio (2006-09-13)

hey about an update? when's part 2 gonna show up?

streetho (2006-09-13)

mailman0 i sent you a PM

streetho (2006-09-13)

i have put part two up myself look for it

goriogorio (2006-09-13)

I am guessing from you file size, the part 2 that you put up is not nearly as high quality as gizmomelb...why do you think he's not going to up it?

bitemybutt (2006-09-13)

Seein as how this is still the only torrent I see available for this, I will continue to seed this for a while. I dont usually seed file larger than a gig nor d/l them, but Ill make this an exception

gizmomelb (2006-09-13)

hi all,
apologies for my being slow to post part 2 today, but work etc. caught up with me this morning.
Anyways, part 2 is posted here:

It's 1.4GB (2x 700MB files) from the Australian DVB-T digital transmission. Same quality as part 1, but it was an hour shorter - hence the smaller file size.
I'm super seeding again, so if you spot any SEEDs beforehand, add them to your block list. as it's a smaller file, hopefully it won't take as long to seed to completion.

isisism (2006-09-13)

Thanks for your efforts gizmo. This is a stellar release of outstanding quality.
and streetho... ROFLMFAO @ your inane comment.
" streetho at 2006-09-13 02:06 GMT:
well after all the negative things said by isisism about this fine release by gizmomelb he may not even post part 2."
That is classic. Proving once again that you just don't get it.

katamail (2006-09-14)

vper1 (2006-09-15)

Uh, if you'd like a TRUE story, check out "Press For Truth"

blop001 (2009-01-30)

Hey all!!
please help this torrent live

raindr0ps (2009-04-19)

Thank You very much! An excellent job.

irisheamonn (2010-09-19)

this is the edited one as downloaded it and the bits that were forced to be removed are.

pirateradiorocks (2010-11-06)

Thank you!

Yaboo56 (2012-01-29)

I avoided all this as I had seen enough US BS coverups and thought that this was just another one. I was wrong this is excellent!
So, having just seen Blocking The Path To 911 as well, I say that gizmomelb's version (Path To 911 parts 1 & 2) are the unedited versions. All the parts depicted in Blocking that were to be removed at the demand of The Jew Puppet Clinton ARE still actually in these Path parts 1 & 2. Quality is good! Thanks gizmo albeit 5 years later ! :-)

Yaboo56 (2012-01-29)

PS: don't worry about the small amount of seeders , mine downloaded at 500+kbps pretty quickly.

RaKinstack (2014-01-07)

Thank you so much for making these important works available, especially since I have not been able to find it anywhere else, through any seller (and apparently that is no accident). I will make sure to seed this for a long time!


1. Path to 9-11-part 1/path to 911-pt1.cd1.avi 700.48 Mb
2. Path to 9-11-part 1/path to 911-pt1.cd2.avi 699.62 Mb
3. Path to 9-11-part 1/path to 911-pt1.cd3.avi 699.89 Mb