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Europa Universalis III: In Nomine






Europa Universalis III: In Nomine




2008-05-31 (by rambox9000)


The second expansion to the grand strategy computer game by Paradox Interactive called Europa Universalis III enjoy

Files count:



22.64 Mb




SabreWare (2008-05-31)

Thank you so much, ill seed this for a long time so everyone can enjoy x)

hyperbaric (2008-05-31)

I owe you one rambo.

Broteas (2008-05-31)

Thank you very much! You are awesome!

smoketwojoints (2008-05-31)

Awesome stuff Rambox9000, cheers. I'll be seeding this one! :D

pether (2008-05-31)

Shit pommesfrites.
Thank you.

Walzar (2008-05-31)

when I click on the launcher i doesn´t start

the_inquisition (2008-05-31)

you rock, rambox9000.

Geredis (2008-05-31)

About time this came by! Downloading right now...
And for those curious, a synopsis right from Gamersgate itself:
Start in October 1399 and the coronation of Henry IV of England. Experience over 50 more years of gameplay, experiencing the Byzantine Empire, Tamerlane and the end of the Hundred Years War.
Better overview of the decisions needed to shape the future of your country. Strive to create Great Britain, Make Paris worth a Mass, or institute an East Indian Trade Company. Act, rather than react, and implement decisions on both country and province level, with the new decision system, including hundreds of different decisions depending on situation.
Experience the new Mission System, where the player and AI alike will be given goals to achieve, providing endless replayability by guiding history along different tracks every time.
Rebels with a Cause. There are countless types of rebels, all with different goals, and different abilities. You may get colonial rebels in your colonies determined to get representation or independence, you may get reactionary nobles rising up to put the serfs back where the belong. Crush them by force, or negotiate with them, or even worse, watch them enforce their demands on your country.
Religious tolerance now depends on the ideas and decisions you take, making it a new layer of strategy. As cardinals stay loyal longer, the power of the Papal Controller has grown, as he can now excommunicate rulers, and call crusades against infidels.
Revised AI, focusing on strategic top level goals, with support for fully scriptable logics.

Roland19303 (2008-05-31)

You rule.

maladarke (2008-06-01)

you just kicked ass mang

The_Carbonater (2008-06-01)

got an error, a file d3dx9_35.dll could not be found
the game is impossible to start.

maladarke (2008-06-01)

You'll want to install this on top of your EUIII folder, not the one the installer gives you. You need the NA expansion also.
As for the d3dx9 error, see here:

You need the latest version of directX.

The_Carbonater (2008-06-01)

thanks :)

 Knaster (2008-06-10)

Do i need the northamerican version even if im an european? Cause i cant get this to work

lolomg741 (2008-06-17)

uhohs, you need the first expansion also to play?

lolomg741 (2008-06-17)

eh ok I installed the first expansion, then this. It crashes when it loads. I'm using Vista x64

dksone (2008-06-20)

Thanks for the share !
Juste in case some people (like me) have a ripped version of Napoleon's ambition (like the vace one), the installer does not detect that EU3 is install, and does not work. To make it work, you need to had a string registry key name napoleon with the value "2.0" in [HKLM/SOFTWARE/paradox interactive/europa universalis III]

boostHungry (2008-06-25)

This torrent works perfect. No need to manually patch, 2.2 will work on it's own. Special thxs to mythos1453 for discovering that vista users reg key may be different. If you can't find the reg folder try checking here:
Interactive\Europa Universalis III
then add the string like usual.

boostHungry (2008-06-25)

Game does not seem stable. My system is built for performance (can run Age of Conan no problem). I'm crashing to windows which is rather annoying. The third tutorial will not run. Are these bugs from the torrent or are these problems with the retail version also?

cjohns299 (2008-07-07)

How is this only 22 mb? I mean even expansion packs to games like AoE II: COnquerors were in the 100's of mbs.. This seems kind of unreal, unless this is a patch..

isotope (2008-07-09)

All the bulk in game patches and extensions come from media, be that textures, video, audio, or meshes.
22 MB sounds fine for a EU expansion.

Donjonen (2008-07-17)

Does anyone have a link or an explanation on how to create a sting registry key? Know its kind of a noob question. but well then i am a noob...

HEIL.IonMota (2008-07-22)

1: ersätt filer
2: kör-> regedt32.exe
3: [HKEY_Local_Machine]\Software\paradox interactive\Europa Universalis III
4: redigera/nytt/strängvärde
5: döp det till "Napoleon"
5: Högerklicka på den skapade "sträng-nyckeln" och skriv "2.0" i raden under "Data"
6: kör installationsfilen.
7: Klart

831 (2008-08-12)

I installed it with no problems, but when I start EU3 ,on the main screen, it still says Napoleon's Ambition ver 2.2. I tried to install Nomine agin and it says it's already installed.
Is it really installed, or did I put it into the wrong place?

831 (2008-08-12)

I removed EU3: Napoleon's Ambition with patches. Then I clicked on the Nomine.exe and it says it is still installed. I searched for nomine and it isn't on my cpu anywhere.
Any ideas?

amerelium (2008-09-28)

Why is the other In Nomine download over a 100 MBs larger..?

Mwaki (2008-10-01)

I downloaded this torrent, and after i patched it the game wont start. The intro movies come but after that theres nothing.
Only Napoleons Ambition works.. No sign of In Nomine ever being installed at all except it says that it has been.
Can anyone help me?

pesja (2008-10-12)

831 i got the same problem as you! I havent been able to play this game for over a month now.. seems like there is no hope what so ever

Khono (2009-03-05)

831 and pesja. If you're trying to reinstall the game (so you removed it before and now you're trying to install it again) be sure to delete everything. When removing a game you should always uninstall not just delete it. If you've done all that you can try searching the registry for stuff relating tot he game. Go to Run >> regedit Registries are typically huge. Try using CTRL+F to find the registry stuff for the game. If after going as far as you can with that you still can't install the game you might have to go with a reformat of your harddrive. That should be done regularly anyway.

Helepolis (2009-06-21)

Khono what you said to do worked beautifully, i was having the same problem as these guys. The first menu would show up, and then i could click uninstall or play, then the little demoshield box would show up and then nothing. I went in the registry and deleted the rest of what was in the Paradox folder. I am now installing it which i couldnt do before! so thank you

bergeot (2010-06-19)

for the problem : d3dx9_35.dll
reinstall DirectX 9.0c