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Generation Kill S01E06 HDTV XviD-0TV




Video TV


Generation Kill S01E06 HDTV XviD-0TV


Video/TV shows


2008-08-18 (by circlensess)


Generation.Kill.S01E06.HDTV.XviD-0TV.[eztv] Stay Frosty 0TV Brings You Generation.Kill.S01E06.HDTV.XviD-0TV aired 08.17.2008 0 T V notes - we might be interested in another capper (East Coast HD/Verizon fios tv/bev or digital cable) -- find us if you know how naming format kept for consistency

Files count:



700.06 Mb




genkill (2008-08-18)

Thanks again circlesess

BrentonSucks (2008-08-18)

ARGUING OVER PIRATE BAY COMMENTS, FUCK YEAH. Awesome show. Thanks a lot, Circle

Silace (2008-08-18)

fuck you guys, saltine is one of the best uploaders on this site, show some god damned respect.
btw, this show is one of the best i've seen since arrested development!

morsmortis (2008-08-18)

"Get some", "Kill bodies" and "die motherfucker die".... ahhhh the good ole days.

rest_ip (2008-08-18)

Lets see how many civilians were killed this episode.

FilthyLopez (2008-08-18)

Does anybody know, why one of the machine gunners is wearing a motorcycle helmet(or at least it looks like it)? Why and what is it?

Wehrwolf (2008-08-18)

Read the book, THEN watch the show. It will make the experience so much better.
And stop bitching about stupid remarks.

HyperU2 (2008-08-18)

Thanks for the show (s). Fuck all the other shit.

Silace (2008-08-18)

Dude lost his helmet a few episodes back, he has been picking up replacements along the way.

sapperbullit (2008-08-18)

Thank you circlensess, keep up the good work

ryno267 (2008-08-18)

thx again for the upload...

henry76 (2008-08-18)

Just lovely. Nice :-)

bucsfan (2008-08-18)


sketwall (2008-08-18)


ragigaji (2008-08-18)

awsome depiction of the realities of modern warfare

Razorblitz (2008-08-18)

you are f*cking awesome...aXXo-reincarnated
d/ling now, seeding later

rjmarron (2008-08-18)

hey, if you've already read generation kill, go ahead and read Lt. Fick's story (you know, one of the few reputable officers in this show), "One Bullet Away." It's recommended reading for the Corps, and it kept me motivated during OCS last summer, great story.

The_Croaker (2008-08-18)

Good suggestion, I might have to pick up Lt. Fick's book real quick---- Parris Island in 6 days for me!!!!! Now if only I can get all my xbox 360 games back from my recruiter.....

ragigaji (2008-08-18)

LFC Pride pussy scouser USmarines as we said in country (all the gear no idea but no fear) WHY DONT YOU DO SOME SERVICE FOR QUEEN AN COUNTRY.Ignorant twat

tolstoy_swe (2008-08-18)

In the third episode his humwee bumps over a stone and he drops his helmet

cartercards (2008-08-18)

filthylopez, He is wearing a motorcross helmet because they went over a bump and his strap wasn't done up and he lost his battle helmet. (episode 2 I think)

carmichael (2008-08-18)

thanks circleness SEMPER FI!

Nemo888 (2008-08-18)

Someone make a torrent of the book and Lt Fick's One Bullet Away, lol.
Are the only people who think this show is totally fucking awesome military or ex? If so enjoy it now. No second season for shit that is too real :(
That inner rage that makes you want to kill your enemies, civvies just don't get it. I wish it would go away now that I am getting out. Not really an asset once you are out of the Army.

Ezie152 (2008-08-19)

Too answer FilthyLopez´s question..
The gunner dropped his helmet in an earlier episod and they probably didnt have any spare helmets, so he got the next best thing..
Btw, thx a buntch for the upload

DeadEyeDave (2008-08-19)

a few of the last episodes were really dark during the night scenes, almost a totally black screen, is it my player or the copy or was that the way it was filmed?

Ebonicplague (2008-08-19)

ty again :)!!

ph4nky (2008-08-19)

Hitman 1 this is Hitman2 1. Bravo- Affirmative on this download over

jonnak80 (2008-08-19)

thnx for the upload! Subs anyone?

CSuk (2008-08-19)

Ta Muchly 4 the UL...BRAVO :)
Always good quality.
Its probably just the way its filmed DeadEyeDave. You will have noticed a lot of nightsight vision used in this series.
skrAnders > what the heck are you waffling on about? Your'e right about Moviex though,they do suck...and steal without seeding back too.

ragigaji (2008-08-19)

Nemo888 yo brother you seen wat i seen and come out of it good you will find your place kudos and love will see you through peace and luck to you

ragigaji (2008-08-19)

Nemo888 yo brother warrior all will be good in time your experienses will come good do not fear your kudos in the outside civvy street

LFC_PRIDE (2008-08-19)

nemo888 & ragigi r posers :-(
...whats the civilian death count at after this ep.? lol
after watching this crap, who would wanna go over seas to kill women & children then yell "get some" as if that makes u a warrior?!?! lol.....real heros & soldiers stopped existing after WW II..they're r no more "real" wars.....just unjust & unfair ones....sorry u yank git!

crysisss (2008-08-19)


The_Croaker (2008-08-19)

LFC_Pride.... look at it this way: War is always unjust and unfair. In every single war there have been civilian casualties. Here's another way to look at it: Civilian casualties in WWII were 47 million over 5 years. And how many have happened since Iraq was invaded? Somewhere in the range of 90,000 ( over 5 years. I don't think they're even close to being compared.
As for the "Just-ness". WWII: Hitler was killing off many people and invading many countries. Iraq: Saddam invaded Kuwait, has been killing many people for over 20 years. Sounds pretty just to me.
And I guess all the soldiers these days, the ones that saved civilians and comrades from dying, they are not heroes?
So.... you look kind of stupid now don't you? I hope you feel that way too. You strike me as a person who wants war so he can brag about what great things his country did- but would probably never even talk to a recruiter.
I'm ashamed the human race has to put up with people like you.

ragigaji (2008-08-19)

The Croaker .Thanks
LFCPride do you still piss on your dead in liverpool

LFC_PRIDE (2008-08-19)

hahaha croaker what a crock of sh!t lololol!
so we r world police now r we? saddam killed people and u want me to believe thats why we invaded?!?! ffs where were we when genocide is going on in liberia and STILL going on in sudan?!? where r the usa "freedom" troops?!?! i'm not a ignorant git who believes this "we care" crap. we dont go to war in places that really need & WANT us there without there being something for us to gain (oil in this case) so piss off with that "saddam killed people" does mugabe & leaders in sudan, where r we?!?
weapons of mass destruction my a$$ lol!! u guys think we r really stupid dont u? i do feel sorry for the soldiers over there fighting & dying for....NOTHING WHATSOEVER!...but i'll rather call them robots without emotions then "heros"......and i'm not from liverpool but i LOVE those scouser jokes so keep em comin ragagi...i piss on the ashes of the 9/11 victims!! (now does that sound as bad as pissing on LFC stomp victims?) LMFAO u clowns.......great show btw

The_Croaker (2008-08-20)

Dude.... no one really wants us. Even if we go to stop the genocide.... a couple days later they're going to be telling us to get out.
This way: We leave Saddam in power- he continues to suppress his people, killing whomever he wants.
Another way: We come in, remove Saddam, give in the the idiots back in our country and leave right away. Iraq become just like Sudan. Whoever gets into power first stays for a while, and the genocide starts in that country, along with it becoming a base of operations for terrorists.
This way: We remove Saddam, help restore a government, keep the country from become more of a shit hole than it was.
I suppose you'd have us go with the first option, and let Saddam kill his own people. You must have killed off more brain cells than all the drunks in the world put together. Go ahead and argue that we're there for oil- it's probably true. But if we were there for just oil- we probably would have left already.
And btw, you must not be able to follow these episodes too well (probably also a result of you having no brain cells). After almost every single act of a civilian getting killed, the Marine who did it was not happy. After Killing the camels and the kids, Trombly realized what he'd done, the Corpsman was really pissed off- they tried to get them evacuated. After the checkpoint killing, Hasser(Hassert?) didn't even want to pick up his weapon.
Why don't you stop complaining about all this shit- just go and sign up to help the countries with genocide instead of talking about it. You're a fucking hypocrite.
You're probably one of those idiots who would support the terrorists just b/c you don't like the US. You don't realize the terrorists don't like anyone with freedom, so you're a potential target too. You're like all those people who hate the military- until their life is in danger.
Last thing- they were probably just as many incidents of accidental civilian deaths in WWII than today. The difference is they were never reported b/c the news correspondents were never up front like they are these days. So stop idolizing WWII, or any other war.

LFC_PRIDE (2008-08-20)

lol your a clown buddy, seriously i stopped reading that crap after .............."Dude.... no one really wants us. Even if we go to stop the genocide.... a couple days later they're going to be telling us to get out."....yeh great arguement buddy kinda like iraq huh? oh no they want us there right? nope even they will tell u they were better off with saddam so stop speaking for them. what r we world police?!?! people dont like their own government then guess what? REVOLT! take over just like many other countries(including usa) did!
...go vote 4 mccain u douchebag....your "war" hero lol

The_Croaker (2008-08-20)

Nice comeback. I see you dodged everything else I talked about probably b/c you don't know how to respond to it when you're wrong. How about..... "I'm wrong". Yes.... that would work.
So you would think the people in Sudan would have revolted by now right?????? That's your answer going down the drains.... hopefully you can hear it also. Or maybe your stupidity is too loud for you to hear common sense.

LFC_PRIDE (2008-08-20)

lol omg dude, i told u i STOPPED reading your loooonnnnggg ass post after the 1st sentence & i wont read it cause the author is a moron...last time i respond to your corny ignorant a$$,
......go kick rocks u turtle-neck wearing o'reilly watching gun totting sister loving wannabe soldier but really 40yrold fat man jerking on his computer queer!!

The_Croaker (2008-08-20)

Ha. You should not be calling anyone a wannabe soldier- you who would probably not touch a service member with a 10 foot pole. And yes you are right, I am a wannabe.... Marine. And it won't be that way long, b/c I go to boot camp in less than a week.
Once again, you made yourself look stupid.

The_Croaker (2008-08-20)

And wtf is up with turtle necks???? I've never heard "Turtle-neck wearin'" be used as an insult. You're the kind of person that comes up with insults that make no sense half the time, and the other half the time you probably say "Your Face".
I'm glad I won't have to respond to your stupidity anymore.

Illbleed (2008-08-20)

great upload! ty mate

ragigaji (2008-08-20)

LFC Pride suck maccas cock ignorant ass ever seen genocide in Bosnia no you prick we had to pull tortured and burned alive childrens bodies from cellars we stopped that .You kill kids playing soccer and piss your self and dont tell the police yeh coward monky fuck smack head TWOKER who buys Gary glitter albums you cant wank with out kiddy piks nonse paedo .But oh if you are a man join up and serve or shut the fuck up about what you no nothing about.
The Croaker good luck if thats what you want M8te.

crazykookycat1977 (2008-08-20)

i gotta say, i *never* thought i'd ever look back on the clinton years and wish them back, but god help me i actually miss him. you know you're fucked when you wish bill was back in office.

ragigaji (2008-08-20)

LFC Pride. your a canadian liverpool supporter coward by the sound of it cant bear the thought of doing what you should Cymry do you know what that is ass hole i now farm on the land of my fathers but i still chose/??? to serve you wont untill conscription then you would cry in momas apron or be a conchie pussy.THE World aint fair but if it wernt for us it would be fuckin shit with people doin bad shit to your bretherin i chose to do it as do others as much as i dislike US foreign policy we in cymry still have a choice shit Sudan is a night mare liberia is a monster of a place but we who serve do it as a no questions asked job. You fuck wit do fuck all and bitch long live the brotherhood of military life us celtic warriors have been at it for thousands of years fucking up many invaders and selling ourselves abroad and will do for the centuries to come that is in our blood long live USA and BRITAIN coz were the only people who will.Ps city of culture LOLLOLLOL

Milosevic61184 (2008-08-21)

Great show. Tnx for the upload. Keep up the good work.

czechmate67 (2008-08-21)

Apologies for LFC -he is a thieving scouse monkey.

ragigaji (2008-08-21)

The Croaker you realy going to paris island this week fuck you gona love your ncos but only lasts so long as long as you can take the beastings LFC is a no nothing ha shit they even pay you guys a third of what they pay us good luck

LFC_PRIDE (2008-08-22)

lol at czechmate67!! this is boss!!
funny part name has NOTHING to do with liverpool lol...its for a small club here in my hometown!!
best part is...i FUKKIN HATE LIVERPOOL FC!! lmfao!!.....not really a epl fan at all honestly, i hate all the team. more a la liga league in the world.
GET SOME!! (as he shots at women & children) hahaha...gotta love that scene lol

NickPick (2008-08-27)

This video by massageclips shows massage leg

HurricaneSpivey (2008-08-29)


RoninStorm (2008-09-13)

I just got off the phone with my ISP. They got an alert that i downloaded this and warned me to delete it and stop downloading or they woud cancel my service. I seriously doubt i'm gonna stop downloading sh!t, but I thought everyone might like to know.
series gets a 10 too.

Pirates_Prevail (2008-09-16)

roger that, i got my cable disconnected temporarily DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS SHIT! HBO IS WATCHING YOU!!!!!!

Drutten87 (2008-09-23)

Fuck HBO they can´t do jack... atleast not to me hehe, different for you yanks maybe


1. Generation.Kill.S01E06.HDTV.XviD-0TV.avi 700.06 Mb