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Angels and Demons OST [VBR] Mp3 whodathoughtit






Angels and Demons OST [VBR] Mp3 whodathoughtit




2009-05-07 (by whodathoughtit)


Title ....................: Angels and Demons Artist ...................: Hans Zimmer Release Date .............: [11 May 2009] Number of Discs ..........: 1 Number of Tracks .........: 9 File Format ..............: Mp3 Label ....................: Sony Genre ....................: Soundtrack BitRate ..................: VBR Front Cover ..............: [X]Yes []No Back Cover ...............: [X]Yes []No Disc Pictures ............: [X]Yes []No Tracks Named .............: [X]Yes []No Tracks Tagged ............: [X]Yes []No Metadata Present .........: [X]Yes []No 01 - 160 BPM - Hans Zimmer 02 - God Particle - Joshua Bell, Hans Zimmer 03 - Air - Joshua Bell, Hans Zimmer 04 - Fire - Joshua Bell, Hans Zimmer 05 - Black Smoke - Hans Zimmer 06 - Science and Religion - Joshua Bell, Hans Zimmer 07 - Immolation - Hans Zimmer 08 - Election by Adoration - Joshua Bell, Hans Zimmer 09 - 503 - Joshua Bell, Hans Zimmer ""kkRRMMMMMMMMRRkk"" wwMMwwtt ttZZMMww MMJJ ttMM MM MM MM;; ;;MM ""ZZ ZZ"" ZZ;; ;;ZZ MM RR MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM RR ZZ;; MM MM JJJJttkk JJJJ""ww MM""kk ZZMMMMMM"" ;;MMMMMMRR;;JJttMM kkMMttMMMMMMMMMMww kkMMMMMMMMMM;;MMJJ MM;;ZZMMMMMMMM;; MMMMMMMMRR MM ;; wwMMww MM ""MMMMMMww kkMMMMMMtt MM ZZMMZZ MM RR;; MM kkMMZZ wwww ZZMMkk MM ""RR MM MM MM"" RR wwRRRRww MM ""MM MM;; MM ZZMMJJRR MMZZZZMM RRkkMMZZ MM kkww tttt ZZMMMMMM"" MMZZZZMM ;;MMMMMMww ""tt wwkk kkZZkkwwMMJJ RRwwMM"" JJ JJ ;;MMkkMM JJMMwwkkZZkk kkMMkk ""ZZttRR wwJJwwtt kkMMkk kkMMwwwwttkkkkkkJJkkkkkkkkttwwwwMMkk kkkkttkkJJJJ""ttJJJJkkttkkkk ""MMkkttJJJJwwkkkkwwJJJJttkkMMtt ""MMZZ MM ""kkZZwwwwZZkk"" MM wwMMJJ MMMMMMMMZZ MM"" ;;MM kkMMMMMMMM JJkk JJMMJJMM;; ""MMJJMMJJ JJkk MMJJ ""MMww MMMMwwJJJJkkMMRR kkMMtt ttMM MM ;;MM ttJJJJtt MM"" MM MM MM MM MM ttMM"" ""MMtt ......::::::Another light bulb moment brought to you by whodathoughtit ::::::......


  1. soundtrack

Files count:



73.92 Mb




willyBAY (2009-05-27)

:) thank you!!

cknzad (2009-06-03)

It looks perfect, thanks a lot!

DistantSamantha (2009-06-30)

Thank you, thank you, thank you ! I've waited for this one. I can hardly remember anything of the movie itself, the music was so stunning !

priscillaflores (2010-07-07)

Thanks! I've been wanting this for a white now!

ScoreGods (2011-08-02)

bitrate 177 to max 190 only
need this in FLAC or 256 VBR


1. Angels and Demons - Hans Zimmer OST/01 - 160 BPM - Hans Zimmer.mp3 9.32 Mb
2. Angels and Demons - Hans Zimmer OST/02 - God Particle - Joshua Bell, Hans Zimmer.mp3 7.26 Mb
3. Angels and Demons - Hans Zimmer OST/03 - Air - Joshua Bell, Hans Zimmer.mp3 12.36 Mb
4. Angels and Demons - Hans Zimmer OST/04 - Fire - Joshua Bell, Hans Zimmer.mp3 9.08 Mb
5. Angels and Demons - Hans Zimmer OST/05 - Black Smoke - Hans Zimmer.mp3 7.77 Mb
6. Angels and Demons - Hans Zimmer OST/06 - Science and Religion - Joshua Bell, Hans Zimmer.mp3 16.03 Mb
7. Angels and Demons - Hans Zimmer OST/07 - Immolation - Hans Zimmer.mp3 4.70 Mb
8. Angels and Demons - Hans Zimmer OST/08 - Election by Adoration - Joshua Bell, Hans Zimmer.mp3 2.83 Mb
9. Angels and Demons - Hans Zimmer OST/09 - 503 - Joshua Bell, Hans Zimmer.mp3 2.97 Mb
10. Angels and Demons - Hans Zimmer OST/Angels and Demons [Soundtrack] (front & back).jpg 1.26 Mb
11. Angels and Demons - Hans Zimmer OST/Angels and Demons [Soundtrack] disc.jpg 338.76 Kb