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Carmageddon 2 ZOMFG Pack V5






Carmageddon 2 ZOMFG Pack V5




2010-03-23 (by james9753)


This is the Carmageddon 2 "ZOMFG" Pack, Version 5 (says 4 in text file - mistake on my part) == What's New == - Some original car models replaced by high-res ones. - High-res blood patch. - High-res pedestrian models pack. - Improved "Car Wasted" explosion effect. - New Car / Ped Sounds. - Applied the V2.0 Super Patch & XP/Vista patch. - Added a whole bunch of extra peds, amongst them the "GOATY" ped which was left out of the game by SCi. - Replaced some drones by newer models: generic city cars, 747 in Beaver County Airport and train in Beaver Woods - Shitloads of extra cars! There are 138 cars in total now. Drive cars from Carmageddon 1, 3, movies/tv, and some other oddities. - Meddled with settings; draw distance has been increased, magnets and air vents in Max's Junkyard work now. Also increased texture and sound detail level. See below for more information on this. - Supplies with a 'Completed Game' savegame. - Supplies with Zeckensack's Glide wrapper for playing the game in high resolutons. - Deleted all 'thumbs.db' files in some addon image folders. Also deleted all other 'cruft' files. Seriously people, clean your directories before uploading stuff. It may just be a few files / Kb's per folder but this quickly amounts to Mb's / hundreds of files when more and more folders/addons are installed, which means unnecesary bits to download thus longer download times. - Included the add-on installation files. == Changes== v5 - added a bunch of new peds, re-tested all car addons. v4 - added 10 more Carmageddon 1 cars v3 - changed config options / found bugs v2 - changed config options due to bug v1 - initial release == General Notes of General Interest == * You want to install the Glide Wrapper first. After installing, run configurator.exe to set up the resolution and such. After this the Carmageddon 2 startup menu should show the "Glide" option to be available. THE ZECKENSACK'S GLIDE WRAPPER CAUSES SOME ANTI VIRUS PROGRAMS TO GIVE A FALSE POSITIVE!!! There is no virus/trojan in the Zeckensack's Glide Wrapper, you can install it without worry. Google for 'Zeckenzacks Glide Wrapper Virus Warning' if you want to confirm the false positive yourself. * If you go to the settings; the game will overwrite the manual settings. Go to data/options.txt and change 'Yon 35.000000' to 'Yon 125.000000', this will increase draw distance. You can set the Yon higher, but it will start to cause visual bugs and drops the framerate. The next things you want to change are CarTexturingLevel, RoadTexturingLevel, WallTexturingLevel, ShadowLevel and SoundDetailLevel. Set all of these to 3, this will cause textures to be drawn without that ugly blur right in front of the car. Setting "SoundDetailLevel" to 3 will let you hear your opponents cars, altough it sometimes causes your own engine to 'drop out' due to the game's engine not being able to handle that much sounds playing at once. Set "RusselsFannies" to 1 to make the magnets and air vents in Max's Junkyard work. If this option does not exist yet, add it. NOTICE: Setting the Yon too high will cause the engine to glitch and crash on some levels. The level mostly affected by this seems to be the ship. Set Yon to 60 or lower to play this map. * Check out for more of this goodness! This Pack was created by SireCP. Credits for mods should go to their respectable authors. I did not create any custom content, only added new stuff and edited a few game files. Once again, credits for mods should go to their respectable authors. == Installation Notes == [WINDOWS] Download and install the 7-zip archiver (if you have not installed this yet) at: [LINUX] Use your favorite distribution's package management tool to install the p7zip program. You might like a graphical frontend for your zip programs; you can try file-roller for Gnome, ark for KDE or xarchiver for X(fce). Also be sure to install wine to be able to run windows programs and games on linux. [ALL SYSTEMS] After installing the neccesary tools, extract the archive into its own folder. There is no need to extract it over an already existing carmageddon 2 installation. Now you can start the game by either double clicking "carma2.exe" in windows, or cd'ing to the Carmageddon 2 ZOMFG pack folder and running "wine carma2.exe" in linux. == Disclaimer == Please note that I do not and can not take any responsibilities for this pack. I think I'm not even supposed to share many of these cars in this way, but what the hell, the game is like 10 years old or something, someone had to do it. Either way if this pack fucks up your life, computer etc etc, which it theoretically should not since I tested all this crap myself, tough luck for you. == Final Note === This (version 5) is the last release of the ZOMFG pack from my hand. Yes, really! Feel free to take over the Carmageddon 2 ZOMFG pack management from here. I have included all used add-ons in a 7zip file so *you* can pick up and continue the 'update' process easier. Comments and Questions should go to robert[dot]tigelaar[monkeytail]gmail[dot]com I would be grateful to hear who is taking over the pack management. This game ain't dead yet! :)


  1. Carmageddon 2
  2. Racing
  3. Death Race
  4. Carstockalypse
  5. Addons
  6. ZOMFG Pack

Files count:



269.89 Mb




james9753 (2010-03-23)

Here you go!
Version 5 will be the last version from my hands. Someone else can take over from here.
Have some bloody fun! :D

kaimles (2010-05-12)

Thanks! I used to played this game a lot, and I'm downloading your modded version right now. Looks like a lot of fun.

Rage323 (2010-06-06)

Seed please, i really want this and its going sooo slow.

zzozmo (2010-06-29)

Okay, I couldn't start it with the Glide Wrapper, sadly. If I could, I'd have far more advanced graphix, but this machine just refuses the compatibility.
For those who experience the same problem, I found the solution:
Download the zip from here:

and extract "Glide2x.dll" and "OpenGLid.INI" to the Carmageddon 2 folder. Now You can play the game with classic/default preferences. It still manages to crash tho, but it's far from frustrating (imo :b).

Have fun!
And thanx james9753 for this unique upload. The World needs more dedicated people like You. ;)

euphoria4949 (2010-08-08)

Followed instructions to the letter and got some additional advice on a Carmag forum but still the game crashes after a few minutes and no sound :-(
Dame I really wish this had worked I bloody loved playing Carmageddon when I was a teenager!

Unit431 (2011-02-16)

Works, will seed.