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Lost Season 6 Full 720p
Lost Season 6 Complete 720p
Video/HD - TV shows
2010-05-26 (by nuggz)
All episodes from Lost Season 6 in 720p.
Still seeding.
All credits to the original uploaders.
I damn sure didn't see that one or I wouldn't have posted this one. I'm not sure why, but 42 peers are connected to me at the moment, and some are over 50%, so I'd really hate to cut them off halfway through.. I'll seed a few more days then cut it off. Although, to seed the other torrent, I'd have to download it first, and what's the sense of downloading the same season again, when I already own it?
nuggz (2010-05-30)
I appreciate the tip afkuser, I actually use peerblock and have my ipfilter set up :) I learned from that mistake a few years ago but.. There are some legit downloaders that are going at the moment, and it actually has 7 - 12 seeds now, but for some reason they're only on peer exchange and DHT, not on any of the trackers TPB uses apparently.. I just uploaded these cause I have all the episodes from all the seasons, but I didn't see a season 6 up there at the time of making the torrent, or I would've chosen something else.. Just trying to give back what I've received :P I would seed the other torrent that trolkan listed, but a few of our episodes are different versions, so I thought it would be kinda ridiculous to delete the ones I had, download new ones, and start seeding when there were already 30+ seeds on that torrent, so I just kept this one going.. At the moment, which is surprising, it's at 7 seeds and 103 peers. I didn't think it would get near that many after I saw the other torrent. In the meantime I'll see if I have something to offer that's not already on here.. :)
siCk5lip (2012-01-07)
nuggz some of us don't want the full 'all seasons' downloads, keep this one up please! Some of us already own the first few seasons etc. so to download all is a waste, and quality usually suffers. Thanks for this!