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Star Wars I, II, III, IV, V, VI
Video Movies
Star Wars I, II, III, IV, V, VI
2010-02-07 (by Booster2)
Directed By: George Lucas, Irvin Kershner, Richard Marquand.
MPAA: Rated " PG " For Science Fiction Violence And Brief Mild Language.
Genre: Action / Adventure / Family / Fantasy / Science Fiction
Country: USA
Language: English
Subtitle: English (Closed Captions) (Subtitles When Required)
Color: Color (Technicolor)
Ep. I: 704 x 304
Ep. II: 640 x 272
Ep. III: 672 x 288
Ep. IV: 672 x 288
Ep. V: 720 x 304
Ep. VI: 704 x 304
Format: Original Widescreen Presentation ( Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1 )
Sound Mix: Dolby Digital 5.1 ( AC3, 448 Kbps )
System Source: PAL Version
XviD Codec Version: 1.2.1
Ripped & Encoded By: Booster2
Files count:
8404.23 Mb
sonjababy2 (2010-02-17)
please seed taking so long to downloadramind (2010-03-04)
Please seed ...Thanks for all Movies.
Swamp_wateR (2010-03-16)
DO NOT DOWNLOAD. horrible sound quality!! you can't even hear the voices for some reason. what a waste of time.Booster2 (2010-03-16)
Shut the fuck up.chrisk3281 (2010-03-16)
Great post! V:10/A:10Can I ask what software you used to rip these?
Booster2 (2010-03-17)
chrisk3281: I don't tell what I use but if you want to create your own XviD files, you can use this one: (2010-03-18)
Thank you Booster!!!!pero_85 (2010-03-19)
That was an amazing upload, quality audio and movies is outstanding. Gonna seed for a long time.@SwampWater - f*** you, quality is great.
shenomega (2010-03-28)
Very nice!V: 9
A: 8
I guess only movies in blu ray or 720p videos are consider 10 but Still great!
Scavenger666 (2010-04-02)
shit this is the special edition with all the effects addedBooster2 (2010-04-02)
Of course, what else should it be? If you want the Original Versions, then look here:
jr_mtz01 (2010-04-21)
I cant hear anything... whats wrong???Booster2 (2010-04-21)
No audio? Install AC3 Filter:
fryngsqrl (2010-04-28)
Hell yeah, I can finally die knowing that my life is complete. All I gotta do is watch all the Star Wars movies in ord...aargktoohardbasket (2010-04-28)
does this have the subtitles when aliens are speaking their language as i got burned once already when i downloaded all 6 movies only to find i couldn't 'understand' Jabba and his mates.Booster2 (2010-04-28)
toohardbasket: Look at the "Detail Description". It says: Subtitle: English (Closed Captions) (Subtitles When Required). Closed Captions means that the subtitles are integrated on the picture.SteXDudE (2010-05-04)
Please seed and thx for the uploadthe_eNeME (2010-05-05)
My god! I love whoever just started seeding this! Just dropped from estimated 8 hrs to finish @ about 200kbps to 1hr20m @ 800k =DMustafa1990 (2010-05-07)
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PEOPLE SEED SEED AND SEED!!!! i got an estimated count of 1 WEEK 8HOURS LEFT at 3.1 KB PER SEC !!!!!!!!Mustafa1990 (2010-05-08)
FUCKING ASSHOLE LEECHERS !!! in the last 4 hours the amount of LEECHERS have DOUBLED and the amount OF SEEDERS STAYED THESAME!!! LEECHERS GET THE FUCK OUT OF PIRATEBAY IF U ARE NOT GOING TO SEED !!!!!!Mustafa1990 (2010-05-09)
@Izarof you think you are going to tell me what torrents means ?? you say leeching makes the download go faster ?? HAHAHA fucking idiot how dare you come tell me i don't know shit about torrents while it is obvious you don't know shit...Leeching DOES NOT MAKE THE DOWNLOAD GO QUICKER IT MAKES IT GO SLOWER ONLY and i say ONLY when the leecher uploads the torrents back then and ONLY THEN does this make the download go faster for other people...pls don't talk to me out of ignorance i know more about torrents then you know about jacking off u fucking russian piggkai2008 (2010-05-10)
Mustafa1990 actually izaroff is correct you can download from leechers as well as seeders so it can speed things up leechers are people who are downloading the file seeders are people who have full file its people who download and dont seed back which should be punished as leechers havn't got full file yet so they cant seed but as you know you can upload while downloading at same time so sorry but your wrongkai2008 (2010-05-12)
just to clarify what says on this subject please read beyond 1st sentenceAmong users of the BitTorrent file distribution protocol, a leech is a user who disconnects as soon as he/she has a complete copy of a particular file. However, most sites prefer the term leecher for all users who are not seeders (don't have the complete file yet). However, because BitTorrent clients usually begin to upload files almost as soon as they have started to download them, such users are usually not freeloaders. Therefore this kind of leeching is considered to be a legitimate practice. Reaching an upload/download ratio of 1:1 (meaning that the user has uploaded as much as he/she has downloaded) in a BitTorrent client is considered a minimum in the etiquette of that network. A leech becomes a seeder (a provider of the file) when he or she finished downloading and continues to run the client. They will remain a seeder until the file is removed or destroyed (settings enable the torrent to stop seeding at a certain share ratio, or after X hours have passed seeding).
MateRadan (2010-05-15)
great A-10 V-10Exixo911 (2010-05-16)
haha, I usually get to a 1:1 (or more) seed/leech ratio before its even finishedExixo911 (2010-05-17)
took ages to download, but quality is brilliant! thanks booster2 and seeders!jperana (2010-05-20)
Please seed mates =D thanksDevilPrez (2010-05-24)
why oh why is Star Wars the double Trilogy in TPB top 100? Don't get me wrong, I love Star Wars (and Prinses Leia) but this should be in the top 100 forever.....Far Far away in a Galaxy ruled by Internet....
Myllerbabz (2010-05-25)
please seedMrGreekDog (2010-05-27)
may the force be with you!mofobitch (2010-05-28)
SEED PLZ only 4 out of 899 is sad so seed u fuckersAngelico_Payne (2010-05-30)
Video quality is awfull Video max 6. I can not comprehend who gave this a 10 10??!yoncenator (2010-06-05)
Just so you know THIS is the version of Episode IV you want
donki (2010-06-11)
Wot no HD? :)yvaditya (2010-06-12)
Some one seed it nice... getting 5 kbps for almost a week.Thanks uploader and all the seeders for the nice movie.
prownager360123 (2010-06-13)
Star Wars sucks. its fake n gaytezh (2010-06-14)
seed seed seedThe_Real_Verdict (2010-06-15)
Jimself (2010-06-27)
come on... 1075 seeders, 16 p2p sharingcome on
hel000 (2010-06-30)
really thanks man!V:9 (could be the original movie quality)
Mtnbike (2010-07-01)
pretty good qualityIm kind of a noob at this, but i'd rate it:
Audio: 8
Video: 9
ill seed for a little while longer. ratio is almost at 1.00
cheers (:
platypode (2010-07-02)
I don't understand BitTorrent sometimes; over 1000 seeders, yet I can't connect to more than two of them at a time or get a download speed of more than 10 kb/s (and that rarely). I'm at 6.0% after nearly a day, at this rate it will take upwards of two weeks to finish, and that's for someone only downloading four of the six movies. WTF?(This isn't a "seed more" request, though that would be nice too. Does anyone get why this kind of shit happens?)
Booster2 (2010-07-02)
On AC3 Filter you can enhance the audio volume by doing this: Go to: Start - Programs - AC3Filter - AC3Filter Config - (Press "Cancel" when the message pops up or else you will see it all the time when entering it) On "Main" go to "Gain" and set the Master & Gain to 10+ (do not set to the highest or else the level on the sound/volume will be to noisy).After that go to "System" (see above) - "Use AC3Filter For:" deselect all except AC3 (The rest is optional). The reason by deselecting is that some of them might "interrupt" the volume on other programs like Winamp for example.
JacobJenner (2010-07-06)
George Lucas' masterpieces! Thanks to Booster2 for uploading these! BTW if you want subs you should check out this tutorial:
just finished watching in French (but there's Spanish and plenty of other languages too)CrazyJB (2010-07-06)
Is there anyway to get just the original IV, V, VI?I don't want the shitty I, II, III. And I don't feel like wasting my bandwidth on them either.
Booster2 (2010-07-06)
The Pirate Bay do have a search field, you know, but I'll do it the "easy way" for you:
ShadowBos (2010-07-21)
hey Booster2, thanks a shit load for the upload n to everyone who seeded (currently finished downloading after like 3 days lol, im seeding too no worries)....anyways, i got a questioni played these movies in DivX but it was all static sound, picture quality was then i tried to play it in VLC, picture quality was the same, but this time i got small amount of background music but no vocals....
Anyone got any ideas how i can fix this...i really dont want to download this all over again...thanks
ShadowBos (2010-07-21)
hey Booster2, thanks a shit load for the upload n to everyone who seeded (currently finished downloading after like 3 days lol, im seeding too no worries)....ShadowBos (2010-07-21)
ahh! ok vlc player in the audio menu i selected...Audio Device: Stereo, instead of 5.1 and it works flawlessly....
so...if i want to convert this to play on my ps3...what do i do to fix this ? lol
ShadowBos (2010-07-21)
ok so im a douchebag my apologies lol i just needed to update the audio encoder ac3 or w.e its now i can proudly say this is a badass download that i recommend.
i would give it a 10, but when i make it full screen it kind of lags a little. But on normal sized player its flawless. GREAT WORK!
so for anyone who was struggling like me....just update your AC3 filter audio encoder thinggy and your good. the link's on the first page in one of the comments Booster made
loadingdone20 (2010-07-26)
yay! a/v 10! only thing is that the speed is around 400-1000 kb/s took me 6 hours good upload though :)zabiulla (2010-08-02)
i played these movies in DivX but it was all static sound, picture quality was then i tried to play it in VLC, picture quality was the same, but this time i got small amount of background music but no vocals....mohit1994 (2010-08-03)
please seed! too slow downloading at 25 kbpsxProbertx (2010-08-04)
very good torrent, i just got one question is anyone else experiencing blur when characters are in the distance, is this just how the movie was shot?xProbertx (2010-08-04)
and when i say distance im not saying far away but when the characters arent close up.PHREEBO (2010-08-05)
Plays and looks fine, but the seek function does not work well in KMPlayer, VLC or GOM. Those mp4 files often don't play well with my system. I use QTalterative. I guess I need the real QuickTime Player, but i will pass on that..janat08 (2010-08-08)
Don't even bother with episodes 4-6. They're all from 70s/80s while 1-3 from 90s/00s. 4-6 weren't cut by director; have awful acting; banal comments and dialogue. Id recommend 1st episode due to awesome acting by padme(?) and most relevant scenes to genre. 2nd episode is more of a romance, and 3rd is drama. Also 2nd and 3rd weren't funded as well- I believe- as the 1st one.krisapin (2010-08-13)
Janat08, are you on crack? the original trilogy is far better than the prequel trilogy. Episode 1 ruins the mysticism behind the force with one word. MIDICHLORIANS. old Obi-Wan explains it just fine in EP. IV"Well, the Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.... A Jedi can feel the force flowing through him."
and one character ruins the first two movies beautifully. JAR JAR BINKS. I can understand having the comic relief but to make him a representative of the planet and then the whole clone was thing starts because of his caving and not being Padme's voice in the senate shows just how lame the character is. ask any Star Wars fan, any REAL Star Wars fan & they'll tell you the original trilogy blows away the prequels and a lot of them will tell you that ESB was the best of all.
DEANPLUNKETT (2010-08-18)
This has taking me over the last 3 days to download the download never went over 50kb/s but today there seems to be someone seeding and now at 300kb/s thanks i will seed cause i seen how long it takes to downloadmrbrazill (2010-08-25)
@Janat08Successful troll is successful
kunaluh (2010-08-28)
Okay to be quite honest, I've watched these movies a very, very long time ago and I have no idea which version I should Download. The "Original Unlatered" versions or these. Any suggestions?xoxo
rooted (2010-09-22)
Good deal, thx Booster2. I gotta ask, what happened to Booster1?ragewerx (2010-09-28)
I just wanted to say to you Booster, Thank you for the upload! I am VERY appreciative and have been seeding as long as I can every day. I have all of these movies (original trilogy on VHS) and I'm just too lazy to rip them.+10 Points To Booster! Thanks bro! You have made this Star Wars geek VERY HAPPY!
kjellglennart (2010-09-30)
1,5 hours to download all of it, great seeds. thanks all. quality is good.TwinAss (2010-10-01)
Krisapin, thank you Sir, for explaining to janat08 - the twat, how indescribably wrong he or she is. omg...And I just need to ad that if Jar Jar is what wrecks episode 1, and I agree, Padme does her fair share with her terrible acting especially in episode 2! omg...
PHREEBO (2010-10-15)
Ignore my comment above, that was meant for another rip that did not work, sooo sorry, I got mixed up...So,
THIS IS A VERY GOOD RIP for this size of XviD.....
Thanks Booster2!
sheeplee (2010-10-22)
HI.sheeplee (2010-10-22)
THANK U FOR UPLOADING.cryskonig (2010-11-01)
thankscryskonig (2010-11-01)
please seed!!! tywaluigi1110 (2010-11-27)
THANK YOU, finally a decent star wars upload, watched all of them before i decided to comment, just to be sure, anyway, will seed till ratio is like 10.00.thesnowdog98 (2010-11-28)
im just wondering how the movie files are all 1.37 gb when they vary in length from 120 mins to 145 mins. seems odd they all end up being the same sizeDieForMetal24 (2010-11-29)
Thank u so fucking much i'm a huge star wars fan as well as metal i'm a star wars fan at heart and u just made my day i have tears of joy right now!! does anyone know when fanboys 2 is coming out?theevillorddeadman (2010-12-06)
thanks a ton for this!!hamur187 (2010-12-09)
SEEED!!!!!hamur187 (2010-12-10)
wow 1 wk to download. seed pplhaunipauni (2010-12-15)
English subtitles anyone?Jaquers18 (2010-12-19)
The files are the same length because whoever ripped them set it to the same file size for all the disks. Then the encoder just uses a variable bitrates.Junky099 (2011-01-28)
Great upload :)Thanks
Cinereus (2011-02-03)
Oh gawd ppl PLEASE SEED! I'll leave my PC on and seeding this for 2 weeks after I download, but for the love of god, I need this till tomorrow afternoon. :(Cinereus (2011-02-03)
@janat08...what are you, 10...12yo? jesus......
gaaraisgod (2011-02-20)
Looks good. Special Editions, Closed captions, AC3 5.1. Would have been better if you used x264 and all were 704x304 but oh well you can't have everything in life :PPlus, it's free xDD;
So thanks a bunch, man :)
jaded3825 (2011-02-27)
thxlukica (2011-03-01)
tnx!!!it's 100 % working, tnx booster 2 :DDDjkeller80 (2011-03-02)
Until there is a complete BDRip of these as a set, this should be the official Star Wars torrent.Thanks for the upload and I'm gonna seed this for a week at least.
Cheers fellow nerds.
JayDomSpacePirate (2011-03-03)
I d/led 3 and 6. i watched 3. NO SUBS !!! WONDERFUL audio and vid.. I will get the rest now. THANKS BOOSTER2NL_Pirate (2011-03-06)
I know this annoys a lot of people but this torrent really needs more seeds please, i'm getting an ETA of 1w3d, at average download speed of 8.2kb/s so please seed people...!iphonezapper (2011-04-14)
A 10V 10
But every 2 minutes it pauses the video for like 30 seconds so your like missing sooo much! Sorry but wouldn't recommend. Going to try the other original version posted. Thanks for trying though...
kleptoscope (2011-04-22)
Hey thanks dude :)..... great up! good file sizes too regardless of what these bastards are saying!xLinda (2011-04-23)
Seed you must :)Charzrls (2011-04-28)
I second this @janat08 successful troll is successful.TyMod (2011-05-02)
They have the same file sizes though some of them are longer because the aspect ratios are different. My complaint is the fact that you can get blu ray movies down to 700mb and people still upload normal or in this case below 480p movies and they are above 1 gb. Thanks for the upload but it could of been better.Putty1488 (2011-05-02)
Great website for downloding... Love Star Wars... I'am glad my Download speed is about 2000-3500 kb/s... WoW!!!!!!!plafta (2011-05-16)
Thanks, great torent !!jongf (2011-05-22)
3days to download common people seedRaandJ04 (2011-05-26)
Seed Please! Thanks for this in advance!kylmaa2 (2011-05-30)
People seed up, please :)melvinpatin (2011-06-03)
Darth Vader IS luke's Dad...............iAmFat (2011-06-06)
This is one of the largest torrents I have ever downloaded. Its mostly the biggest because I have a hard drive the size of an atom. but on to the point, this was a great torrent. the download was fast for the size, but it still took awhile. The movies were great, no problems at all.Thanks,
xbins (2011-06-08)
Still takes quite a long time even on an awesome connection, but very fast for its size.Vyking (2011-06-18)
lets get some seeds...roncoyroncoy (2011-07-24)
I only downloaded 4, 5 & 6.Good Quality
very Happy
Johngoundry86 (2011-07-31)
I only downloaded 1, 2 & 3.Good Quality
very Happy
BarnicleBob (2011-08-11)
Excellent quality!! Great Job Booster2.zethaaron (2011-08-12)
I trust these are DVD Rips? Most of the Star Wars rips on here seem to be HDTV :Psithlord79 (2011-08-13)
thanx a lot... The force be with yougira89 (2011-08-13)
I see no subtitles. Where are they?watcher2011 (2011-10-14)
plays perfect on vlc player so those of you having problems,maybe its your choice of player.
thanks booster ur the man
drako314 (2012-02-13)
Great upload speed thanks seeders you rock!! and booster2A=9
Above average quality with reasonable resolution on 1080 hi def(i can still comfortably watch) A timeless saga may the force be with you all.
tubias (2012-02-27)
Thanks a lot for those who share it. It's great.harpakelley (2012-07-19)
SEED PLEASEharpakelley (2012-07-20)
SEED PLEASE !:( stuck at 20 % for so longmrblaze94 (2012-11-26)
Thanks so much!!!estefano47 (2012-12-15)
I finished downloading, but many fall and clean. Stay also sending at least one day how I'm doing.Posted in Brazil.
TheAsset (2013-03-26)
Darth Vader is Lukes father.Ben Kenobi is a pedophile.
Princess Lea is a Jabbas whore bitch.
Han Solo is into beastiality
rondo_h (2014-03-06)
Thanks!pobednik (2014-07-19)
great job! 10/10 on all movies!thnx!
irondust (2014-10-11)
Thank you!Files:
1. Star Wars I, II, III, IV, V, VI/Star Wars Episode II - Attack Of The Clones.avi 1400.65 Mb
2. Star Wars I, II, III, IV, V, VI/Star Wars Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith.avi 1400.64 Mb
3. Star Wars I, II, III, IV, V, VI/Star Wars Episode I - The Phantom Menace.avi 1400.64 Mb
4. Star Wars I, II, III, IV, V, VI/Star Wars Episode VI - Return Of The Jedi.avi 1400.62 Mb
5. Star Wars I, II, III, IV, V, VI/Star Wars Episode IV - A New Hope.avi 1400.58 Mb
6. Star Wars I, II, III, IV, V, VI/Star Wars Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back.avi 1400.57 Mb
7. Star Wars I, II, III, IV, V, VI/Star Wars Episode VI - Return Of The Jedi.jpg 199.86 Kb
8. Star Wars I, II, III, IV, V, VI/Star Wars Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back.jpg 83.68 Kb
9. Star Wars I, II, III, IV, V, VI/Star Wars Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith.jpg 67.04 Kb
10. Star Wars I, II, III, IV, V, VI/Star Wars Episode IV - A New Hope.jpg 63.73 Kb
11. Star Wars I, II, III, IV, V, VI/Star Wars Episode I - The Phantom Menace.jpg 62.40 Kb
12. Star Wars I, II, III, IV, V, VI/Star Wars Episode II - Attack Of The Clones.jpg 60.27 Kb