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Submarine Titans english -MYTH






Submarine Titans english -MYTH-




2007-01-06 (by Thunderbird Anthares)


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ÜÜ ?ß ß ß °° °° ° ?Ü Ü?ß° MYTH IS PROUDß?ß TO PRESENT :°° ° °°°° ° ° ° ° ?ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ?ÜÜÜÜ??ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ?ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ Ü? ° Submarine Titans (c) Ellipse Studios/Strategy First ° °± ß ßß?ß?ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß? ß ß ±° ° ° ° ° SUPPLIED BY : Fearless Canuck RELEASE SIZE : 55 * 2.88MB ° ° CRACKED BY : MYTH TEAM RELEASE DATE : 22/July/2000 ° Ü ° PACKAGED BY : MYTH TEAM PROTECTION : - ?ß ° FILE FORMAT : ACE GAME GENRE : RTS ° ° ° ° SYSTEM REQ'S: PII 233, 300 MB HD, 32 MB RAM, DXMedia (!) ° ° ° °± ÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ?ÜÜ Ü?Ü ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ? ?ÜÜÜÜÜ Ü?Ü ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ? ±° ßß?Ü ßß?Ü Ü?ß ß ß? ? Ü Ü?Ü ß ßß ß Ü ß?ß °°° °ß °° ? °°° ° ° °[ RELEASE NOTES ] ° ° °° Ü?°°°° ° ° °°° ° ° ?ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ?ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ??ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ Ü? ° Submarine Titans, a futuristic real-time strategy game, dares to go where no RTS has gone before - plunging players deep into an immense and spellbinding underwater world, where three future civilizations are locked in a battle for supremacy. In the year 2047, the Clark Comet strikes the earth's surface with such astounding force that life as we know it is virtually wiped out. Taking to subterranean vaults and makeshift undersea installations, several thousand humans escape the blight of the comet and the ensuing ravages of a weather system that reaps havoc on land. Over the next century, humankind slowly adapts to their oceanic habitat and evolves into two rival civilizations: the White Sharks - who hunger for dominance over the underwater universe; and the technologically advanced and environmentally protective Black Octopi, who will go to any extremes necessary to remain in balance with the Earth. As the Sharks and Octopi gather resources and build their forces to prepare for an inevitable clash, an alien race uncoils itself from within the resource-laden crater deep on the ocean floor. In the year 2115, all three races erupt in an epic struggle that seems destined to destroy man's final bid for survival. Submarine Titans' addictive and compelling gameplay enables players to command one of three civilizations in a range of fully 3D battlescapes. The game environment is divided into 5 depth levels in which players and their opponents can hide behind or under 3D terrain for unparalleled offensive and defensive maneuvering. According to the developer, players can opt to have a computer AI assist them, by taking over mundane tasks, so that they can concentrate on the areas of the game they most enjoy. With the use of the Scenario-editor, players will have the opportunity to create their own scenarios and maintain the same control over elements as the game designers themselves. These features combined with Ellipse's revolutionary dual control interface, which gives players the option of controlling individual units or entire groups, as well as simultaneously planning production and launching attacks against opponents, promises to take Submarine Titans way beyond anything other games will be offering in the near future. Supporting 3D sound and resolutions of 800 x 600 to 1280 x 1024 graphics, Submarine Titans will submerge players into an iridescent world of fantasy and adventure. Multiplayer action over LAN and Internet will allow up to 24 players - including 8 AI opponents and 8 spectators - to watch and take part, as the action unfolds in this extraordinary aquatic adventure. Find more info at Ripped: movies and music, don't expect an addon. ? ?? Ü? ßß ?Ü Üß ß? Ü Ü? ß °° °Ü? °°° ° ßÜ ?[ INSTALL NOTES ] °° ß?ß ° Ü ?ß °° ° Ü °° ° ?ÜÜÜÜ??ÜÜÜ?ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ??ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ?ÜÜ Ü? ° Unzip and unace, either manually or with our Installer. Run Setupreg.exe to make necessary registry settings. Run STConfig.exe to select your hardware (turn off ingame videos). Start the game with ST.exe. There are also some tools to edit the game, SndCfg.exe and STEditor.exe. Note: like for most new games (examples: Shogun and Vampire), it is REQUIRED that you have the latest DXMedia installed. Find it here: ? ?? Ü? ßß ?Ü Üß ß? Ü? ß °° °Ü? °°° ° ßÜ ? [ NEWS + APPLICATION iNFO ] ° Ü ?ß °° ° Ü °° ° ?ÜÜÜÜ??ÜÜÜ?ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ??ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ?ÜÜ Ü? ° ( Group News ) ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~ ( Application Information ) ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~ Membership Benefits: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~ We offer membership of the finest scene group, which entails access to the best sites available. We can provide download leech for: 0day/ISO/VCD/DIVX/PSX/MP3/N64/PDA and more :) We believe if you contribute to the scene you should be able to reap the rewards of it ;) We also understand the costs involved with SUPPLYING the latest unreleased GAMES. Thus we are the ONLY, yes the ONLY group that offers suppliers a money back guarantee, PAY BACK. We always reimburse! Why should you pay and others get it for free? Remember we are the only GROUP who offer this! Also we can provide crackers with custom TOOLS to help new crackers with the latest protections, we work as a cracking team! We also have the only specific trading team designed for the group, only we provide this. Thus our team is the fastest :) But above all of this, we are friendly. Something of a rarity these days in the scene. We often have group meetings in PERSON. We are FRIENDS as well as members. Join us now, before others get in before you!. Membership Requirements: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~ GAME SUPPLIERS WANTED: - Games must be new and unreleased. - USA shop suppliers on the East Coast and with a T3 connection. - Distributors and Wholesaler workers in any country. - Game Magazine, TV or Radio reviewers! - Workers in software companies, developers or publishers! - Duplicator workers who can get access to fast games. See below for a more detailed requirements list.... USA store suppliers - If you have a fast T3 or above connection, live on the USA, East coast and happen to be near a Electronics Boutique, Babbage's, Best Buy, or other store that sells software, and can be available during the day or morning of most weekdays to supply. Join us now! Do not worry about your skills, if you can fit the bill we shall show you the rest. Contact us now! Use the contact information below. Game insider suppliers - individuals connected in any way with the distribution process of new software, whether it be software companies, store/shops, distributor, publisher, duplicators, game magazine, tech support for software publishing houses or hell, even if you're like us, regular software shop junkies who pay daily visits to your local fast shop or what have you and want to have some good competitive fun. Crackers and Mega Trainers - Can you do SAFEDISC/C-DILLA or SECUROM or VOB protections? You must be able to do this without tools available on the net, as protections change. You must understand how these protections work to break future versions of them! What about quality menu driven TRAINERS? Contact us now! Use the contact information below. (FREE) Hardware Suppliers - If you work for a company in the hardware industry and have access to some GOOD hardware of any type, you may just be the person we're looking for. Contact us now! Use the contact information below. Shell Acounts - we are looking for T3 MINIMUM shellboxes to help out the team. Massive giggage is not required, but 4+ gig is helpful of course. Contact us now! Use the contact information below. Couriers - We are NOT accepting courier applications, so please don't waste our time and your by telling us what a great trader you are. Unless you can also do something that is outlined in the application details above of course. Then we could of course welcome you straight away ;) ALWAYS REMEMBER: WE DO THIS JUST FOR FUN! AND WE ARE AGAINST COMMERCIALISATION! IN FACT WE BUY ALL OUR OWN GAMES, AS WE LOVE GAMES, AND WE ARE NOT JOKING! IF YOU LIKE THIS GAME, BUY IT, WE DID! ° ? ?? ° Ü? ßß ?Ü Üß ß? Ü Ü? ß ° ° °°°Ü? °° ° °ßÜ °° ? [ HEADQUARTERS ] °°° ß?ß°° Ü ?ß°° ° °°Ü °° ° ?ÜÜÜÜ??ÜÜÜ?ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ??ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ?ÜÜ Ü? ° ? Ü ?ß ß? Ü ? ± Ü?ß ß?Ü ± ±?ßNAME MYTH PC GROUP POSITION LOCATION ß?± Ü°ßßßßßßßß ß ?ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ß ?ßßßßßßß ß ßßßßßß°Ü Ü ° ** ? WORLD HEADQUARTER ? Earth ° Ü ** ? MEGA HEADQUARTER ? Elite Only ° ** ? EUROPEAN HEADQUARTER ? Europe ° ** ? COURIER HEADQUARTER ? Sweden ** ? SWISS HEADQUARTER ? Switzerland *** ? NORWEGIAN HEADQUARTER ? Norway *** ? UNITED STATES HEADQUARTER ? USA *** ? UNITED STATES HEADQUARTER ? USA *** ± UNITED STATES HEADQUARTER ± USA *** ± UNITED STATES HEADQUARTER ± USA *** ± CZECH REPUBLIC HEADQUARTER ± Czech *** ± SWEDISH HEADQUARTER ± Sweden ** ± GERMAN HEADQUARTER ± Germany *** ± UNITED KINGDOM HEADQUARTER ± United Kingdom ** ° SOUTH KOREAN HEADQUARTER ° South Korea APPLY now ° TAIWANESE HEADQUARTER X ° Taiwan APPLY now ° HONG KONG CHINESE HEADQUARTER X ° Hong Kong APPLY now ° JAPANESE HEADQUARTER X ° Japan APPLY now ° KUWAITISH HEADQUARTER X ° Kuwait APPLY now ° 2ND UNITED KINGDOM HEADQUARTER X ° United Kingdom ° ° ? ?? Ü? ßß ?Ü Üß ß? Ü Ü? ß °° °Ü? °°° ° ßÜ ? °[ GROUP GREETS ]°°° ß?ß ° Ü ?ß °° ° Ü °° ° ?ÜÜÜÜ??ÜÜÜ?ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ??ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ?ÜÜ Ü? ° Regards to our Friends from.. ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~ . DEViANCE . DYNASTY . PARADOX PSX . TFL . CORE . RISE . LAXITY . . RE:PLAY . BMI . MANIFEST DESTINY . APC . RNS . NLRIP . . UCF2000 . UTOPIA . FAIRLIGHT . COUNCIL . TRDOGS . Ü Ü?°ßß ?Ü ° Ü ° ?Ü ° Ü?ß ß?ß ° ß [ CONTACT ] Ü? ß ß?ß Ü? ßß°?Ü ? ° ÜÜÜÜÜÜ?ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ?ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ?ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ?ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ?ÜÜÜÜÜ?Ü ßÜ?ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ? ° ?ß ß? ÜÜ ? ° ? ß? ± ° IRC : EFNET SERVER IN MIRC - CHANNEL #MYTH ? ° WWW : UNDER CONSTRUCTION (NO HELP NEEDED THANKS) Ü ° ° EMAIL : [email protected] /* */ ß ° ?ß ° ° MYTH DOES NOT PASSWORD FILES, OTHERS DO THAT! ?ß ° ° MYTH DOES NOT MAIL/SEND/PASSWORD MISSING FILES! ?ß ° ° MYTH DOES NOT PUBLISH FILES ON WEB SITES, NEVER! ?ß ° ° MYTH DOES NOT DO TECHNICAL SUPPORT, NEVER EVER! ?ß ° ° MYTH DOES NOT NEED HELP WITH ANY WEB SITES! ?ß ° ± ß ß ?Ü ± ° ?ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ?ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ?ÜÜ Ü?Ü?Ü?Ü Ü? ° Ü? °? NFO LAYOUT + HEADER BY FERREX OF SUPERIOR ART CREATIONS Ü ß ° Ü? ßß ?Ü ß? ÜÜ ? ° ß? ° Ü ? [ UPDATED BY TEAM MYTH ] ° ° ß Ü?Ü ?ß °Ü [ ON 26/JUN/2000 ]ß? Ü Ü?Ü ? ß ß? ÜÜ ?ß ° ß " PCS+PWZ+DD+MINIME+PKD=CLS-BLH "

Files count:



151.62 Mb




Thunderbird Anthares (2007-01-07)

my first torrent :-)
i suer hope it works

Thunderbird Anthares (2007-01-07)

oh btw,its a full game but without game movies
i coulndt get a better deal,sorry :-)

Thunderbird Anthares (2007-01-07)

well i cant understand a word since i dont speak Swedish or whatever
be tolerant enough and speak english,will ya?

Thunderbird Anthares (2007-01-07)

i just had like 30 ppl disconnecting when they reached 100%

getmeifucan54 (2007-02-17)

thanks a lot dear for this wonder full game that u have shared with all the comunity.
i really appreciate ur effort and will share this game as long as i could

Arrek89 (2007-02-22)

Nie chce mi sie rozpakowac:(
Zacina sie na pliku c14:((
Do dupy z tym...

buggyblob (2007-04-30)

when i have done what its said to do in the MYTH but when i start ST it sayes file d3drm.dll is missing WHAT CAN I DO?

Shadowow (2007-05-08)

Seed plz, i will seed it after i dl i promiss. i already uploaded 200 mb of it

Gen3sis (2007-09-23)

Can some1 make this torrent whit movies? plx :(

Gen3sis (2007-09-23)

and this torrent doesnt work for me :/ STConfig file doesnt start so i cant turn off video and when i start the game i get ''Internal Error''

mkrary (2008-05-28)

Don't work for me. Can't install into the registry :(

Zealot2499 (2008-08-27)

Is it works on Win XP?

Zealot2499 (2008-08-28)

mkrary at 2008-05-28 07:04 CET:
Don't work for me. Can't install into
Damn...the same trouble

zensan (2008-09-12)

Thanks thunderbird anthares.
Had play the demo long back. really liked it.
Hope it installs in XP sp3! :)

zensan (2008-09-19)

Same prob as gen3sis. STconfig does not load. regedit updates. On running, get 'internal error'.
Hv XP with sp3. Any help? Is there compatibility issues? Thanks for any advice in advance.

Thunderbird Anthares (2008-10-29)

i dont know about any compatibility issues,but it IS a old game
try running it in compatibility mode w98 or even w95
guys i started seeding this torrent again,but my upload is terrible as im on ADSL
so you "will" get the game,but it will take very long
if anyone would keep seeding this game,it would be awesome,as this torrent is as far as i can see unique

Thunderbird Anthares (2008-10-29)

this torrent works,if you have problems with the game,its your "local" problems
i played the game just few minutes ago
try searching for solutions on the net,google is a powerful tool :-)

ThelenS (2009-05-29)

I will keep this seeding on my box as well :)

TimmehUno (2009-06-13)

Only little game please seed guys!

Mythrizer (2009-06-23)

THIS ISNT WORKING! ''Internal error'' while opening ST.exe and i cant launch STConfig! SOMEONE HELP ME!

ThelenS (2009-07-17)

I am seeding, problem is I only have half a mbit upload, and often my other torrents are getting hit as well.

adonis1976 (2010-03-30)

sayes file d3drm.dll is missing,,,,DONT WORK IN VISTA !! What should i do ???

anant110 (2011-02-11)

ssee i could start the game doin the stuff u told but when the game starts aka the mission,,,,all the colors r like rainbow...ntn visible...watta do?

IAmTheCommentor (2013-10-30)

Registry Keys?