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UFC-7 The Brawl in Buffalo.lur3st






UFC-7 The Brawl in Buffalo.lur3st.


Video/TV shows


2008-07-17 (by lur3st)


UFC-7 The Brawl in Buffalo. This file does not work properly with VLC-player for some reason, but works fine with windows media player. Once downloaded, please help me with the seeding, as i cannot provide much of a dl-speed as the only seeder. Enjoy!

Files count:



1179.18 Mb




kevjones79 (2008-07-19)

i dont know why you bother too upload any thing as far as im aware you dont seed for long enough, iv tried for 3days downloading ufc5+ufc6 from you, and iv uploaded more than iv got off you. i have asked nicely for you too seed them, it works for a while then you must switch it off. come on man you need too sort it out. dont take this the wrong way you prob a nice guy, but if the shoe fits.. you know wot i mean..

lur3st (2008-07-19)

Well kevjones, saying that i dont seed for long enough is just wrong, because i dont stop seeding! I pause those that gets a rich amount of seeds, and start them again if low on seeds, and i seed for at least 12 hours per day, mostly longer! nr.5 has been very slow, its an over 4 gig file, many ppl has a full dl of it by now, but doesnt seed, 6 should have a decent amount of seeds by now.. like i said be patient please.. im doing this to do a favor for ufc fans out there, not to be a dick and bother ppl with slow dl-speeds. I cant have torrents on 24/7 for various reasons. If u can find these files elsewhere, be my guest, do so, but if u cant, come back when there are more seeds than just mine. Cause i dont stop seeding, i just shut off the comp from time to time (usually only when i sleep). I apologize for any inconvenience.

georgerichard (2008-07-20)

Great criticism from kevjones - himself one of the worlds most prolific uploaders... Man if someone has an apple and you don't but are starving hungry, and Mr apple offers to share a small portion of said apple with you... then you shut your ungrateful starving mouth and accept the apple that is offered, don't bitch and demand more!! Hey maybe you aren't a douche bag, "but if the shoe fits :) now say sorry to lur3st and thank him for offering you some of his apple.

trepar (2008-07-21)

agian i thank u lur3st, i know how kev feels, hes probably a big fan of ufc but just a bit impatient. im still stuck on dling ufc 5 and vary eger to watch it but like george siad i'm happy with my pice of the apple ;-) lol the problem really is not you Lur3st its the ppl who get the full file and dont keep it going.. i personally try and seed most files i get off this site alot since i like pirate bay but the UFC files i seed asmuch as i can till my GF closes them down.. unfortunetly she closed off my 1-6 files ;-( but some of them where over 14 ratio so its not too bad. anyhow thanx agian for the files. and keep up the good work.

kevjones79 (2008-07-21)

this one goes out to ..georgerichard.. you have got a hell of a nerve calling me names you havent even uploaded anything either, im still just over half way through dl, just like ..trepar.. if people seed it would be great, iv got no argument with u, lur3st your uploads are great but like i said your seeds are just rubbish, is there some way on tpb to make people seed, if there was that would be perfect.. if you dont ask you dont get.. remember i told you!!

lur3st (2008-07-21)

One thing i have done wrong is to have more than one seed open at a time, and thereby compromising my uploadspeed, but to satisfy the eager demanders i have now kept my computer on during the past nights at the expense of my own sleep, seeding UFC-5 in particular. Other than that ive only turned off the torrents to play some online gaming, which i dont do for more than a couple hours a day, if that. So kev, i dont really think u can ask much more from me, u said u asked me nicely to seed more, and i answered nicely why i sometimes would turn the torrents off, but instead of replying to that, u flame me for being a sucky uploader, which is why george came with some support towards me, which I highly appreciated. Its not called having a hell of a nerve as u put it, its just called being nice, something u might not be too familiar with (im saying this only because of ur inability to see georges point, not because im convinced ur an unfit shoe:P).

lur3st (2008-07-23)

yesterday this file had 40 seeders, and today only 1, me... which is the reason why i dont upload the next ufc yet. If u want me to keep uploading, u gotta help with the seeding!

flowone (2008-08-12)

Hi lur3st,
I am looking for uu95, The ultimate ultimate 1995, aka ufc you have this one?

iLuVtorrents234 (2008-12-22)

If i could finish downloading it i will seed it 24/7 i always have my computer running so yes

lastever (2014-03-23)

looking for seeders ... will seed at least 4x when completed