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Leni Riefenstahl - Adolf Hitler - Triumph Of The Will (English Subtitles)






Leni Riefenstahl - Adolf Hitler - Triumph Of The Will (English S




2006-10-31 (by Kefissos )


Triumph of the Will (German: Triumph des Willens) is a documentary and propaganda film by the German filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl that chronicles the 1934 Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg. It features footage of uniformed party members (though relatively few German soldiers), who are marching and drilling to classical melodies. The film contains excerpts from speeches given by various Nazi leaders at the Congress, including portions of speeches by Adolf Hitler. Hitler commissioned the film and served as an unofficial executive producer; his name appears in the opening credits. The overriding theme of the film is the return of Germany as a great power, with Hitler as a German Messiah who will bring glory to the nation. Triumph of the Will was released in 1935 and rapidly became one of the best-known examples of propaganda in film history. Riefenstahl\'s techniques, such as moving cameras, the use of telephoto lenses to create a distorted perspective, aerial photography, and revolutionary approach to the use of music and cinematography, have earned Triumph recognition as one of the greatest propaganda films in history. Riefenstahl won several awards, not only in Germany but also in the United States, France, Sweden, and in other countries. The film was popular in the Third Reich and elsewhere, and has continued to influence movies, documentaries, and commercials to this day, even as it raises the question over the dividing line between art and morality. Includes english subtitles. AVI File Details ======================================== Name.........: Leni.Riefenstahl-Triumph.des.Willens.(DivX.5).avi Filesize.....: 700 MB (or 717,400 KB or 734,617,600 bytes) Runtime......: 01:50:30 (158,973 fr) Video Codec..: DivX 5.0 Video Bitrate: 785 kb/s Audio Codec..: 0x0055(MP3) ID\'d as MPEG-1 Layer 3 Audio Bitrate: 93 kb/s, monophonic VBR Frame Size...: 512x400 (1.28:1) [=32:25]

Files count:



700.63 Mb




orgpunk (2006-11-01)


 Knaster (2006-11-01)

Propaganda at it's best ;)

DeepPirate (2006-11-01)

Good movie.
And no, it's not propaganda at it's best. For that, just turn on American TV.

SixteenPints (2006-11-01)

underhållningsvärdet på denna är noll..... korrektion, det är negativt. som ett historiskt dokument är det däremot lysande.

 Knaster (2006-11-01)

Sixteenpints you're wrong there, the entertainment value is really high especially when the different military branches is marching past the führer!

 Knaster (2006-11-01)

And DeepPirate, American tv sucks dont even try to compare any US tv with Leni Riefenstahl damn capitalist!

finnland (2006-11-01)

knaster. are you for real ????!

 Knaster (2006-11-02)

Yes I am!

iegorshkov (2006-11-02)

Screw the Amis and the Germans!

 Knaster (2006-11-02)

Screw the jews and capitalist bankers instead!

Panodilo (2006-11-03)

The Führer was kind to his dogs.

felix222 (2006-12-16)

Not the "white man" fuck the whole word.
The bankers did.

felix222 (2006-12-16)

world of course not word

KarlFonLinne (2007-03-13)

where can i get Triumph whitout the boring english speaker sound ? only eng text ?

Mambo Bananapatch (2007-12-08)

Twenty bucks says be_free is a spoiled, rich, self-loathing white liberal who still lives with his/her parents.

Cobras2 (2008-01-03)

> If the white man hadn't raped the whole fucking world, there would be less racism and immigration, yes.
The white man only did it because the black man, brown man, whatever, didn't get to it first. What I mean to say is, the white man somehow or other managed to get ahead on the technological curve, otherwise it would have been whichever other colour who would have done so.
It doesn't matter what colour they are, people are people.
> Do you think it's a co-incident that poor countries have dictators, or rich self centered sultans and kings.
Of course not; a country doesn't have to be poor to have rich self-centered kings or dictators, but rich self-centered kings or dictators usually wind up making the country STAY poor. Yeah, that's right, I'm saying it's the people running the country who are messing it up, not the people outside. Or at least, who are making it stay messed up. In other words, it's not just the fault of white outsiders, it's also the fault of many of the locals. People are people, colour doesn't matter.
Creed does, though... it matters a lot.
> Twenty bucks says be_free is a spoiled ... white liberal who still lives with his/her parents.

sam322 (2008-01-07)

Thank you for this film.

Olafsen7 (2008-03-12)

this movie is a great example of german propaganda. one of the best in the history!
as for Fuhrer and muslims, nazi's had 3 SS-divisions based on muslims. germans thought they would be great fighters cause of their religion, but instead they had problems with discipline and hygiene. they never fought regular armies, only partisans, and were lately dismissed. Fuhrer had great expectations, but unfotunately...
As for ideology, it discredits itself by proclaiming superiority of white race and murdering people of other races at open. take for example jews. they'll never tell you that they think they are better than others, but they mean it and try to show it in many different ways. they use word holocaust instead of genocide, so they think only of murdered jews, others don't count.
the nazis had some other goal, not those they were proclaiming. i personally think the whole Third Reich could be giant economical and social experiment to try out new mechanisms to control people's minds and get new material resources. many corporations based in US had a great profit from the war.
for more information read where(WALL STREET AND THE RISE OF HITLER. By Antony C. Sutton):

to seeders:
Thank you for real interresting historical material!

satyrosjay (2008-03-14)

The Chinks are the real threat today!

Olafsen7 (2008-03-17)

At least Chinks work, they don't burn cars and ask appologies for caricatures.

Auzerious Dk (2008-04-04)

omg Be_free your a fucking looser.

mr_gerbik (2008-05-15)

Hate racists, including every other human.

Maoxx (2008-08-11)

DeepPirate: Pwwwwwwwn!
Olafsen: Jews never tell you they think they are better than everyone else? What about the whole "God's chosen people" schtick then?

danzig-7766 (2008-08-23)

Looks good,thanks.

 Tanauser (2008-12-03)

Kameraden !

Perzyfied (2009-03-20)

Soon the Europeans will be gone, we are 8% of the world population now, 30% a 100 years ago.
We are, how ever you look at it, the only people able to build a civilization. There is proof we built everything from Egypt to Wall Street.
In a hundred years from now the world will start on the road back to the stone age because we will not be around. This is the thruth even if you don't like it.

webapp (2009-03-21)

Without any intention to insult any one... but the only good thing that ever came from Sweden was thepiratebay... otherwise the usual "made in Sweden" stuff is wankers and dumb blondinas as one can easily see above with the infantile comments...

CAPITALISTPIG (2009-03-21)

"Eins, zwei, drei, alle!"
Waiting to cut out the deadwood.
Waiting to clean up the city.
Waiting to follow the worms.
Waiting to put on a black shirt.
Waiting to weed out the weaklings.
Waiting to smash in their windows
And kick in their doors.
Waiting for the final solution
To strengthen the strain.
Waiting to follow the worms.
Waiting to turn on the showers
And fire the ovens.
Waiting for the queens and the coons
and the reds and the jews.
Waiting to follow the worms.
Would you like to see history repeat again ?

sankhasubhra (2009-03-31)

great upload. thanks a lot for this great cinematic work of art.

SplinterFaction (2009-07-23)

Thank you for making this available =)
An important piece of cinematic history

Taeronai (2009-08-27)

Perzyfied, you ignorant cretin, a word of advice: why don't you learn some history? Or at least look up the folloning links:

Nigmanigma (2009-11-21)

Just because a film is morally repugnant doesn't mean it's without historical value. How can we hope to do anything but repeat the past if we are forced to forget it? This is an important film and should be remembered as such, regardless of the ignoble motives behind its production.

Catastrophic_Failure (2010-01-03)

Ah what the hell, might as well give my two cents in this petty bullshit
Wow Perzyfied, I think the arrogance in your narrow-minded statement is folly....Oh wait, that is infact precisely the reason why the Europeans number so few these days. One thing you've gotta remember you fascist cock, it wasn't merely "Europeans" that built civilizations, it was human beings. For the record, I am white myself. I guess your narrow-mindedness also stretches to your department of knowledge (or lack thereof, as seems to be in your case) Let's just forget about the ancient Asian cultures, right? Or even the successful African ones. The Europeans got civilization building right, but it seems they couldn't get the whole "not wipe eachother out" thing right, you pompous douchebag. Maybe a stone age would be better? if the Europeans taught us anything, if their history is an indication of anything, if I can assume bullshit based on a single idea alone as you have (two can play at that game, idiot), it's that we wouldn't even want the civilization and advancement that you pointed out, because obviously it leads to massive amounts of destruction and suffering
The world would do fine without Europeans, although I don't wish them or anyone vanquished, but the sheer stupidity and flat out falseness of your way of thinking clearly stood out to me, if to many Europeans are like you, then yes, we could definitely go without Europeans.
Enjoy your narrow-minded blinded existance while it lasts you nazi piece of shit.

Catastrophic_Failure (2010-01-03)

Webapp, you don't know what you're talking about (that's coming from a non-swede too)
Why do the stupidest people always have to be the ones to comment? It's so ironic because they say "we'd be better off like this or that" but fail to realize the world would be alot better off without them.

construkt (2010-02-19)

Thanks muchly Kefissos for the up. Apart from its original usage as out and out propaganda, this film is defo another insight into the madness that was WWII. One thing i must say about this film is, that over the decades, this has been used by all and sundry in second rate documentary's. Ever notice how some "executive producers" seem to have the same footage and tired old content?
Enough of my ramblings.. thanks once again to the efforts of Kefissos, for this quality up.

NATAS_DUAL_CORE (2010-03-01)

@Perzyfied sadly you are right, unfortunately the white caucasion race is dying out, its been reduced through cross breeding and murder etc. its irronic that USA LIERAL left wing government will essentualy wipe out a race when preventing any kind of racism, becuse we will cross breed etc and eventually be watered down by mexicans, africans, asians etc. Dont be fooled, its not racist or criminal to want to preserve our white race,its PRIDE and it needs to be enforced if we want to have the white race continuing. africans and others get to take such pride in their race but if a white man does it, hes a racist. their are some corrupt liberals (jews) who are preventing any white preservation by brainwashing everyone into thinking its racist to want to protect or praise the white race). dont not allow a inferior, diseased, unintelligent, parasitic, destructive race (colored) to cause us to become a minority

NATAS_DUAL_CORE (2010-03-01)

this movie is mesmerizing, it shows the the European (Aryan) beauty in a artistic way. we are a beautifully featured, intelligent, superior existence, but dont allow idiots above this comment (Catastrophic_Failure) spill blasphemous bullshit about the white race and claim the white race is dying out because we are so self destructive and unsuccessful!!! LIES..
FIRST we are being WATERED DOWN, look at america, its rapidly becoming a, black, inferior ,equality loving plague that is brainwashing everyone into the feeble minded "praise every OTHER race but whites (cause its racist)"
and Catastrophic_Failure if we are so destructive and unsuccessful, then why are you currently using the white inventions right now like the computer, electricity, peer to peer, THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE!. let me guess your an inferior nigger or spic whos ancestral creations were AIDS, mass famine etc. you race is an inferior, degenerative parasitic plague which only reproduce with the most basic violent animal instincts in life. this movie will show the sense of superiority that the white race was evolving into, and is now unfortunately being watered down and destroyed by the primitive races such as niggers.

Sven the swede (2010-09-15)

This is a movie which shows the victory of good over evil.

grgagiga (2010-11-16)

Die Fahne hoch die Reihen fest geschlossen
S.A. marschiert mit ruhig festem Schritt
Kam'raden die Rotfront und Reaktion erschossen
Marschier'n im Geist in unsern Reihen mit
Kam'raden die Rotfront und Reaktion erschossen
Marschier'n im Geist in unsern Reihen mit
Die Straße frei den braunen Batallionen
Die Straße frei dem Sturmabteilungsmann
Es schau'n auf's Hakenkreutz voll Hoffnung schon Millionen
Der Tag für Freiheit und für Brot bricht an
Es schau'n auf's Hakenkreutz voll Hoffnung schon Millionen
Der Tag für Freiheit und für Brot bricht an
Zum letzten Mal wird nun Appell geblasen
Zum Kampfe steh'n wir alle schon bereit
Bald flattern Hitler-fahnen über allen Straßen
Die Knechtschaft dauert nur mehr kurze Zeit
Bald flattern Hitler-fahnen über allen Straßen
Die Knechtschaft dauert nur mehr kurze Zeit

mrtlg4 (2010-11-24)


comedy (2010-11-28)

Video and audio are what you would expect from a 1935 film. I'm using VLC to view the film. I don't see any subtitles nor is there an English voice over. Any ideas on how to get them to work?

bobalazs (2011-01-05)

None of the above bullshitters have any original thought. Not sure if any one does, really.

peace09 (2011-01-13)

Hitler was the biggest asshole of all time.In India we are having similar despotic Hindu political organizations like RSS,VHP ,BD and BJP who are having more or less same mentality.The only difference is that the demonic labeling of Jews by Nazis have been replaced by Satanic Muslims and Christan by Hindu fundamentalist in India.

amouly (2011-02-27)

Perzyfied you really are full of shit,dickhead how grateful you are from your farty ass?so China,Persia,Arab empire,ottoman,Japan,Egypt etc..all were busy fucking your ancestors 20 to 60 centuries before you learn how to wipe your ass,,!the Europeans were bunch pirates ,thieves & slave runners & you call this civilization let me add that you ass-holes introduced the world to aids,you wiped of Aztec civilization and north American first nations..your fucking civilization forced us barbaric wars after wars until recently,crusade,french wars,spanish wars,english wars,german wars,Iraq war,, ww1 & ww2 with total more than 300 millions of casualties.go fuck yourself before it's too late.

amouly (2011-02-27)

Perzyfied thanks god that you fuckers will be wiped out soon,I like your prediction you fuck -head

SS-Lindh (2011-02-27)

Great work , one day the world will know that A H was right!
Thanks from Sweden!
Ps,the truth is out there!

SS-Lindh (2011-02-27)

Great work, One day the world will know that
Adolf Hitler was right!
Many thanks from Sweden!
Ps the truth is out there

Starbeer (2011-04-27)

Seeing how the whites are being eradicated off the planet through low natality rates and economic oppression, I'd say: HITLER COME BACK, YOU'RE FORGIVEN!
Just look at what the Socialists did to my country, Portugal: 1974: World Empire; 2011: bankruptcy.
And if you want to talk about genocide, talk with the muslims! They committed genocide over the Goths here in Portugal, over the Armenians, the Greeks, the Assyrians, etc. But people only talk about the Germans!?!?!

@Starbeer I agree with everything you have written EXCEPT for the first paragraph!
I mean how stupid are you? It is true that people of europoid race have lower natality. We can even suppose that that europoid race is intentionally discriminated economically and legally (it is NOT but let's suppose it for the example). Not even that would give you the right to murder innocent people! What do you think Hitler was doing? He was killing jews, homosexuals, gypsies, mentally ill, christians, slavic people etc. all the same. Not because they did something wrong, but because he wanted them gone. How could anyone with a human brain want that? Would you like it if SS came to your door and said "You will be executed. Just because the Führer said your race is inferior"??
You wrote "THE MUSLIMS ARE THE KINGS OF GENOCIDE!". That may be true, but your call for Hitler to come back puts you on the same level as them, IF NOT LOWER! You blame them for genocide, and what you ask for IS GENOCIDE! Moreover, muslims never killed 6 million people, but Hitler did, so your desired murderer is far worse than all muslims combined!
And just FYI, my country suffered under nazi government for 6 years, so don't you try giving me that "you don't know anything about nazis stupid americunt!" shit.
Oh and thank you Kefissos for the up :)

freakkriek (2011-05-08)

@Starbeer: *copy pastes everything already said by carlos*
@carlos: *thumbs up*
@Kefissos: ty for sharing

HH14 (2011-05-27)

卐ϟϟ 14/88 ϟϟ卐

swastikaha (2011-07-04)

a must see..

skat1140 (2011-08-27)

Uh, if we're allowed to go back 1500 years to blame muslims, let's go back 500 years to blame christians for the Inquisition, the Cathar Massacre, wars waged by the Papacy, oh, and the genocidal Crusades. Oh, lets go back 50 years to the present day and blame christianity for raping our young children and then protecting the rapists. Lets also remember christianity brainwashes believers to not use birth control: saddling them with poverty and AIDS. I'm leaving alot out. Christianity has so much blood on its hands-- but, its all forgiven, by swimmer's body jesus. Which sucks. Because they just do it all over again.

Really, we can toss out all religion and be the better for it. Let's eradicate both islamification and christianization. Deal?

Captain_Spaulding (2012-03-08)

I came here for an interesting piece of History, I found a bunch of morons.

SSvicious (2012-07-25)

Just want to give a heads up to people.
Holocaust denial and overall nazi propaganda is becoming more and more censored in Europe to the point of being illegal in many countries.
Call me stupid but I thought this was all BS as I was posting my views online carelessly.
Guess what now I got some police warnings (Posted illegal comments in FR and Germany) and who knows I might go to fucking jail.
So just wanted to give heads up to people who think anti-racist organisations and holocaust defense organisations are a joke. THEY ARE NOT.
You are monitored EVERYWHERE you post online and are legally liable for your comments. Its VERY EASY for them to tie your IP and computer to these comments.
Anyway...Maybe this isnt like this in USA or Scandinavia...But in rest of EU I caution people to be EXTREMELY careful about what they say.

meow_is_meowing (2012-07-25)

SSvicious - Thank you so much for your warning :)

naveed_ngr (2012-08-27)

When nazis does it its propaganda and when allies does it its truth.Fuck them all.

bhazo (2013-05-08)

That's pretty much all you ever find on the internet.

Pdid (2013-05-20)

This movie is an important example of movies used to promote evil. The views expressed within are entirely disgusting but everyone should view it as to understand that this evil does exist. All Holocaust denials are rendered null and void if one pays attention to the passion with which the Nazi party conducted itself. Remember, the Nazi regime started as a democratic regime then shifted rather quickly into fascism; a sobering thought indicative of the threat of mass followings and group mentality.

teh-cheeseman (2013-06-11)

Alpacas are clearly responsible for the trollification of alpaca Germany. The Alpaca rebellion of 1935 clearly shows that the Trollburger community was directly responsible. The white alpacas trolled the black alpacas until the trollification occurred. But alas, it was not to last. The Trollburger community though they were superior but ended up getting trolled by black alpacas.
Then an elite group of white alpacas formed a heroic resistance against this tyranny against the trollification which led to an outburst of anti troll sentiment. With their furry cuteness they jumped on the 'evil' black alpacas and trolled them. But in the end the white alpacas cuteness let them down as they exploded into balls of fluff.
This is just my comedic take on these comments, enjoy reading.


1. Leni Riefenstahl - Adolf Hitler - Triumph Of The Will (English Subtitles)/Leni Riefenstahl - Triumph Of The Will.avi 700.59 Mb
2. Leni Riefenstahl - Adolf Hitler - Triumph Of The Will (English Subtitles)/Leni Riefenstahl - Triumph Of The 44.23 Kb