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la linea dvd 2






La Linea DVD 2 of 3


Video/Movies DVDR


2005-01-18 (by psychopink)


starting with DVD2 DVD1 & 3 will follow soon Info: German Info, but no other found have fun and seed after it´s finished

Files count:



4464.85 Mb




MuppyMurphy (2005-01-18)

Man får tacka för ännu ett gäng med "nostalgitrippar". Vi får hoppas att alla ligger kvar och ger ut över 1,05 i ratio.

scavenga (2005-01-19)

Tackar för dessa, brilliant share!

psychopink (2005-01-19)

Hi, sorry, can´t read that kinda language..
engl. only plz.

takeru (2005-01-19)

this is a swedish site/tracker and they write in own language. i wish i could read swedish. google/babelfish cannot translate it! :-)

FloggerX (2005-01-19)

This is a swedish SITE !!! And we speek swedish. If this it not okey for you ,, PLEASE LEAVE

psychopink (2005-01-19)

no problem @ all
i´ll leave and take alle my torrents i prepared 4 u with me to another site,
stupid prick
then u should have written that post in swedish

psychopink (2005-01-19)

take it back, was angry anyway .. sorry about that
but if i ask politely 2 add comments here in english, u could write something else...."if it´s okey, then leave"
i took it like: "sod off"
and because 1 guy is typing shit, i can´t remove the seed here, cause over 30 other ppl want 2 have that kinda stuff here.
so for now, plz in engl. if it has 2 do with the torrent, thx.
and be glad that other ppl from europe / or else share their stuff and bandwith with you

candance (2005-01-19)

English would be nice,but after 3 months visiting this site,I learnd more swedish than in ten years.

psychopink (2005-01-19)

so, you can pronounce and / or speak something in swedish now? :D
is there any translation site from swedish 2 english??

Teknokrat (2005-01-19)

Man behöver ju inte vara otrevlig mot besökare som inte kan tala/läsa svenska? Att skriva enkla förklaringar/kommentarer etc på engelska är väl inte så mycket begärt om det är någon som inte förstår svenska?

claspelle (2005-01-19)

psychopink, thank you very much for this superb share!
I was wondering if you might have the labels as well?

ghu052 (2005-01-20)

I haven't downloaded it all yet, but THANK YOU, PHYCOPINK!

MatrixWorld (2005-01-20)

FloggerX :
Jeg er faen meg enig med Teknokrat.
Hilsen en fra Norge.. :)
psychopink: Thx :D

 olirc (2005-01-20)

Eftersom jag ligger och seedar 1:an så måste :D jag ta ner den här också

psychopink (2005-01-20)

i´ll release the labels as a seperate torrent too.
but i have only the covers of dvd 1 and 2.
yesterday, a nice sedish guy messaged me who said, that he would translate the sweish posts to english.
if u read this, plz msg me again, lost your post :( and i can´t remember your nick ;) thx
dvd1 will start not later than tomorrow (21.01.)
is there any interest in BEAVIS & BUTTHEAD best of DVDs (3 dvds)?

nisse9000 (2005-06-25)

re-seeda denna ni som har :)

d9 (2005-07-12)

Sorry 4nother comment but anl my 7 thums up 4 for Beavis and Butthead..;)

ilki (2006-01-13)

99.6 SEED!!!

Bleeh (2006-01-16)

Please can anyone seed this?

duderaven (2006-02-25)

stuck at 99,7....and has been stuck there for 3 days now......seed please....

OLSENsajt (2006-03-15)

I'm at 99,6%.
Seed please.

Pjokkpjokk (2006-03-25)

Is there no way to get the last 0,4%? Or is there a way for me to use it anyway?

Apolio_Diablo (2006-07-14)

stuck on 94.8% =(

Apolio_Diablo (2006-07-17)

då var man fast på 99.6%... vet at ja e tjatig.. men väntat länge på dehär.... men tråkigt ng inte ens personen som lagt up torrentfilen kan seeda =(

Pontiac455 (2006-10-22)

Er der ingen her som har hele dvden????
Jeg er fast på 99,6%
Det står en seed her, men ingen får ned noe.
Dette er noe dritt.
Er der ingen som kan seed litt???

rgv (2006-11-17)

Attention !
No progres afther 99,6% !!!
Think twice before starting this download !!!

esatie (2006-11-28)

Seed please

micheleb (2006-12-31)

Please, seed :)

Dannyblizz (2007-03-20)

Psychopink: Thx for this, but l just found la linea now. Can you seeding this again so l can get 100% of it?
Same for DVD 2.

e.blofeld (2007-04-05)

Any Chance there is ever going to be a reseed?
As everybody i am stuck at 99.6%