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Final Fantasy VII (PC) Ultima Edition






Final Fantasy VII (PC) Ultima Edition




2004-12-20 (by jocke_wi)


Detta spel är Final Fantasy 7 till [PC] Hej det ända ni behöver göra för att installera detta spel är att trycka på Setup filen, ni behöver inte göra något med bin filerna!!! Installera med Setup filen och kör! Detta är min första torrent jag lägger upp så klaga inte......

Files count:



1030.16 Mb




jocke_wi (2004-12-20)

Tja vad tycker ni om min torrent då???

Goffer (2004-12-20)

lækkert, har ledt efter FFVII men hvad er forskellen på ultima edition og standard? downloader på livet løs nu :)

jocke_wi (2004-12-20)

Att den är patchad och att den är mindre på filstorleken
men det är fortfarande hela spelet!!!

Jallle (2004-12-20)

Drog hem final fantasy 7 förrut via dc. Den var något större än denna, fyra binfiler på ca 600 mb vardera och den fungerade inte i XP. Orkade aldrig leta reda på nån fix men jag antar att denna fungerar i XP men är något borttaget eftersom den är 1,4 GB mindre än den jag drog?

jocke_wi (2004-12-20)

Ja den funkar med Windows XP sp1 och sp2!!! inget fix behövs.

jocke_wi (2004-12-21)

Jag har även [Breath Of Fire IV] att lägga upp eller
[Morrowind with all expansions]
båda spelen är till [PC]
, någon som vill att jag gör det???

Goffer (2004-12-21)

Jah, det er faktisk rigtig, den orginale FFVII jeg havde engang fyldte 4cd'ere, hvorfor fylder denne her kun 2?

Strict (2004-12-21)

Funkar ju inte för mig iaf.....blir bara svart...sen får jag ett felmeddelande av Windows...=/

jocke_wi (2004-12-21)

va? så blir det inte för mig, vad står det då, o hur har du installerat???

jocke_wi (2004-12-21)

Ni som har laddat hem spelet o installerat det funkar det för er???

Goffer (2004-12-21)

jeg installerede det bare normalt, kunne godt sige "New Game" men så fik jeg sort skærm, prøvede nogle af de patches men så ville den slet ik starte.

hdfjdgk (2004-12-22)

Är allting med trots att de halverat storleken? tänker främst på fmw sekvenser osv.

jocke_wi (2004-12-22)

ja allt är med, o film sekvenserna också!!!

JackAzz (2004-12-22)

funkar tyvärr inte för mig!! blir bara en svart bild när ja trycker på new game!! va e de för fel??

Icecore (2004-12-22)

Jag tankade detta spel för ett tag sen, till min Windows 2000 burk. Problemet var att det inte ville funka med windows 2000, och fixen på nätet var enbart för XP. Kanske har ni med problem windows 2000?

JackAzz (2004-12-23)

men ja har xp pro!! funkar ändå inte..

jocke_wi (2004-12-23)

Det funkar för mig o mina kompisar!!!!

game_spot (2004-12-23)

Det funkar inte! det blir bara svart när man startar speleet!

Cymorph (2004-12-23)

Jag tycker detta du har laddat upp är skitbra.
Har tankat hem spelet på DC men har inte fått med filmerna + mycket bugg i spelet.

Icecore (2004-12-23)

Jag får spelet att funka, men filmerna funkar inte, varken inuti spelet eller ute i windows. Någon som vet ifall det är någon codec jag inte har?

jocke_wi (2004-12-23)

ja när du installerar spelet, efter installationen av själva spelet kommer en codec intstallation upp det ska du också installera sen funkar filmerna!!!!

Icecore (2004-12-23)

Jo hittade det :) (stupid me), däremot så går spelet ur när man får börja kontrollera karaktären typ :/ så det är nog kört

Icecore (2004-12-23)

Ok, this guide should help most of you I think, I got it working on my Win 2000 now.

mehdi_tk (2005-01-04)

funkar den på xp eller?

yrlanne (2005-01-04)

Är det någon som kan hjälpa mej? jag kör WinXp och när jag startar spelet blir det bara svart. Måste man ha speciella inställningar eller något annat ? Tacksam för hjälp.

mehdi_tk (2005-01-04)

mmm ni kanske tycker att jag är för gnälig men hur som helst när man installerar spellet så kommer ett fel medllande till all film filer och man kan inte installera dom vad ska jag göra.

BBBScorpio (2005-01-06)

Komemr det en 8´a eller???..
Har väntat en stund nu.. hjälpter till och seedar oxo...
Love -=Scorpio=-

Icecore (2005-01-08)

Codec för filmerna finns med i downloaden
Jag föreslår alla att ladda ner compatibility saken (om den finns till XP annars måste den följa med) och göra sakerna som står på länken jag skicka ovan.

benben (2005-01-08)

hiho.. tack för spelet.. :* kontrollerna e helt fucked up.. vet nån hur man byter?? :/:/ :(:(

Cobra_Venom (2005-01-11)

Jaha.. Jag startade spelet och spelade en stund men sen återgick det till windows :/
Ah tänkte jag. XP Patchen är inte installerad.. Efteråt så säger den åt mig att sätta i Final Fantasy skivan 1 2 eller 3.
Så nu kan jag inte spela längre.. Någon som vet vad som är galet??

Cobra_Venom (2005-01-11)

Tog bort windows XP patchen såstartar spelet igen.
Men det crashar både nu och då. Oftast när en strid ska börja.
Jag får ingen felmeddelande utan den bara låser sig och går tillbaka till windows. Vad ska jag göra?

ragnarok (2005-01-12)

download PSX emulator og ff7 for psx og spill det der. eller installer og kjør ff7 for pc på et eldre operativsystem. selv får jeg ikke dette spillet til å fungere i det hele tatt i xp uansett om jeg bruker xppatch eller ikke....

skylight (2005-01-14)

Help me!!!
the istallation was no prblem but when i have start the game, im only come to the "meny" New game,load game.
when i click new game nothing is happend, ( everything is black) :'(
HELP ME!!!!!!!

bufffe (2005-01-14)

e deta bara en patch

skylight (2005-01-16)

Nu funkar hela spelet :D
det ända som är dåligt med det är att en del ljud försvinner i en och annan strid...
t.ex. om man gör en magisk attack "Bolt" hör man inte alltid ljudet..

VoltaX (2005-01-17)

Hej, jeg har det problem at når jeg downloader selve spillet, får jeg HELE tiden de samme fejl at vide "bad data from tracker" og "problem connecting to tracker(10060 "opertation timed out") med ganske få minutters mellemrum... Jeg er på 96,4% og kan nu ikke komme videre, er der en der kan fortælle hvad jeg kan gøre?
- Tak

benben (2005-01-17)

chill.. jag seedar lite nu da;);)

TEM (2005-01-21)

Hej hej..... Jag har laddat ner det och installerta det men när jag ska spela så måste jag sätta in CD 1.... Någon som vet vad jag ska göra???

Buntalainen (2005-02-04)

Meh...du måste ju gå in på Deamontools och öppna bin filerna när d står att du ska sätta in CD 1...:P

Barritus (2005-02-08)

När jag har lirat ett tag så börjar det uppstå lite buggar i grafiken.. nån mer som har det problemet eller är det mitt grafik kort.. =)

Witz (2005-02-10)

mer seedare eller ök hastigheten plz går så jävla seg just nu

Witz (2005-02-10)

det går fortfarande bara på 20 kB/s :'(
kommer ta en evighet

Witz (2005-02-10)

men jag tackar dom som seedar som håller upp men såna småjävliga typer som jag som bara klagar :)

archape (2005-02-21)

fixat allt nu och funkar perfa.. fy fan vad bra spelet är alltså.. hade glömt bort det nästan..

archape (2005-02-22)

ibland så stängs spelet av förbjuden åtgärd efter filmsekvenser.. jag har inte installerat något annat efter spelet som någon patch eller så.. någon som kan hjälpa?

skumbanan (2005-02-24)

hey... i have a problem... when i press New Game in the Final Fantasy 7 Game menu it just turns into black screen... can anyone help me? plz... thx..

thebobsmiley (2005-03-04)

Nerladningshastigheten var verkligen låg i början men nu är den skyhög! Tar nog inte så lång tid innan jag kan instalera det här spelet. Bara jag inte får en massa problem som många andra... :p

thebobsmiley (2005-03-04)

Äntligen nerladdat. Nu ska bara instalationen bli färdig så kan jag nog komma igång med FF7 igen.

thebobsmiley (2005-03-04)

Någon som kan förklara vart musiken tagit vägen?
Eller är det ingen musik ett tag i början? Någon som kan förklara???

archape (2005-03-10)

anyone that know how to fix all the game crashes that happens at random points? its really frustrating!

Fiskaren (2005-03-18)

Patchen på e en broken link kan nån adda min msn [email protected] o skicka patchen te mig, plz?

Trullzan (2005-03-31)

använd daemon tools för att kunna sätta in cd 1

jonasforever (2005-04-12)

ska det inte vada ljud när dom slåss och så elelr e det bara musik hela tiden???

thanx (2005-04-24)

Kan någon säga mej hur man startar New Game. Jag kan bläddra med siffertangenterna till höger (8=upp och 2=ned) men jag kan inte starta det, dvs måste ha en Enter knapptyp.
Skicma svar till [email protected] så faen snabbt ni kan. Så kanske jag seedar leet till =P

thanx (2005-04-24)

Det är lugnt nu, men spelet stängs av efter typ första fighten.
Hur ändrar jag det?

mimer (2005-05-04)

Hmm alla verkar ha samma typ av problem för mig funkar det perfekt FÖRUTOM att datorn rebootar efter 2h varje gång jag spelar.. när jag installerade xp patchen så ersattes vissa filer..sen säger datorn till mig att några okända filer har ersatt xp filer.. antar att det har med det att göra.

Limmmao (2005-06-06)

Hey, the game is in english, isn't it? I don't speak swedish or polnish or whatever language are you fellas speaking.

sepatus (2005-06-10)

plz... help me when i start the game it all turn to black and tilt must i donwload a pach or something plz tell me thx

Dpixel87 (2005-06-18)

yes, it is in english Limmao ;)

Taeven (2005-06-19)

Is it midi music or the real music in this copy verision?
Är det midi musik eller den riktiga verisionen av musiken i detta spel?

Taeven (2005-06-22)

Please answer on my question, is it the original music or is it just midi music in this game????

OatmealNick (2005-06-23)

Maybe I missed something here, What's the difference between the Ultima Edition and the Regular game? Sorry for a noobish post if it was already stated. P.S. I (unfourtounatly) don't speak swedish so please if you will reply in English. Thanks

keisari (2005-06-23)

Will Chocobos evolving works in this game? In the version, what I have, Chocobos evolving doen't work. Experienses? Ni kan skriva på svenska, jag förstår svenska, men jag är dålig at skriva den. tackar och pokkar.

alankey (2005-06-25)

where do the save files get sent to i completed the game and now i want to cheat but cant get any trainers to work and i cnt find the save files to edit them help me plzzzzzzzz

alankey (2005-06-25)

woh!!! its sent my message 3 times dont know why sorry about that folks

loco123 (2005-07-11)

when i start up the game it turns black :S help me out plz...

tallfreak_jc (2005-07-12)

Maybe I missed something here, What's the difference between the Ultima Edition and the Regular game? Sorry for a noobish post if it was already stated. P.S. I (unfourtounatly) don't speak swedish so please if you will reply in English. Thanks

Fyllo21 (2005-07-20)

hej när man trycker på "new game" så blir det svart vad ska man gära? hello when i push "new game" it all gets black what shall i do?

aeglorre (2005-08-17)

this version works perfect , at least for me, ive got an amd 2800+, gforce 5700 @ 256mb , 756 mb ram..cant wait for advent children :)

Onitaru (2006-01-03)

Seed please

ESPerion (2006-01-12)

seeders please~ >__

D2666 (2006-01-24)

Can u play it on XP? U know, with out it crashes when you get to the cookobo race?

Woodymud (2006-01-27)

Angående Musiken så får ni gå in i Config inne i spelet så får ni höja volymen den är satt på 0 på musik så enkelt är det. Svart skärm ? Ladda ner

Det funka klockrent för mig på Windows XP Sp2
Gk & Hf

Alwintje21 (2006-01-29)

How to install the game, when i click Setup, nothing happens
can any1 help ?

malmern (2006-02-07)

Hi, how do get better sound?
The music is terrible midi!
It sounds alot better on psx!!
Anyone got any suggestions?

brianwolf (2006-02-13)

Thank you very much jocke_wi !!!!!
Arguably the best Final Fantasy ever in terms of setting and story.
D2666 -I have the Latest build of WinXPro and It is working great so far, all though I haven't made it to the Chocobo race yet.
lezbo007 -There are no image files, just two .bin files and a Setup file. Just click Setup and it will install itself on your PC.
If you want image files, there is another torrent that contains the disk images.

BigBallz (2006-02-15)

Funkar fint fint för mig..Tack så mycket!

ReapX (2006-02-16)

I have a problem
I installed the game and then I turn it on. The screen is black for a couple secounds then it comes up with Start New Game and Continue so I click on Start New Game and then the screen goes black and nothing else happens. What should I do. I have Windows XP.

middi (2006-02-17)

Kan någon Seeda snälla?

Nargathos (2006-02-19)

Reply to brianwolf:
"Arguably the best Final Fantasy ever in terms of setting and story"
this game is rly good, i dont know how many hours i spent in front of my platstation to this game back in the days. but the best ff game when it comes to story must be FF3 to snes!! ;D

erikfredriksen (2006-03-25)

Jeg laster ned med en fart på 140 kb/sec.
Er spennt på hvordan ff7 blir på pc. Beste spillet noen gang!

erikfredriksen (2006-03-25)

Der ja.. Nå har jeg installert spillet. Det virker fint på min pentium4. Bildet er veldig uklart synes jeg. Takk jocke! supert =)
Lenge leve cloud, tifa, yuffie, barret, cid, red XIII, cait sith, vincent, og reve. Gode tanker til Aeris og zack..

ABelovedMurder (2006-04-03)

I have the same problem as ReapX and I quote
"I have a problem
I installed the game and then I turn it on. The screen is black for a couple secounds then it comes up with Start New Game and Continue so I click on Start New Game and then the screen goes black and nothing else happens. What should I do. I have Windows XP. "

ABelovedMurder (2006-04-03)

is anyone able to help me out? it would very well be appreciated lol. and good day to you all lol.

blain78 (2006-05-16)

Funkar fint fint tack så jätte mycket =)

taggen_ (2006-06-25)

Hej. Hjälp mig.. Varje gång jag fightar med Yuffie och har klarat henne så crashar spelet. Jag kan inte prata me henne och få henne som gubbe. Det bara crashar när jag klarat henne. Hur ska jag göra? Hjälp mig snälla..
Help.. Everytime I win over Yuffie the game crash.. How do I do?

Blackwing Dragon (2006-07-15)

So many bloody noobs..
if XP patch isn't included, get it.
The sound owns, you're the noob who sucks. WE DIDN'T HAVE MP 3 BACK THEN.
Love it or leave it, but don't whine on a legend. FF 7 is the best (for PC)

PetterHalla (2006-07-18)

Hey! I have a laptop, and my controls aren't working! How do I make the controls work on laptop?
I don't have numpads...

z-the_ant (2006-07-18)

To ReapX
You might not have the right codecs. Try downloading the K-Lite codec pack from
(The bottom one)
To PeterHalla
The controlls are on the numpads by default. Try hooking up an external keyboard and see if you can sort it out. I couldn't find any way of editing the controlls outside the game, but someone else might have the key...

z-the_ant (2006-07-20)

For the numpad-problem, try checking this out. Don't know if it will work tho...

z-the_ant (2006-07-20)

Really sorry, but this is the correct site for that :S

budsen (2006-07-21)

Grymt kul spel

PetterHalla (2006-07-24)

Hey Z The Ant! I hooked up a keyboard and changed the controls, so now it works perfect! Thanks for the advice, I can finally play my favourite game again!:D THANK YOU

Mirwinator (2006-07-26)

I just wanted to write to say that this edition of FF7 for the PC is PERFECT. I've had no problems whatsoever (I have the k-lite codec pack and XP) and look foward to playing though this on a PC. One question, though; is there any way to turn on antialiasing or antriostropic filtering? If not, it's no big deal. I'll be seeding this for a long while; I hope everyone enjoys!

RetroMonger (2006-07-26)

I keep getting an error while trying to install that says
C://Program Files/Final Fantasy VII/data/midi/sf2/FF7.sft
It seems the source file is corrupted (or so it tells me). Redownloaded it once, trying again. Maybe it just a bad spot on my HDD ? /shrug

RetroMonger (2006-07-27)

Guess it was just my HDD. Got it againa and it's working fine now. Sorry about that.

-Machan- (2006-08-05)

Även om det inte funkar, så är det då fin upload ;P

p0etry (2006-08-09)

this is my first time here on this website
can anyone explain how to download the files?

_Whoopy_ (2006-08-10)

i dont know if u have a download program but if u dont u can download one from this site if u have done that go back to this page and click on '' download this torrent '' then u get a screen that says what files u ectualy download just say click on ok and the downloading starts if u dont understand it PM me ;)

Thai-N!sse (2006-08-14)

1# torrent!!!
Working too!!

Calmaa (2006-08-17)

This is the best game ever made!!

sparkmegikjeften (2006-08-18)

This is to "Blackwing Dragon"...try this: Reach for the power button on your it..wait..get up from your Lazyboy chair..tie your shoes...walk out the door..get some fresh a girl (or maybe you prefer a boy)...fuck...then fuck again. Voila! You have done something you should have done a long time ago...SO YOU STOP TRASHING DUDES THAT DO NOT SPEND ALL THEIR TIME ON BEING SUCH AN FUCKWIT LIKE YOU SEEM TO BE! Anwer the fucking questions...or for the love of antichrist: SHUT THE FUCK UP!....BIIAITCH! peace out

daneww (2006-08-22)

seed please

Jope92 (2006-08-23)

Works very fine. No problems at installation or gameplay.
Good game, or even much better than just good!

Genuphobia (2006-08-24)

Seed Please! I'm on 98.2%!
(If I get this Down, I'll keep it seeded)

zenintrude (2006-08-26)

just bin files... no cues?

kApTajN.HaDDoCk (2006-08-31)

Yes, please be so kind to seed!
this is a must have!
thanks in advance! =)

blackyuri (2006-09-02)

This game rules If you dont have 95 you have to switch the compatability then theres no problem. But wen i open task manager then put the game back on it crashes then restarts my computer, also wen i quit it wont go back on. Oh one more minor problem i was playing the game whilst charging my ipod wen it full chrarged i pulled it out of the usb port and the game crashed and said please insert disk one.
Soon as you learn to avoid the little problems this game is a must have

yoolle (2006-09-08)

I have downloaded the game succesfully, and when i open the game it just turn black and im facing windows again! What is the problem, Please help me
Jag har laddat ner filen , men när jag ska öppna spelet så är det bara helt svart sen så kommer jag tillbaks till skrivbordet (windows)

sho0oter (2006-09-09)

samma för mig, vafan.

snot2034 (2006-09-13)

im currently at the world map just before enterin junon when i go into the woods to get yuffie i fight an defet her but after the characters gets there exp points the screen goes black an the game crashes
any ideas on gettin yuffie

Tonze92 (2006-09-13)

Fucking seed motherfuckers :D

Xiimaro (2006-09-15)

HAHA Time for ff7 I'll Dl this game right now, please seed over the night :o)

Xiimaro (2006-09-15)

TY, 6 seeder, just hope the dl rate will get higher :o)

Xiimaro (2006-09-15)

awesome game, works perfectly. However yesterday i called my friend and asked him to bring his ff7 tp the ps1, i didn't know about the pc ver then. I'll tryout bouth and see wich one is the best.
ty jocke :o)

virus87 (2006-09-17)

seed!!plzz its going sooo slow. only 14 KB

jakEEm86 (2006-09-21)

Det ser ut som att detta är en ultimat Torrent.
Fungerande, lättanvänlig och det... BÄSTA spelet genom tiderna. (HL2 har inte kännsla som FFVII) för dem som inte har spelat det här spelet rekommenderar jag det MYCKET STARKT!
Tack Jocke. du e bara bäst!

nitor92 (2006-09-24)

to zenintrude...
Everything is already fixed. All you need to do is start the setup.

nitor92 (2006-09-26)

Det funkar så jävla bra!! Tack för ett bra spel.
Jag fattar inte varför alla har så mycket problem.... Jag bara ladda ner, installera och körde igång...

grytvik123 (2006-09-27)

Hi, can someone plz seed?
Thanks in advance=)

Rithual-RSG (2006-09-28)

Seed plz :) Really need this game. Cleared whole on Playstation but now my cds are to fucked up to play so i gotta download it :p
Pc ftw!
Thx /RSG

Rithual-RSG (2006-09-29)

Thanks so much. downloaded it in like 40/mb sek :) so i'm happy

Red_13 (2006-10-02)

Hei this is the best RPG ever. But it crashes when i come to place where i am suposed to race the Chocobo. Any one having the same problem?

Gwedde (2006-10-08)

e grafiken likadan som på ps1? ja menar vafan 1 gig låter ju ganska mkt

Gwedde (2006-10-09)

VAFAN hur ändrar man kontroller?! dom e ju helt CRAZY

tigerbuster (2006-10-10)

hiyas all any got any idea why i crashes in the very first fight of the game ?

Steinus1990 (2006-10-10)

you have to download the chocobo patch just search google for it ;)

tigerbuster (2006-10-10)

steinus1990 in what folder do i safe the file in ?

tigerbuster (2006-10-10)

nm hehe the 2nd quistion :)

tigerbuster (2006-10-10)

it can pach it, what do i do now ?

tigerbuster (2006-10-10)

it cant pacht the ff.exe file, what do i do now ?

cdexswzaq107 (2006-10-21)

Den funkar för vissa. För mig funkar den. Men inte på min förra data.

sepiwirl (2006-10-22)

Den som säger att det inte funkar är antagligen okunnig när det gäller data ! Det är inget fel, jag har redan kört igenom det 3 gånger, och visst knapparna är crazy, men man lär sig att spela med numpaden ;P

Linus343 (2006-10-23)

Hur seedar man?

Ippepippe (2006-10-28)

FAAAN ASSÅ dom säger bara att att dina konfigeringar inte stämmer överens med dina inställningar hur faan ändrar man så att det funkar !!!!!!!

Zidane-10 (2006-11-11)

Till Linus:
Du undrade hur man seedar...
När du har laddat ner en fil så låter du bara filen vara rör ingenting

Zidane-10 (2006-11-16)

har spelat ett tag och säger bara att det funkar perfekt riktigt kul och få uppleva legenden Cloud och gänget :D tack jocke_wi
Ni som har laptop och inte kan komma förbi menyn i början ladda ner en patch och lägg den i Den här
Fantasy VII
Skriver sidan i nästa post =)

Zidane-10 (2006-11-16)

Detta är inget virus tro mig!

Ha kul!

aeglorre (2006-11-18)

" aeglorre - 2005-08-17 04:31 GMT:
this version works perfect , at least for me, ive got an amd 2800+, gforce 5700 @ 256mb , 756 mb ram..cant wait for advent children :)
This is what I wrote... 1.5 years ago, in this same torrent, on page 3..And now Im back for this great game. New computer, awesome d/l speed (500+kb/s) and awesome game :) ... Tack för en riktig bra upload!

Hazazs (2006-11-18)

Hi, I have a problem, all the time I press on New Game, the screen turns black, I have a laptop, and got the laptop patch for the numpad, anyone got the same problem? I really want to play this game as my FFVII doesn't work anymore at my playstation :(

titilus (2006-11-30)

I don´t get it... it works perfectly on my laptop.
I just used a computer game pad=)

Linaxel (2007-01-18)

Can I play it with ATI video card?
I installed it without problem, after I select the New Game I can watch the Opening but after it I have just black screen and nothing happens.
I have XP and I already installed the XP patch.
Can someone help me?
PLZ in english. Thanks

Zea Moore4 (2007-01-26)

this is the shit right here. the very best that any gamer can be offered.
If u like RPG, this is the game.
Final Fantasy VII has year after Year gotten the award for greatest game ever by meny a mag.
If u like turn based RPG games, Greate music ( so greate thay have released all the FF fro 7 - ¨XI on an original sound track cd ) and a tutching storry and caracters u will love til u die. This is the legendary FINAL FANTASY VII ( now alsow in a movie and a third person shooting game continueing of the first game )

Fabbe131 (2007-02-11)

Funkar detta spelet? Nån som vet?

JaLLe_92 (2007-03-19)

Love this game, though it's lagging at Yuffie's forest. The game shuts down and you'll have to restart your computer. :/ Else it's awesome :D

usagi121 (2007-04-03)

umm i need to know how to controll this game at the sstart menu where it stands NEW GAME and Continue i need to know what buttons to press cuz none of mine is working
Jeg trenger hjelp på start menyen der det står new game og continue vet jeg ikke hvilken knapp jeg skal trykke
Vennligst svar snarest
Please answer soon

BamProd (2007-04-10)

Dammit... the game crashes when you flee from rocket town on the tiny bronco, right after you first meet cid. It had worked awesomely up till then.
Anyone else have the same problem?
I had the same problem when I played it back in 2004, from this very torrent. I solved it, but heck if I can remember how... I think I just installed it on another, older computer, and played through that particular part of the game, saved and transferred the saves back to my original comp.
I'll probably do that again. Maybe you can solve your problems by doing that aswell.
-A tip for people who have already played it through a long time ago: get the new mods and patches. You can pump up the graphics pretty much, even change the models on a lot of characters, so they don't look like lego figures, and more like they do in the battle screen. For a semi-computer savvy person, it's quite easy to do. A nice compilation of mods and patches is right here on Pirate bay, but I'm too lazy to link you. hah. good luck.

chrisse002 (2007-04-28)

If you dont get the game to run you will ned to run the file FF7Config.exe in the game dir! Make sure the settings are correct. The standard setting WONT WORK!

Tylleh (2007-05-12)

BamProd, any advice on where to find these mods?

ShadowStep (2007-05-15)

I recently downlaoded this game, which worked fine until I installed the patches. It makes the whole screen messed up. The patches I installed were the Animevamp's (Controversial) XP Patch and the Raphael Jones' NoCD Cracks. I can play the game, but as I said, the screen's all messed up. (And by the way, before installing the pacthes there were little red lines all over the place. Any idea what I gotta do to get rid of 'em?) Someone, please help as soon as possible.

cytalis (2007-06-10)

Hi. I have downloaded the game, but I don't get it to work. When I start the game I get a black screen and the computer nearly crashes, Ctrl+Alt+Delete; and back to windows.
I don't know what to do, gief help.

Gromonic (2007-06-15)

Hey guys anybody knows where i can find the laptop patch for this game? Please answer soon i'm dying to play this game.. It's my all time favourite :)

saga1e1kanon (2007-06-17)

I'm having the same problem as cytalis. Can someone help us?

Jermakki (2007-06-27)

Oh fuck, I want to Burn this game to CD's but that setup 1 is over 700 Mb and my CD's are only 700 Mb... Oh, and I dunno do I have to burn that Setup 1 and Setup.exe to same CD, Help please. Do I have to burn it on DVD?!!! Oh, It works!! It works!!!! yeahh!!!!!!

Benny_V (2007-07-10)

Brilliant Torrent, works completely fine :)
thanks very much

pbransford (2007-08-02)

Dumbass! Don't install the controversial patch AND a crack! You need to mount the dummy images! THERE ARE NO WORKING CRACKS FOR THE CONTROVERSIAL PATCH. YOU HAVE TO WORK AROUND THE CD CHECKS.

akaimeridia (2007-08-04)

Hi. I have Windows XP and I'm running this on a laptop. When I start the game, I am able to select "New Game", but after that, the screen turns black and doesn't do anything. Any ideas?

lahna1 (2007-08-05)


mad_trigger (2007-08-07)

i have the same problem as akaimeridia...

mad_trigger (2007-08-08)

i downloaded a thingy that someone here said, a k codec or smt , and now it works! :)

jere116 (2007-08-10)

hi i downloaded this game and it works but what are the buttons in this game???
im stuck in frint page...

jere116 (2007-08-10)

Any1 can tell me the buttons on this game???

mad_trigger (2007-08-11)

what kind of computer are u using? laptop or an ordinary pc who stands on the same floor al day long?
if you r using a laptop i highly recomend 2 use a joypad, and if you r using a ordinary, your controles are the numpad at the right side of the keyboard

mad_trigger (2007-08-11)

btw, i got stuck at the place were bugenhagen have talked 2 u about lifestream and so on, but the elevator just wont come down :/ dont realy remember what to do cuz it has been so long since i played this game...

tremelion (2007-08-25)


teeyuxuan (2007-08-29)

GUYS , i have a problem i need the first save point of the game.i dun noe why but my game can only load thru save point cant load thru new game.PLS GUYS PLS HELP ME , MSN ME [email protected] OR SEND TO [email protected] MUCH THANKS!!!!

xShadyImagex (2007-10-09)

It's like this and I'll make it simple..
I have Windows Vista Ultimate.. If that has anything to do with it...
I mounted setup-1.bin and then i double-clicked the application setup.. installed the game.. and the goodies that came with it... i dont know why there are 2 setup bins that came with it.. do we even need to mount those?? I installed the game fine... I go to start the game up and there's just a black screen.. People keep saying this, but I'm not hearing any answers.. Again, I'm using Vista Ultimate and I want to know why there are two setup.bin files.. and if we even need to mount those.. i've mounted both of them, but it won't let me "explore" each one.. i dont know what to do..

Pontusftw (2007-10-11)

I get the same problem as other people, i get to the "New Game/Continue" screen, and when i press "New Game" my screen just gets black and nothing happends. Please give me advice how to get it work i really wanna play this beautiful game

kadachi (2007-10-23)

when i start the game the entire screen is black, i can hear some sounds but can't see shit. How can i fix this?

Jermu1 (2007-10-30)

I didn't have any probs during installation of this game.. Thanks!

Johighnes (2008-01-07)

Works splendid, thanks alot for the upload. For you retards out there who asks for help for every little thing instead of just trying for yourselves abit, the buttons you use is the ones on the far right on the keyboard. ( 8-up, 4-left, 2-down, 6-right, 5-start aso)

sephiroth_with_a_gun (2008-01-21)

What? No .Cue files?!?!?!...... Oh well. I'll make my way around it, but it would've been nice if it were included. Thanx though. Nice torrent and download speed. Cheers!!!! ^.^

disabuse (2008-03-14)

Careful, I found I-Worm/Stration.GPB virus after installing.

shyster002420 (2008-04-16)

does anyone have an alternative to the PS chocobo race L1/L2+R1/R2 technique that works for the PC version? I've tried racing using the PGU/PGD keys but it doesn't work the same....
BTW, If this crashes for you when you get the Little Bronco (the airplane/boat) then replace the file >jairofal.avi< with any other of the movie files, renamed, as this file is corrupted. I had this problem too, and spend two nights drunk on rye, ready to throw my system out the window, until I realized the issue.

_jouniki_ (2008-05-07)


lenneheartbreaker (2008-05-23)

my game crashes at the cosmo canyon... after the shooting star video. it deosn't more like freezes. only the eyes are flickinering like they use to.... but nothing works, no menu or walking.... I already tried to delete the movie but then the thing doesn't work at all anymore :S
help please???

lenneheartbreaker (2008-05-23)

got it fixed.
so eveyone pay attention! it at least works in cosmo canyon... but it may also work if your game freezes at the date in Gould Saucer, with Aeris...
go to this page:

read it very carefully... if you don't understand it a lot, download the program (it has no worms or anything, it is okay to download!) and you unpacking program will tell you you don't have permission or something. so click-click and there, the program is running anyway...
start up the game and go to cosmo canyon or at some point there. then ALT+TAB and you'll have the little program again. press guard and you'll see the party and their location.
if you're game freezes, like mine after the shooting star fmv, you'll be in for a suprise, because, when you're on Guard, and ask bugenhagen to look in his laboratory, he now says'; nanaki blabalba... and you just skipped that all!
if you don't knwo what to do next then, you should go to the comso candle fire... or something. it is near the exit of cosmo canyon.
soo... that is how you fix this problem (and the date at gold c. ) :)
good luck... mm luvv this program :D

Letterh (2008-06-28)

I'm at the part where Bugenhagen shows cloud and his party the 'images projected on the screen' after i insert the key at the city of ancients. After he tells me to look at it screen turns black... what do i do?

Emberland (2008-08-20)

Is there any way to configure controls without entering the game? My laptop doesn't have a numpad, so I can't really do anything. Li'l help?

kittycupcake (2008-08-25)

alright, I have the same problem that everyone has
but I've downloaded the K-codec and the patch, but as soon as I start it, it's black to I press esc and it leads me to the new game, continue screen and as soon as I select new game, it goes black
can anyone please help me, I've tried everything

kittycupcake (2008-09-15)