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Sarah Palin Email Leaks






Sarah Palin Email Leaks




2008-09-18 (by Anon476)


Sarah Palin email leaks


  1. sarah
  2. palin
  3. leak
  4. emails
  5. sarah palin

Files count:



1.68 Mb




Anon476 (2008-09-18)

Will be uploading for next 16 hours at least, it's tiny but since wikileaks went down pretty much as soon as this was leaked it's kinda hard to find.

Anon476 (2008-09-18)

Oh and this is everything wikileaks released plus a couple of files (HTML and text) added by someone who re-uploaded it to rapidshare. Not much in it as you can see. I believe wikileaks may have more that isn't released yet, they said they may release more if it has political substance.

wehat (2008-09-18)

Wikileaks just got FBI'd...

xxan (2008-09-18)


LeonDSG (2008-09-18)

Please help out on this if you can. All the Wikileaks mirrors are timing out for some reason. Some SERIOUS sh** is going down and until we know what, we need to spread this far and wide. Palin could be investigated on corruption charges for this because it shows she hid official correspondence in personal accounts so as to avoid scrutiny.

reptoid (2008-09-18)

ARLINGTON, VA ? Today, McCain-Palin 2008 Campaign Manager Rick Davis issued the following statement concerning reports about Governor Palin's email and an invasion of privacy:
"This is a shocking invasion of the Governor's privacy and a violation of law. The matter has been turned over to the appropriate authorities and we hope that anyone in possession of these emails will destroy them. We will have no further comment."

optein (2008-09-18)

Where is the rest? You know someone has to have a full back up of her inbox somewhere.

Boombox666 (2008-09-18)

Good things. Ill seed for as long as I can. If there is any word on the back up file(s) on this, I hope it does keep on the dl until the time is right. This is how we fight back.

roldgold56 (2008-09-18)

I hacked into my GF Yahoo account before. It was so easy all I needed was he birthday.

optein (2008-09-18)

odulvai (2008-09-18)


Wieeeeeee (2008-09-18)

"we hope that anyone in possession of these emails will destroy them. "
When pigs can fly...
Seeding this forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever, etc.

Anon476 (2008-09-18) seems to have basically everything here. Can't really be bothered to check and compare since this is on different computer upstairs. But looks complete

Though since wikileaks seems to have been so quickly crushed I'd recommend saving a copy and seeding it, since there's no knowing how long until anywhere hosting the images gets a visit from the partyvan.

Neo-Leper (2008-09-19)

One question. What are all the hidden files in there,

Neo-Leper (2008-09-19)

Never mind about my comment. I think this is a problem at my end.

dobbiebarns (2008-09-19)

Bunch of jackels - How would you like your mail hacked.

Anon476 (2008-09-19)

dobbiebarns: Don't forget that it is a serious crime to use private email for government related work.
Hacking a private email account is wrong, but by using this for government related work she lost the right to call it a private account, she was violating Freedom of Information laws stating that all government emails must be archived.
I believe that Freedom of information and an open and transparent government are important, Sarah Palin herself claimed to believe that as well (though it's been made clear she was just lying to gather support), and that I why I uploaded this torrent.
Keep in mind I speak for myself only, I have no idea, nor do I claim to know, what was going through the head of the guy who got these emails, he may have been doing what he felt it was his duty to do, he may have been a hacker on steroids looking for lulz, I don't really care.

Barny_Fife (2008-09-25)

Palin has you all frightened because she "might" just be ethical. If the accounts of 90% of politicians were hacked, the uncloseted skeletons would have abounded.
Let's not forget, if you forsake McCain/Palin and opt for the socialist, white-hating anti-American. dangerously misguided alternative, you'll live to regret it. Of course, most of you Palin haters are EuroPinkoLeftys anyway and have no vote, THANKFULLY!
Now let's get over the orgy around this non-story re: emails and get back to trying to find some naked pics of Palin's hot ass. I'll seed THAT shit!

 CaptOmerta (2008-09-30)

Here is her as ..Miss Alaska 1984 =D

ajm4 (2008-10-12)

The hacker himself said there was absolutely nothing to do with government business in here...
Frankly every official in the country still has a private email address, for private matters, and you're all scum for going through it like this.
But hey, maybe she has the Bush 9/11 conspiracy tucked away in her Yahoo inbox!
Fucking idiots.

brianxxx (2011-03-31)

Ahh fuck her. She is a fucking retard. I don't like 90% of all politicians but she really is scraping the bottom of the outhouse hole!