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2007-10-12 (by Jontey)


0 0 0 0 00000 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0 0 000000000000 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0000 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0 0 000 00000 0 ------------------------------------0--0-----------------------------0------------------------------------------------------------ 0 0 0 000 00 This Is The Absolute NEWEST Pacsteam^ How To Install: 1: Download it :) 2: Install IT 3: Run The AutoUpdater (If one message comming up *extract* press it. 4: Start it 5: create an account !Dont Use Ure Bought ACCOUNT! Log in an old pacsteam account or make a new one :) 6: To start Steam Go To *My Computer - Lokal Disk - PacSteamT - Patches - PacSteam Client CRACKED.exe AND ENJOY :D 7*: * If Need Help Just write To Me .. ___ ___ _ ( _` ( _` ( )_ | |_) ) _ _ ___ | (_(_)| ,_) __ _ _ ___ ___ BY: | ,__/'/'_` ) /'___)`__ | | /'__` /'_` )/' _ ` _ ` | | ( (_| |( (___ ( )_) || |_ ( ___/( (_| || ( ) ( ) | : J (_) `__,_)`____)`____)`__)`____)`__,_)(_) (_) (_) @ O @ *************************** N * This version of PacSteamT * @ **************** Date Of Setup: 03-10-2007 ************** T * Updated To Version: 1.1 * @ ************************* E NOTE: when asked just press "Extract" . @ The "PST-TEMP" file can be deleted when done. Y ************************* Files installed: Cracked and Legit patchs HL1 and HL2 engine *************************

Files count:



10.95 Mb




Jontey (2007-10-12)


downloading king (2007-10-12)

gona see

Jontey (2007-10-12)


Erikssonjocke (2007-10-12)

ok.. i gonna download it and test it... if it works... yeah... lets se

Erikssonjocke (2007-10-12)

well... doesen't work for me... when I gonna install it, it hust comming up a damn window.. and it stand:
- "The steam servers are currently too busy to handle your request.
Please try again in a few minutes."
When I downloaded a pacsteam befor it was so too...

Jontey (2007-10-12)

have u run the aoutoupdater ? u started the cracked steam ? make a new account ! or reinstall it .. if nothing of that work write

Erikssonjocke (2007-10-13)

I mean... I can install steam but not the games..
It's then the windows com up...
" - "The steam servers are currently too busy to handle your request.
Please try again in a few minutes."

Erikssonjocke (2007-10-13)

Not on every games.. only cs, cs:s, dod,dod:s....
those games I wanna have...

xD_ude (2007-10-13)

When i click PacSteam Client CRACKED it come a window who says: "Failed to load SteamUI Localization file". what is wrong?

Jontey (2007-10-14)

Erikssonjocke ** okej some users have that problem , and i dont know how to fix it but u can try the pacsteam inventory and then CFG grabber .. or go to the install map My computer-lokaldisk-pacsteamT-GCF Link grabber.exe there u can *grab* the games .. if tha not work write again :)

Jontey (2007-10-14)

xD_ude ** try the PacSteam Client LEGIT.exe :) or try reinstall it ..

Erikssonjocke (2007-10-14)

What du you mean ??
"there u can *grab* the games... "
wait... you from Sweden... hu ??
Ok,,, i så fall :
vad menar du med : "there u can *grab* the games"
fattar 0...

Lotux (2007-10-14)

Seeda!!! är på 66.6^^

Jontey (2007-10-15)

der e en son sak CFG grabber de e typ en sak som tar ner spelet p[o ett annat sett :) hittar du ente de finns de i pacsteam inventory eller der spelet e lokerat lokal disk - pacsteamT

Jontey (2007-10-15)

ok startar nu :)

xD_ude (2007-10-15)

nej, ja fixade det. glömde bara uppdatera ^^ tröck på ikonewn med en röd pil å steam-kedjan.

xD_ude (2007-10-15)

Meh kolla; Jag har ladda tner cs source till 100% (tröck på cs source å "installera"). sen laddades det ner till 100%. jag kan använda ala 4 olika sorters terrorist-typer men när jag ska joina en server står det typ "warning:this account does not own this server" nåt i stil med det. vad ska man göra? jag vill kunna joina games. egna games kan ja göra, men jag vet inte om nån annan kan joina mina games. å när jag ska creata en server så finns det inga FY eller AIM (t.ex Fy_Iceworld eller Aim_colt, elelr vad den hette) n help

Jontey (2007-10-16)

xD_ude -: du eger juh nt accountet de fattar du sjelv .. det stor bara so po vissa servrar jatg vet ente me source men prova dem andra servrarna for jag spelar 1.6 och typ 10 av 100 servrar fo jag det meddelandet jag sjelv tar bara en annan :P.. mapparna moste du ladda ner genom ner du tex joinar en server so laddar spelet ner banan likadant me cs 1.6 , om du vill starta en server gor du in po steam och sen laddar du ner source dedicated server och startar upp servern do kan andra som spelar joina dej .. hoppas det hjelpte :)

Jontey (2007-10-16)

when u run the autoupdate? hmm u cant press next ? i had that problem on the old pacsteam but i just pressed continue and it updated it ive got 2 messages but it worked .. try that :)

xD_ude (2007-10-16)

bra att du svarar. andra som lägger upp torrents ba skiter it. du verkar kunna en del om detta åxå. =)

xD_ude (2007-10-16)

Jag har försökt joina 20 games nu typ, men det står bara: "disconnected: This steam account does not own this game. Please log in to the correct steamaccount." kommer inte in i ett enda game! jag gjorde en server med source dedicated server. (jag hade inte startat Cs:s utan startade det sen, men jag vet inte vart min server finns). Ja fattar fan inte mycket av detta, sorry.

xD_ude (2007-10-16)

jag hittade min egna server under fliken "Lan" men det står "Network=Internet" 0/18 players. nån som har fixat source å spelar över internet med pacsteam som kan säga hur ni har gjort?

penguin13101 (2007-10-17)

i installed this and it works fine but i can only install valve games.......
Any helps nice

penguin13101 (2007-10-17)

And for the "Failed to load SteamUI Localization file" the same thing happened to me so i clicked random stuff and it started working.
It was in the paches file thing i think it was Online mode or Update and it worked
Thats just for me though lol

Jontey (2007-10-17)

hehe jag har hollt po liite me de hehe legger upp lite torrenter do och do o hjelper bettre det en att legga upp monga om dagen o inte ha tid till att svara derfor svarar jag :) hoppas de funkar bra

Tom Hackers (2007-10-17)

???: "Platform Error: bad module 'bin/friendsUI.dll', not loading" What i missed or what i might to do?!

Tom Hackers (2007-10-17)

Okay... Where is cracked patch... Or why i see this window again (with "close this, run this")

Jontey (2007-10-17)

the cracked patch is located at the install location , check if u have run the autoupdate first !

Lotux (2007-10-18)

doesnt work^^

Jontey (2007-10-18)

then u have doing it wrong .. EVERYBODY DONT DOWNLOAD AND KLICK ONCE AND SAY *IT DOESNT WORKS * then buy the shit

xD_ude (2007-10-18)

jo, det funkar fett bra, men det går inte att joina servers. det blir disconnected å det säger att jag ska logga in med ett rätt steam-account. har testat typ 20-30servers men jag kan inte joina ett skit =(

Jontey (2007-10-18)

men det e source du spelar va ? prova condition eller 1.6 de funkar mycket bettre ner dett geller de problemet :)

xD_ude (2007-10-18)

ok ska gö det. har laddat ner 1.6 åxå å det funka men det va så jävla oskön grafik å ovant så isåfall kör jag nog condition zero. =) ska ba ladda ner det då sen har jag alla cs eller? xD

xD_ude (2007-10-18)

ska ja ta condition zero eller condition zero deleted scenes?

penguin13101 (2007-10-19)

When I try to play CounterStrike it loads up and says Error You don't own this steam account please log in again and shit
Whats wrong???
Please help!!

tjdehghanmanshadi (2007-10-19)

u guys i works prefctly if u change somestuff in it

Jontey (2007-10-19)

conditon zero ska du ta delated scenes e typ campaign

Jontey (2007-10-19)

tjdehghanmanshadi :
u cant fix that . its becuse u dont owns the steam account but which game u play? play cs 1.6 the error message dont comming up there so much maybe one time a day :)

Silverring (2007-10-19)

Jontey var e du ifrån!?

Jontey (2007-10-19)

sverige ^^ nej men skone vadodo?

simme_gamer (2007-10-20)

men det står ju Platform Error: bad module 'bin/friendsUI.dll', not loading. Vad ska jag göra för att få det att funka?? plz svara (tackar i förskott)

Jontey (2007-10-20)

har du startat auto updaten ? startar du rett crack ?

xD_ude (2007-10-20)

condition zero stängs ner sej självt hela tin. söker eter servers under fliken "internet" men den hittade bara 25 stycken. sen kommer jag inte in å många games alls asså, å om jag komemr in så loggar den ut från servern eller så stängs cs av pga nå fel. har itne cs:cz deleted scenes. har bara cz; tar 384MB. Äre nått ja missat eller?

Jontey (2007-10-20)

hmm de va juh konstigt for mitt 1.6 funkar utmerkt prova avinstallera o installera det igen o kor updaten :)

penguin13101 (2007-10-20)

This isn't working for me. I can't play online. I keep getting errors. And in Half Life when i climb up the ladder and go straight and make a few turns it freezes and goes back to my desktop.

Jontey (2007-10-21)

have u installed everything as it says ?? run the auto updater then reinstall the game if that not work try by yourself a little bit :)

xD_ude (2007-10-21)

det står typ "there are no internetserver that pass your ilter settings" när ja trycker på Find servers.(jag kör condition zero) men den hittar endå 24-26 servers.

xD_ude (2007-10-21)

å sen när jag väl kommer in i ett game blir det ofta: "You have been disconnected from the server.
Reason: Kicked: sXe injected is required on this server, dov" finns det nån typ sXe.dll fil som jag ska flytta till en annan mapp eller..?

Jontey (2007-10-21)

det e en sak du behover po vissa servrar de e anticheat ..

der e den nya sen ska de funka ner de geller de problemet :)

Jontey (2007-10-21)

Error:[Module not found []]
Error:[ SYSENTER / Int2E ALTERED [0x80532730][in]
download this program it shall fix it :)

xD_ude (2007-10-21)

står bara "The page you have requested could not be found. (404)" =/

Jontey (2007-10-21)

men kopiera den o skriv i den i explorer elelr va du anvender :P

Jontey (2007-10-21)

de funka so for mej iaf ^^

Jontey (2007-10-21)

adda min msn so snakkar vi der istellet ^^

floris12345 (2007-10-21)


floris12345 (2007-10-21)


Jontey (2007-10-21)

okey thats god and thx for the comment i presiate that very much :)

penguin13101 (2007-10-22)

I installed everything i was supposed to. But it still don't work...
Any help

Jontey (2007-10-22)

what error u get? havbe u run the autoupdater ? u start the cracked steam ??

Eemuman (2007-10-22)

it doesent work autoupdator has a error

Jonas12 (2007-10-22)

Är det jag som bara är blind, eller vart hittar jag autoupdatern? Where can i find the autoupdater?

tjdehghanmanshadi (2007-10-23)

dude i can't get in server s thas the onlu problem
i know i get in client cracked servers but i also want to get in steam server is there any way ido that becasue when i wanna do that it syas this account doesn't own this game so i can't get in
answer me, i'll pereciate it if u answer

tjdehghanmanshadi (2007-10-23)

actualy i get that thing evry time i want to play and also i don play cs and cz kuze i bought them but when i play css i get that

Jonas12 (2007-10-23)

Platform Error: bad module 'bin/friendsUI.dll', not loading
What is wrong? and the autoupter, where i find IT?

Jontey (2007-10-23)

Jonas12 : autoupdatern finns mappen som kommer i skrivbordet enr du installerat pacsteam mappen heter pacsteamT klicka po den sen pactseamT igen o autoupdatern .. den finns even der programmet e installerat :) hoppas de hjelpte :)

Jontey (2007-10-23)

hmm the problem is that u dont owns the account and its right the problem comed up in source? more people have got the problem but on some users they dont gett errors .. but the problem doesnt come upp att cs 1.6 so much .. i dont play cs source .. but test the other cs games ..there are nothing that can fix that problem i think sorry :(

Jontey (2007-10-23)

Eemuman : are u sure? try to reinstall uit and do as the info says write if u have problem after that .. and plz try :)

Jontey (2007-10-23)

sry if i wrote late.. i had internet problem and i got angry , but i fixed it :)

andro172 (2007-10-24)

If Steam Server are 2 busy just download this

There is a document how to get it to work ;) '

Jontey (2007-10-24)

lol u just steeled my torrent noob

andro172 (2007-10-24)

haha lol
Pensez, peut-être seulement affaire il de L'original Pacman!!
Donc actully ce n'est pas votre torrent!!!
Je pense que vous l'avez volé de Pacman quand il l'a téléchargé!!

Jontey (2007-10-24)

woot ? plz english man

knalleballe (2007-10-25)

vad skall man göra då, om servern är för "busy"?

romeil (2007-10-26)

this better fucking work jontey

romeil (2007-10-26)

all comments English plz

romeil (2007-10-26)

jontey i cant find client cracked.exe to start it plz help

romeil (2007-10-26)

because when i look in patches it isnt there

Jontey (2007-10-26)

knalleballe : om servrarna e upptagna prova att om installera , du kan osso prova uppdatera har du redan gjort de gor de iogen .. prova andra sepl om dem osso e upptagna :)

Jontey (2007-10-26)

romeil : u cant find the patch hmmm.. try to reinstall , check if u did all at is says in info to ..CHECK if u had run the AUTOUPDATER its very important ! write if it doesnt helped u :D

Erikssonjocke (2007-10-26)

jag har hittat problemet nu....
Det är fel på mitt "inventory"...
det kommer upp en ruta och där står det :
- Thank you for using Pacsteam.
Please run the AutoUpdator if you se this window... nåt sånt
Men efter jag har använt AoutoUpdator så kommer den där rutan bara upp igen....
Vafan ska man göra ??

Erikssonjocke (2007-10-26)

andro172: There is nobady ho seeding...
can't you seed little more ?

Erikssonjocke (2007-10-26)

knalleballe : If steam says - Steam server are to busy.... download this -

There is a document how to fix it..

knalleballe (2007-10-26)

lönt att länka till en död torrent :S

Erikssonjocke (2007-10-26)

jaa..... Fan vill ju ha documentet..
Meen dom seedar fan ju aldrig...
Jontey.. kan inte du seeda lite ?

Jontey (2007-10-26)

jo setter po nu

Jontey (2007-10-26)

check wich game that says the steam server is busy .. its not all game that the server is busy ! try to reinstall or make a new account can help :)

Jontey (2007-10-26)

there are also the CFG grabber in the pacsteam inventory try that IF u have the *server is to busy message*

wenon_15 (2007-10-27)

seeed please :-) Im stuck at 52.9% :-/
Please seed... Im gonna seed for a few days :-)

Fruside (2007-10-27)


Fruside (2007-10-27)

men grabbar var är den fina seedingen???

wenon_15 (2007-10-27)

Jontey; Må man laste ned den andre torrenten din og ?? Pacsteam på 34 mb eller noe lignende....

Fruside (2007-10-27)

hey wenon_15 you ain't doing it!!!
Fucking non truth teller!!!

wenon_15 (2007-10-27)

hey! Fruside; i had to restart my computer, im gonna seed now again ! ;-)
but is it someone else who can`t find the PacSteam Client CRACKED.exe ?? :-S

Jontey (2007-10-27)

i dont think u need to start the crack .. i helped one Wenon_15 and he started the pacsteamT that is located in the desktop klick on the map PacsteamT and klick on the other map PacsteamT then the shotcut pacsteamT then u come in :D (the map coming up in the desktop after u installed pacsteam)

Observer2300 (2007-10-27)

How does this work with the ISO orange box? Is it stressful? And seed please! its not even 2weeks old... Cant find ONE seed.

Observer2300 (2007-10-27)

Sorry my bad. I always talk before i think... Good speed!

Observer2300 (2007-10-28)

Theres no cracked.exe........... "Failed to load blablblabla." This aint working, too bad.

Observer2300 (2007-10-28)

Found cracked*.exe! I just needed to AutoUpdator after installing and updating pacsteam. Great shit!

radiantarchon (2007-10-28)

please seed

Jontey (2007-10-28)

god :D it has seeders but sometimes u gotta w8 then it comes very fast speed :D

COLDERx (2007-10-29)

C:S sucks.........................Shit games

toni2k7 (2007-10-30)

Does this allow me to play on steam servers? And VAC- - - Secured Steam servers? Or is this just for "no steam" shit?

toni2k7 (2007-10-30)

BtW seed godddammiTT : ))..

Jontey (2007-10-30)

this is exactly like steam and yes u can play on vac servers and u can play on all steam servers :)

Jontey (2007-10-30)

i play cs 1.6 and i find about 2000 servers to play on :D

lekasi (2007-10-30)

this is stupid. when i press auto updator it downloads new patch and when i try to install it is says this version of pacsteam has expired and it closes. what to do?!?!?!?!?!?

Jontey (2007-10-30)

are you sure u making it right?? are you using windows vista?

surmur (2007-10-31)

someone plz seed!!! no seeders at all

the_crazy_swede (2007-10-31)

man, if i would ever meet pacman who made this i would kiss his ass. i mean it. simply kiss it. nothing more. just...KISS IT!

Kommunist-Greger (2007-11-01)

Asså vafan jag har ominstallerat dehär nårra gånger men då har jag skitit i autoupdatern fast då stog det "steam servers are too busy at the moment. plz try again later" men sen läste jag infofilen och då stog de att man skulle fixa autoupdatern men det står bara "this version of pacsteam has expired. get the newest version on www.pacsteam.nåt" Vad gör jag för fel? de funkar inte?

Jontey (2007-11-02)

All that people who has the problem THAT NOT can update becuse a message comming upp it has expired , and u cant find the crack .. i have find out that problem !!!
u go to the lokal disk - pacsteamT - patches - and start the ONLINE mode.exe and u can see the icon *online patch* i dont remember exactly what happens with message and so on .. and i think it updates that way when u start that file *ONLINE mode.exe* then it says that u shall start the *SteamPatcher.exe* that had bin located in the pacsteamT so just press back , start that patch and then it stands press enter then patching ... done *patched 100 bytes* then it stands *prevent steam from updating patched files* THEN u write yes and press enter .. when it finished there are no patch u shall start so u can start the pacsteamT map in the desktop .. pacsteamT - pacsteamT then the pacsteamT file .. then just write ure account or make one then u have all the steam games :) that way fix so u have ll the games .. i have learned this becuse i have helped a lot of people .. -Jontey

Jontey (2007-11-02)

hoped that helped all of u that have that problem who dont find the patch just do as i wrote .. AND keep on seeding ;)

Erikssonjocke (2007-11-02)

Min "Updator" funkar inte...
Kommer upp 2 rutor som det står nåt på...
men man kan fortsätta..
Men då funkar inte min "Inventory" eller vad det nu heter.
Sen när jag går in på steam och ska ladda ner spel kommer bara den där jävla rutan upp -
> The steam servers are too busy at the moment. plz try again later.. ja...
Vad gör man !??

Jontey (2007-11-02)

det kan du ente gora nott ot o du sejejr att du nt kan uppdatera hur kan du do oppna o ladda ner spel ?

ApexXxi (2007-11-02)

This Working Dude! :D THX! :)

Jontey (2007-11-02)

Erikssonjocke : gor som jag skrev exakt! dem 2 kommentarerna precis ovanfor din gor exakt soo so kommer de funka men alla spela kommer ente funka o ladda hem so du vet .. men dem flesta :)

gaiza (2007-11-03)

Has enny one used this program on VISTA!? dont work for me. Lett me know if you have made it or not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jontey (2007-11-03)

gaiza : LOL read the instruktion ffs i have wrote every thing u have to doooo !! whats the problem if u dont find the crack do this !HEY GUYS !!!
All that people who has the problem THAT NOT can update becuse a message comming upp it has expired , and u cant find the crack .. i have find out that problem !!!
u go to the lokal disk - pacsteamT - patches - and start the ONLINE mode.exe and u can see the icon *online patch* i dont remember exactly what happens with message and so on .. and i think it updates that way when u start that file *ONLINE mode.exe* then it says that u shall start the *SteamPatcher.exe* that had bin located in the pacsteamT so just press back , start that patch and then it stands press enter then patching ... done *patched 100 bytes* then it stands *prevent steam from updating patched files* THEN u write yes and press enter .. when it finished there are no patch u shall start so u can start the pacsteamT map in the desktop .. pacsteamT - pacsteamT then the pacsteamT file .. then just write ure account or make one then u have all the steam games :) that way fix so u have ll the games .. i have learned this becuse i have helped a lot of people .. -Jontey

gaiza (2007-11-03)

done everything u have said Joney. I have the games up, but when im trying to install a game an error pop up:
The steam servers are too busy at the moment. please try again later.
By the way i still cant open the PacSteam Inventory, but i have all the games on steam :S

Jontey (2007-11-03)

okej but test to download the other games like counter strike 1.6 test half life 2 ..

gaiza (2007-11-03)

cant Joney. ....server is to busy. -.-'
I can download the smal games, i have tried a few like Heavy Weapon Deluxe, Zen Of Sudoku,Pizza Frenzy and Dynomite Deluxe...
Do u got a mail i can contact u on? Just make a fake one if u dont want to tell it ;)

Jontey (2007-11-03)

hehe u can add it ..

gaiza (2007-11-06)

I have tried to install PacSteam for a week now. Just cant get it work.
A tip to all of you, dont even download this torrent. First of all its just crap, and second of all Jontey dont know a shit about the program. Even he cant get it work.
So thanks Jontey your help on MSN dident help me a shit. 15 hours trowed away....

Jontey (2007-11-06)

lol u helped u , u started it and the games was there but u got the message *the server is to busy * many users get that error on some games but u only compained when i helped u , and i got mad ^__^ u dont even said thanks , not my fould that the server is busy to download so dont complain me gaiza but u can download some games .. i can understand u that u are angry to me .. but the program works for all versions of windows and so on .. i gonna release same pacsteam but with a BIG help file :)

sakash (2007-11-07)

Ok I need some help here guys,
When i start CSS and I try to join a server it sais
" This steam account doesnt own this game, log in with an other account "
Is there a way to fix this or cant i play CSS online ?

Jontey (2007-11-08)

u can play cs online but on some servers (moost in ccs) it comes a server that u not own the server and u dont own the account as u know .. test another server :D

sakash (2007-11-08)

Ok, Thanks

alphabrian (2007-11-10)

The autoupdater doesn't work
I went to the site
the site no longer exists
u can't update, therefore, u cant get the crack, therfore, u can't play
Jontey: u should upload another version which has the crack files already in it so we can all do this quick and easy

Gabbe23 (2007-11-10)

Thiis fuucking shiit needs some fuucking seed maan XD
I hope it works, beacuse i have waited a LONG time for this shit to come up at thepiratebay ...
aand i know my english is good XD and u know what (i know ur not going to believe me) i'm only 12 years old :)

Jontey (2007-11-11)

alphabrian - if the autoupdater dont work u most do a nother way to install it :)
there are many different ways to upload .. but i upload same version with a help file on every way to install i can :) .. i start to write it now :)

Jontey (2007-11-11)

thats my new upload with the help download that .. it stands everything in it .. ! if u have problem with autoupdater and that .. !

Jontey (2007-11-11)

Ive made a new one with all game names to !

Jontey (2007-11-11)

i have problem with my new torrent (pacsteamT with manual) but i try tomorow .. be patient :D

b12345andy (2007-11-14)

Hi m8 i have dowloaded this and followed all your instructions and work perfectly but i cant find PacSteam Client CRACKED.exe for number 6. Please help you can reply either on this or at thanks again nice forum

b12345andy (2007-11-14)

Hi works now got list of all games but it keeps saying servers too busy is this normal?? and can i do anything about it thanks andy

Jontey (2007-11-15)

yes is normal some have it more and some have it less .. so its just to accept it .. but u can download some game i hope ?

Jontey (2007-11-15)

my new torrent release .. the same pacsteam .. but with all info-and help u need .. even thje crack is included if somebody wants it :)

Noobking (2007-11-27)

Im exited!!!! i cant wait till its done!!

xD_ude (2007-12-05)

Jontey(eller jonte du kanske heter) på CS v1.6 har jagf alltid fått upp 2k-2.5k servers, men nu får jag bara 180, och en gång fick jag 40. vad är problemet / vad ska jag göra?
detta pecsteam heter på min dator "PacSteamT" (t:et ska vara med) och det förra (gamla versionen) hette bara PacSteam, den tog jag bort. skulle jag ha kvar den? kanske har nånting med det att göra, eller?

Dj-Magno (2008-01-18)

Jontey vrf står det "The Steam Servers Are Currently To Busy To Handle Your Request, Pleas Try again In A Few Minutes"
Har haft lite problem med det...

abbe666 (2008-02-19)

"The Steam server is too busy to handle your request." The only games I can download is Half-life and CS Source. Almost everybody seems to have a problem with it. Is it anyway to fix this?

What-The (2008-02-26)

To Gabbe23
Who the fuck cares about your freaking english and you know what i was better than you at english when i was 8 years old you know why the answer is that i am from ENGLAND you BASTARD

What-The (2008-02-26)


What-The (2008-02-26)

makes your computer very slow= PacSteamT, PacCafe and PacSteam

magno93 (2008-03-25)

Can s1 help me whith Auto Updater.... I have a huge problem =( plz Help me m8ts =)

user1238 (2008-04-11)

AutoUpdater error:
failed. blah blah...
there are no updates availble.
also there is no PacSteam Client CRACKED.exe anywhere.

Andersson___ (2008-05-10)

Hey Jontey Plz Write To Me And Help Me, I Can't Find PacSteam Client CRACKED.exe In My Patches Folder, Plz Help

xD_ude (2008-06-17)

look in
pacsteam>pacsteam inventory>pacsteam client cracked (i think its named so)

xD_ude (2008-06-18)

fan jag får bad module error bui/friends.dll eller vad det heter :@

xD_ude (2008-06-19)

fixade det nu med steampatcher. men har ett nytt problem, när jag ska ladda ner cs så står det typ the server is too busy to hande your request" vad ska ja göra?

lunzick (2008-11-01)

Heeey Guays !
Look at this[updated]._All_games..

Made with crack from d4rkm4nx
And Steam Buster from SASIOâ?¤
Cracked Server Network ( CSN ) from |2eM!x
Thank you all for making PacSteam possible and the BEST working
cracked steam client EVER !!!