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Democracy Now - 03 sep 2010




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Democracy Now - 03 sep 2010




2010-09-03 (by Anonymous)


An alternative daily newschannel. One hour with news as you do not see it elsewhere. Headlines for Sep 03, 2010 - Another Oil Rig Explodes in Gulf of Mexico - BP: Denial of Drilling Permit Threatens Gulf Coast Claims - Calls Grow for Offshore Drilling Ban - US Accused of Killing 10 Afghan Civilians - Main Afghan Bank Faces Collapse - Israeli, Palestinian Leaders Agree to Further Talks - Settlers: "We Are Building" All Over West Bank - Companies Passing on More Healthcare Costs to Employees - 4 Accused of Coercing 400 Thai Workers into Forced Labor - LA Garment Factory to Pay Workers Unpaid Overtime, Allow Monitor - Environmentalist Sentenced to 4 Months for Accepting Facebook Friend Request Special reports - Another Oil and Gas Rig Explosion in Gulf of Mexico Renews Calls for Offshore Drilling Ban Another oil and gas rig exploded yesterday in the Gulf of Mexico, renewing calls for the government to impose a ban on offshore oil drilling. The fire broke out on a rig operated by Mariner Energy Thursday morning about 100 miles south of the Louisiana coast. The rig was anchored in 340 feet of water, relatively shallow compared to the BP Deepwater Horizon, which exploded in April setting off the worst oil spill in US history. - Educators Push Back Against Obama's "Business Model" for School Reforms It's back-to-school season. As millions of children around the country begin a new school year, the Obama administration is aggressively moving forward on a number of education initiatives, from expanding charter schools to implementing new national academic standards. We talk to Karen Lewis, the president of the Chicago Teachers Union, and Lois Weiner, a professor of education at New Jersey City University. - Study: CEOs Who Fired Most Workers Earned Highest Pay A new study shows the CEOs who fired the most workers during the economic recession have also taken home the highest pay. According to the Institute for Policy Studies, the CEOs of the fifty corporations responsible for the worst layoffs were paid an average $12 million—42 percent more than the average for the Standard & Poor's 500. - Flood Refugees in Karachi Relief Camp Complain of Government Corruption and Inefficiency It's been a month since torrential rains triggered the worst floods in Pakistan's recent history. Nearly 20 million people are homeless or hungry, with one million people displaced in the past week alone. The official death toll is at 1,760 but is expected to rise as survivors are threatened by diseases. Madiha Tahir, a freelance journalist in Pakistan, files a report from the Razzaqabad relief camp in Karachi.


  1. World
  2. News
  3. Alternative
  4. Democracy
  5. War
  6. Peace
  7. Oil
  8. Drilling Ban
  9. Afghanistan
  10. Israel
  11. Palestina
  12. West Bank
  13. Healthcare
  14. Forced Labor
  15. Salaries
  16. Facebook
  17. School
  18. Unemployment
  19. Karachi
  20. Flooding

Files count:



436.18 Mb

