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BLAX41 - The Nightmare Before Christmas - The Angrysvn Special E






BLAX41 - The Nightmare Before Christmas - The Angrysvn Special E


Video/Movies DVDR


2008-04-01 (by Blaksvn)


******************************************************************************* SINGHAHAHAHAHAHAWHILEHAHAHAHHAHAHYOUHAHAHAHAHAHHAMAYHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHBLAKSVNAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHA ******************************************************************************* ..,,,,,,,,,,,:::. .~.,,,:,,,,..,,,,,,::. ,..==+~,,,,.,.,.,,,,,,:. : ,++MMMD:,,...,,,,.:=$II. .,.,~MMMNNMM$:::,,::=+IMMM7=. , .,?MMM666MM,:,,,,:MMMMMMM+= ...,,,MNMNNNMM,,,,,,~~NNNMMM~~ .,,,,,,.8M,:,,,,,~~:~:NNMNN.,= :M:,,,,,,,,,,,,..DD~~M~=:,:.,,:=. .:M:,,,,,,,....,,:::::~=~::::~~=. .,.M,,,,,,....,,,,:~~~~=~~~~~===. =:,..::,,,,,,,,::~~~==========+, ~~NN$::,:,,,,:::~~~====++++++O. ~~.:N:.,:::::::~~=====+++??+8 ~~~~:.ZNI::::~~~===7+??7$IN? .===~~::::O,:=~:==MMMMMM?+I =======~~~===++++$???I 8 ..++++++++?+??????. . MN .??I$777.. . D8. .::~+I7$ ?DDM :::~+I7. MNNN :::~+?I. .. 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O7I?IDN,=,,...,,...........78O.DN=$78MN8MDN. .:.MDD=MM,,,...............,MM?N.MMMM?DMNMNNNN I:.N=N D~,................~MNM.M?.M,MMZNN MNNM .~M,?D~M:..,..... ........,MMDM8.MM,IDMMNN . 8Z ..M+M7DMD................,=$MM8N8MM7M7ZNNN ******************************************************************************* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA ******************************************************************************* We would like to state that this particular NOT FOR PROFIT fan created film editing project is intended ONLY for those very unfortunate fans that do not have access or the necessary skills to achieve a "Fan Edit/Synchronization" and should be only be used for private home viewing, research or educational purposes; please do not support piracy, you must own/purchase an official DVD and CD to protect your license. This DVD should be freely distributed via trade or download among legitimate owners of the official DVD and never, ever sold for profit. Word to the Spookies... Rikter Blaksvn & Angrysvn Productions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** JUST WHAT IS THIS TORRENT? *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some folks seem to think that my NFO's are a bit vague, so here is the lowdown on this DVD. It's a fan edit/ synchronization of the film The Nightmare Before Christmas and the 2nd disc from the 2006 Special Edition Soundtrack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** FEATURED FAN EDIT/SYNCHRONIZATION *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Nightmare Before Christmas - The Angrysvn Special Edition I first got the Special Edition soundtrack in January of 2006, I had the original but the 06' edition featured a second disc with demo tracks as well as a few cover songs by artists such as Marilyn Manson, Fallout Boy and Fiona Apple. I thought it would be neat to sync the cover songs up with the DVDÃ This is the result and as with the Lateralus & â??nima discs this DVD also features a Stereo Linear PCM audio track preserving the uncompressed audio fidelity of the original CD. Diggity! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** RELEASE TECHNICAL DETAILS *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BLAX41 - The Nightmare Before Christmas - The Angrysvn Special Edition DISC SPECS Type................: DVD Movie Platform............: VIDEO_TS, AUDIO_TS and DVD-Rom folders Burn Tested.........: Yes Video Format........: DVD/VOB/MPEG2/720x480/16:9/NTSC Audio Format........: Stereo Linear PCM 1536 Kbps (16 bits @ 4800 kHz) Size................: 3.61 GB RELEASE DETAILS Type................: Fan Edit/Synchronization Fan Editor..........: Rikter Blaksvn Creator Catalog.....: BLAX41 Genre...............: Stop Motion Animation Disc Creators.......: Angrysvn Productions & Rikter Blaksvn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** POST INFORMATION *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted by............: Blaksvn Torrentz Date Posted..........: 4-1-07 Tracker/Sites........: In this torrent you'll find 1 - VIDEO_TS & DVD-ROM folders all set to burn! 2 - This NFO file PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE!! 3 - Custom DVD art by Rikter Blaksvn! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** VIEWING NOTES *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - For best results enjoy with an ice cold beverage and a tasty treat - Spark it if you have it! - Pay it Forward - Word to the Spookies... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** SEEDING AND DISTRIBUTION *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. If this title is uploaded to another tracker PLEASE retain all files. 2. Please DO NOT alter the NFO, DVD-Rom or layout 3. I do not reseed; it's up to the community to keep it seeded. I'm asking for your Promise to SEED as long as possible and to also copy this disc as any times as you can and then give or trade copies to EVERY fan you know! This will help prevent the Darkside Dealers (eBay/comic shop sellers) from selling copies for $50! PLEASE - DO NOT sell this for profit. If you bought this DVD from eBay or iOffer you've been duped, suckered and hoodwinked. This DVD was intended to be distributed within the DVD trading community for FREE or just the cost of a blank DVD and shipping. I do not want anyone to feel that I'm attempting to exploit these wonderful works. I just want to share these with other fans and at the same time keep the Trading Universe Alive and free of hooligans! Smackin' down the forces of the Darkside. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** BLAKSVN-TORRENTZ INFORMATION *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All titles that we share are either known to be Fan created Preservation efforts, Fan created Edits, OUT-OF-PRINT titles or titles that are not YET available on any "Official" currently produced DVD, Laserdisc or VHS release. We will not offer any titles that are copies of available "Official" DVD's via torrent or trade. SO PLEASE purchase or acquire via trade any OFFICIAL copies of these titles when possible (i.e. Laserdisc, VHS, CED or DVD) Information in any torrent posted by Blaksvn-Torrentz that is NOT 100% accurate will be corrected. I will update that information with what I believe is the correct information when it is passed on to me. I will ALWAYS give the proper credit WHEN I have this information. If I need to "attach" credit to an existing set please contact me directly via email again PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE contact me and include any proper NFO, TXT or Word DOC that you may have so that I can include this information with any future Torrent releases. SO, if I post a torrent and I have NO information about said torrent - I will post what information I have via an NFO; if the release does not already have a known title or name, I will again place a temporary name on the set until a correct name can be established. - I will no longer use any information gathered from any forums or newsgroups as this information will be considered strictly hearsay (unless the information is posted by the KNOWN source then it can be called canon). Again I will ALWAYS try to give the proper credit but this is only possible when I have this information. ALL Personal information (i.e. emails, names, dates and places) will ALWAYS remain CONFIDENTIAL and undisclosed. Rest assured I keep no records of any contact information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** MAD PROPS *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to those that made this shared DVD/Torrent possible! My Wife and Spookies, Los Hermonos Blaksvn, Zapp Rowesdower, The CBB Group, Crappy Logo Productions, FanFiltration, ADigitalMan, MagnoliaFan, BitTorrent Technology, all my supporters on the zillion forums I troll and a extra special thanks to Tim Burton and of course the bands! Word to the Spookies... - Rikter Blaksvn eNd BlaKsvN TraNzMiZsionzz

Files count:



3705.79 Mb




TARDISMan2008 (2008-05-30)

Plz Seed... stuck at 72.7%.

TARDISMan2008 (2008-05-31)

Wow! a whole .1% seeded. now stuck @ 72.8% for a whole day. plz seed longer than 30 seconds. thx

TARDISMan2008 (2008-06-01)

thanks for seeding again. sorry about the attitude earlier i was slightly upset about other things.

TARDISMan2008 (2008-06-03)

plz seed again. been stuck @ 77.6% for a couple of days. i will tell you when i get to 100%

TARDISMan2008 (2008-06-04)

never mind. u torrent is telling me that the availability is .775. which, according to all of my assumptions, means that there is not a single available full copy that is being uploaded at the time. if anybody has a full copy, please send an Email to aaamailbox1 at yahoo dot com

Jadian-Star (2008-09-05)

If anyone knows where I can get a copy of this plesae e-mail me at [email protected]