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How the Earth Was Made (History Channel - Complete)






How the Earth Was Made (History Channel)


Video/HD - TV shows


2009-08-22 (by eddie1969 )


TV : Documentary : HD : English The History Channel's How Life Began HDTV Video codec: x264 bitrate: 3,100 kbps resolution: 1280x720 aspect ratio: 16:9 runtime: 1 hr 30 mins 46 secs Audio codec: Dolby Digital AC-3 bitrate: 384 kbps From a once seething, hellish mass of molten rock to the world that inhabits life today, take a rollercoaster ride through the entire history of Planet Earth. It's a 4.5 billion year epic, a story of unimaginable timescales, earth-shattering forces, incredible life forms, radical climates and mass extinctions. Discover how the continents were formed, canyons were carved, and why the world's animals live where they do. **Warning** My DVR didn't record the last 15 seconds of the program, so I added the last 15 seconds from a SD copy of the program so you will notice the video quality is very poor during the last few seconds of the credits PS. This series is not suitable for creationists as it gives a scientific explanation for the earth's birth and evolution, ie. more Richard Dawkins/Albert Einstein than the Bible! Enjoy and Seed!!

Files count:



2262.19 Mb




Christian777 (2009-08-23)

Another feeble attempt from evolustionist to try to spread their religion as some kind of science.

Christian777 (2009-08-24)

Sorry mac, but by claiming that evolution is a scientific theory, you clearly show that you have no knowledge of scientific methodology what so ever. It was a thesis witch never made it passed the antithesis.
Nor it is observable but a lower religious beleivesystem like the other nature religions, nothing else.
So throwing insults at people with another religious believe at yourself does not make your religion more credible.

aduma1984 (2009-08-29)

Guys, lets go back to Einstein and his relativity..Nothing is perfect or stable or fixed..
I will comment on the quality after I see the torrent

Christian777 (2009-08-29)

@aduma1984: Well said, Einstein once said the maybe wisest thing any scientist today can utter:
"The more I learn, the more I realize I don't know. The more I realize I don't know, the more I want to learn..."
A truly great scientist who actually had some understanding on how few questions truly are answered and how vast the amount of questions are that remain.
Einstein by the way believed in the Hebrew God.

jiggus77 (2009-09-02)

Christian777 you fucking idiot, Einstein was an atheist. Full stop.
His use of "God" as a term was a metaphor. I will leave it as an exercise for you to look up Dawkins' explanation of it. You will find it in "The God Delusion".
Moreover, the bible is full of internal contradictions, as is the concept of the Abrahamic god itself. As Dawkins rightly puts it, religion makes a virtue of non-understanding. What a virtuous chap you are.
Evolution is not "just a thesis which never made it past antithesis". If you don't think a "mere" theory is dependable, don't go driving over bridges, ever again, for your own sake. They are constructed according to Stress Theory. Also, don't sing any hymns. They're written according to Music Theory.
That you think evolution by natural selection can be dismissed on the basis of the word "theory" shows you have no understanding of science whatsoever. As Dawkins (again) puts it, if you would like to challenge the theory of gravity, you are invited to do so by jumping from an eighth-storey window of whatever building you choose.
As a final point, evolution by natural selection is quite clearly NOT a religion. It is a scientific principle every bit as valid as the theory of gravity. Do not tar it with the same brush as your Bronze Age mysticism. That's a cheap tactic, transparently so, which fails in its attempt to make your insane dogma seem intellectually respectable.
Evolution by natural selection is an unassailably sound theoretical framework. Religion is an outdated collection of myths, postulated by unsophisticated people struggling to make sense of the natural world in an age before mass education, and perpetuated by those with a vested interest in it and those too stupid or too brainwashed to see that.
Please, please, please, be my guest - get fucked.

Christian777 (2009-09-02)

@ jiggus77 and - piss -
Give it up, none of you guys have read the bible nor have you ever read "Origin of the species", I have read both and I have also read the theory regarding intelligent design witch is far more plausible as an explaination to the Origin of the species than evolution.
And to you jiggus77, Evolution is NOT a theory but a thesis, witch as said before never made it passed the Antithesis, hence is falsely labeled a theory.

mu2143 (2009-09-02)

Well if you want some proof research it your self!!!
A good secptic would research it instead of ignoring it or going in to denail.
All main steam science is controlled by a view people as well as your so called goverments.
Second the bibile is symbolic and the great flood did happen.!!!
Our real History is being suppressed,because if we would all found out what realy happen then you would be pissed.
Fact! our last civilization selfdestructed in full blown Nuclear war. proof of this you can find your self, there is Ruins all over the place . This happen about 4000 years ago
This civilization technology was something like us being in the 24/25 century.
All Religions where created to control people and to mislead us.
In other words your living in lie and this civilization is going to end. Which one is it going to be you going down in Denail and Ignorance or will you find out the facts and live on to see the new FREE world!!!!!!! because we are slave people now and not free person
Free people do not need to pay to live on a planet they are being born on!!!!
For more info go to

Christian777 (2009-09-04)

By the way, a thesis witch is believed in after failing to make it passed the anti thesis, is no longer a thesis but a religion.
Hence, evolution is not science but a religion.

honkhonkmeepmeep415 (2009-09-09)

> Christian777:
>By the way, a thesis witch is believed in after >failing to make it passed the anti thesis, is no >longer a thesis but a religion.
>Hence, evolution is not science but a religion.
"It is spelled which not witch as in some who practices magic or other forms of witchcraft anyways since when was it the christian thing to DL pirate copies, is that not stealing?.........It sure is not borrowing lol, anyways you should go somewhere else if this is not your thing, why hate on people's interests? Hate is also one of your "Christian" no no's, well have a good day.

evillusion (2009-09-30)

Judging by the spelling mistakes and the intelligence level, Christian must be around 11 years old so we must forgive him.
As for creationists, KILL EM ALL! Let the worms shit them out :)

aduma1984 (2009-10-23)

this turned personal or im mistaken?
Ok, religion is a theory.. at least I hope you'll agree with me on this, since not everything is proved by experiment.. let me put it this way, one of the great scientists, Jesus, came out with a theory of God's existance called the Bible, together with many other sub theories. No one managed to prove it yet, still many thins its true.
on the other hand, the great prophet Einstein, believed in a set of principles that control some aspects of the universe, and put it as the holy E=mc2. Though, none could prove yet, still many believed in it and followed him.
This is the case with many prophets and scientists.
Now, I dont know why I wrote this. It should be a place to comment the quality of a torrent, and say thanks to the uploader, which I like to do it now.
Thanks uploader. Good quality, good content, good night.
one last thing. The knowledge is holy, God is knowledge..once humanity figures this out, i think things will go much more smoothly.

ernanskie (2009-10-31)

See feeble minds of men trying to find God thru a test tube?
No wonder men thought monkey as their ancertors.
if men can find God thru science He is not God, for He is as weak and shallow as men.
As what the Bible says " what is wisdom to God is foolishness to men, and wisdom of men foolishness to God".

G33KFactor9 (2009-12-13)

WTF is all this ??? come-on man..... simply put, there is a clear proven path through science and experimentation, Evolution is not a myth or a damn belief!!!! In our time we have witnessed it within ourselves, and proven life is constantly adapting or changing to meet the immediate and long-term (genetic) needs of our vessel. A person would be insanely ignorant to deny that fact, and it will continue til we evolve to the point of extinction. The other side of the argument as to beliefs and faith in religion today!!! Religion spawned as a population control device, it has given our species hope and courage in the face adversity for thousands of years maybe millions. A certain few ( as you see today ) saw an opportunity to exploit the ignorance and become an icon of hope for the time. The bible is simply tales and legends compiled to a book and called to be as the directives for our future. Good or Bad, we need religion to answer the questions in life we cant quantify with our sciences. there is no magic in the Universe, we just dont know how it works yet, we are made of all the same energy and matter throughout the entire Universe. so we hope! Queue the Harps!!!!

unlord69 (2010-02-13)

Christian777 and all other religious people are retards its that simple...

Gordan_Cable (2010-03-03)

Obvious troll is obvious. Do not feed the trolls.

nukethem (2010-07-12)

Unfortunately you ALL have it wrong. I believe in Geppettoism. Long ago, we were all made of wood, until Geppetto came along and turned us into real boys and girls.

Lars-1 (2010-09-18)

I find it hard to understand why those who believe in an all knowing, all powerful but most imortantly an ETERNAL God do not believe in evolution.
If I were such an entitly, I would enjoy watching the eternal process unfold and perhaps reach in from time to time to influence the direction of my evolving creation according to my pleasure. Lots of time to mould, tweek build and polish; one genetic change per 1000 generations.
The six day biblical story was created allegorically to explain creation to folks who could count as high as the number of sheep and goats they had!

arttd (2013-01-05)

@aduma1984: Come on man! Let them go at it. Personally I'm enjoying watching these idiots sling insults using poor grammar, and even worse spelling. Hilarious! Carry on boys...

arttd (2013-01-05)

@aduma1984: Come on man! Let them go at it. Personally I'm enjoying watching these idiots sling insults using poor grammar, and even worse spelling. Hilarious! As you were...