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Do As I Say (Not As I Do) Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy






Do As I Say (Not As I Do) Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy


Audio/Audio books


2006-01-29 (by spaminator)


Audio Book. Mp3 Format 192kps Split into 25 15 minute segments Running Time: 6hr 15min Do As I Say (Not As I Do) : Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy "Peter Schweizer's Do As I Say (Not As I Do) is an entertaining exposure of the hypocrisy among some prominent liberals. In a series of 11 profiles on leftist icons from Noam Chomsky and Al Franken to Hillary Clinton and Ted Kennedy, Schweizer reveals that the most vocal liberals do not practice what they preach." Members of the liberal/left exude an air of moral certitude. They pride themselves on being committed and selfless and seem particularly confident of the purity of their motives and the evil nature of their opponents. To correct economic and social injustice, liberals support a whole litany of policies and principles: progressive taxes, affirmative action, greater regulation of corporations, raising the inheritance tax, strict environmental regulations, children's rights, consumer rights, and more. But do they actually live by these beliefs? Peter Schweizer decided to investigate in depth the private lives of prominent liberals. What he found was a long list of contradictions. Schweizer's conclusion is simple: liberalism in the end forces its adherents to become hypocrites. They adopt one pose in public, but when it comes to what matters most in their own lives, they jettison their liberal principles and adopt conservative ones. Schweizer's book thus exposes the contradiction at the core of liberalism: If these ideas don't work for the very individuals who promote them, how can they work for the country?

Files count:



480.52 Mb




Botch (2006-01-30)

I read a review of the book a couple of days ago, said it was mostly a load of muck-raking from an ultra-conservative with his own agenda :)

spaminator (2006-01-30)

That's a typical defense of ultra-liberals when they don't like what you have to say. There have been no lawsuits over this book that I've heard of, since the contents are based on fact vs. accusations.

McGrath79 (2006-05-30)

Seed please

anders_and (2006-07-04)

so very american! Since there is no lawsuit it must be true ...
and so naive: the private life of a "thinker" is proof for the truth of his statements. So, if Bush believed in what he says about Irak he'd be fighting there himself?

monocongo (2007-02-08)

This review is pretty fair:

A good excerpt: "In order to make a hypocrisy charge stick against liberals, you'd have to find someone promising one thing then doing another in a way that affects a significant number of people -- e.g., an anti-war candidate who funds a secret war in some far-off country. That's why liberals tend to focus more on George W. Bush's broken promise to be a uniter, or to be fiscally responsible than, say, his years as a problem drinker."

thunderbum (2008-07-12)

Can someone please please seed this? Stuck at 90%.... TIA!