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Politically Incorrect Documentaries






Politically Incorrect Documentaries




2008-07-22 (by echopulse)


This is a collection of documentaries that question the status quo of the Media, and debunks a lot of what most people believe about various political and issues. If you are a close-minded liberal, some of them will offend you, but you will learn something. They present the viewpoint of many different political persuasions, including liberalisim, and libertarianisim. Have fun! 1. Four Centuries of American Education: How has American education changed since America was founded? What did the founding fathers think about mixing God and the classroom? What would they say if they could see how secular it is now? What did they think about prayer in school? This educational documentary answers those questions, and a whole lot more. 2. A Tax System Worthy of 21st Century America: This short video properly explains the history of the income tax, how it has been abused, and why it should be replaced. Then it answers the question: Can the income tax be replaced with a national retail sales tax? Should it? It then explains the Fair Tax in detail, a plan that will not only abolish the income tax and the IRS, but just about every other federal tax you can think of. Interesting! 3. America: From Freedom to Fascism: This eye-opening documentary describes Aaron Russo's quest to answer the question: Did congress ever pass a law mandating that we must pay an income tax? Also, was the 16th amendment really ratified by a majority of states? He does not think so, and sets out to prove it. He also questions the legality of the Federal Reserve System, and presents his take on many other topics concerning government control of our lives. 4. Cochise County: Cries from the Border: Cochise County Arizona resident Mercedes Maharis directs this documentary about a community living in the crosshairs of an ongoing immigration battle. As Americans react with growing alarm to a porous southern border, Maharis asks residents to comment on their experience living in a contested zone. Features footage of border crossings, and interviews with Border Patrol officials, civil rights activists, and illegal immigrants. 5. Expelled - No Intelligence Allowed - Trailer Ben Stein's documentary simply explains the obvious, and does so with genius, humor, and truth. After seeing this excellent movie, you will understand why it takes a whole lot more faith to believe in evolution than it does to believe in Intelligent Design. This film will make the academic pride folks squirm. Why are they so irate? Could it be that they are just proving Stein's message? Stein films Mr.Dawkins sharing how he hates God, yet denying God exists. (Note from Uploader: I did not write this review, it comes from IMDB.) 6. Global Warming or Global Governance: Is there an agenda that motivates supporters of catastrophic man-made global warming? Are the leaders and advocates really a benevolent confederation of concerned scientists and citizens who simply desire to protect the environment and care for the poor? Or are they being used by others who have a political goal in mind? In this eye opening documentary, you will not only hear from leading scientist and climatologist who refute the current crop of alarmists cries; but also congressmen, economists, newscasters and sociologists who believe that something more sinister is involved. 7. Indoctrinate U: Speech codes. Censorship. Enforced political conformity. Hostility to diversity of opinion. Sensitivity training. We usually associate such things totalitarian regimes, not with the American universities that nurtured the free speech movement. When we think of going to college, we think of intellectual freedom. We imagine four years of exploring ideas through energetic, ongoing, critical thinking and debate, but the reality is very far from the ideal. What most of us do not know is that American college students check their First Amendment rights and individual freedom at the door. 8. Left of the Dial: This undercover documentary charts the long-anticipated rise, scandalous near-fall, and subsequent salvation of Air America Radio, a liberal radio network geared towards those whose opinions skew a bit more to the Left of the Dial. Told through verite footage shot at the New York-based station over a nine-month period the 90-minute film documents the network's evolution twelve days before and up to its March 2004 launch through a much-publicized scandal involving bounced checks that nearly ended the dream. It concludes with a disappointing 2004 election that spawned new resolve among the talent staff and management of the station. 9. Manufacturing Dissent: In the realm of documentary filmmaking there is no greater icon than Michael Moore but are his films really the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? At what point does the manipulation of fact become a work of fiction? See for yourself when the lens is turned on the most controversial director of our time. Discover the film that Michael Moore doesn't want you to see. 10. Michael Moore Hates America: The controversial documentary by Michael Wilson examines the filmmaking methods of Director Michael Moore (Fahrenheit 9/11, Bowling for Columbine, Roger & Me) and finds that not all is as it seems in the world of Hollywood documentaries. With the goal of getting an interview with the increasingly embittered and elusive Moore, Michael Wilson travels the country to tell the inspiring story of a nation and its everyday people, resulting in a film so honest and surprisingly self-critical that it will never win the top prize at Cannes. 11. The Fair Tax: It's Time! This short video documents the growing grassroots movement that sprung up supporting the Fair Tax, and explains how they plan to abolish the IRS, the income tax, and just about every other federal tax you can think of. 12. The Great Global Warming Swindle: Everything youve ever been told about Global Warming is probably untrue. From Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth to news reports from the popular media outlets and even public classrooms which, in chicken little fashion, seem to be screaming - the sky is falling. But is it really? This film blows the whistle on what may be the biggest swindle in modern history. 13. Voices of Iraq: The people of Iraq tell their amazing stories in this fascinating and important documentary which gives Iraqi men and women the chance to describe in their own words their years under Saddam Hussein and their struggle to create their own stable society in a period of appalling violence. Producers Eric Manes Archie Drury and Martin Kunert distributed 150 digital video cameras to Iraqis all over the country and the resulting 400 hours of footage includes powerful testimony from sheiks and insurgents mothers and children and everyday workers each discussing their perspective hopes and daily lives. 14. Who Killed the Electric Car? In 1996 electric cars began to appear on roads all over California. They were quiet and fast produced no exhaust and ran without gasoline. Ten years later these futuristic cars were almost entirely gone. What happened? Why should we be haunted by the ghost of the electric car? After watching this eye-opening film, you will be amazed when you find out who's really guilty for killing the electric car. 15. Why Wal*Mart Works, and Why that Makes Some People Crazy: Documentary producers Ron and Robert Galloway present an insider's look at the world's largest company, and how Wal-Mart's quest for better pricing has created new efficiencies in distribution and an overall stronger marketplace. What makes Wal-Mart work? Is it better pricing, convenience, quality and selection? Perhaps, but the Galloways discover that the incredible family of Wal-Mart Associates may well be the company's greatest asset of them all.

Files count:



8998.53 Mb




sistromo (2008-07-22)

I don't know about the others but #5 is a pathetic propaganda piece of crap by the fundamentalist creationist crowd, in which, as usual, the think nothing of stooping to lying in order to push their obscurantist religious agenda.

Analwart (2008-07-23)

#5 clearly shows that liberals are open minded so long as you agree with them but they will not tolerate dissenting points of view. If earth were not a mere accident and there really was a higher power then there'd be the millions of murdered babies, along with a multitude of other atrocities, for them to answer for.

Machetko (2008-07-24)

I was going to download this until I read what the uploader og whoever wrote about number #5. Contemporary ignorance like this makes me wish I was born 10000 years from now when people are hopefully a lot smarter and a little less gullible.

skwiley (2008-07-26)

Thanks for this, looks excellent. And, disregard the "anti" comments... seems pretty hypocritical that the supposed "live and let live" kool-aide drinkers only want to "let" you "live" if you see things THEIR way... a dissenting view gets you criticized, cursed at, belittled, and chastized. And a thoughtful, well made UL makes some brainwashed liberal wish they weren't yet born? Simpleton.

skwiley (2008-07-26)

Oh yeah... and a seed from echopulse'd be nice, you have a LOT of folks stuck at around 46%...

Panzerfaust60 (2008-07-29)

I don't know about the tax, wall-mart and other America-related documentaries, or about the Electric car documentary,
BUT the creationist propaganda (Expelled) and the global-warming-is-all-a-conspiracy movies are not to be taken seriously, especially the creationist propaganda, you can check out the facts for yourself very easily, go to youtube and see videos with real scientist and experts (not for instance Kent Hovind), there is no conspiracy of witch all experts in the world are a part of, creationism is bullshit and global warming is a fact, it is as simple as that.

skwiley (2008-08-02)

^^ too much kool-aide, wayyy too much...^^
Look into things from EVERY angle, not just looking for what you hope to find, and discover...
The same scientists warning us of global warming today warned us we were headed for another ice age only 30 years ago... the Earth goes through cyclical warming and cooling trends, which, actually, is what most reputable scientists are telling us today. The others are simply too proud/embarrassed to admit they were wrong (again)... Funny how God keeps making fools out of scientists with god-complexes.

Veovis (2008-08-05)

It's not just #5 thats thinly-veiled propaganda, all of these vids are. If you're a conservative christofascist, you'll love this torrent, as it will allow you to keep your head embedded where the sun don't [sic] shine, reaffirming beliefs you clutch at and cling to, despite the wealth of evidence to the contrary. If instead you are an open-minded individual who values reason and reality, there is equal chance that you'll crack up at the shameless absurdity and inanity in this torrent, or that you will break into tears with the realization that a frighteningly large number of people actually buy the pure manure being pushed in these files. Whatever the case, the claims that are made here, and the narrow, skewed perspective being presented are easily and utterly disqualified from the realm of the real world with just a small amount of research into said subjects. Comments like skwiley's pathetically ignorant rant, (of which the content is the complete opposite of what has actually happened) shows us that the only way to reconcile belief in many of the things being promoted in this torrent is to live in your own little fantasy world, cut off from reason and the knowledge gained from actual evidence.

skwiley (2008-08-09)

Veovis is obviously a crack-addicted blow hard. Dollors to donuts he hasn't seen ANY of these videos, and apparently has no intention of opening HIS mind to any views other than those imbedded in him by either an oppressive government or hippie-drug happy parents bent on collectivism and anti-christian doctrine. If you are an capitalist, individualist, anti-socialist, self supporting realist, these videos will be right up your alley. If, like Veovis, you think that socialism, marxism, anti-god agenda is how we should live, pass it by, and continue letting others make up your mind for you...

Enigma49 (2008-08-09)

Yours are brilliant ripostes, Skwiley. I couldn't have said any of that better myself.

HIyaalll (2008-08-09)

I have not seen any of thesse movies as of yet.. but let's just put some things straight.. 1. creationist vs. evolution.. It's not POSSIBLE for us humans to have .evidence. in EITHER direction, it's all a matter of conviction and believing the side you feel make the stronger point.. So anyone who claims that the other side are ignorent PROVES themselves to be as ignorant. I used to be a believer in the evolutionary faith.. but as I was kindof a sciencebuff and read different magazines and just found the inconsitancies to big for it to be true(for ex. genetically and otherwise we humans are closer related to a pig than any livving spieces of ape, and the fact that what is scientifically true changes VERY much from decade to decade.. f.ex the amount of matter that is in space.. the hubble telescope have proben that there were galaxies further beyond anyone previously thought. Also we have all seen the posters with primates that is supposed to be the evolutionary process ape to human.. which later have been proven wrong, some of those primates are not supposed to be our ancestors at all, but were more of evolutionary blind ends, and that means that there is NOT just ONE missing link anymore.. but around half a dozen.. and there are PLENTY more examples of where the scientific evolutionary belief proves to be nothing more than a guess.. more or less educated).. 2. You tube is NOT a good source for any credible scientific data as ANYONE is allowed to post whatever they feel like and the one with the most convinsing video/case/arguments is often not the one being right. 3. every scientist in the field knows about the temperatureshifts that are natural.. (iceages to tropical and back). However by examining plantlife in different layers of the earth(tropical or arctical, how large did they grow at a specific point at a specific time etc). they have got a pretty good picture about that cycle, it's very predictable.. Almost all around the world there are scientists who say that according to the ecological clock we are off by atleast a few degrees.. When it comes to conspiracy, I might believe that there are some people who try to use the idea of global warming to a political advantage, but do not dismiss that global warming should be considered a fact. to define the severety however is a difficoult task as the scientists have to make just a few too many guesses.

HIyaalll (2008-08-10)

Now I have actually watched #5.. "thinly veiled propaganda".. yah.. that it is.. They don't try to hide at all that this is a propaganda(or commersial if you will) for watching the movie "expelled" (for which it IS a trailer for).. other than that he didn't even attempt to sell the idea that creationism MUST be the correct belief(He did convey that HE believed in creationism, and also that the case he was building the movie around believed that there must be some intelligent design involved). It didn't even sound as if the idea of the film "expelled" itself was to prove creationism either.. he was addressing the problem with the scientific/political community trying to stop/punish people from even making an attempt on working on/publishing/proving theorys that contradict darwinism. I have to admit that this probably is more of a problem in the states than over here, because the scientists I know(know Directly or indirectly) all seem to be aware that the best way to strengthen the position of your own ideas is to put in as much effort possibly in proving yourself to be wrong and fail. (that includes incouraging others to try their contradicting theorys too).. Though I haven't heard of any of the scientists I know of trying to prove/disprove the existance of God. probably because they all figure it would be an attempt in the futile. All serious scientists know that you can not prove God existance or nonexistance. Also they feel it is not their task.. they are only interrested in things that truly can be proven and utilized (what a true scientists cares about when it comes to f.ex. gravity is if it can be summed up in formulas, calculated, used for energy, perhaps even reversed, etc, etc.. if it's created by a God or simply a law of nature is irellevant).. My personal opinion is that anyone who tries to use science as a mean to prove Gods nonexistance is using science as a religion/faith.

Veovis (2008-08-13)

Skwiley, your inability to address anything I actually said with any kind of counter argument and your resorting to petty name-calling and absurd accusations of drug use (haha!) is just testimony to how weak your position is. I mean, is that really all you can do, is claim I'm a crack addict and call me a hippy socialist? All you're telling us is that a hippy crack addict can logically decimate you. It's very telling how you build me up as having these ideals that have nothing to do with what I said, and then attack that. Ever heard of a straw-man argument? You may not know the term, but it's exactly what you're doing, and it's rather pathetic. And to anyone saying such nonsense is "brilliant," that's where we see evidence of mindless following. I'm fully aware that I won't get much support in this thread because, lets face it, most people who have any education in science (there will be plenty who pretend to, though) won't be searching for these propaganda pieces.

Veovis (2008-08-13)

HIyaalll, you were never a science buff, though you may have fancied yourself one. Not only do you spell the word "theories" wrong, what you are saying is just plain factually false. Your examples only exemplify your complete misunderstanding of the specific topics you mentioned and of science in general. Show me where it was said that we are genetically closer to pigs than primates. Sorry, but no such thing has ever been put forward as a valid scientific hypothesis, let alone an accepted paradigm. And no, what is "scientifically true" doesn't shift about from decade to decade very much at all. It does to a small degree, which is a strength of science, not a failure. What science does more than shift back and forth is REFINE, as it is constantly improving what we know, BUILDING upon what has come before. Did Einstein "prove" Newton wrong when he showed us the reality of relativity? No. Newton's laws were an approximation of a deeper truth later demonstrated by Einstein. Newton's laws still apply and work perfectly in regards to the physics we encounter in our daily lives, and even for the most part in our whole solar system. The effects of relativity come into play on larger scales and in more extreme circumstances. That is generally how science works. Only very rarely do old ideas (that are actually scientific, and not pseudoscientific) need to be entirely thrown out, but they are often added upon, and moved towards a clearer view of reality. People who don't understand science, such as yourself, often confuse this as "changing truth" rather than PROGRESS, which it is. And no, the Hubble Space Telescope did not show us galaxies further than what we thought existed. It showed us galaxies further out and further back in time than what we had seen before, refining our understanding of how such structures form and how quickly. You are confusing the telescope with the man, Edwin Hubble, who discovered that our universe contains many galaxies, not just our own, which was something that was under debate at the time (the 1920s). There have been estimates of how much mass is in the universe, and these estimates are refined, the error bars grow smaller as our knowledge and technology grows larger. This does not mean we go back and forth as if saying "oh, theres a lot of mass. oh wait, no there isn't. oh wait, yes..." Sorry, that's not how it works. And your example of posters showing recent evolutionary decent of humans. Ummm... posters are not scientific literature. And the fact that you seem to think they are explains a lot about your blatant and obvious misunderstandings of the scientific method. If you think evolution is just more "faith" well, maybe you should pray next time you have an infection instead of taking antibiotics. See, antibiotics work the way they do because of evolutionary principles. The computer you are using to download these "documentaries" with exists because of the technology we have achieved through science. If science were so unreliable as you pretend it is, you wouldn't be able to share your fallacies with us here on the web, nor would I be able to point them out.
Now, as for the whole "god proof" thing... you are unfortunately yet another victim of an all-too-common misconception regarding our inability to prove (or disprove) the existence of god. Of course no one in their right mind thinks they can PROVE it either way (at least at this point in time), but that does not mean there is equal chance of there being a god or not. Why do people insist on refusing to comprehend this? Fairies cannot be proven or disproven. The ancient Greek and Roman gods cannot be proven or disproven, or any other of an infinite number of silly myths you might come up with. Invisible microscopic flying monkeys living in our colons cannot be disproven. But does that mean theres a 50/50 chance of their presence? No. If you make a claim that something is there, it is on YOU to provide evidence of this. And despite the centuries of belief in a tiring long list

raptormanwbc (2008-09-02)

The burden of proof for any religion is on the people with the belief in supernatural agents/god. why would i believe in god? we don't live in tribal times anymore when religion was necessary for group solidarity. The only reason people have for believing is because of a book.
There is no reason to believe in any god because there is no evidence for it. anyone who says that there are fundamental problems with evolutionary theory doesn't know enough about the theory itself. science has evidence that proves evolution in the fields of geology, paleontology, biology, genetics, neurology, anthropology and other scientific fields. nothing has ever, i'll repeat, EVER been found that has gone against evolution, there is no choice but to accept the theory as true. if the sciences find even one piece of evidence that clearly disproves evolution, then the theory is disregarded and we keep working at how we got here. since that has not happened, that is the accepted theory. even if one wants to accept creationism, you have to willfully ignore all of the evidence that says evolution happened. i can speak for myself when i say that i just can't bring myself to that level of unmitigated ignorance. i mean really. post a peer reviewed article that says there is evidence disproving evolution. you won't find one. unless of course it is funded by religious groups, in which case it is not science.

rarson (2008-09-10)

Ugh! Let's tackle some key points in the discussion about these videos:
Creation vs. Evolution: Okay, let's clear the misconception up that these two ideas are at all contradictory. Creationists have you fooled if you think that evolution has anything to do with the ORIGIN of life. It doesn't. Evolution doesn't include the big bang, or any kind of other theory about how life came to be. So if you're arguing one versus the other, no matter what side you're on, you're wrong, because they attempt to explain two completely different things. Furthermore, since the Bible wasn't meant to be interpreted literally, it's very much possible to believe in both evolution and a God-centered creation theory. But most religious people don't see it that way because they took their book too literally, and so to accept science is to alter their beliefs, and to alter their beliefs is to admit that they don't truly know the things that they believe in.
The "Fair" Tax: What a crock of crap. The only fair tax is no tax at all, because tax money is taken by force. Is anyone really stupid enough to believe that because it's not taken directly out of their pay check, and instead is taken out of everything they buy and sell, that it is any more "fair?" Oh sure, I guess we can save ourselves some tax money by not eating next month! We're already paying taxes multiple times over on products we pay for: the laborer gets taxes taken out of his paycheck; the salesman pays taxes on everything he sells; the buyer pays taxes on everything they buy (which was already taxed when the salesman sold it!). What makes anyone with half a braincell think that jacking up the sales tax even more would be somehow fair? Here's an idea: let's cut spending instead, and not pay income tax at all. If we cut government back to the size that it was 20 years ago, we could eliminate the income tax completely. Income tax is only a fraction of the money the government takes in from taxes. Until the 16th Amendment, our Constitution was designed to disallow taxing manual labor, and that's the way it should be.
Freedom to Fascism: Pretty good video. One of the few here that actually makes a lot of sense. If you really believe that America hasn't started a steep downward spiral towards fascism, then you are in denial. It also makes a good point about the income tax.
Richard Dawkins: I want to make a special note about the comment on Richard Dawkins, which states he hates "God" although he doesn't believe in it. I think even an eighth grader, or perhaps just someone who has a shred of a clue about Mr. Dawkins that when he uses the word "God," he is talking about a concept, not a being. Thus, "God" can mean either the deity or deism in general. So while he doesn't not believe in the deity, he might also abhor deism (and rightly so, given the amount of death and suffering it has caused through the ages).
Global Warming: I could probably go on for days about this topic because of the misinformation on both sides of the debate. It's pretty clear that human activity contributes to global warming, but the unfortunate fact that many people seem to miss is the impact that taking action against global warming will have. It's minute, at best. If we dump every last dollar into "fighting" global warming, we may very well be able to lower the Earth's temperature a couple degrees a hundred years down the road, long after all of us are dead. This is where economists fit into the global warming debate (and it really irks me to hear environmentalits loudly proclaim that economists have no right to comment on global warming). Their job is to economize and prioritize spending so that we can make the most effective use of our resources. See, the Earth has plenty of other problems besides global warming, and ones that affect people MUCH more directly than climate change (like AIDS, hunger, etcetera, because what use is it saving the Earth if the humans are all dead?), and fighting these problems will give us a much better return on o

rarson (2008-09-10)

The rest of my comment got cut off, and I'm not going to repost it. Sorry for writing a freaking book, and thanks to anyone that actually read it.
I haven't watched some of these videos, so I didn't comment on them, but there are a few that seem like they might be decent. Most of these are just garbage though. Watch them if you like, but use your brain and think critically while doing so.

rarson (2008-09-10)

One last comment, with regards to theism vs. atheism, a quote from Stephen Roberts:
"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."

zhou.fei.fei.zhou (2008-09-10)

Ben Stein is a fucking moron, but for the sake of laughing at creationists, I'm just going to watch this bullshit

d-pad (2008-09-25)

this isn't "politically incorrect" you moron, this is just plain old propaganda.

orinvee (2008-09-28)

It never fails to amaze me how the brain-washed leftist elite actually believe that they are rational thinkers when they are the most confused, ill-informed 'brick-in-the-wall' puppets of all.
When I see such statements as "you can check out the facts for yourself", "real scientist and experts", "conservative christofascist", "the wealth of evidence", "actual evidence", "education in science", "evolutionary principles", "when religion was necessary", "no evidence", "proves evolution", "there is no choice but to accept the theory as true", "all of the evidence", "peer reviewed article", and "laughing at creationists", I realize just how much intelligence in the species has degenerated. Originally, man was created with a phenomenal brain. Not so much anymore. "Idiocracy" was supposed to be a comedy but it was more factual than modern degenerates can comprehend. Mankind is NOT getting smarter, it's the exact opposite.
A few replies are in order:
"I don't know about the others but #5 is a pathetic propaganda piece of crap by the fundamentalist creationist crowd..."
Sadly, the propaganda lies (are) in 'higher learning'.
"Contemporary ignorance like this makes me wish I was born 10000 years from now when people are hopefully a lot smarter and a little less gullible."
10,000 years from now and entropy will have reduced mankind into even more blathering idiots than they are today. There was NO superstition in the beginning. Mankind becomes more superstitious with each passing year. Can you believe that a majority of people actually believe in macro evolution? Frightening, isn't it?
It's a clear case of the dumbing down of mankind.
"there is no conspiracy of witch all experts in the world are a part of, creationism is bullshit and global warming is a fact, it is as simple as that."
Your 'experts' are clueless and just as much a 'lemming' as you are. In case you don't understand the lemming effect, I will explain. Lemmings will rush off the face of a cliff, in FOLLOW THE LEADER fashion, to their DOOM. The fact that you actually believe that there are EXPERTS proves you to be a lemming. Your faith is misplaced.
"as it will allow you to keep your head embedded where the sun don't [sic] shine, reaffirming beliefs you clutch at and cling to, despite the wealth of evidence to the contrary. If instead you are an open-minded individual who values reason and reality, there is equal chance that you'll crack up at the shameless absurdity and inanity in this torrent, or that you will break into tears with the realization that a frighteningly large number of people actually buy the pure manure being pushed in these files..."
What amazes me is that you don't recognize yourself in your own disparaging remarks. It is you that "clutches and clings" to pseudo-intellectual tripe in a desperate attempt to validate your false BELIEFS. Open-mindedness can be deleterious if your brain falls out of your head.
"Whatever the case, the claims that are made here, and the narrow, skewed perspective being presented are easily and utterly disqualified from the realm of the real world with just a small amount of research into said subjects."
Research is not going to help you if your "research" is merely reading what others have proffered as 'fact'. IOW, you need to question, doubt, and dispute EVERYTHING you have been taught in the HALLOWED HALLS OF HOKUM (the universities) as much as you do the Bible.
Hokum: Something apparently impressive or legitimate but actually untrue or insincere; nonsense.
"Comments like skwiley's pathetically ignorant rant,.."
I found this comment quite humorous as skwiley's post showed some of the more informed understanding in this thread. Your inability to reason rationally and objectively is glaringly obvious. Rage has a way of obfuscating the truth.
"...shows us that the only way to reconcile belief in many of the things being promoted in this torrent is to live in your own little fantasy world, cut off from reason and the knowledge gained from ac

Mogambo (2008-10-07)

"Politically incorrect" or just plain factually incorrect?
#12 "The Great Global Warming Swindle" was conclusively busted by real scientists immediately after it aired in the UK (like, four? five? years ago!)...
I'm almost tempted to d/l some of the others but I'm guessing they're on a similar level - all opinion, no facts.
Btw, I don't understand Christians who believe that fucking up the planet is somehow good!
Where in the Bible does it say "Thou shalt inhabit an industrial wasteland, and thou shalt love it, so saith the Lord"?

lodger111 (2008-10-09)

Wopatoolie, I wish you were right. But sadly, "Expelled" is pretending to be a documentary. It directly blames Darwin and the theory of evolution for the holocaust, rubbishes any amount of actual science (involving real facts) in favour of "Intelligent Design" (ie creationism pretending to be science), and generally insults the intelligence of everyone who sees it.
Sadly, the religious right (who, as we all know, are neither) lap that shit up by the bucketload. I won't go into the various underhand tactics the producers employed to make it, but everyone should do themselves a favour and check out Richard Dawkins's website and what Dawkins has to say.

frit0 (2008-10-09)

No one will ever change their philosophy on life because of anything any of you write on piratebay or anywhere else.

jocohow (2008-10-10)

This is a great ul. very thought provoking for those that don't immediately shut their mind when they hear something they don't like. Contempt without investigation will keep you in ignorance my friends. thanks echo

SirJarJam (2008-10-15)

I've never seen a movie create such a panic amongst a group of people as Expelled has caused with Darwinists. It's a true testament to just how powerful of a movie it is. 150 years of failed predictions has falsified Darwinism. It's a shame so many brainwashed sheep have such a religious commitment to it that they refuse to let it go.

raptormanwbc (2008-10-19)

For Orinvee's philosophical stance on the world;
Your entire argument seems to be that noone can ever know anything; a Pyrrho-esque stance. Your posting has a smattering of creationist tones throughout. I suspect that you, like most creationists, willingly dismiss evidence no matter how convincing it is. By the end, quoting a bible verse is upsetting.
The books I learned of evolution from, many fields, all reviewed by thousands of people, I would say contain exponentially more knowledge than the one book , the bible, which is just a story. Since you are aware of the logical fallacies, you're aware of the burden of proof; science is at least contributing to this pursuit of knowledge; the bible is not.
You are however correct when you point out that science cannot "prove" anything. I should not have said that evolution is proven; a more correct phrasing would have been something along the lines of, all the evidence seen to date in the aforementioned fields suggest evolution occurred.

dbirving58 (2008-11-24)

Many feel that Intelligent Design is just renamed Creationism and for some it is. This is what the media tells you. The real point of Expelled is that no one is allowed to question anything about Darwin's theories on evolution (although Darwin himself stated many holes exist in the theory and many still exist today). Evolution does occur but this does not mean that Darwin was 100% correct. Darwin gave no theories on how life began and his theory does not have any explanation for it. I know you will consider me a crazy bible nutjob for bringing up Intelligent Design but I am actually not religious at all and I have never read the bible or any other religious foundation text. Many Creationists give Intelligent Design a bad name. Intelligent Design is not about proving that Christians are correct (although I admit that to some it is). Many scientists that are proponents of Intelligent Design are not religious but feel that something more than the theory of evolution is at play. The most logical explanation for the origin or life I've heard from an unapologetic darwinist is that some alien lifeform seeded life on earth....which if you actually think about it would be intelligent design. The only question is: Where did the intelligent aliens come from? I'm not a believer in darwinism or intelligent design but I do not feel it is right for anyone to completely dismiss either theory since neither is proven or disproven. For you strict darwinists out there:
What explanation do you have for the origin of life and is it less far-fetched than an intelligent designer starting life? Sadly, we'll probably never know the answers to these questions but I cannot rule out a superior being or beings having a hand in the origin of life and the universe.

echopulse (2009-01-04)

Thanks for making this a popular torrent. Thanks for having an open mind, and allowing yourself to make your own decisions. I'm glad that I inspired some debate. To the people who accused me of being brainwashed by the right wing, let me tell you, a few of the movies are from the perspective of the left, and some come from the libertarian view-point. For Instance, who killed the electric car actually changed my mind. I once believed that the government should not regulate emissions. After watching the movie, I was sad that the Caliifornia court caved to the auto industry and eliminated the requirement to build emissions free cars. I hope to have an electric car someday. Also, there are a lot of republicans who hate the Fair Tax. It's proponents are libertarians, democrats, independants, and also republicans. Mike Gravel ran for President on the FairTax Platform, and he was a democrat. I myself, am an independant who will vote for whoever has the best policy ideas.
Thanks for downloading.

Taotoad (2009-05-05)

Expelled is an honest look at a reasonable alternative theory that life on earth was intelligently designed.
Science is hiding the fact that life was designed by human-like extra terrestrials that are more scientifically advanced than us, called the Elohim, using DNA synthesis and genetic engineering. Throughout the ages, Elohim sent different prophets: Moses, Jesus, Buddha, and many others to guide humanity and to prepare us for the future. Largely left to progress on our own, until the time of the Apocalypse/Revelation when Elohim would send their final messenger and reveal the truth for all to know.
It takes more faith NOT to believe this. Evolution has a lot of holes, and those can only be filled by the truth about our alien ancestry.

Ethan211 (2009-05-31)

That's right comrades, open your minds up wider than an underage girl in a Russian porno opens her mouth, all the better for the enlightened far-right to shoot load after load of 'truth' in there.
Honestly, avoid this foolishness [which is what *most* of it is] like the plague.

roscopp (2009-07-12)

Thanks a lot for this. Will take me a while to DL but ive been meaning to see quite a few of these. Cheers again!

Tropius_B (2009-07-21)

For scientists who regard the fables of the old testament (aka stuff Jews required be in bibles in order to allow Jesus's words to be printed at all) to not matter to their New Testament faith, it doesn't matter.
For those who believe the fables of the old testament, well, ignorance is easy to understand.
For those who practice the heresy of pushing "Intelligent Design" even though there is absolutely nothing in either section of the Bible to suggest that such a convoluted mockup of religion and science could ever occur, well, it stands to reason that there can be no forgiveness for the offense until after they have stopped committing the offense.
I mean, wrongly believing something you were taught (old testament faith) is forgivable, but making this shit up on the fly (so-called "Intelligent Design" theory) for no real purpose other than to cast thorns onto progress, is just an outrage.

awibod (2009-09-09)

All these Docs are BULLSHIT!
You should be ashamed of yourself for even posting this crap. Go back to watching Faux News and continue your quest for "dis-information".

llard123 (2010-01-03)

Finally got this torrent downloaded took 6.7 days, at a average speed of 20kb


1. Politically Incorrect Documentaries/4 Centuries of American Education.avi 615.98 Mb
2. Politically Incorrect Documentaries/A Tax System Worthy of 21st Century America - Imagine the Fair Tax.avi 227.44 Mb
3. Politically Incorrect Documentaries/America - From Freedom to Fascism.avi 699.07 Mb
4. Politically Incorrect Documentaries/Cochise County - Cries from the Border.avi 664.76 Mb
5. Politically Incorrect Documentaries/Descriptions.txt 7.32 Kb
6. Politically Incorrect Documentaries/Expelled (No Intelligence Allowed) extended trailer.avi 43.43 Mb
7. Politically Incorrect Documentaries/Global Warming or Global Governance.avi 690.68 Mb
8. Politically Incorrect Documentaries/Indoctrinate U.avi 698.70 Mb
9. Politically Incorrect Documentaries/Left of the Dial.avi 698.89 Mb
10. Politically Incorrect Documentaries/Manufacturing Dissent.avi 694.46 Mb
11. Politically Incorrect Documentaries/Michael Moore Hates America (2004).avi 694.74 Mb
12. Politically Incorrect Documentaries/The Fair Tax - It's Time.AVI 223.56 Mb
13. Politically Incorrect Documentaries/The Great Global Warming Swindle.avi 950.31 Mb
14. Politically Incorrect Documentaries/Voices Of Iraq.avi 731.22 Mb
15. Politically Incorrect Documentaries/Who Killed The Electric Car.avi 702.30 Mb
16. Politically Incorrect Documentaries/Why Wal-Mart Works and Why that Drives Some Poeple Crazy.avi 662.97 Mb