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Zoo Tycoon 2 with extra animals etc
Games PC
Zoo Tycoon 2 with extra animals etc
2005-08-14 (by snoozy34)
burn the file to cd with nero as image.
then install the game
copy the ZT from the folder EXTRA (inside the cd ) or form the folder crack
place the ZT in the folder where you have installed zoo tycoon 2 (usually c;program files/microsoft games/zoo tycoon2)
overwrite the old ZT file.
now you can play zoo tycoon 2.
inside the EXTRA folder are more files to use, you have to copy the folders that are in the download folder in:
c;documents and settings/all users/application data/microsoft games/zoo tycoon 2/downloads
it containes a lot of new animals, fences, the original upates,
if you already have made a profile in zoo tycoon 2, you also have a folder something like:
c;documents and settings/ "owner" /application data/microsoft games/zoo tycoon 2/ "your name" /saved
you can place the files form the folder saved (in EXTRA on the cd) inside that folder and you will have all save data to finish the campaign zoo's.
Files count:
552.60 Mb
Faanskapet (2006-02-14)
Varför fungerar det inte? När jag startar spelet så är det en liten ruta och några vit bokstäver, sedan står det att det är fel på mitt grafikkort. Någon som vet vad man gör åt sånt? Tacksam för hjälp=)Xtremesia (2006-03-31)
lol re ditt grafikkort e för dålita-r (2006-04-14)
hej..har gjort precis som det stå har inte fått några x-tra djur...vad är felet??r3ptyl (2006-04-22)
Can i update the game to version 20.11.00007?Does the crack work on this version?
jezzica_kl3packa (2006-09-02)
skulle vara tacksam om nån skulle kuna seeda :)jezzica_kl3packa (2006-09-02)
vilket språk e det på?..on whith language?ThePerfectMan (2006-10-28)
Seeda!!! Please! (:.::NeIgHdAwG::. (2007-01-07)
i see from the pics that this isn't an installer, right? is it one of those ones with all the files need to play the game are all in one folder?jejbee (2007-02-10)
jag laddar ner det men det går inte att spela vfr? :SBaggie86 (2007-04-06)
PLEASE SEEDVikid (2007-04-13)
Does anyboy have the expansions?Scurub (2007-06-26)
funkar den för mac?relk (2008-08-18)
seed please!!!!!!!alteredspare (2010-01-24)
Is this a hybrid? Does it work for Mac as well?BiryantheGreat666 (2010-02-11)
does this have a virus? is it the full version?hollyhomo (2010-05-17)
hi , i have windows vista so there is no "documents and settings " so where do i put the extras ? thnkooo :)samqran (2010-11-01)
i have a windows 7 and i had a hard time finding the downloads and saved files but here they are:Downloads:
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft Games\Zoo Tycoon 2\downloads\zootycoon_com_zt2_1033
Games\Zoo Tycoon 2\"profile name"\Savedyou sholud copy the extras to these folders instead of "c;documents and settings/..."
and for a step by step on how to put the extras check this link:
hope this helps
1. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/White Tiger/WhiteTiger/WhiteTiger.Z2F 1.31 Mb
2. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/White Tiger/WhiteTiger.dl 107 bytes
3. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/african golden cat/AfricanGoldenCat/AfricanGoldenCat.z2f 4.68 Mb
4. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/african golden cat/AfricanGoldenCat.dl 120 bytes
5. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/african leopard/AfricanLeopard/AfricanLeopard.z2f 1.27 Mb
6. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/african leopard/AfricanLeopard.dl 121 bytes
7. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/arabian onyx/ArabianOryx/ArabianOryx.z2f 1.32 Mb
8. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/arabian onyx/ArabianOryx.dl 118 bytes
9. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/asian leopard/AsianLeopardCat/AsianLeopardCat.z2f 4.08 Mb
10. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/asian leopard/AsianLeopardCat.dl 119 bytes
11. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/asian lion/AsianLion/AsianLion.z2f 1.87 Mb
12. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/asian lion/AsianLion.dl 116 bytes
13. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/car flamingo/CarribeanFlamingo/CarribeanFlamingo.z2f 1.35 Mb
14. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/car flamingo/CarribeanFlamingo.dl 124 bytes
15. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/dwarf crocodile/WestAfricanDwarfCrocodile/WestAfricanDwarfCrocodile.z2f 4.17 Mb
16. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/dwarf crocodile/WestAfricanDwarfCrocodile.dl 130 bytes
17. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/forest elephant/ForestElephant/ForestElephant.z2f 2.77 Mb
18. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/forest elephant/ForestElephant.dl 121 bytes
19. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/gazelle pack/GazellePack1/GazellePack1.z2f 3.15 Mb
20. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/gazelle pack/GazellePack1.dl 118 bytes
21. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/hyppo/PygmyHippo/PygmyHippopotamus.z2f 2.55 Mb
22. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/hyppo/PygmyHippo.dl 123 bytes
23. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/invisible fence/invisible/infisible.z2f 51.77 Kb
24. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/invisible fence/invisible.dl 115 bytes
25. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/kodiak bear/KodiakBear/Kodiak.z2f 837.56 Kb
26. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/kodiak bear/KodiakBear.dl 113 bytes
27. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/ocelot/Ocelot/Ocelot.z2f 3.35 Mb
28. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/ocelot/Ocelot.dl 108 bytes
29. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/persian leopard/PersianLeopard/PersianLeopard.z2f 722.66 Kb
30. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/persian leopard/PersianLeopard.dl 121 bytes
31. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/somalise wildash/SomalienWildAss_new_mane/SomalienWildAss.z2f 2.58 Mb
32. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/somalise wildash/SomalienWildAss.dl 134 bytes
33. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/srilanka leopard/SriLankaLeopard/SriLankaLeopard.z2f 750.13 Kb
34. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/srilanka leopard/SriLankaLeopard.dl 123 bytes
35. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/syberian bear/SyrianBear/SyrianBear.z2f 710.92 Kb
36. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/syberian bear/SyrianBear.dl 117 bytes
37. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/syberian tiger/SiberianTiger/SiberianTiger.z2f 2.02 Mb
38. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/syberian tiger/SiberianTiger.dl 120 bytes
39. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/tammar/tammar/tammar.z2f 3.26 Mb
40. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/tammar/tammar.dl 132 bytes
41. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/wirefence/wirefencepack/wirefencepack.z2f 280.86 Kb
42. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/wirefence/wirefencepack.dl 115 bytes
43. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/zebra/ZebraQuagga/Quagga.z2f 1.19 Mb
44. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/zebra/ZebraQuagga.dl 118 bytes
45. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/zoo wall/zoowall/zoowall.z2f 238.21 Kb
46. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/zoo wall/zoowall.dl 108 bytes
47. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/zootycoon_com_zt2_1033/1015_1.0/LeopardAndDummy.z2f 1.02 Mb
48. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/zootycoon_com_zt2_1033/1016_1.0/LeopardBlack_Giftv2.z2f 837 bytes
49. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/zootycoon_com_zt2_1033/1019_1.0/TundraAndMuskOx.z2f 5.74 Mb
50. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/zootycoon_com_zt2_1033/1020_1.0/ChallengePack1.z2f 28.41 Kb
51. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/zootycoon_com_zt2_1033/1021_1.0/SceneryPack.z2f 1.71 Mb
52. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/zootycoon_com_zt2_1033/1022_1.0/ElephantAsian_050505.z2f 1.40 Mb
53. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/zootycoon_com_zt2_1033/1023_1.0/BeautificationPack_061305.z2f 1.19 Mb
54. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/zootycoon_com_zt2_1033/1015_1.0.dl 156 bytes
55. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/zootycoon_com_zt2_1033/1016_1.0.dl 162 bytes
56. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/zootycoon_com_zt2_1033/1019_1.0.dl 171 bytes
57. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/zootycoon_com_zt2_1033/1020_1.0.dl 156 bytes
58. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/zootycoon_com_zt2_1033/1021_1.0.dl 159 bytes
59. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/zootycoon_com_zt2_1033/1022_1.0.dl 154 bytes
60. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/downloads/zootycoon_com_zt2_1033/1023_1.0.dl 159 bytes
61. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/saved/Adoption Zoo X.z2s 595.28 Kb
62. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/saved/Adoption Zoo.z2s 595.28 Kb
63. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/saved/African Animal Empire X.z2s 1.04 Mb
64. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/saved/African Animal Empire.z2s 1.00 Mb
65. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/saved/All Animals Campaign.z2s 2.90 Mb
66. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/saved/Asian Expansion Zoo camp.z2s 555.06 Kb
67. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/saved/City Zoo X.z2s 1.29 Mb
68. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/saved/City Zoo XX.z2s 1.08 Mb
69. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/saved/City Zoo chal.z2s 1.19 Mb
70. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/saved/City Zoo j.z2s 547.07 Kb
71. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/saved/Conservation Zoo X.z2s 743.73 Kb
72. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/saved/Conservation Zoo.z2s 555.16 Kb
73. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/saved/Endangered Animal Refuge ca.z2s 676.97 Kb
74. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/saved/Foreign Zoo camp.z2s 1.24 Mb
75. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/saved/Grassland Zoo j.z2s 622.15 Kb
76. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/saved/Growth Zoo camp.z2s 558.74 Kb
77. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/saved/NAP Zoo.z2s 1.41 Mb
78. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/saved/North American Foreign Zoo.z2s 935.46 Kb
79. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/saved/North American Zoo camp.z2s 571.06 Kb
80. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/saved/Panda Zoo.z2s 1.51 Mb
81. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/saved/Raintree Cooperative Zoo ca.z2s 358.27 Kb
82. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/saved/Scarce Asian Animals Zoo.z2s 857.13 Kb
83. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/saved/Second Generation Zoo.z2s 676.33 Kb
84. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/saved/Sironjia Zoo camp.z2s 665.64 Kb
85. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/saved/Small Zoo camp.z2s 427.54 Kb
86. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/saved/Start-Up Zoo camp.z2s 370.15 Kb
87. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/saved/The World's Biomes Zoo camp.z2s 1.00 Mb
88. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/saved/The World's Biomes Zoo.z2s 784.91 Kb
89. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/saved/Waltham Animal Park camp.z2s 257.19 Kb
90. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/saved/Wolverton Center camp.z2s 789.94 Kb
91. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/ZT.EXE 4.22 Mb
92. Zoo Tycoon 2/EXTRA/install guide and more.rtf 1.16 Kb
93. Zoo Tycoon 2/Tracked_by_Demonoid_com.txt 34 bytes
94. Zoo Tycoon 2/ZT2.ISO 467.34 Mb