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PS2 Utility Disc by LAC






PS2 Utility Disc by LAC




2007-03-08 (by nagylaci)


This a self-made Utility Disc for your chipped, or soft modded Playstation 2 console. WARNING!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't download this, if you don't have either a mod-chip or some other method of running backup/homebrew software. Also... there are a lot of readme-s and documentation missing. Don't blame me... I've created this dvd for myself. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The disc contains a lot of useful things, for booth Linux and Windows. It's a simple collection of tools I use, as a PS2 user. The PS2 ELF-s are also awailable through the Crystal Chip Boot Manger (I created the necesary folders on the DVD). The DVD also contains some other useful CD/DVD images (Uncompressed). Most programs are (AFAIK) the newest versions available (2007.03.02). About seeding: I have a 10k outgoing connection only, so be patient. I will seed 24/7 for ca. 1 week. Here is the complete directory tree of the DVD: |-- Applications | |-- CogSwap | |-- ExecFTPs | |-- HDLoader 0.8B | |-- HDloader Server | |-- LensChanger 0.1 Beta 6 | |-- Memory Card Loader 1.36 | |-- Reality Media Player | |-- SMS | |-- SNES-Station | `-- ULaunchELF 4.12 | `-- SYS-CONF |-- BM | |-- APPS | | |-- COGSWAP | | |-- EXECFTPS | | |-- HDLD_SVR | | |-- HDLOADER | | |-- LENS | | |-- MCLOAD | | |-- OSDSYS | | |-- PS2LINK | | |-- PS2MEDIA | | |-- SCEDVD | | |-- SMS | | |-- SNES | | `-- ULELF | | `-- SYS-CONF | `-- THMS | |-- BM1 | |-- DEFAULT | |-- ITUNES | |-- PSXSCENE | `-- WEB |-- CDVD Images | |-- Machine ID Changer | |-- Swap Magic 3.6 | |-- VCD-DivX Player v1.1 | `-- ZoneLoader | |-- CD | `-- DVD |-- Documents | |-- Crystal Chip 2.0 HOWTO | `-- FUSES |-- HDL Compatibility Patches |-- Linux | |-- Ps2Client | |-- applyppf | | |-- linux-redhat | | |-- mac_os-x | | `-- w32 | `-- makeppf | |-- linux-redhat | |-- mac_os-x | `-- w32 `-- Windows |-- CDGenPS2 |-- DVD92ISO | |-- Apache | |-- CDGEN | |-- CDVDGEN | `-- IML2ISO |-- HD Handiness |-- HDLoader Patcher |-- IML2ISO |-- Independence Exploit | |-- CDGenPS2 | |-- DBMaker | |-- Exploit Files | |-- Independence Exploit Compiler 4.1 | |-- Independence Exploit Compiler 5.0 Beta | `-- TITLE.DB With 800 Games |-- PS2 ELF Packer |-- PS2 SaveBuilder 0.8 |-- Sony CDVD Generator |-- TITLE.DB Maker |-- TOXIC DualLayer Patcher |-- WinDIP 1.7 |-- WinHIIP 1.7.6 `-- ps2dis The DVD compressed with 7zip. Enjoy! -=LAC=-

Files count:



55.24 Mb




nagylaci (2007-03-08)

Some details I forgot to mention:
- Uncompressed size: ~3,5GB
- The DVD is bootable, boots to uLaunchELF 4.12

marko1 (2007-03-09)

wery nice men,

nagylaci (2007-03-09)

@marko1: Thx. Just thought maybe other people could find it useful too, so I upped it. :-)

jthan (2007-03-13)

I can't open the files with winrar. help?

nagylaci (2007-03-13)

Sorry, can't help. I'm a Linux user :-) but AFAIK WinRAR should be able to extract 7z archives.

rex2478 (2007-03-15)

does this have the CD version of swap magic also? my cd version is broken so I've been looking for a way to use a DVD to load CD games. Are there any other programs on this DVD that could possibly load CD games?

nagylaci (2007-03-16)

@rex2478: DVD version only, but you can find the CD version here, on piratebay. Just search for the word swapmagic.

tofta007 (2007-03-16)

How can i get the swap magic dvd to work? I have a soft modded ps2 type77004.

nagylaci (2007-03-16)

I've never used swapmagic to boot backup games. I only used it with my previous mod-chip, that wasn't able to display my NTSC games in PAL. So I booted swapmagic, set the video format to PAL, and booted the game. I guess you should be able boot swapmagic, like any other backup dvd.
But why do you need swapmagic, if your console is already soft-modded?

The dude (2007-03-18)

How did you get the 3.5 gig archive to compress to just 55.24 megs?
I've dl'ed the 7z util for whinedoze (since im stuck with the old and is to fucked up to learn a new os hehe.) .
Ive tried a couple of times and i cant get it back to its 55.24 megs but i fail.. what do you set the applet or what command string do you use to get
this immensive compression. and the bugger was fast to unpack too... even on my slowass northwood 3gig sc cpu. plz help me out? mail me plz?
oo and cool release btw, ppl always whine, doesnt matter how good a release is ppl whine,. i tell'em to buy it in the stores if they cant wait for a proper copy or they feel something they need for theyr "odd" tasks that the rest of us dont need.. besides, if one finds a iso wanty its just easy moove to add what you want... at least it is for me:)
regards the dude

nagylaci (2007-03-18)

@The dude: Mail sent

Hebrew_sheol (2007-03-19)

what is uLaunchELF 4.12. I just got swamp magic 3.8 but i don't realy now wery goog how to use it. can someone help. i got the slide card and i now the basics

Harley02 (2007-04-25)

nagylaci good job... cool compression... plz mail me also how do did this....thanx for this wonderful PS2 Utility Disc.

Harley02 (2007-04-25)

nagylaci good job... cool compression... plz mail me also how do did this at for this wonderful PS2 Utility Disc.

nagylaci (2007-04-25)

OK, Everyone. I recommend you to stop/not to start downloading this image, because in a few days I'll upload the "Utility Disc 2.0", with up-to-date versions of programs, and a few additions (like SwapMagic 3.8 Coder, and Pro Action Replay EVO PAL+NTSC). It will take max one week (I'm really short on free time).

nagylaci (2007-05-05)

Sorry for the delay... as mentioned before, I'm really short on free time.

xxxJChrist (2007-05-13)

Great utility disc you put up here, nagylaci. Thanks for these tools- helped me soft mod my ps2 and I didn't have to use anything but what you provided. Just waiting on 2.0 at this point :)

nagylaci (2007-05-16)

I'm happy, you liked it. The new DVD is almost ready, and it has a few very useful additions.

nagylaci (2007-05-24)

I have some serious problems with the new version. It just don't want to boot, the way I want it :-)
Be patient till I can't fix this glitch. Thx!

woji (2007-07-25)

Can you also send me the way to compress a 3.6g file to 55 MB
mail id is

ilikespamlol (2007-08-08)

I would also like to know how you compressed it so much!
ilikespamlol at

Messatsu88 (2007-09-21)

Thanks for the upload; can you (or anyone else readingthis comment) please, let me know how you did this compression. My e-mail is
Thanks !

darko999 (2007-10-28)

great disk. i just thought it was an actual booting ps2 disk.
and the rason it is compressed so much is cause of the huge dummy files. like in the swap magic iso.

samshirley001 (2007-10-30)

so, u just extract everything, then put it on a single DVD?

VintageOPus (2007-12-01)

I have a Fat PS2 with an HDD, I use swap magic to boot my backups but I'd like to know or if someone can give me a small walk through of what programs in this utility disc i need to use so that I can copy my backups into my PS2 HDD, I burned this ISO and it works fine, I just don't know what to do with it exactly... can someone please help me?

VintageOPus (2007-12-01)

Oh yea and HDLoader wont read backups...

AlFiL (2007-12-07)

thanks for the file nagylaci
also can you please tell me how you made 3.5GB to 55 MB

Sancy (2007-12-08)

üdv magyar vagy ?

AlFiL (2007-12-12)

i can compress the 3.5GB to 53MB again, but when i try compress other file for example 1.5 GB is not the same like 52MB, its something like 1.3GB
can you please tell me nagylaci, how can i get the same result in other files, please.

nagylaci (2007-12-19)

@Sancy: Az :-)

AlFiL (2007-12-20)

nagylaci please help
showme how can you compress like that
i have some playstations games and i want to share and some other stuff, please emailme @

nagylaci (2007-12-30)

Like other people said it before me... This is not magic. There is no hyper-ultra compressor program. Plain old 7zip. The DVD image is FULL with DUMMY FILES. Files, with no content. Just ... spaces. You can compress a 10 Terrabyte Dummy file into a few kilobytes. It's that simple. So please, stop asking about the compression method.
And now the important stuff. I had to abandon the new version of the DVD, because lack of time. Now it seems I can resume the work, and if everything goes well, I can offer you a new, enhanced version of it. Stay Tuned!

krizsi123 (2008-01-26)

Hali .
Érdekl?dnék ,hogy a swap magc 3.6 program hogy m?ködik nem tudnál egy pontos leirást csinálni róla meg milyen alkatrészek kellenek hozzá hogy m?ködjön ha kell hozzá.

nagylaci (2008-01-30)

Nem azért, de az hogy hogyan kell használni, az függ 1-2 dologtól. Írhatnál pár dolgot arról, hogy mire is szeretnéd használni, hogy van moddolva a konzolod, gyári swapmagic-ed van vagy másolt, stb. Azon kívül a net TELE van leirásokkal.

Mikulas69 (2008-03-12)

laci szeretnek beszelni veled egy par dologrol!!!
kosiz szepen elore !!

abduabdu (2008-06-13)

I have used winzip then winrar to unpack this, but it won't work in my ps2. Can anyone explain to me how I make a working dvd of this?

Mr. Master D. Evil (2008-11-25)

Necro-File (2009-04-01)

What is the point of putting swap magic discs in a package that can't be utilized without already having Swap Magic or another method that would nullify the need to use Swap Magic?

szdavid20 (2009-05-28)

Légyszíves segíts! Nekem csak azért kell a program hogy amit innen letöltök játékokat azokkal tudjak játszani!