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Hell's Best Kept Secret (Christian Documentary)






Hell's Best Kept Secret (Christian Documentary)


Video/Movie clips


2009-08-16 (by IndianChristian )


Hell's Best Kept Secret by Ray Comfort (Christian Documentary) Ray Comfort at his very best!!! One of the best christian documentaries ever. The documentary is based on the book written by Ray Comfort having the same name. Evangelical success is at an all-time low. Why are so many unbelievers turning away from the message of the gospel? Doesn't the Bible tell us how to bring sinners to true repentance? Using lively anecdotes from his own experiences, evangelist Ray Comfort presents the key that unlocks the door of men's souls. If you're experiencing evangelical frustration over lost souls, unrepentant sinners, and backslidden "believers," then look no further. This radical approach could be the missing dimension needed to win our generation to Christ. Discover the secret to leading others to genuine repentance, and make each moment of your life count for the kingdom of God! Learn the principle that Jesus used to reach the lost? Don't let anything stop you from listening to this incredible teaching. For more information please visit: Runtime: 38 mins Language: English (No-Subtitles) Year: 2006 My Rating: 10/10 Quality: 10/10 About Ray Comfort: Ray Comfort, a native New Zealander, began his ministry with a burden for his lost friends. After attending the funeral of a fifth friend who had died from a drug overdose, Ray published an eight page pamphlet called "My Friends Are Dying." This pamphlet gained substantial publicity and was later expanded to a paperback book. As a result, Ray received many opportunities to speak to youth about the ultimate answer to the drug problem--Jesus Christ. Shortly after this, Ray began praying for an opportunity to share his faith publicly. He soon learned his hometown, Christchurch, had recently legalized public speaking in the local square. Ray began preaching the gospel outdoors, and this became the daily focus of his ministry. Ray has written more than 35 books and spoken at almost 700 churches. His ministry has included pastoring a church, hosting a Christian radio program, writing a newspaper column called Words of Comfort, and serving as a regular platform speaker at Southern Baptist State Conferences. Ray lives in Bellflower, California, with his wife, Sue, and their three children. If financially possible, please buy this CD/DVD to keep Christian films in business. If Christians won't buy Christian films/documentaries then who will? Infact I will say if you come across any ray comfort documentary/film blindly buy it. You won't regret your decision. Please seed. Let each one of us who call ourself Christians seed 2-3 movies each. So that these movies may become a blessing to all those who are hungry for God's word & grace. May Jesus bless all those who are seeding the christian torrents. PS: If you need any specific christian movie/documentary or have something to say then kindly send a mail to [email protected] /* */ "Don't ask me what Christ can do for you! He has done all he could. Tell me what you can do for Christ?" Uploaded by Indian Christian

Files count:



61.20 Mb




sistromo (2009-08-16)

This crap will only appeal to choir. But, it'll make Mr. Comfort some dough all right.

mximus (2009-08-16)

I find it hypocritical that devout Christians post and download pirated media. Aren't you supposed to be afraid of hell?

 IndianChristian (2009-08-17)

As I mentioned in one of my earlier torrents, everyone is hungry for the grace of God. That is why people like sistromo keep coming back for more...truly truly it is amazing grace.....
don't worry sistromo...the bible says if you seach for him with all your heart, you will definitely find the God of the Bible, the creator of the Universe and everything in it.

 Knaster (2009-08-18)

Crisitian ppl are insane.

 IndianChristian (2009-08-25)

People who wanted movies on catholic saints, here is a movie uploaded by verifire.[1972]_720x480_-_XviD___Norsub

Also download and see this movie:[1970]_XviD_[1_CD]

jiveclive (2009-09-22)

Best kept secret? I'll tell you what it is, hell is all those pitiful dimbulbs that believe in virgin birth, walking on water, eternal din of harps and trumpets and damnation for strumpets along with all the other modes of blithering superstitious crap they say it's a virtue to 'believe' in. Them's the main occupants of hell. Ok, the secret is out.

donex7 (2009-12-09)

another hungry soul is here again. attacking the work of God's people. don't you worry jiveclive.. as soon as you confess your sins to the Lord, your sins will be forgiven. and your soul will be blest with spiritual food you never tasted while you are still satan's agent. go and find a true Bible the KJV and read it and ask God that the Holy Spirit will lead you to repentance..tell us then of your salvation.

theone-11 (2010-04-30)

This religion, cloaked in mystery and secrecy, has captivated the imaginations of scholars for generations. Many facts discovered sheds vital light on the cultural dynamics that led to the rise of Christianity. The National Geographic Society?s book ?Great Religions of the World,? page 309 writes; ?By Jesus? time, East and West had mingled here for three centuries. Down columns of boulevards walked Roman soldiers loyal to the Persian god Mithras.? Mithras was a Persian deity. He was also the most widely venerated god in the Roman Empire at the time of Jesus. The Catholic Encyclopedia as well as the early Church Fathers found this religion of Mithras very disturbing, as there are so many similarities between the two religions, as follows:

1) Hundreds of years before Jesus, according to the Mithraic religion, three Wise Men of Persia came to visit the baby savior-god Mithra, bring him gifts of gold, myrrh and frankincense.
2) Mithra was born on December 25 as told in the ?Great Religions of the World?, page 330; ??it was the winter solstice celebrated by ancients as the birthday of Mithraism?s sun god?.
3) According to Mithraism, before Mithra died on a cross, he celebrated a ?Last Supper with his twelve disciples, who represented the twelve signs of the zodiac.
4) After the death of Mithra, his body was laid to rest in a rock tomb.
5) Mithra had a celibate priesthood.
6) Mithra ascended into heaven during the spring (Passover) equinox (the time when the sun crosses the equator making night and day of equal length).

As you can now see, Christianity derived many of its essential elements from the ancient religion of Mithraism. Mithraism became intertwined with the cult of Jesus to form what is known today as ?Christianity.? Although literary sources on this religion are sparse, an abundance of material evidence exists in the many Mithraic temples and artifacts that archaeologists have found scattered throughout the Roman Empire, from England in the north and west to Palestine in the south and east. The temples were usually built underground in caves, which are filled with an extremely elaborate iconography (illustrating by pictures, figures and images). There were many hundreds of Mithraic temples in the Roman Empire, the greatest concentrations have been found in the city of Rome itself.
This son of a god born of a virgin, was so commonly spread in those days that Philo of Alexandria (30 BCE - 45 CE), warned against this widespread superstitious belief in unions between male gods and human females. The offspring?s are known as demigods.

We often hear about how many of the traditions, rites and symbols of modern day "Christian" holidays have their roots in paganism. Have you ever wondered why December 25th was chosen to celebrate the birth of Jesus? Could it only be a consequence that ancient paganism and the story of Mithras' birth coincides with the Yule/Christmas season? If the accounts in the Bible are correct, the time of Jesus birth would have been closer to mid-summer, for this is when shepherds would have been "tending their flocks in the field " and the new lambs were born. Strange enough, the ancient pagan religion, Mithraism, which dates back over 4,000 years, also celebrated the birth of their "saviour" on December 25th. Franz Cumont, who is consider by many to be the leading research authority on Roman Paganism, explained the ancient religion called Mithraism.
Then Mithras returned to the earth to teach humanity His commandments and begin Mysteries and Rites which would help humans remember His acts on our behalf. Because of His actions, we can choose good without the overwhelming power of evil, even though evil's influence can still seem powerful because our minds believe it is. Because of His teachings, we know that the purpose of our lives is to serve others in the name of Mithras. The followers refer to Him as the "Light of the World" a phrase often used also in Christian faith when referring to Jesus.

warrennocos (2010-08-10)

please seed God bless

Iceviking1 (2013-11-29)

"Religion is an insult to human dignity. Without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion."
Steven Weinberg
Did god create man or DID MAN create god?


1. Hell's Best Kept Secret (Ray Comfort)/Hell's Best Kept Secret.mp3 8.89 Mb
2. Hell's Best Kept Secret (Ray Comfort)/Hell's Best Kept Secret.wmv 52.22 Mb
3. Hell's Best Kept Secret (Ray Comfort)/Image.jpg 5.05 Kb
4. Hell's Best Kept Secret (Ray Comfort)/Readme.txt 3.08 Kb
5. Hell's Best Kept Secret (Ray Comfort)/study_sheets_HBKS.pdf 78.97 Kb