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Europa Universalis III - Heir to the Throne - 4.1b beta patch






Europa Universalis III - Heir to the Throne - 4.1b beta patch




2010-01-30 (by Villanus)


EU3:HttT 4.1b public beta patch. Changelist: #################################################################### # AI #################################################################### - Peace AI: Will be a bit more versatile with what it offers to players - Peace AI: The AI will scoff at offers of treaty annulment - Peace AI: Should no longer offer deals worth more than 100% - No Elector will never prefer a candidate with whom they are at war as new HR Emperor - The AI Aggressiveness setting now has more effect - Strategic AI: Will tend to be friendly to its Merchant League controller - Strategic AI: Slightly more wary of high Infamy - Diplo AI: Fixed a problem with premature AI alliance breaking - Diplo AI: Smarter about claiming thrones - Diplo AI: Lowered AI acceptance chances of Religious Unity - Diplo AI: Adjusted chance of honouring an alliance (good relations have a bigger effect) - AI: Tweaked national focus selection a bit - AI: More wary of assaulting with enemy armies nearby #################################################################### # Gamebalance #################################################################### - Reduced the peace cost and prestige gain from treaty annulment - Pretenders rising should now break all old royal marriages - Papal FoG now only gets 1.5 magistrates per year. - Fixed the problem with auto-investment in minting once stability is maxed - Lowered the chance of heirs dying prematurely - The final HRE reform require the emperor to be at peace - Negative Stability now properly decreases legitimacy - The Colonial CB now properly only triggers for overseas provinces neighbouring your own - Adjusted the difficulty modifiers - Increased relations and prestige loss of failing to enforce Religious Unity - No longer ever possible to get the Excommunicated CB if you are not Catholic - Fixed a new bug with monarchs-as-leaders not getting saved in v4.1 - Discipline now affects military tactics. - Sponsored pirates no longer block straits for friendly units - Declaration of war not allowed if a player has not yet answered an incoming call to arms against the target - The target is now always the defensive leader in wars declared with union forming CBs - Can no longer demand religious unity with a Defender of the Faith #################################################################### # Setup #################################################################### - Adjusted the trigger for the French decision 'say_the_state_is_me' - The "Scheming Bureaucracy" event can now only fire after government tech 40 - Reworked the Byzantine decision 'reestablish_the_theme_system' - The Ottoman decision to move its capital to Constantinople will now rename the city to Istanbul - WUU is now Cantonese and the primary tag for Cantonese culture - Tweaked the Kingdom of Jerusalem - Incas, Aztecs, Zapotec and Chimu are now tribal democracies, to avoid horde type events - Tweaked the Papal mission to annex Avignon - No government tech level allows merchant republic - Event 9489 now gives a more substantial Infamy reduction - Changed the FoG bonuses of tribal federation and despotism - History: Poland is now the leader in the 1399 war against the Golden Horde - Scripts: The Russian decision to build St. Petersburg now renames the province capital - Trebizond is now guaranteed by Georgia in 1399 - Scripts: Kaffa is now a Byzantine and Trebizond core - Scripts: Post offices, roads and arch dioceses now only give 0.01 magistrate per year each #################################################################### # Interface #################################################################### - Optimized the DoW warning text to show fewer duplicates (e.g. if an alliance applies, don't also show guarantees, warnings, etc) - Shortened some DoW warning strings - The Claim strength of foreign heirs during regencies is now indicated by colour - The DoW warning text when someone has warned you is no longer shown if it does not apply #################################################################### # Added Features #################################################################### - Added event effect 'this_remove_casus_belli' (reversed remove casus belli) - Added event effect 'rename_capital' - Added Romania - Added a decision to form Romania - Exported chance of heirs dying prematurely as _CDEF_HEIR_DEATH_ - Added static modifier 'regency_council'; will decrease legitimacy over time #################################################################### # Bugfixes #################################################################### - The generic 'vassalize_mission' no longer aborts if you are at war with the target - Fixed a problem with the 'mission' console command - Fixed a bug with war subsidies not being cleared correctly on annexation - Fixed CTD on MP chat - Fixed another bug in the Swabian War script - Fixed some other bugs in the war histories - The 'placed_merchants' trigger now works in country scope as well as province scope - Hopefully fixed a bug with the HRE Emperor not changing back correctly when playing around with the start date - Junior PU members should no longer have the old heir if the suzerain state gets annexed - Fixed a bug where military westernization would still not unlock cavalry and arty for countries completely lacking them at start - Fixed a problem with HRE reforms not correctly costing 50 IA - Fixed a bug in the 'muslim_westernisation' decision - The Ottomans are called that in German as well - Fixed an issue with random effects not being random at all in Decisions - The "had flag" triggers are no longer reversed - Corrected script usage of "had flags" where needed - Fixed a bug with the military westernization decisions (backward centralization) - Fixed a script problem that allowed France to immediately diplo-annex Berry in 1399 - The Curia controller and controlled Cardinal modifiers are now properly disabled with the rest of the Papacy mechanics - Fixed a bug in decision 'charter_guild_of_st_luke' - Fixed a bug in event 'Submission of the Clergy' (9600) - Fixed some bugs with the road network decision and event - Fixed a bug preventing the CB "Imperial Ban" - Fixed the "lesser in PU steals monarchs-as-leaders" bug - Fixed a bug that would reset a player's choice for HR emperor - Scripts: Fixed a typo in the Hanseatic Missions - Scripts: Fixed a typo in the construction missions - Scripts: Fixed a typo in the decision 'commission_medieval_tapestry' - Scripts: Fixed a typo in the decision 'church_tax' - Scripts: Fixed another problem in the road network decision - Scripts: Fixed some issues with the monarchs of Holland - Texts: The Papal mission 'conquer_ancona' now has a title - Fixed a bug where rebel defection of a one-province minor province would not correctly clear treaties, etc - Scripts: Fixed a bug in 'support_enlightenment_movement' - Scripts: Fixed a bug in the spy mission 'tarnish_reputation' - Scripts: Fixed a typo in the history of Annam - Scripts: Removed a weird character the Khmer ship names - Scripts: Fixed a typo in the monarch list for Nizhny Novgorod - Scripts: The Papal State can no longer take the decision 'statue_in_restraint_of_appeals' - Pretenders should now correctly get a dynasty - Random outcomes now actually work in decisions. Really. - Text: Fixed missing string COUNTRY_HISTORY_BATTLE_NAVAL_D_NO_COMMANDER - Casus Bellis should now be refreshed when an alliance is made or broken - Gameplay settings from v4.0 saves should now be compatible - Fixed a bug with tag changing giving double HRE emperor modifiers - Peace AI: Fixed some bugs with duplicate demands made - Fixed some problems with cached country information not updating when appropriate

Files count:



3.08 Mb




confind (2010-02-16)

well aren't you a darling, 0n1n3

Villanus (2010-03-05)

Latest beta is up.

svecenik (2010-07-30)

You can find new beta updates here!!(with out !) No need for game key or some other stupidities!