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UFO The Greatest Story Ever Denied 2006 XViD avi






UFO The Greatest Story Ever Denied [AVI - 2006 - Aliens - NWO -




2008-08-08 (by lkobescak )


UFO The Greatest Story Ever Denied ---------------------------------- Format: AVI Year: 2006 UFO - Greatest Story Ever Denied presents a provocative review of some of the most important UFO events since Roswell in 1946. Not only do we learn about such events as the Battle of LA and early military coverups, but interesting phenomena like RODs and invisible UFOs only detectable with infra red cameras. An amazing daylight video is shown demonstrating the detection of a UFO in infra red mode. Although many viewers have seen the 2001 Disclosure Project Press Conference, featured in this movie is a compressed Disclosure Project segment outlining some of the notable highlights from this event. This is an excellent way to present the Disclosure Project to people without having to sit them through the entire 2 hour press conference. For example, Disclosure Project witness, Clifford Stone, is featured as he discussed the fact that there have been multiple extraterrestrial crashes he was personally involved in. The momentum from the Preview trailers is clearly evident throughout the movie. One might say that most of the movie played out just like the trailers themselves. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, however the cinematic bombardment of music & flow to the sequences can be a little much. Run Time: 94 minutes For more information on the film or to purchase this video on DVD, please visit the official website at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Additional information on September 11th, NWO, the Illuminati and the great threat to you can be found at www infowars com or ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Files count:



323.76 Mb




 lkobescak (2008-08-08)

Feel free to browse and download all the Sept 11th/Alex Jones/NWO/Federal Reserve Fraud/US Government drug running and Illuminati torrents I have posted from the link below:
Please help seed and distribute these films.

sistromo (2008-08-08)

And, in the meantime, even a single shred of solid evidence is sorely missing. Good fun, but little else.

Kowalski1977 (2008-08-08)

I like watching these ufo documentaries but I wouldn't be a strong believer in aliens that have been visiting earth for centuries, there's only been an interest in aliens since the 1940's, why hasn't there been any hype on the subject before that?
It's less probable to find solid proof on ufos nowadays with the abiblity of cgi, it would be easier to fake, still entertaining all the same.

 lkobescak (2008-08-09)

I think the world is flat. Prove me wrong. I won't accept any pictures of the earth from space, it could have been doctored.

JockeColle (2008-09-24)

A really loud and annoying music is played in this documentary non stop, i wish i could say that it's play'd in the backround but it's more like that the story tellers voice is in the backround. It's actually so loud that it's really hard concentrating on what he is saying all i hear is that damm music.

JockeColle (2008-09-24)

Kowalski1977: True i feel the same, you know it's bullshit but still very entertaining to watch.
lkobescak: I know you are only trying to make a point with that statement but it looks more like you are retarded for thinking the earth is flat. I mean ppl have went to the moon you really believe photos are fake? Geez if it's fake google earth team must have tooooo much spare time. Also you don't need to go to space to see that the world is round you can noticed that in very high grounds, or you could take a trip around the globe.
I say again, i know you only trying to make a point but i think it's a kinda stupid comparisment.
Im sure we are not alone in the universe but i really doubt that aliens will fly 10000000 lightyears just to play hide and seek.

ratbertovich (2009-03-30)

No offense to the uploader: the quality is good. The problem is with the content.
The sound cut in the beginning is very very shitty. The "background" (!??) music is louder than the voice track and drowns the dialog in most historical footage. Epic fail in the sound department in the first 16 minutes. It gets better, but not much.

zombino (2009-05-14)

Of course the earth is flat!

redhare (2009-09-10)

Apparently all of you missed the Disclosure Project's 9 May 2001 press conference at the USA's National Press Club.
How many credible witnesses do you need? None of them looked like they were on drugs. And none looked like or sounded like kooks.
The earth is flat. There are no black-ops. There are no cover-ups. There are no conspiracies.

filresist (2009-10-09)

I also believe that the world is very, very flat.
The Pirates are advised not to venture to the edges, 'less they want to be eaten by the Serpents.
You have been warned.

fade9150 (2010-03-26)

You guys need to wake the F up. Think the world is flat geesh these guys still think we are living on a turtles back. We have probably been being visited since the Earth was in different cycles. There are cave drawings of aliens over 6000 years old and the Sumerians the oldest civilization in the world talks about how we are direct decendants of aliens.

Cgoff87 (2010-04-09)

@Kowalski1977 One of the theories that Ufologist have proposed is that they were drawn here in the 1940's because of the intense shots of radiation emitted from this planet as a result of things like "Rainbow Bombs" that were tested in space and the Nuclear testing that happened in the atmosphere and started in the late 40's. For anyone to assume humans are the only forms of life in the entire solar system, would be an extremely self centered view, considering there are millions of galaxies just like ours out there.
Long ago the catholic church and the scientific community laughed at Galileo when he proposed that there could be other planets besides ours. Galileo was often ridiculed and mocked for making this assumption, and his views were often disregarded.
Nowadays it is most definitely known that he was right, and today his research is regarded as being the basis of study and discovery for all interest and research conducted for Space Exploration today. For without Galileo and his telescope people would not know that there is more out there beyond our skies. He is known as the Isaac Newton of space.
Today in society now even the church is interested in the possibility of life on other planets saying, "Who are we to judge the creativity and limitations of God." Which is an incredibly wise thing to say.
And of course the world isn't flat fade9150, thats just sarcasm. But for you people who think that life on other planets isn't possible, take a good look at yourself and say that life isn't. If you can do this successfully, then you my friend are one incredibly self centered being with an illogical, not to mention illiterate take on biology, that in many ways resembles the people who ridiculed Galileo.
If you can say to yourself that there is other planets, there is other solar systems, and life isn't about "just me". Then you have what is known as "Human curiosity", also called "Common Sense". Its time people snap that the universe is allot more complex than our early understanding and conclusions.

Cgoff87 (2010-04-09)

On the internet you can find videos of astronaut Buzz Aldrin explaining his count of an experience with a Unidentified Anomaly from his venture into space on the Apollo 11 mission.
Other astronauts like Edgar Mitchell who was on the Apollo share the same common belief, and are asking for disclosure on such subjects from government officials like the Obama Administration. (Which I think is highly unlikely)
Even President Clinton when asked if there was a secret list that Presidents passed along from each other with stuff like what really happened at the Roswell incident states that we in our lifetime will see the truth.
Now for you skeptics, this is just three of thousands of credible UFO reports or parts of disclosure that people of reputable opinion have came forward with. So instead of making this a skeptic topic of comments, lets find the truth and stop being ignorant people.
And for other matters that sometimes need observance, note how these are logical debunkers:
-The world isn't going to end in 2012, nor is it known when that could be for that matter unless the sun explodes which scientists speculate isn't projected to happen for millions of years.
-9/11 really was done by terrorists and Bush is not smart enough or that genocidal to arrange it, as shown in the documentary Loose Change
-The Iraq war was caused for development of Industry and the production of Oil and Not as a liberation act for freedom.
So if your going to be a Skeptic at least use reasonable formalities to support your opinions or thesis'.

LindaVsStar (2011-03-23)

is there a english subtitles to this movie?? i missed so much of what they sayd because the music was too damn laud. its says here, there is a texted language english but not what i can see, this movie really needs subs, if u know something plz tell me!!

Lyca77 (2011-12-14)

Didn't bother downloading this after hearing about the excessive background music, not worth it.

devildick (2012-01-04)

audio= -0000000
worst audio ive ever heard in my life for a great documentary.
the greatest fail ever perpetuated :(

bigmamajay (2012-05-26)

Thank you for all you do.

TaiTheGuy (2013-09-13)

Just the arbitrarily inflated vocabulary in conjunction with the blatant lack of proper, polished grammar, was an oddity rare enough to transfix my gaze through to the finale of your earlier comment.
Oh and... Ther ain't no aliens on mars last I knew. Our "solar system" consists of a handful of planets. Not "millions of galaxies just like ours" as you so eloquently phrased it.
Sorry, I usually don't ever troll. And ur probably smarter than 90% of the people online, just by being able to figure out TPB & torrents in general. But by the looks of it, you're tryin' too hard. Write a blog if u got that much to say.

shawnaldo (2014-01-29)

Man, People are morons.
For one thing "UFO" does NOT mean "Alien spaceship". It's means it's unidentified and it flies. Nothing more.
And what's more plausible? Aliens from across the galaxy? OR... secret military projects that have been going on for... just about the same amount of time UFO's have been a thing.
Seriously if aliens where here, why would they come all this way just to hide in the background and steal cow assholes? If they were here, it'd be common knowledge.

xpmule (2014-08-08)

thx for trying uploader.
and bigger thanks to the guys complaining about the audio ;)
i will pass on this.. sounds nasty :(


1. UFO.The.Greatest.Story.Ever.Denied.2006.XViD.avi 323.76 Mb