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Doctor Who 2005 The End Of Time Part Two 2010 Special HDTV XviD








Video/TV shows


2010-01-01 (by TvTeam )


. TorrentDay - Your Gateway To The Scene. we are the most on-time tracker around the globe, You can download releases whenever they release out by group uploaders. no Wait Time. TorrentDay is a private tracker torrent website, which is totally free, safe and fast. Higher Speed Download is available at: TorrentDay - Your Gateway To The Scene. . Torrentday : Clean RAR Scene File - Enjoy and don't forget to leave Thanks Enjoy :) ...................................NFO:.................................... Doctor Who 2005 Org. Date : 01/01/2010 Rls. Date : 01/01/2010 Source : HDTV Genre : Action Adventure Sci-Fi Ep. Name : The End of Time Part 2 Season # : 2010 Special Episode # : Format : XviD Size : 39x15MB Bitrate V.: Audio: 128 kbps As. Ratio : 16:9 Res. : 624x352 Release Summary Release Notes Enjoy!

Files count:



716.43 Mb




jtelee (2010-01-02)

And you should get smarter.
Don't you know that a torrent split in rar:
- get faster
- does less damage to your hd
- your ISP doesn't "see" so well what you downloading..
still want more reasons, smart ass?
Your stupid remark shows why torrents are going down.
Shut up and be thankful while you can.
Thanks, seeder.
Trackers should forbid torrents not split in .rar.

Mystyk (2010-01-02)

aaaah problem is man soooooo many scammin as*holes post rars to hide the fact they are 700m or 1.3g chunks of bullsh*t scammin virus laden FAKES that it is hard to trust rars when u talk aboot movies!! it ends up bein a wasted download as well as an attempt to hijack yer system! now rars are best....and when lookin fer programs i always look fer rars but movies have been hijacked by what is probably mpaa bastids tryin to screw with peeps! but beyond that....thanx tvteam fer an awsome show i bin waitin for with baited breath. i am canadian and it takes a while for dr who to filter over to us on i am very grateful fer this ul!!

nie_mand (2010-01-02)

@jtelee: nice one!
why do people even start writing a comment on a file they like to download, if they don't like the format they have to download. get it and be thankfull, or get away

carpenox1 (2010-01-02)

How about only thanking the uploader and not getting in a flame war with each other?
Thanks uploader, this 2nd part looks like it's going to be amazing.

nie_mand (2010-01-02)

hopefully the first line ("thx") was enough, but yes, what realy was on my mind was:
i am from germany we only get purly dubed versions, years later, and i can't wait to see the second part, so i am so thankfull for the upload, and all people seeding, thats why i coundn't understand a comment mostly complayning. We realy depend on You recording it (thx to FoV) and shareing it (thx to TvTeam), it's not just getting it a day earlier for me. so:
thx thx thx

chocholoco (2010-01-02)

First of all, thanks to the uploaded. I'm looking forward to see this episode.
However, I find @jtelee's comment a bit confusing. Could you please elaborate? I am a bit confused about those reasons cited, and I would like to know a bit more.
How do big files "get faster" when split in rar files? I would have thought media files can hardly be compressed. Perhaps you mean it for a reason different than sheer file size?
How do split torrents do "less damage to your hd"? Moreover, how does any file do any damage at all to a hard drive? If you again you mean file size, this is hardly a reason, as rar'd files have to be decompressed before use, therefore making you have two copies of the file (the compressed and the uncompressed one) at least for short amount of time.
As for ISPs "seeing" what is being downloaded, this is deep packet inspection that we are talking about, and is far from trivial for them. I doubt there is much an ISP can see about what your torrent contains. It any rate, it's enough (and simpler) for them to just know that you are downloading a torrent, what torrent, and where from. Rar won't save you from that.
Of course, I may be very mistaken. Please let us know a bit more, or point us to relevant links where we can get better insight on this topic.
Oh, and there is no reason to be impolite :-) @aggologgo could have improved his wording a bit, but still didn't insult anybody.

 TvTeam (2010-01-02)

WoW WoW Guys.
calm down and enjoy the fine release ;)

ifwm (2010-01-02)

LOL @ U jtelee...
jtelee = moron

Doctor_Horror (2010-01-02)

Hey thanks for the nice download,I just want to say good bye to David you will be missed,I would also like to say good luck to Matt Smith to be honest you are kind of hard to look at as the new Doctor,Karen Gillan will be nice to look at as the new companion .Its like the new show is going to be about Rocky Dennis and his hot blind girlfriend.All jokes aside I love this show and I always will.Now I am going to smoke my bong good.

nie_mand (2010-01-02)

as the flamewar is on: i like people sucked in the 90s, they don't care about the best way to share, they just share
i agree to all the reasons, but i don't care, as long as nobody of those giving the right reasons for shareing it in a better way actualy did share it!!!

PI22 (2010-01-02)

I agree that people must stop to chop up the stuff they are sharing into .rar bits. It absolutely makes no sense. And indeed, virusses can easily be packed in rars, that's why people tend to avoid rars, which is bad for 'the business' :)

jtelee (2010-01-02)

"- your ISP doesn't "see" so well what you downloading.."
yes I mean packet inspection for traffic shaping, for example.
"- get faster"
"- does less damage to your hd"
These two should have been actually together - it means it requires much less read/write effort to locate a missing block in smaller file, with significant increases in overall speed for large files.
As for the insultuous verbosity, it gets no response.
This matter is closed as so many people take things for granted.. If things split in rar are so outdated, etc, why the releasers keep making the initial releases like that?
Nobody wonders why?
Well thanks again for the nice upload. :)

Mystyk (2010-01-02)

now...the reason i seem to member fileslittin started was to break sh*t up into disk size peices. 1.44m at first(at least that is how it was when i dl'ed ma first 14 disk set of metaltech earthseige off ma fav BBS) then the net happened....and then was kinda 'standerdsized' to 15m chunks when the whole par thing took ancient history now i guess!! LMAO but par files usta SAVE all our old pirate as*es when usin newsgroups and mirc. now thangs kinda self check wich makes that all kinda useless. but when dl'ing official releases it is nice to see it all in its regulation size with a sfv file to check with gives me a lil warm chill of happiness...tho dont mean much these days with all the fakirs out there LOL and i still like rars cuz ive had a couple of unfortunate things happen from dl'ing direct to hd of files....they(especially music files) fix there atributes so they cant be amatuers mistake or malitious?? dont know....but like to manage rar files maself instead of direct files....EXCEPT movies(all video) so there is the ancient history lessons fer those who care....otherwise...ENJOY YER DR WHO!! LOL it wont be out here in canada fer a month. guess its good thang aboot bein commenwealth country and not germany! LOL

nie_mand (2010-01-02)

isn't fileSHAREING all about tradition?

PI22 (2010-01-02)

"isn't fileSHAREING all about tradition?"

PI22 (2010-01-02)

Although a good old I-know-it-better-than-you pis~sing contest is highly entertaining, specially about something like the way of sharing nice movie files, it would be nice if the uploader could chime in now to help us out (because I suspect, like myself, a lot of folks out here are getting so dam~n curious why we're dealing with .rar chunks instead of complete movie files!!!)

nie_mand (2010-01-02)

filesharing is older than the world wide web, and even simple things like filenames have a history. But the real thing is filesharing that was done by peaple who knew each other by nick, no leaches, no complaynes, just some people building a comunity, setting up rules, keeping them, and making it a way of live. u might not rememder or know these times, but most of what was done thoses times is a tradition now. and if fileSHARING isn't about thoses that started giving, and those thet followed, then it is about taking, and only tking dosn't work.
we live in difrent times now, but filesharing is based on tradition, and it will fall apard as soon as it gets a way of serving ur own purpose.

Mystyk (2010-01-02)

@oggologgo LMAO!!!
tradition??? u mean to tell me that i do this cuz im some kinda hidebound traditionalist??? HOW DARE U!! LMAO if that was true it would show up in other ways wouldnt it?? *looks around and notices his collection of 1.44 floppies and trunk of cd's and his box of dusty dvd's and his still shiny rack of 1gig hd's....sharing the shelf with his 8track collection* u aint a hidebound traditionalist less u dont also keep yer sh*t up to date!!! (in otherwise im kinda hatin that remark as i resemble it MUCH to closely!) ROTFLMFAO

Mystyk (2010-01-02)

AAAH ni_mand i dont think pi22 was bein mad....he is just a noob....nbd...we all were once!!
@pi22 first download winrar.....u can find newest version on these messages to make sure is good version.....then install after hit the first file of the series(in newest case the /part01.rar file....or in older style the .rar that is packaged with the .r01 .r02 that go with it....or in the old antique style .001 of the .002 and .003 files that go with it) and right click button and hit extract off the winrar menu then it should if the binary gods love u, unpackage the files into the one file ure lookin for!

Mystyk (2010-01-02)

aaah aint bad to know yer traditions...and roots...just gotta keep movin forward....i gave up ma zip drives and ma sczi card and ma sczi drives and floppies and all the rest....tho i hang on to them fer sum weird packrat reason.....but it dont mean that i aint got a shiny new rack of external 1tb drives full o data now! LOL

PI22 (2010-01-02)

OK, dear chap, I exactly know what you mean. Although I was a bit mystified and had some trouble to find the relation with the .rar thing context. Never mind.
O, yeah! I was the kind of guy that owned a computer, partly home made, and a C-64 before everybody else. This was the era where PCs were just born and very boring with green, amber or white text displays.
We shared software by jumping on bikes with our cassette recorders and get fresh air and healthy bodies in the process, and make new real flesh and blood friends.
Now we are all sitting in a chair and get grumpy... ;)

PI22 (2010-01-02)

hahaha, I ain't no noob, baby.
But thanks for the explanation, the others here might wanna know.

Mystyk (2010-01-02)

LMAO!! c-64.....GAWD....mine is still on the shelf wit ma old 8 tracks....thats when i first got into it i also am sittin in a chair gettin grumpy! LOL i ran a 4 line BBS for years b4 the net became available......gawd.....we were all so new then! LMAO *wipes accumulated dust off of his bald head*

jtelee (2010-01-02)

actually I do know what I am talking about.
Your 2 reasons are correct, and strictly from the point of view of pragmatism the usage of .rar files is outdated.
However, about three years ago I gave myself some time and even built a few spreadsheets with evolution of CPU usage, hd usage and got these trends below:
1) on downloading straight .avi/iso/dmg files, cpu/hd usage would fly up;
2) my then ISP started to practice traffic shaping - prioritizing my bandwidth according to the data that was being transfered.
I covered extensively the environmental variables along with some colleagues of mine made identical tests in order to protest with the ISP. These are my grounds for what I stated.
"You should catch up and not be old fashioned. There is no reason to rar split it. Just let us have the file directly."
You know, this doesn't seem like a nice thanks to the uploader, seems more like you were saying you're the man.
The uploader is sharing and you even call him outdated, man?? Come on .. are you some sort of torrent-quality-policeman or what?
Haven't you written it in that pretentiously magnanimous way I'd haven't even bothered to comment on it.
Anyway, the upload rocks, the quality is very fine and had a great moment with the Doctor. :)

PI22 (2010-01-02)

"i ran a 4 line BBS for years b4 the net became available"
Now you're talking, this is a guy that knows about sharing. 10 out of 10, Mystyk. (hope someone else knows what a BBS is b.t.w.)

Mystyk (2010-01-02)

hmmmmm i dunno oggologgo if ya keep pissin off the uploaders....saYin others will....well eventually u get to the point of havin no one else to upload to ya.....and GAWD BLESS all the UPLOADERS every ONE!!!! cuz without u the scene is an empty greedy place!!
and LOL aboot the BBS's not many peeps member those long past pre-internet years.....gawd.....makes me a kinda pirate ol fogey dont it! LOL yup 4 nodes....when phone lines were expensive..and one of the lines was a repeat from a diff local area so it was even more so....paid more often for the hardware and phonelines than the programs u were sharin!! AND downloadin at a blisterin 9600baud...or maybe 14.4 LOL aaaah was a dedicated one eye type in those days.........*voice wanders off into grumblin and lite sobs while his nursey wipes the drool off his chin and tukks him into his wheelchair6

PI22 (2010-01-02)

I still remember the days when 300/300 was 'the' speed, where 1200/75 was godsend and the max on my modem. For the spoiled ones among us: 300 baud=37 and a half bytes per second, FCOL!!! And yes, it still made you happy (despite my mom when she and me alas had to face the phone bill LOL *with a bit of shame*)
.....So talking again about 'tradition', in 1984 it would take 231 days to download this movie at 'full speed' 300 baud, providing all blocks were successfully transferred. Creating a ?25000 phone bill. WOAA!!!!

Mystyk (2010-01-02)

lmao PI22 YA member when i got ma first 286 with a built in 9600 that only took a couple hours to dl a jpg and i was sooooo excited when i had finally afforded a 14.4 and could really go fast then!! LMAO and i never thought ide ever fill ma new 100m drive!! LOL

ghoulfiend (2010-01-02)

You cut off the trailer for next season.

PI22 (2010-01-02)

When I got my first 10 MB harddrive, looking like a tank in my XT I first did not know what to do with it, so being used to floppies that could be dragged around so easily.
Exactly Mystyk, what a change we experienced in just 2, maybe 2 and a half decades! And now everybody is taking it all for granted and start pis~sing at eachother for no reason. See ya, bro

Mystyk (2010-01-02)

ya i agree pi22 it is kinda sad......they get a flamewarrin for no reason other than to be loud....i usta like a flamewar as much as the next guy....but they usta be fun.....not so much no more....we seen a lotta changes.....but still are lotz out there like us! LOL hippie on u pi22....take care man! LOL