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**FS2004** VFR Photographic scenery Wales & South-West England






**FS2004** VFR Photographic scenery Wales & South-West England




2007-07-21 (by flightcrazy)


VFR Photographic Scenery for FS2004, read the included readme for help on how to install or contact me via PM! This is also designed to go along with Roads and Rivers of Europe, if you have that aswell as this installed it brings your flight simming expeirence to a new level! Enjoy! NJ

Files count:



1308.54 Mb




flightcrazy (2007-07-22)


flightcrazy (2007-07-23)

Getting complaints from other users on LAN about them not being able to do anything, so i will resume seeding at 2100 tonight!

flightcrazy (2007-07-23)

Back n seeding

buffybill (2007-07-23)

If you or anyone has VFRVolume 1
East & South East England to go along with this I would be eternally gratefull. I have nearly everything for fs9 EXCEPT these scenerys for the UK, and to be honest I never thought I'd see them up here again.

Speedbird84 (2007-07-23)

Thanks..........this is really great
Didnt think this would get posted there any chance of Vol2 or the new generationX scenery for FSX.
Once again thanks alot,much appreciated

Speedbird84 (2007-07-23)

This is Vol1 isnt it..........maybe my mistake ?Well if its Vol2 then I change my last request to lol
Thanks again

blankbox (2007-07-24)

Qu'est Ce Que C' serial...don't see one in there a..n..y..w..h..e..r..e.. interesting..

buffybill (2007-07-24)

You saying u grabbed this already Blankbox? Then why aint you helping seed?...Just wondering

blankbox (2007-07-24)

nope...just looked at the file structure is all..

buffybill (2007-07-24)

np Blankbox...after writing that I saw it apeared rude. Not my intention.

Wizardix (2007-07-25)

Nice upload... But...
See the files inside... SECDRV.SYS
It just won't run. :(
flightcrazy, if U could make an image with alcohol 120% (datatype: safedisc with error skip off should do)
Thanks :)

ratty2e (2007-07-26)

Hi everybody. Is Wizardix correct?
I don't want to :-
a) Use up valuable download allowance
b) waste other leechers time seeding a non working?

flightcrazy (2007-07-26)

May i just point out, i am no wizard at image burning etc, i just upload what i have.
I will work on it in the next few days, but my internet keeps going down, so i wont be online as much to seed

blankbox (2007-07-26)

...don't give up on this torrent yet...and don't go squawking at flightcrazy either...his heart is in the right place. I'm very close to having a fix for this jamb we seem to be patient...cause I don't have all the pieces yet...when I all will know...keep checking back for an update..

blankbox (2007-07-27)

100% WORKING...just putting things to-gether...will up the sucker soon..

blankbox (2007-07-27)

also...DO NOT BLOW THIS TORRENT AWAY!!! I am going to ask you to merge some existing files from here...into my new torrent....more later..

flightcrazy (2007-07-27)

Due to some 'SITUATIONS' over the last day or two, i havent been able to seed, but i will be seeding from now untill there is atleast 5 other people who have downloaded this :-)
Thanks for what your doing mate, i aint no wizard at this side of things, just copy and paste is my way of doing things.
Once again many thanks!

ratty2e (2007-07-28)

Hi flightcrazy, no criticism of your efforts intended. Really appreciate what your doing & thanks blankbox for your input. Will start leeching 1st of next month (Damn useage allowances... ) then do my duty on completion!

blankbox (2007-07-29)

..other torrent blown away..ball's in your court now dude...I'm outta here..

flightcrazy (2007-07-29)

Okay, ty for the help anyway.
Is there anybody else who is able to 'crack' this?

eliminators (2007-07-29)

Whats your prob flightcrazy??

WinnieXLL (2007-07-29)

for people who downloaded the ``JF England Fixed`` make 2 iso files of disc 2 and 3 and use deamon tools. Then it installs fine.

blankbox (2007-07-29)

...good advice Winnie...I suggested they just put CD2 and CD3 in a folder on the desktop mount CD1 in Daemon and go from there..too bad some Fucktards in here decided to spoil the show...but life goes on...there's an old Chinese proverb..."LESS MEN...MORE SHARE"...and for those that didn' jump...too late now...for that you can than killamuslim4funagain...

eliminators (2007-07-31)

Yeah......Great advice. Even better if I had fu**ing CD2 and CD3.
seeding it might be a good start.

sharpy34 (2007-07-31)

Thanks for this!
Req: All vfr photogrphic scenery, Generation X

flightcrazy (2007-08-01)

Sorry bout that guys, my internet went down. Is back and fixed now.
Seeding till you guys are complete :-)

Misee (2007-08-01)

hi flightcrazy
thank you for upping this. would you please seed the roads of europe too
thank you and have a nice day

eliminators (2007-08-02)

Yahooooo. Many thanks

fred5bloggs (2007-08-02)

anyone seeding this? 35 people all stuck on 75% :( i have vol 1 (s.e. england) and I'll seed it wheni finish downloading this one

flypaul (2007-08-04)

What the!!........when i go to install i get error FSTYPE cannot be pls!!!!

ratty2e (2007-08-04)

Flypaul, Thats coz of Safedisc version 2.8. I've tried mounting using Daemon Tools with no joy. Needs an Alcohol 120 1:1 iso copy for cd1 to fix this. see previous page of comments. Nice try flightcrazy, if you create said ISO for first cd it might be ok to rescue but I'm no expert....

flightcrazy (2007-08-04)

Im creating an iso for cd1 now, but aint gonna upload till tommoz, friends been takin in to hospital.....i'll up the cd 1 fix (iso) tommoz

flightcrazy (2007-08-05)

VFR disc 1 ISO fix is up and active, download rates are good aswell, its just disc1 but as an iso, if it dont work, let me know and i will try another format.

borak stiller (2007-08-08)

This isn't looking too promising folks but an easy solution has been pointed out to us by blankbox. Get the EazyZip extractor that he uploaded from here [
] and then simply follow his instructions using the 4 CAB files from this download and also the data1.hdr file.
Once extracted as instructed you will have three sweet folders named VFGM_Photoscenery_Vol3_1, 2 and 3. and a couple empty folders. Each of the three has a scenery and texture folder and can be installed as you please like any other manual scenery install.
Thanks to blankbox for the help and flightcrazy for providing the base files. As much as his attempt wan't totally successful we can all get the same sceneries as anticipated and that's the important part.

ratty2e (2007-08-14)

Hi simmers
Just to let you all know (if your still checking) the version I have is fs2002 photo scenery but i believe it's the same as 2004. I've just bin testing vol 1 of the series and the iso's look good, used alcohol 120% as suggested, clean install!. If all install testing is ok expect upload in next 48hrs. Flightcrazy's UK South n West version didn't install the mesh correctly for me. I'll be uploading all 4 vols over rest of month if they test out OK.

ratty2e (2007-08-21)

For those whome it might concern:-